Warlord 4

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by Chen Ran

  "It's better to have hope than no hope." Zero stressed.

  Eva shook her head, and said: "It's already late in the night, go to sleep early, tomorrow will be the day to carry out your so-called mission."

  With that, she left the room. Outside the corridor, Eva held onto the wall. With her five fingers, she crushed the concrete wall. In her mind, a smiling man's face appeared.

  "Andre, I won't let you take away my Blood of God!" Eva said in a low voice. A red flame flashed in his eyes again, as if he had made some kind of decision.

  The next day, Zero opened his eyes in the dilapidated room.

  He donned the tactical suit s back, and after checking the situation of the firearms and ammunition, he walked out of the room. In the front of the room, Feng's shouts could be heard. This fellow seemed to be eating breakfast. His vague words were filled with praise for the food.

  When Zero walked into Eva's room, the three of them who were eating breakfast looked at him with a strange look.

  Last night, Eva and Zero's bed was quite noisy, so the three of them couldn't ignore it even if they wanted to. After throwing the last piece of lunch meat into his mouth, Feng gave a thumbs up to Zero and said, "Leader, your luck is really good."

  He came to the side of Zero and whispered, "She doesn't taste bad, right?"

  With that said, Eva's dry cough sounded from behind him. Feng left awkwardly. He turned around and saw Eva walking in with a box in his hands.

  The box was rectangular and completely black. The front lid was red with a golden cross painted on it. Eva threw the box on the ground, with a step, he opened the box. She picked something out of it and tossed it to Zero.

  Zero reached out to catch it. This was a handgun. The cannon shined with a silver light, and its body was streamlined. There was a hexagonal crystal embedded at the front of the bubble. The lightning like lines extended from the crystal all the way to the muzzle. It seemed to be some kind of energy circuit.

  "Single-shot energy cannons, driven by high level energy crystal, are capable of discovering energy bomb with a diameter of 500MM. The outer layer of energy bomb had an acidic energy source that could break through the armor and the energy field's defense. After the acidic energy source was neutralized, the inner core's energy bomb exploded, causing the target to receive maximum damage. The launch interval was 3 seconds, but after firing the 10 energy bomb s within 24 hours, they were forced to stand by. If the launch is forced, the temperature of the cannon will be too high, causing parts and circuits to be damaged and self-detonated. So be careful when you use it. " Eva paused before continuing, "I call it the Invader, it is yours now."

  Su Yun looked at the hand cannon called the Invader, and was about to say something, but Eva spoke first: "Don't ask me how I obtained it, it's a secret, I won't tell you."

  "What I want to say is, why did you give me such a good thing?" Zero said his own words.

  Eva looked at the gun and the Colt on his body, and taunted: "Because those metamorph on the third floor and below, will have to rely on your broken spear to survive for who knows how long. It's also because I don't want you to die that easily. Otherwise, who would work with me to kill that person? "

  "Did you change your mind?"

  Eva folded her arms across her chest and said, "I thought about it for an entire night, so perhaps you're right. Rather than hiding like a mouse, it would be better to find a chance to kill that guy and have him live happily ever after. "

  "Then, welcome to the guild." Zero smiled and reached out his hand.

  However, Eva swept away his hand, and said coldly: "Don't misunderstand, I don't have any intention of joining your plans. You are you, I am me, and we will not interfere. You can't expect to command me. "

  Listening to the conversation between the two, the other three people were at a loss for words. They couldn't do anything about it. After one night, Zero and this unknown woman would become more familiar with each other. Feng thought evilly. It was really easy to get acquainted with a woman who had slept once.

  Looking at the cannon in his hand, Feng drooled. "Beautiful Miss Eva, your generosity makes people want to drink. "Since you have given a powerful weapon to our captain, why don't you give us some too?"

  Towards Feng's bluntness, Eva did not say much. She laughed: "You're using light weapons, I don't have a weapon that you can use. However, that young miss used a heavy sword, there's one here. "

  She bent down and took out a black heavy sword from the chest. The heavy sword's jaw was shaped like a pair of wings. The sharp, conical tip of the sword was extended out from the pair of black wings. An oval shaped bright red crystal the size of a goose egg was embedded at the bottom of the sword tip, and a similar red crystal tank extended from the crystal to the tip of the sword.

  Eva held the black heavy sword in her hand, and used her fingertip to lightly press on a certain part of the sword hilt. Suddenly, the red crystal began to shine with a misty red light, and finally, flames began to fly within the crystal. When the crystal lit up, the crystal tank that was extended out from the crystal also lit up. When the red light passed through the crystal tank like mercury, it headed to the tip of the sword. Suddenly, a 3cm red flame shot out from the outside of the sword.

  The red flame was like the other blade of a heavy sword. When Eva casually waved it around, it actually left a clear mark in the air. In addition, the places where the heavy sword sliced through, gave off layers of heat. Zero's eyes fell on the flame tip of the heavy sword. The flame spewed out from the sword didn't even move when the heavy sword was swung, appearing to be in a highly stable state. This made him recall the light tooth in his own portable apparatus. The blade formed from the light tooth was also a type of highly stable energy. In this state, the light tooth could easily cut through most of the material and energy defensive fields.

  "It is called the Black Dragon. It comes from the same place as the one who attacked us at Zero. As you can see, it is also powered by energy crystals. The flame around the tip of the blade is high frequency, and the temperature is as high as 1500 degrees Celsius. Even an armored chariot would be nothing more than a piece of butter before the Black Dragon. "Well, are you interested?" Eva dispersed the fire energy around the heavy sword into high waves, then turned the heavy sword around, holding onto the tip of the sword as he moved it towards Su.

  Su did not dare to accept her gift. She revealed her own alloy heavy sword and said: "Thank you for your good intentions, Miss Eva. However, I still compare my weapon with mine. "

  "Then forget it." Eva stabbed the heavy sword that was almost as tall as her down to the ground. She held onto the hilt of her sword and said to everyone: "Now, let's talk about your mission and see if I can help."

  Chapter 239 - Unscrupulous means

  In the dark underground layer base, the few of them did not turn quiet just because they were temporarily resting. If the monitoring system at the base was still working, it would have discovered that a fierce battle was taking place in the A6 area.

  The firelight from the machine guns illuminated some of the buildings in the area. The exploding high-energy grenade s released orange flames, brightening up the entire area. However, whether it was bullets or grenades, they were unable to stop them.

  living corpse. A large number of ordinary living corpse s came out from the buildings, the garage, and any other places to hide themselves. They were like a group of blood-sucking mosquitoes, and Rankin's blasting team was the most delicious blood. There were even a small number of Spear-wielding living corpse s who instinctively used the remaining machine guns in their hands to return the firepower of the blasting team. In this kind of confrontation, living corpse who only had a head injury but would never die obviously had the advantage, and the number of living corpse shooter was also far above the number of blasting team s.

  As a result, after a few rounds, Two Soldiers were shot and killed.

  Just as the living corpse was getting closer and closer to t
he shop that was turning the blasting team into a trench, Rankin roared out, and an earthen yellow flame sprayed out from his eyes. At the same time, a nearby six-storey building suddenly shook violently, and with a bang, it shattered. Nearly a ton of rubble and countless steel bars crashed down, landing right in the middle of the group of corpses.

  Immediately, countless living corpse were smashed into meat paste. As the ground continued to shake for nearly a minute, a barricade of earth was built in front of the shop, burying nearly two hundred living corpse s.

  Rankin gasped for breath.

  Due to the environment of the underground base, Rankin's Earth Elemental Su's abilities were greatly reduced. If it was on the surface, in the endless earth, Rankin could kill a large number of living corpse s as long as he summoned the Earth Spurs that had low energy consumption. But right now, in the underground base, there were too few Su s who were used by Rankin. Without a choice, he could only use Yuan Su's concussion to shake all of the concrete buildings nearby, resulting in them collapsing and crushing his enemies to death.

  As the one who had the ability to reach the fifth step, the Elementalist's vibrations resonated with the Elementalist in the affected area, triggering a large area of destructive force to cause the explosion caused by the fission of the Elementalist. However, in the underground base, the amount of Earth Elemental Su was so small that it could be ignored. Since Rankin couldn't use it, he could only use it on the nearby buildings. However, the cost to use this ability was pitifully small. It could be said to be an arduous, unflattering job.

  "Withdraw." Seeing that the wave of attacks from the living corpse was being suppressed, Rankin said weakly.

  After entering the underground base, Rankin's group encountered a large number of living corpse. At first, Rankin did not place this low intelligence mutated organism in his eyes. But as the number of living corpse increased, Rankin finally realized that no matter how many trash they were, once they reached a certain number level, a qualitative change would occur. Although the blasting team was well-equipped, their numbers were limited, and could not handle the living corpse's tactic of numbers.

  Therefore, in their strategy of retreating while fighting, Rankin's team only managed to break through the boundaries of the residential area after spending nearly 24 hours. However, the corpses that fell on the road ahead of blasting team, had already neared two thousand!

  However, it was not like the blasting team did not suffer any losses. From the ten people that had entered the base before, until now, there was only five people left, including Rankin. Amongst the five of them, other than the ordinary soldiers who were around level 3, Rankin had also lost a guerrilla soldier. This made Rankin very dejected. The death of the Wandering Star was not a small blow to him.

  According to the directions given by the electronic map, they would need to break through at least two more areas before they could find the safe path to layer base. But below them, there was still an entire four-tier base waiting for them. Only the heavens knew how many monsters there were and how strong their powers were.

  "Fuck, that old man Callio must be messing with us!"

  In a private garage, Rankin's team was resting. As the leader, Rankin saw the long journey among the tactical plate and could not help but knock the tactical plate to the ground.

  The fierce impact caused the tactical plate's LCD screen to immediately shatter. Different degrees of damage were also caused to electronic components, and when a faint wisp of grey smoke rose from the tactical plate, the tactical plate was declared finished.

  However, this did not vent Rankin's anger. He paced back and forth in the garage like a bull and shouted, "Look at the road, look at the monsters on the road. This is an impossible mission! Not to mention ten people, even if you give me another hundred people to form a squad, I still might not be able to do it. "

  Rankin complained about the unreasonable mission, but he did not expect that, as one of the smallest number of members of the Five Great Legions, the most powerful one, Doomsday Hammer. This legion's method of combat was based on the small squadron. They were famous for their long-range infiltration and sharp blades tactics. This not only required the average level of a team member to be above the fourth step, but also tested the commander's skills.

  From the very beginning, Callio didn't wish for the three teams to forcefully clear the mission he had given them. Callio wished to test the teammates' teamwork and the teammates' ability to adapt to their disadvantage.

  Unfortunately, Rankin did not consider the details of the strategy. But now, not only was the blasting team facing a disadvantage in terms of the number of members being reduced, the consumption of ammunition was also a big problem.

  Even if the portable apparatus s that died in battle and the firearms were to be recycled, with the two thousand living corpse s that were killed by the blasting team s standing there, even if each of them were to split one bullet, there was still very little ammunition left for the team. Moreover, this didn't even include the consumption of all kinds of tactical grenades.

  According to the remaining ammunition on the team, even passing through Area B and Area C would be very difficult for them.

  "Captain, maybe we should search the warehouse in Area C. Maybe there is an armory." Right now, he was also the only warrior in the team who had the power to give suggestions.

  Rankin nodded his head heavily, this was a viable option. More than half of the living corpse s in Area A were killed by the Blaster s. If they were to retreat along the original route, Rankin's group had a 90% chance of returning to the surface safely. But that person was aware of it, and if they gave up the mission, every single person in the party, including Rankin, would be branded as "coward" and "coward".

  Warriors of the Asgard would rather die fighting than bear such a title.

  Hence, advancing became Rankin's only option. In order to further penetrate the base, the replenishment of ammunition was essential. Even though the public information provided by Callio did not say that there was an armory in Area C. However, as a warehouse area, the arsenal should be within.

  "Time to rest, gentlemen." Rankin waved his hand and roared: "Let's go, find the armory in Area C, and then ruthlessly teach these fellows who are following behind us a lesson!"

  Rankin's words had a small impact on everyone. The originally tired soldiers all stood up from the ground, packed their equipment, and left the private garage.

  Outside the garage was a private passageway. It allowed the owner of the garage to drive the car to the main street square, where there was a thematic fountain. The square was paved with a meter-long white stone slab that was placed on the metal floor. Around the square, there were a dozen or so long chairs for people to rest on. Around the square, dozens of birch trees had even been transplanted from the ground, and they were planted in the improved soil to keep the old tree species alive.

  However, now that the base had been abandoned, the square's fountain no longer had clear water spewing out, and the dozens of birch trees only had dried branches. The entire plaza was shrouded in a thick aura of death. When Rankin and his group arrived at the plaza, they could even see a few living corpse s nibbling on their comrades.

  Towards the living corpse, who was a monster that was close to a wild beast, they did not have a similar concept. In their instincts, when there is no food, the same kind of food is temporary hunger.

  Biting sounds that made people's scalps go numb continuously sounded out, as the object that was being bitten, a young living corpse that looked like a human let out painful cries. The young living corpse who did not have half a face stretched out his hand to fight against his own kind. However, the pasty white arm on his hand was quickly eaten up by his peers.

  They used their foreign sharp teeth to bite at the living corpse's muscles. With a single bite and a pull, they would tear off strands of blood essence and swallow them into their stomachs.

  Rankin made a gesture, and the group q
uietly left, in case they attracted the attention of the living corpse. Even with his ego, in a situation like this where ammunition was lacking, he didn't want to start a fight without reason.

  But just as the party was about to move away, a bullet flew out from the darkness and struck the Wanderer Beast, Mag's, thigh. Mag's blood-curdling screams and the sound of the sniper rifle's gunshots rang at the same time. The sudden shriek also caused the living corpse who were eating to stop in their tracks, and they all looked towards the direction of Rankin's group.

  At the same time Rankin cursed, the living corpse let out a sharp yell, this was their warning to their own kind. Hearing this long howl, the living corpse, no matter what they were doing, stopped moving for the moment.

  In just a short moment, over a hundred living corpse s had already been attracted by the sharp cry, including a butcher.

  "F * ck, who the hell is the one shooting coldly at laozi?" Supporting Mag, Rankin roared and commanded the troops to retreat from the opposite direction.

  The living corpse did not want to let go of the fat meat that was in their mouths, so they could only sprint over. The butcher, who was in the group of living corpse, let out a loud roar, moved his legs that were as thick as legs, and charged towards blasting team. Everything on the Butcher's Charge Trail, whether it was the chair, the ancient tree, or the living corpse, they were all knocked away by the giant, causing Rankin's heart to sink.

  In a window on the fifth floor of a standard residential building two hundred meters away from the plaza in the middle of the street, a small white man took back his sniper rifle, then spoke to the back: "Captain, Rankin and the others are retreating towards the direction of District B1."


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