Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 7

by Chen Ran

  Dom laughed loudly: "I said, let us die together!"

  After he finished speaking, a black light burst out from his body. In the end, the black rays of light crazily spread out, and fiercely retreated before exploding. The high temperature of the black flames ignited the air, creating a vacuum in the air, causing the flames to continuously soar into the sky, forming a slowly expanding mushroom cloud.

  At the same time, a series of snowy waves continuously spread in all directions with the exploding point as the center. The radiation snow within a kilometer was either melted by the heat or blown away. The snowdrift on the battlefield had been swept clean, revealing the grayish-brown surface of the earth.

  The SUV suddenly shook violently, causing Callio to almost get off the SUV. Chief Instructor kicked the door open and jumped onto the snowy ground. The teacher who was clearing the snow pile stood up straight and looked at the mushroom cloud that rose up about one kilometer behind him with a dull expression.

  Callio threw his sunglasses onto the snowy ground. Looking at the sinister looking clouds, the instructor muttered, "Elemental Su ignited by itself? "Damn, this time we're in big trouble!"

  Finished speaking, the instructor began to walk in the direction of the mushroom cloud. Every time his foot, as thick as an elephant's leg, landed on the snowdrift, the thick layer of snow was immediately blasted away by an invisible energy, and the ground slightly shook along with it. Callio was clearly just one person, yet he had actually managed to escape the scene of a group of elephants galloping at full speed. With a speed of nearly a hundred kilometers per hour, Callio instantly turned into a small black dot in the snow.

  The battle on the ground had come to an end, but the battle on the ground had just begun.

  On the third floor of the underground base, outside of the employee Rest area's restaurant, a thousand Fusarium and hundreds of Green Whirlwind were crazily attacking the restaurant's defense line. The defensive line was formed by metal cabinets and seven butchers. These giant living corpse s used their bodies to firmly press against the barrier in order to defend themselves from the sea of insects. However, in just a short span of twenty minutes, these obstacles had either transformed into concave-like shapes or had long cracks covering them.

  The butcher who acted as the human wall had wounds of varying degrees on his body. These slender wounds were the marks of battle that the Fusarium had left on their bodies after piercing through the obstacles. As for the three lacerator, they swam behind the "trenches," waving their claws at the Fusarium. As for the remaining thirty odd living corpse shooter s, they split into two echelons and repeatedly shot a criss-crossing, dense barrage of bullets at the bugs outside the dining hall through a gap between the obstacles.

  But even so, the restaurant's simple defense line could not hold out for long.

  A red line and a blue line appeared on the zero tactical plate. This was the best route that the intelligence brain could come up with based on the current situation. The red route bypassed the Rest area that was filled with bugs and directly advanced from the experimental area Region, using the shortest route and the fastest speed to enter the entrance to the four-tier base. At the same time, they would pass through the insect nest that was occupied by the Fusarium. This meant that this route was the same as the color used for marking, which meant that this was a true blood path.

  The other blue colored route would require a lot of time and longer journey, but it would reduce a lot of casualties, ensuring the highest combat strength and entering the four-tier base.

  This was the result of the intelligence brain's analysis. At the same time, it was a dilemma for them. This depended on how many players chose between time and casualties. Without a doubt, this was a dilemma.

  "I suggest a blue route." Eva said from the side: "If we follow the instructions given by the red route, we will have to pass through the Fusarium's lair. Believe me, there are surprisingly many bugs in there. I've seen them myself two years ago. Judging from the current level of activity of the insects, the worms in the lair are definitely not in the hibernation period, which means that if we choose this route, we would have to face close to ten thousand or even more bugs. This is a very unwise action! "


  However, Zero rejected Eva's suggestion. He shook his head and said: "It takes too much time to take the second route, but the first route is also very dangerous. But after all, this is the computer's suggested route, and we don't have to follow it. "According to my thinking, combining the two routes is our best choice at the moment."

  He passed the tactical plate to Feng and loaded it with ammunition. While doing this, he said, "I will lure the bugs outside. When necessary, I will also lure the bugs out of the lair and bring them to the second route to circle around. As long as you find out that the bugs in the nest have decreased in number, immediately follow the first route and leave, we will meet up at the entrance of the fourth floor. "

  After giving them a brief summary of their plans, Zero didn't give them a chance to reject. He headed for the restaurant's main entrance. At this point, the situation was already extremely urgent, and there was no time for them to slowly study and decide what to do. The solution given by Zero was the best solution. Using one person as bait to lure away most of the bugs was a small sacrifice.

  But someone suddenly grabbed onto Zero's hand, causing Feng to put the tactical plate into his hand. Then, with a movement of his body, he rushed out of the restaurant. There was no need to explain Feng's actions. He wanted to carry out the bait mission on behalf of Zero. The moment Feng rushed out of the dining hall, Zero slightly leaned forward, but still stopped in place in the end. He then turned around and said, "Let's leave through the back door."

  Right now, Zero was no longer a lone wolf wandering in the wilderness. He was already the leader of a team. The captain had decided that he had to take responsibility, such as taking this team and leaving safely after completing their mission. And now, the other thing he needed to do was to trust his companions.

  Don't die! Zero said to Feng silently in his heart.

  Feng who had slipped out from a crack under the barrier of the dining hall, was immediately exposed to the eyes of countless bugs. Being stared at by tens of thousands of compound eyes was not a comfortable thing to do. In Feng's case, it was only slightly better than being sized up by a perverted man, but it also gave him goosebumps.

  He sprung up from the ground, and the Tang Dao Frost was simultaneously unsheathed. Frost Fang came out of his scabbard and disappeared into the air, and in the next moment, three biting cold blade qi formed claws, grabbing towards one of the Green Whirlwind.

  Three blade auras swept past the Green Whirlwind's body, and in the next second, it was reduced to minced meat. That bug shell that couldn't even get through bullets could not withstand a single one of Feng's blades.

  This sudden development allowed the bugs in front of the restaurant to shift their attention away from the barrier, towards Feng. Feng still had time to use the Tang Dao to stir up a pool of insect blood, and then casually swung it at the few bugs.

  His companion's blood immediately made the bugs go crazy, the Fusarium rubbed the scythes on their bodies, while the Green Whirlwind flapped its wings to prepare for high-speed movements.

  Feng laughed, he did not plan on pestering the bugs. With the military boot on the ground, Feng jumped high into the air. Looking around, the entire Rest area was filled with bugs. His lazy gaze suddenly turned sharp, just like a harmless sheep turning into a lion.

  His body rose and then fell, but Feng did not land on the ground, but instead, heavily stepped on the head of a Fusarium. The Fusarium's head was not strong, and was stepped on by Feng who was at least rank 4. His feet immediately cracked, and then his head sank. A green-white liquid immediately splattered out from the exploded head of the bug. As for Feng, he borrowed the force of this step to travel around ten meters.

  Just like this, Feng continued to move forward
on top of the bug's head. Every time he landed, one of the bugs would become a stepping stone and unluckily lose its life.

  From afar, one could see the undulations in the sea of insects. The waves were caused by the bugs changing their target and pouncing towards Feng. Feng did not care about being chased by the wave. On the contrary, he was trying his best to attract more attention from the bugs.

  The Tang Dao rose and slashed down. With a straight slash of frost, a Green Whirlwind was almost cut in half. The entomophile landed on Feng's head, he did not bother to wipe his face, as he made a turn in the air, causing the few Green Whirlwind that were rushing towards him to pounce on nothing.

  After trampling on another bug's head, Feng finally landed on the ground. He arrived at the entrance to the cinema, where a dense swarm of bugs were swarming towards him.

  The few Fusarium nearby lost their heads at the same time. When the heads of these unlucky fellows fell into the bug swarm, Feng had already retreated into the cinema. The already bloodthirsty bugs immediately squeezed their way into the movie theater. Some of them were even slower and were immediately stepped on by their companions. Just the insect streams that drilled into the cinema caused dozens of Fusarium to become corpses.

  However, the bugs that swarmed into the auditorium found that their prey did not seem to be planning to leave.

  The reality was as such, Feng stood on the stage in front of the big screen. He then changed back to the lazy-looking swordsman Striker and slowly put the Tang Dao back into its scabbard. For some reason, even though Feng no longer had that kind of vicious aura, the Fusarium still instinctively felt that he was in danger. As for the higher leveled Green Whirlwind, they retracted their wings, as if they could casually fly in the air and die at any moment.

  The green bugs landed on the ground, and used their red compound eyes to size Feng up. Looking at it from top to bottom, this human in their eyes, with the intelligence of Green Whirlwind, it was not hard to tell that he was around the fifth step. If it was one on one, the Green Whirlwind naturally wouldn't have any chance of victory against a level five esper. However, there were so many of them, and there were even more Fusarium that acted as henchmen. In the knowledge of every Green Whirlwind, as long as opponents like Feng surged forward, they would be able to bite him down to the point where not even his bones would remain.

  However, their instincts told them not to attack rashly, so the bugs occupied every corner of the stage, but none of them dared to rush onto the stage. All the bugs were rubbing their sharp claws nervously, as if they were waiting for an opportunity to attack.

  "There should be enough time." Feng placed his hands on his waist, and looked up at the ceiling of the cinema and said.

  It had been almost 15 minutes since Feng left the restaurant to attract Buggy's attention. A quarter of an hour wasn't long, but it was enough for them to evacuate. But what Feng cared about was not whether Zero and the others had left yet, but whether they had gone far enough. Whether that distance was far enough away that they couldn't tell what was going to happen in the cinema.

  "What do you mean hit the swordsman? It's really annoying. But if you do not have this level of identity, I think it will be even more troublesome, so I have to continue maintaining my image as the swordsman's Feng, and have no choice but to invite you here. " Feng untied the Tang Dao along with its scabbard and threw it on the ground. Then, he started to remove the portable apparatus behind him.

  Throwing the portable apparatus on the ground, Feng took off his helmet and started to take off his tactical suit. In the end, Nocturnal took off part of the tactical suit's clothes and hung it around his waist.

  Feng stretched his right arm and swung it in a circle as if he was preparing to move. As he moved, he said, "You know, I actually quite like you guys. Because you're not a talkative audience, you don't say anything when you see it. In fact, any local mutation was just dog shit! I think I'm the only local mutation in the world. "

  After he finished speaking a bunch of nonsense, Feng finally shut his mouth. If there was an energy measuring instrument now, one would realize that the biological energy in Feng's body was constantly improving. But strangely, the part of his that could be improved was limited to his right hand, while the other parts of Feng's body remained the same. Two completely different types of biological energy actually appeared on Feng's body, as if his right hand and his body were two different individuals who were safe and sound.

  When his biological energy reached the critical point of the ninth stage, Feng's right hand began to release a hazy silver light. In a short two seconds, the silver light turned from weak to strong. In the end, all the bugs in the cinema could see was a ball of silver light but not Feng's figure.

  The silver light flared and then vanished in an instant. When the brightness of the light had dropped to the point where it could be seen, Feng's figure appeared once again. The only difference was that Feng's right hand was no longer its original form, and it had expanded by nearly three times over. The entire arm was covered in the original muscle texture. It was like a resplendent diamond that was emitting a silver glow, dazzling the onlookers.

  It was a diamond arm, and its shoulder was supported by five needle-like sharp objects. Below it was the normal shape of an arm, and when it reached the palm, it transformed into the claw of a beast. raised his hand, which had claws almost reaching the ground, and clenched them into a giant fist.

  Inside his fist, there was a silver light that was like an electric shock, constantly flickering and growing stronger. Finally, a silver ball of light wrapped around Feng's fist.

  He said lightly: "Are you ready to be destroyed under the arm of this God?"

  Chapter 247 - Memories

  Inside the pitch black Rest area, intense white flames shot out from the windows and doors of the movie theaters. Seeing the flame, the few Fusarium that were still wandering around the movie theater became frightened when they saw the scene in front of them. After a series of short, sharp whistles, they only dispersed.

  A moment later, a figure emerged from the gradually fading darkness of the cinema. It was Feng. He was dressed neatly, looking just like when he entered the movie theater. But now, if one looked inside the cinema, he would see that it was filled with flesh and blood, and countless amounts of blood and meat paste had covered the floors, chairs, and walls.

  Nearly a thousand bugs died just like that, including over a hundred Green Whirlwind. This bug swarm that required at least a hundred people to be annihilated, was destroyed by a single punch from Feng. If time could be reversed, the scene of the diamond fist releasing millions of beams of light was just like the Milky Way in outer space. Those who saw it would never be able to forget it for the rest of their lives.

  Feng made a clean piece of ground outside the movie theater and sat down. He removed the portable apparatus and placed it on the ground, at the same time fished out a pack of cigarettes. Feng took out a cigarette, lit it up, and said it again. If one looked closely, it was not difficult to see that his fingers were trembling.

  The tactical helmet was placed at the side, while Feng was smoking, the red light of his cigarette flickering in the darkness. Once in a while, Feng would take down his cigarette, and the tip of the cigarette would emit a bright red light.

  How long has it been?

  In Feng's blank mind, a question suddenly popped up. He looked at his right hand and then gave a helpless smile. At this moment, in the darkness, he would occasionally think back to that time.

  That time was seven years ago, and it was also the day that Feng's consciousness had awoken.

  At that time, Feng had awoken in a green ocean. It was a large amount of cultivating fluid, and from the pores of his skin, it provided all the necessary nutrients necessary for Feng's life. On Feng's body, there were almost a hundred data transmission lines as well, giving all of Feng's body's information back to the information terminal. Feng who had awoken, under the control of his instincts
, used his consciousness to scan through these data transmission lines, immediately intercepting countless of his own data. This included a large number of genetic models, blood samples, and so on. He immediately knew that he was being studied like a mouse.

  On the other hand, Feng who had just woken up only retained a portion of his normal human form. His hands, on the other hand, had transformed into gigantic diamond-like arms. But in these arms, Feng could also feel the blood vessels and vessels all over the diamond arm flowing. Looking at them, he remembered the memory. At the same time, the name of a plan floated into his mind.

  The artificial god's plan!

  It was a crazy plan, crazy from a bunch of arrogant scientists. In Feng's memories, this plan involved the participation of almost all the countries, and sent all the elite warriors in their respective armies as needed. However, hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in this plan, and only thirteen survived, successfully accommodating foreign genes and organs.

  In the later stages of the plan, the thirteen artificial gods were forced to observe the ice. Before they obtained a method to completely control them, no matter which country, they would not easily release these biological weapon s that could be called the strongest. But before he could find a way, the Cataclysm Day descended. As for the memories after that, they turned pitch black.

  As he recalled Feng's painful memories from the past, as well as the humiliation of being treated like a little mouse by others, he had completely lost control of himself. The raging God of Manmade used his diamond arms to smash the culture tank's organic glass cover that was as hard as steel plates. Stepping on the flowing green liquid culture, Feng jumped down from the ground after ripping apart countless of transmission lines.

  At the same time the base's alarm went off, a group of fully armed soldiers rushed in, and pointed their black guns at Feng. However, how could these weapons from the old era be a match for the divine weapons that were created by gathering all the resources in the world. In that bloody memory, even if Feng separated the memories of the battle, every single one of them would focus on blood and corpses.


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