Warlord 4

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by Chen Ran

  Seeing that living corpse shooter was drowned in the darkness outside the door, Eva took the lead and walked towards the fire door. The few of them did not want to fall behind, and they followed the living corpse Legion that was led by the Gemini out of the fire door. There was a deep tunnel outside the fire door. According to the directions given by the electronic map, this tunnel would lead to a Rest area. There were all sorts of tunnels leading to every corner of the base.

  From the three-tier base onwards, it had become a research department for all kinds of weapons and biochemistry. From the information available to them, the base had been in operation for half a century before the catastrophe. As a result, it was hard to say if there were any dangerous weapons or biological weapon below three-tier base. However, most of them should be radiation and biological genetic models. These things were the main sources of energy for the mutated organism in the base.

  After Cataclysm Day, although the underground base did not suffer any destructive attacks, the shockwaves caused by the meteors caused some damage to some of the instruments, including culture tank s and other utensils. The appearance of the radiation had caused a large number of creatures in the base to die. However, the life forms that survived through this environment quietly underwent a genetic change. Thus, there were Fusarium, Human-faced Moths, Vengeance and other insect monsters.

  The first line went along the tunnel to the entrance of the Rest area. Along the way, there were countless of bloody marks, and they directly entered the main entrance of the Rest area. The few of them nodded their heads and took out their weapons at the same time. Eva held onto the heavy sword's hilt, maintaining a posture that made it possible for him to flash his sword at any time, and then, with a kick of his long leg, he landed on the large door.

  The strength of this kick was close to a ton, the heavy impact caused the door's bolt to break, and the entire alloy door fell into the world inside the door with a whistling sound.

  A loud sound echoed in the Whole Base. Everyone rushed into the Rest area under the protection of the living corpse. This area was nearly a thousand square meters wide, like a square. Not only were there various smoking areas, but there were coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants, and even a movie theater. It could be imagined that the base personnel of the old era would work here as the only place for them to amuse themselves.

  But now, not only was this place abandoned, there were also some human corpses scattered around the plaza. It was unclear if they were left behind by the members of the base or the living corpse that were dragged into the base by the Fusarium.

  The bloodstains left behind by the lacerator extended all the way to the bottom of a lamp post outside a restaurant. The two lacerator s had already become a pile of mutilated corpses. Amongst them, at least half of their bodies were gone, but it was unknown which monster's rations they had become. The group moved to the side of the lamp post. Eva squatted down and realized that the lacerator was torn into pieces by something else.

  Judging from the smooth cut marks, it should be caused by the Green Whirlwind. The size of the worm was much smaller than the Fusarium, but the sharp blades of its limbs were far more powerful. Even with its alloy armor, the Green Whirlwind would easily split it in half.

  Suddenly, the Gemini let out a warning whistle. Eva immediately stood up and looked towards the left side of the dining hall. The few of them also looked over, only to see a hound shaped insect flying out of the window of the shop. It flapped the four wings on its back, producing a buzzing sound, but was still able to hover in the air like a bee. The insect opened its round mouth and its stomach suddenly shrank. A round thing fell out of its mouth.

  Everyone looked carefully, it was the head of one of the lacerator.

  When they found it, so did the bugs. That scarlet bug's eyes flashed with a greedy light, this bug immediately flew towards them at high speed.

  "Be careful, it's Green Whirlwind!"

  Eva called out, and at the same time, the Gemini already ordered the living corpse shooter to call for the bug that was pouncing towards them. Almost all the living corpse shooter in the army opened fire at the same time, the roar of the guns setting up a base, the muzzle of the guns jumping a few hundred meters away could still be seen clearly, and the heavy metal torrent of nearly fifty machine guns, even with the hard shell of the Green Whirlwind, was unable to withstand it.

  At first, the bullet could only leave a faint white mark on the insect's shell. However, it withstood hundreds of attacks within a second. The bullet's impact finally broke through the insect's defenses and entered its body. As a result, the Green Whirlwind was shot into a hornet's nest by the machine gun midway, falling onto the ground and flopping twice. Just as he was about to support his body, a butcher came out from the crowd and smashed the front half of the Green Whirlwind's body into pieces with the water pipe in his hand, which was welded with the heavy hammer of the Great Iron Dow. When the green and yellow entomophile overflowed from the hammer, the butcher raised his own hammer and roared.

  However, the few of them did not have the time to be happy when they heard countless "sha sha" sounds, as if something had rubbed off the ground. After a while, countless of scarlet light spots appeared in the darkness of Rest area. He looked inside the helmet and saw a Mantis that was only the size of a car, and looked like it had been enlarged hundreds of times. It had appeared in every corner of Rest area.

  There were so many of them that when the densely packed figures looked at them, they looked like a sea of insects!

  Chapter 242 - Assassins (I)

  In the dark resting area, there were hundreds and thousands of Fusarium piled densely in an area close to a kilometer squared. The bugs occupied the rooftops of the shops and restaurants, or nearby dark corners. More poured out of the entrance of the cinema, surrounding it and glaring at Zero.

  The bug's compound eyes glowed red in the darkness, like thousands of tiny red stars twinkling in the night sky. However, being stared at by thousands of big bugs was not a pleasant thing. Especially since these bugs would occasionally wave their four scythes, which would lightly scratch the ground and give off a sound that would make one's hair stand on end. It made one's hair stand on end.

  "Hey, who told me, isn't this the hibernation period for bugs? Then what's with all these bugs now? A group party? " Feng called out, his voice somewhat arrogant. This couldn't be blamed on him. Anyone who saw so many bugs would be able to remain calm.

  Of course, there were exceptions. For example, her breathing hadn't changed at all for Eva. This meant that she didn't feel any fear or other emotion when facing this enormous swarm of bugs.

  "Right now it's the hibernation period for bugs, and when bugs have hibernation, there will be bugs like the guard team responsible for the safety of the nest." Eva deeply said: "However, this guard unit is clearly too numerous."

  "Don't you think this looks like a trap?" Su said. Her hand that was holding onto the alloy heavy sword was tighter than usual, to the point that her joints popped out.

  Using the lacerator's blood stains to attract the attention of the team, they followed the team and led them to the battlefield that the bugs had prepared, and then swarmed out to surround the team. A trap like this was used by Ling Yun and the others when they were luring them to kill living corpse. But now that the Fusarium had taken out such a method, it felt like it was no longer possible to describe it as surprise.

  The reason the Fusarium lured the team to the Rest area was obviously not to observe the invaders, but to kill them all. As a result, within the encirclement, a Fusarium's compound eyes glowed with a red light as it pounced out from the swarm. Unexpectedly, the moment it took action, its head exploded into a paste, followed by the sound of a sniper rifle.

  Buggy's body shook and he fell to the ground. Looking at the field again, it was unknown when the Colt had appeared in Zero's hands. A faint green smoke rose from the gun, but it exploded the bug's head with a single blow.

/>   However, not only was the death of their comrade unable to shock the other Fusarium, it had also aroused their vicious nature. The bugs let out a high-frequency sound wave that only they could hear. This was the sound of an attack. In the next second, the whole sea of insects churned as waves of insects rolled towards them!

  The swarm of bugs moved, and four high-energy grenade s flew out from the hands of a few people, flying past many parabolas and landing in the sea of insects. In an instant, four orange-yellow fireballs exploded in the sea of bugs, the high temperature and explosive power instantly blowing up over a hundred of the bugs' bodies, at the same time inflicting heavy injuries on about two hundred of the bugs.

  However, that was all the damage they could deal. By the time they threw out the grenade and the grenade exploded, the countless bugs had already shortened the distance between them by nearly five hundred meters!

  "Quickly enter the dining hall, create obstacles, reduce the number of people who will be hit!" At the same time, he moved backwards, slamming against the door of the restaurant behind him. The Colt in his hands did not stop there, his fingers continued to pull, the bullets seemed to have eyes, calling out to every large bug that dared to jump out of the insect swarm.

  After a short while, more than a dozen bugs had their heads blown off, but no one dared to come out from the crowd.

  Eva and the rest also headed towards the dining area at the same time, while 20 or so living corpse shooter s were in charge of covering the rear. They desperately pulled the triggers of their machine guns, forming a dense network of fire. However, there were simply too many bugs. After the dozens of Fusarium s that were charging forward were turned into rotten persimmons, the people behind took the opportunity to cross over the barrage of bullets and engulfed the living corpse s in the blink of an eye.

  The living corpse that was submerged by the bugs, was sliced into pieces by the bugs that surrounded them in just one or two seconds.

  As for the rest of the bugs, they charged towards the restaurant without a care for their own safety.

  In the dining hall, the Gemini and the butchers used a weird force to throw large items like the counter in the dining hall towards the front door to block the entrance. The seven butchers used their tall bodies as pillars, pressing down heavily on the rear of the barrier. They let the insect swarm charge at them, but they were unable to break through the obstacles. Taking advantage of this training, the remaining living corpse shooter stuffed their own machine guns into the gaps between the obstacles and pulled the trigger. The dense barrage of bullets immediately caused the first wave of bugs outside to turn into broken corpses.

  The remaining three lacerator moved behind their own kind, waiting for an opportunity to grab and destroy the bugs that were exposed in their line of sight. Their mutated bone-piercing blades were sharper than Fusarium's claws, and when they grabbed onto the Fusarium's carapace, it was as easy as butter to tear holes in it.

  Until a Green Whirlwind suddenly drilled out of the insect swarm, when its claws grabbed onto the green bug's body, they created puffs of starfire, but were unable to break through the bug's body.

  The Green Whirlwind screeched complacently, not wanting to let an obviously longer barrel go into its mouth. Then, his mouth turned hot and the Green Whirlwind's head exploded. The yellow entomophile splashed onto the lacerator's face, wiped it off and then put it into his mouth. It let out a cry of satisfaction and began to harvest the life of the bugs outside even more crazily.

  The barrel of the rifle was pulled back and Zero's face turned grim. The carapace of the Green Whirlwind was abnormally tough. Even a big caliber handgun would not be able to penetrate through the carapace. If there were more of these bugs, they would be in trouble. After all, even if it was zero, he didn't have the confidence to pierce through the Green Whirlwind's mouth and destroy the worm's head from its softest spot.

  Just as he was thinking about this, the Fusarium that were desperately attacking from the outside suddenly retreated, followed by a series of buzzing sounds. It was actually close to a hundred Green Whirlwind that flew towards the dining hall.

  As soon as Zero saw this, his expression changed!

  Outside Cossacks' base, the blizzard that had lasted more than 24 hours continued to blow. In just one day's time, the layer of snow on the ground had thickened by nearly half a meter. The snow carried intense radiation. If an ordinary person were to be exposed to such radiation, their genes would collapse and they would die within an hour.

  However, even in this kind of fatal snowstorm, a white military boot with gorgeous golden patterns embroidered on it unrestrainedly fell into the snow. The owner of the military boot also wore a white coat. The windbreaker tightly wrapped around her curvy body, causing her to appear so valiant and valiant.

  On the white trench coat, there was a military badge with the same gold decorations on the shoulders, the edge of the military badge was adorned with a ring of tassels. At this moment, these golden tassels were dancing in the wind like fairies.

  Valkyrie was standing on top of a slope that was completely submerged in snow. She held the Eternal Spear Kungounir in her hands as her sight passed through the blizzard and landed on the military base that only had an outline.

  In this kind of snowstorm, Valkyrie had already stood for an entire day and night!

  There was a faint energy halo around her body. It was this layer of energy that separated her from the deadly radiation in the snow. As someone with a high-level ability, the fact that Valkyrie was able to control such a thing wasn't a simple matter of biological energy, but rather a special kind of power that belonged to him – Battle Qi!

  Battle Qi was Valkyrie's exclusive strength. It could support Valkyrie's various base abilities, such as strength, agility, defense, etc. At the same time, it would also provide the opponent with an ability similar to Mental Suppression, causing opponents whose will was not strong enough to fight Valkyrie to feel a chill down their spine.

  Valkyrie who was enveloped in the light halo of the Battle Qi looked like a goddess, revealing a noble and noble aura. She examined the entire military base. From what she could tell, the creatures inside were more active than usual. The bugs, which should have been hibernating, were now too active. And at the bottom of the base, a huge energy was forming.

  Valkyrie reached out her mental tentacles, but when she lightly touched this energy, it was as if she was touched by a high voltage current, causing her entire body to tremble violently.

  She also knew that this energy carried a clear hostility. 's hostility came from his own energy, which was like a nuclear power station. That energy revealed a very clear will, and it was warning Del. He warned this creature that stood on the same level as him not to enter his territory, otherwise, he would be forced to take the initiative to attack.

  This was the reason why Valkyrie had yet to enter the base. If she entered the base recklessly, the owner of this energy would attack her from all angles. At that time, Zero who was carrying out a mission in the base would become very dangerous!

  Valkyrie could only wait patiently. Perhaps, she could sneak into the base when the will was careless. She didn't know how much longer she would have to wait, but she didn't waver. At the same time, she decided that if there was an irreversible situation, even if she had to trigger the willpower attack, she would charge into the base.

  Because zero represented the hope of the new humans!

  But just at that moment, within Valkyrie's domain, three flows of energy aura that were not very obvious appeared. Judging from the strength of their auras, Valkyrie immediately knew that they were experts that were almost at the eighth stage. The strength of these three people should be around the sixth and seventh stage. To Valkyrie, they were safe to ignore.

  However, there was a hint of hostility in these three auras. When Valkyrie came in contact with these enmity, the image of zero naturally appeared in her mind. She knew that she was after Zero. Valkyrie let
out a cold snort, holding onto Eternal Spear, her body leaned forward, and immediately dragged out a light aura of battle, flying a hundred meters in the direction of the three auras.

  No matter who the other party was, as long as it was something that was disadvantageous to Zero, Valkyrie would eliminate them!

  Chapter 243 - Assassins (II)

  A black SUV broke down in the snow.

  This SUV was extremely well-maintained. Its entire body was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the endless snow. But the front cover of the car was a big scratch, but it seriously damaged the beauty of the car. This scratch was very new, as if it had been wiped out for some reason recently, and it was filled with an unspeakable smell.

  There were three men in the car.

  The driver of the car was a middle-aged man, each hair no larger than 1cm. He was very energetic as he stabbed towards the sky. His rough face and chin were covered with stubble. This green beard was like a hard thorn. Anyone who looked at it for a long time would feel pain. He was puffing on a cigar, which was almost finished. So the man swallowed and let the tiny bit of cigar fall on the gray snow.

  He kicked the door open roughly, and the lock on the door could not withstand the force of the crack that seemed to have been struck by a rhinoceros. The entire car door flew out, creating a space of about ten meters before finally crashing into a pile of snow, splashing out a snowflake.

  The man was wearing a camouflage tactical suit. He carried a metal box that was about the same height as him and stepped down from the car. The black military boot sank directly into the pile of snow, and only cut a small section on the outside.

  "Mr. Bauer, there is no need to be so angry, right? After all, the snow was so thick that it was natural for the car to break down. It would be better to think about what we'd do on our way back if you dismantled this car. " In the car, a thin man with pale skin said with a smile.


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