Warlord 4

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by Chen Ran

This man wore a thin windbreaker. His hands that were exposed were as thin as dried wood. Green veins crawled all over the back of his hands like earthworms. His smile was very sick, but the man's eyes were very special. He had a pair of dark green eyes, but the part of his pupils was bright yellow. Those eyes were evil, like a demon's.

  "Shut up, Gounabel. After you finish your task, you can grab a car that you can walk in the snow, or you can just walk back with your mother's legs! " The bearded man was not in a good mood, when he shouted at the white male called Gounabel, her face was covered with spittle.

  Gounabel smiled and said in a low voice, "Reckless Russian."

  "If we have to hurry, I think we should hurry up."

  At this time, an eerie voice sounded out. It was not a loud voice, but this eerie, hollow voice resounded clearly in the ears of the Russian and Gounabel. The voice seemed to come from the wind, seeming to come from somewhere very far away. It was very special.

  It was the voice of the third person in the carriage. He was wrapped in a long black robe, and even his face was buried in a black hood. From the center of the hat, all you can see is darkness.

  "As you wish, Master Dom." As he was speaking, Gounabel opened the back door and jumped down from the car. Looking at him, it seemed that he also didn't want to be with the black-robed man whom he called Master Dom.

  The three of them were high ranking warriors who belonged to the Parkland's valve. They were also the killers who were sent by the Old Brent of the Parkland to deal with Zero. Soren's death was not a small blow to Parkland family. Other than the fact that Soren's potential in the Meta-Su Region could possibly allow him to grow into a person with a high level of ability, it was even more so because Soren's death was undoubtedly a slap across the face of Parkland, this great financial magnate.

  In any case, Zero had to die. As a result, when Old Brent received the information regarding zero from the Dark Merchant, he immediately assigned three people, including the Russian Bauer, to travel a thousand miles to reach the Asgard to assassinate zero.

  Amongst them, old Brent contacted the no.4 VIP who provided the information through the Dark Merchant and used a large amount of the mainland's currency as a cover to get the mysterious assassin sent by the corporate powers.

  The three of them who had been sent out by Brent had their own unique features.

  The Russian Bauer who jumped down from the car first was a Great Swordmaster of the seventh step. The Great Swordmaster was a profession where sword arts specialized, strength enhanced and agility enhanced. The specialty of this profession was to focus on the balancing act of sword arts, strength and agility. It could be said that this was the job of the berserker soldiers floating around Su, as well as the job of Feng assaulting the swordsman.

  The specialty of this profession was to be able to release sword Qi which was similar to the wind pressure cutter. It was just that the sword Qi was different from the wind pressure cutter which used its power to shake the air, causing shockwaves. The sword Qi was a higher density of energy, which caused the sword Qi's attack range to be even further and its penetrating power to be even stronger.

  As for the sickly, he was a mutant capable of it. It was just that, unlike the common beastmen, Gounabel was a plant type ability user. Among the categories of mutated beasts, the most common one was the Beast Type, which was similar to Ma Pei's Armored Rhinoceros. In addition, there were also plants, materials, and energy types.

  Just like Gounabel, she was a Thorny Person of the Plant Element. Ninety percent of his body could turn into thorns, and when Gounabel used this ability with all her might, he could even turn into a thorny forest. Therefore, Gounabel's battle radius was the widest among the three, so he was able to fight in most situations at the same time.

  The last was the mysterious black robed Dom. Even Bauer and Gounabel did not know much about this person's background. The two only knew that he was someone that Parkland's valve had spent a lot of money to hire, and that this Indian was a Level 7 Dark Puppet Master. Dark Puppet Master was one of the rarer jobs in the Meteor Domain. Other than having the close combat abilities of Su, Dom was also an expert in various kinds of sorcery, combining the powers of a Dark Puppet Master.

  Dom was an expert in using spells to complement with Su's power to create puppets with extremely high battle prowess. Other than Gounabel, he was also the only one with the ability to fight in most environments.

  The Parkland's valve had dispatched three of their family's elite fighters. If Soren's death had not caused such a huge blow to the family, the stingy old Brent would not have used these three people for the sake of a Wilderness mercenary. After all, any one of these three people were the precious wealth of a tycoon.

  The main person in charge of this operation was Bauer. To Bauer, who was born a mercenary, although he did not like Gounabel, he hated the mysterious Dom even more. However, in the face of a mission, all his personal preferences were listed in his mind. With the priority of the mission, he showed the quality of a professional Su. Bauer looked at the two people who were getting off the carriage with disgust, but he still took out a palm-sized tactical plate from his body.

  This was a pocket-sized tactical plate that the Pagoda family had researched on their own. It reduced some unnecessary work ability of normal flat panel intelligence brain, so it was easy to carry around and work efficiently.

  Bauer tapped continuously on the intelligence brain's screen with his finger, and after typing in a series of commands, a map of the ground opened up. The red lines indicated the best way for Bauer and the rest to get to the Cossack base. It included the best way to calculate the possible manpower allocation from the Asgard s.

  After the Russian had decided on his course, he said to the two men behind him, "Let's go!"

  As a result, the three of them advanced along the routes set by the intelligence brain. At this time, the way the three of them advanced revealed their different characteristics.

  Bauer immediately used his brute force to break open a path in the snow. With a strength that exceeded the fifth step, Bauer was like a tank. Everywhere Bauer passed, the snowfield would crack apart and he would be forced to fly towards both sides. Thus, Bauer created a clear path in the snowfield.

  On the other hand, Gounabel created a few thorny vines around her legs. Each of the thorns pierced their way into the pile of snow in front of Gounabel. After causing the snowdrift to split open, it moved to the two sides, giving Gounabel space to move forward.

  As for Dom's method, it was strange as his entire body floated with a faint black halo. The moment the hazy black screen touched the snow on the ground, the strong radiation from the snow would disappear without a trace. However, every time a portion of the snowdrift disappeared, the black light on Dom's body would become slightly heavier. After walking like this for a while, the black light on the Indian's body almost covered his figure.

  Just like that, the three of them used their own ways to make their way out of the snow. If one were to look from the sky, they would see three twisted marks on the snow-white ground.

  While walking forward, suddenly, Dom whose body was wrapped in a black light, raised her hooded head. Flames like electric flowers suddenly appeared in the darkness of the hat.

  Then, and Gounabel sensed that something was wrong and looked towards the military base of the Cossacks. However, there were only goose-like snowflakes dancing in the sky. However, their gazes pierced through the snow and landed on the edge of the horizon.

  At first, the horizon was a vast expanse of snow. There was nothing special about it. However, the crowd became more and more nervous, and a moment later, a ball of light appeared in their line of sight.

  The milky white light was swaying like flames as it came from the horizon, continuously expanding in front of their eyes. It wasn't until they were half a distance away that they could see a woman flying over with a spear in her hand.

  Her speed was so fast that the tip of her foot l
ightly touched the ground, causing her to glide a distance of more than ten meters on the snowfield that made it difficult for people to advance. The snow that reached her knees was unable to slow down her speed at all. Like an angel who was being blown by the wind, she charged towards Bauer and the other two with unparalleled power.

  She was Valkyrie, Asgard's war goddess!

  In their records, other than the fact that Valkyrie fit the description of the lady in front of them, Bauer and the others could not find a second person in the Asgard. The Russian's face changed and he turned to shout at Gounabel: "It's war goddess! Damn it, Gounabel, quickly go! Dom and I will hold her back! "

  Dom, whose face was hidden under her hood, said softly: "To use two Seventh Rankers to stall someone with the ability of a Ninth Ruler, you must know that you must pay with your life."

  Even though he said this, he had no intention of leaving.

  And at this time, Valkyrie was not even a kilometer away from them!

  Chapter 244 - pseudo-domain

  According to the information provided by the mysterious distinguished guest, Valkyrie was one of the people whom Hall of Heroic Spirits had to pay attention to. This was the only woman whose name was on the danger list, so when Bauer saw the woman who was wrapped in energy flames rushing towards him, he knew that it was Valkyrie.

  But Dom could tell that the other party was a Ranker of the ninth step, not mentioned in the information. After all, the main purpose of the transaction between Parkland's valve and him was to give Bauer and the other three Assassins a back door that they could access unhindered. As such, that information was just an additional gift, so it was naturally not that detailed. Dom could tell that Valkyrie was a powerhouse of the ninth step with a glance, but it was because of the layer of energy flames that enveloped her.

  That was the battle qi unique to Fighting Domain Warriors, an existence that resembled a pseudo-domain.

  Regardless of which domain it was, when one's body evolved to the ninth step, it would produce an external spark of energy when one opened their full strength. This layer of energy was called pseudo-domain and could be seen as a fundamental manifestation of biological energy's evolution. Each domain had different names for this power. The Fighting Domain s called it the Battle Qi, the Elemental Su Domain called it the Magic Forbidden Domain, the Mutation Faction called it the Fury of the Ancestors, and the perceptual domain called it the Perception Force Field. Moreover, the uses of various pseudo-domain s varied depending on the user, so they were classified as information that was difficult to coordinate.

  The appearance of the pseudo-domain meant that the possessor had the potential to evolve towards the twelfth stage, or towards the very end, of the Thirteenth step. Normally, those with the ability of the pseudo-domain, would have the same importance as nuclear weapons to their own countries, which made them both powerful and powerful. If the list of names of dangers provided by the mysterious distinguished guest had pseudo-domain s like Valkyrie, then Hall of Heroic Spirits would have at least five powerhouses of the ninth step or above.

  In the entire Mainland China, only the seven experts of the ninth step or higher could be seen. There were actually five Hall of Heroic Spirits s as well, no wonder they could fight against the strongest Overlord in the Mainland China.

  But now was not the time to lament at the strength of the enemy. It was almost at the same time when Bauer indicated for him to use his full strength. His entire body started to deform. In just two or three seconds, other than his head, the rest of his body had turned into countless thorny vines.

  Bauer letting him go first, was not because the Great Swordmaster was generous. But amongst the three of them, Gounabel was the one who had the highest chance of escaping. For when he was transformed into a man of thorns, his hardness was no less than the countless thorns of the alloy that could tear the earth apart and roam freely beneath the earth like the roots of plants buried deep in the earth. As for the other two, although Bauer had enhanced his agility, he was not an expert in speed, so his success rate was not high under the eyes of the strong warriors of the ninth step. As for Dom, he was not good at speed, so he naturally did not have the chance to escape.

  Moreover, if the two of them deliberately tried to escape, they would easily lose their lives under their opponent's rainbow-like aura. Rather than fighting to the death, he might have a glimmer of hope.

  When Gounabel entered the ground under the pile of snow, she suddenly sensed that there was one less strand of Qi. war goddess could not help but exclaim lightly, but her speed did not decrease at all.

  In this environment, only by burying himself in the snow would he be able to escape Valkyrie's detection. However, it was no different from a natural snow. The only reason why he could escape the war goddess's perception while hiding in the snow was due to the disturbance of the perception by the intense radioactive substance in the snow. However, even Valkyrie did not dare to bury herself within the pile of snow, let alone those who had the ability of a stage six to seven.

  However, Valkyrie was not distracted at all. To her, she only needed to turn around and catch a mouse that had escaped. As a result, before the eyes of Bauer and Dom, the battle qi around Valkyrie became brighter and brighter, until it was like a big ball of fire that shot towards them.

  "She's here. Be careful!" Bauer roared, the two-handed sword he pulled out from the metal box had long been raised up high.

  When the scene of Valkyrie's spear stabbing flashed past her eyes, Bauer's face instantly turned blood-red, following that, his broadsword disappeared into thin air, and when she reappeared, he had already slashed Valkyrie's spear tip.

  Valkyrie's eyes revealed a look of astonishment, following that, both her and Bauer's figure was submerged in the energy light from the explosion.

  A circular shockwave spread out with the two as the center, and a layer of circular snow waves was formed on the snowfield near the two of them. Snowwaves shot straight up into the sky. The snowflakes that weighed several tons were turned into powder by the intense energy, and then slowly fell down.

  Amidst the exploding light, a deep red energy shock wave penetrated through the light, directly plowing a hideous scar that was nearly a hundred meters long in the snow.

  Seeing the snow crack that was created by the blood red energy, the corner of Dom's eyes that was hidden in her hood jumped. That blood energy wave was Bauer's trump card, skill "Blood Blade Impact". It was a terrifying attack that Bauer had used to instantly sacrifice several hundred milliliters of his blood, turning it all into boiling energy.

  Not long ago, Dom had seen Bauer use this move to destroy three armoured chariots in a straight line.

  And now, Hall of Heroic Spirits's Valkyrie had taken this move head on. If it wasn't a powerhouse of the ninth step, Dom was sure that her opponent would have already been torn to shreds by the terrifying blood blades. However, the layer of flames of combat aura on Valkyrie's body went to remind him not to be careless. Thus, when Bauer went to meet Valkyrie head on, Dom, who had long since retreated to the side, stretched out her hand from within the black robe.

  His five fingers moved rhythmically, and balls after balls of Su's palms kept moving towards the pile of snow. In the next moment, the snowdrift started to shake violently, layers upon layers of snowflakes started to surge out from under Dom's feet. When Xue Lang rushed out of the seventh layer, a snow-white monster rushed out from the pile of snow, pouncing towards the gradually dimming energy flame.

  These were seven gorilla-like monsters. They were about 250 cm tall, and their muscles could clearly be seen. The sharp teeth protruding from their mouths all the way to their chins. The monster let out a roar that sounded like the hollow sound created by the wind and snow. If one were to look at Dom, they would realize that the snow on the Dark Puppet Master's ground had almost completely disappeared.

  The amount of snow that had disappeared was the total weight of these Snow Demon monsters. They were not natur
al living creatures, but snow puppets created by Dom using the combination of Dark Yuan Su and her magic.

  The appearance of Snow Demon showed that these Snow Puppets focused on strength and agility. They were naturally born melee warriors.

  However, as they closed in, a long spear suddenly thrust out from within the halo of energy.

  The war lance pierced seven times in an instant, striking the Snow Puppets in their chests at almost the same time. Every time a war lance struck a Snow Puppet, a pitch black energy would float out from the puppet's back. The ball of energy stayed in the air for two or three seconds before fading into nothingness. As for the Snow Puppet that had lost its power as Su, its eyes lost its luster in the air and with a loud bang, it shattered into countless pieces of snow and fell onto the ground.

  At this time, Bauer had to continuously retreat five steps before he was able to stabilize himself in the snow.

  The broadsword in his hands drooped down weakly, the tip of the sword stabbing into the snow, supporting Bauer's body. After using the skill that was activated at the cost of his blood, the big Russian's face was as pale as Gounabel's. However, after a few breaths, it quickly returned to its normal color. With both hands holding onto his broadsword, he pointed it straight at Valkyrie who had appeared from the last circle of light.

  A streak of blood dripped down from Bauer's palm onto the snow, like a few plum blossoms.

  Looking at the graceful figure that was engulfed by the flames of the battle qi, Bauer could not help but smile bitterly. Facing a powerhouse of the ninth step, he immediately used his trump card. However, not only was Valkyrie able to block them, he was also completely unharmed, and even had the remaining energy to pierce through Dom's seven snow puppets.

  Bao Bao, on the other hand, was very clear that Dom's puppet would not be dispersed that easily. As long as Su was not destroyed, the puppet would be able to recreate itself limitlessly. This was also the treasure that Dom was holding in her hand, the one that could sweep across the earth. However, Valkyrie's seemingly casual attack not only accurately found the location of the Dark Yuan Su in the puppet, but also allowed him to bring it out of the puppet's body. In order to do that, one had to have a good eyesight and an accurate grasp of the source of the energy.


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