Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 6

by Chen Ran

  At the same time that Bauer was shocked by Valkyrie's power, the war goddess frowned slightly. Originally, according to her calculations, when Bauer attacked, she would target his direction. As for her, after getting rid of Bauer, the first thing she did was to clean up the other person who carried the scent of Su from the Dark Origin Stage.

  Element Domain Capable had long range attacks, if there was a Element Domain Capable at his side that was in his way, then Valkyrie would have to spend a lot of time to kill Bauer.

  What she did not expect was that Bauer's Sword Qi attack was not only extremely powerful, but also concentrated. The density of the energy was so dense that it could not be guided by any other method, and could directly defend against it. Naturally, with Valkyrie's power, this level of sword energy was not even enough to threaten her life, but it was more than enough to make her stop.

  When the first group met, neither side seemed to be able to do anything to each other. Therefore, the two of them started to prepare a second round of attacks. The battle qi and flames on Valkyrie's body suddenly flared up, as if throwing solid fuel into a bonfire, the battle qi and flames suddenly became stronger. While it was boiling over, it was also expanding its home field. In a few seconds, Valkyrie's battle qi enveloped nearly a thousand meters of space!

  In this space shrouded in battle qi, Dom and Bauer both felt the varying degrees of mental pressure. In their eyes, Valkyrie was as mighty as a god, causing them to almost kneel down and worship him. They all knew that this was caused by Valkyrie using the pseudo-domain, and that Valkyrie's Domain of Domain was used to suppress her Spirit. Someone who was under the mental suppression would definitely have the same strength as the war goddess. Otherwise, under this all-pervasive suppression, their battle strength would plummet.

  Valkyrie looked at the two of them and said coldly from within the light of the battle qi, "Let the second round begin!"

  Chapter 245 - Triple Shock

  Gounabel advanced crazily under the ground.

  After Bauer's warning, he transformed into the Armoured Thorny Vine, breaking open the surface of the ground then burrowing into the ground. The thick vines that had formed his arms were twisted together, forming a spike like thorns. The thorny drill bit continuously rotated, breaking open the weak soil beneath the ground. Hundreds of vines formed by its body rapidly pulled back from both sides, filling up the 'path' that it had taken before it arrived.

  Using this method, within half an hour, Gounabel had already distanced herself from the snowy area she had encountered with nearly two kilometers away. In the end, Gounabel fiercely stabbed upwards. The thorny drill bit broke through the ground and snow, and the slightly red light of the sun immediately caused his eyes to hurt slightly.

  Arriving at the surface, breathing in the icy cold air, Gounabel once again returned to her human form. He half squatted on the ground, breathing heavily while looking behind him. There seemed to be no change behind him, but an intense wave of energy was spreading through the air. Gounabel only gently touched the energy wave, and her skin immediately turned numb. A large amount of information was released from the undulations, and most of the information was branded with the brand of destruction.

  Gounabel shivered, then cut off her senses. He stood up in the cold, his loose clothes flapping in the wind. Gounabel looked down. The Cossack Army Base was already in sight. The mutated human revealed a pondering expression, and then used the thorny human form that consumed a lot of energy to dig into the ground, Gounabel planned to directly enter the base from the ground.

  Only the heavens knew what kind of person was still in the Asgard. Gounabel did not dare to be careless, the snow that radiated from the ground was his best cover and she was not afraid of others detecting it.

  On the snowy ground one kilometer away from where Gounabel was standing, the snowstorm had already buried the wheels of the transport car, causing the teachers to have no choice but to use shovels to clear the snow. Callio was napping on the SUV, Chief Instructor was lying down on the driver's seat, a pair of thick and heavy legs was resting on the steering wheel. He still had a cigar in his mouth, but he didn't light it.

  A series of snores came from the driver's seat, accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing outside the car, forming a special symphony. However, the snoring suddenly stopped. One moment the instructor was sleeping like a dead pig, the next he jumped out of the driver's seat. The instructor took off the sunglasses he wore to cover his face. He stuck his head out of the window and looked in the direction of the military base.

  In his perception, a special aura had suddenly appeared. The aura was around the sixth to seventh stage, and the moment Callio touched this aura, it was as if he was stabbed by a plant, and immediately woke up from the Great Void Soul Realm.

  "Is it someone from the headquarters?" Callio muttered to himself, and then sniffed with his nose, and said: "This is the smell of that girl Valkyrie, it seems that she is in a very bad mood right now."

  Chief Instructor retracted his head and unconsciously shivered. He decided to ignore everything. Valkyrie and the Headquarters had never been on good terms. Only the heavens knew what kind of thing Tyre, who had been counting on, had done to anger the war goddess. Callio decided not to interfere in the quarrel between this pair of siblings and continued to dream about him.

  But Callio did not know, that the so called headquarters' special forces were actually assassins sent by the Parkland's valve. Right now, other than Gounabel who was heading towards the military base of the Cossack clan, there were two other assassins fighting with Valkyrie.

  Within a thousand meter radius of Valkyrie's battle qi, both Bauer and Dom were being suppressed at the mental level. This allowed them to unleash their original battle strength, with the maximum being seventy percent. After Valkyrie shouted out the words of the second round, a shock wave spread out from her body. Ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, and unceasingly swept towards Bauer and Dom like raging waves.

  The difference in abilities and occupation allowed the two of them to adopt different methods to deal with it.

  Facing the stately energy ripple, Bauer shouted loudly. With both hands gripping the broadsword tightly, he thrust it towards the heart of the ripple. A layer of sword energy energy gushed out from the sword. The energy formed a cone, increasing the piercing force. immediately ripped open a hole in the initially cast energy ripple. But the hole was not big enough for Bauer to pass through completely. A portion of the energy ripple hit Bauer's body, causing the Great Swordmaster to groan as he was sent flying.

  After moving horizontally three meters away, Bauer finally landed on the snowy ground. When he struggled to get up, blood spurted out from his mouth, staining the snow red.

  "A bold fool." Dom cursed silently, at the same time, she pushed her hands forward, causing Su to rush forward immediately towards Valkyrie's energy ripple. Every time a group of Dark Element Su entered the ripple, the ripple would become a bit weaker. In the blink of an eye, the energy ripple had already turned into nothingness when it reached Dom's feet.

  The force that felt like a piece of steel plate pressing down had only turned into a negligible breeze, causing Dom's robe to flutter slightly in the wind.

  Regarding this, Valkyrie was not surprised. Just a moment ago, Dom had used the common skill "YuanSu neutralization" from the Meteor Region. That was a technique she had used to neutralize all of the energy from the Meteor Shower's power. Of course, it was not impossible for the YuanSu to reconcile the situation. If it was the energy impact that Valkyrie had targeted earlier, then it would not be easy for Dom to resolve it. However, the shock wave caused by the increase in energy level was something that Dom could deal with easily.

  On the other side, Bauer shook his body and stood up. He roared loudly, the tip of the broadsword sharp sword, the Russian guy dragged it as he rushed towards Valkyrie. From his initial fear, to the shock of exchanging blows, to now, he had already struck ou
t towards Valkyrie with ferocity. Bauer threw Valkyrie's strength to the back of his head, and like an egg hitting a stone, he forcefully attacked Valkyrie.

  "Idiot!" Dom scolded angrily. If Bauer knew how to cooperate, he would use other ways to keep pestering Valkyrie. Then he would be able to take the opportunity to create an even more powerful Snow Puppet, and even summon a Dark Yuan Su Energy puppet. But now, Bauer was using a method that risked his life, he could only rush to create another batch of Snow Puppets to coordinate with the big sized man's attack. Otherwise, if Valkyrie took care of this boorish fellow, his fate could be imagined.

  Clumps of energy from's palm fell into the snow. At the same time, Dom began to form a new puppet in her mind. Valkyrie could no longer use the form of Snow Demon, it was too easy to find the energy core in the human-shaped puppet. Therefore, the new puppet had to be in the form of a wild beast. That way, the energy core could be hidden even more secretly. In addition, Dom wanted the new puppet to increase its speed to the maximum in order to restrain the war goddess. As a result, a gigantic corpse wolf took shape in the Indian's mind.

  At the same time that it took form, a wave of snow exploded behind Valkyrie. Seven snow wolves that were as huge as buffaloes jumped, dispersed, and attacked Valkyrie together with him.

  Facing this kind of encirclement which was sufficient enough to cause those below the eighth stage to fall into a disadvantage, the corner of Valkyrie's mouth rose into a faint smile. Dom, who was watching from afar, had a bad feeling. But he didn't know where this terrible feeling came from. Right at this moment, with Valkyrie at the center, a round snow curtain with a diameter of nearly three meters was lifted.

  The layer of snow beneath Valkyrie's feet was stirred up by her battle qi, forming something that looked like a smoke screen. Because of this, both Dom and Bauer could clearly hear Valkyrie's voice from within the snow curtain.

  The sense of crisis in his heart rose to the highest level as Dom subconsciously placed a layer of elemental field on himself. Just then, the war lance suddenly pointed out from the snow screen, and the energy released from the spear tip pierced towards Dom like a real war lance.

  Wherever this energy passed by, a crack appeared in the snow. The crack was aimed straight at Dom, who shouted loudly, as her Yuan Su shield started to form at an extremely fast speed. In almost the blink of an eye, a three meter tall, one meter wide, completely black, elemental shield with an inverted six star pattern at the center, rose from the ground and blocked in front of Dom.

  The light spear that Valkyrie thrusted out fiercely collided with Yuan Su's shield, and immediately, a violent vibration caused the entire shield to sway and dissipate. Under the crazy and sharp rubbing sounds, Dom opened his eyes wide. In his eyes, the scene of the shield collapsing. But Valkyrie's conical shaped spear Qi also dimmed down, just as Dom relaxed, suddenly her dim spear Qi brightened up again!

  Just like the rebirth of a phoenix, the lance aura that was initially exhausted with energy actually revived, and with an even faster speed and strength, it struck against Dom's elemental field. Dom's entire body trembled, blood trickled out from her nose and mouth, but she still forced the shining war lance to stop at a distance of less than 10 cm away from her chest with her elemental field supporting it with all her might.

  The spear energy dissipated and Dom's elemental field also disintegrated. But the moment the elemental field disappeared, the spear-shaped light aura resurrected for the second time. The intense light aura even illuminated Dom's withered face under the hood, as well as her expression of despair.

  Dom shook it again, and the spear qi that was formed a third time was already nailed to his chest. (TL: Su Yun means spear qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi =]) He could feel the scorching energy from the spear energy crazily surging into his body, destroying all kinds of tissues and organs. Following that, it attacked the genetic level and launched its most thorough attack.

  At this time, Bauer held his sword and rushed into the snow curtain. Behind the snow, the puppets began to disintegrate.

  In the next moment, Bauer shot out from the snow screen. Dom let out a blood-curdling scream, and collapsed to the ground.

  The power of life quickly left his body, and Dom knew that he was going to die. But if he knew that he died under Valkyrie's signature skill, "Triple Strike", he would know that he didn't die unjustly.

  Triple Layered Waves was a type of energy attack that used a special skill, Strength Storing. It was like the waves of the ocean. The higher the level of energy, the stronger the attack. It was already very rare for Dom to be able to block two attacks. In fact, with Valkyrie's ability, there were no survivors so far.

  Chapter 246 - Hand of God

  Bauer would never have thought that this happy long distance assassination would actually become his one way ticket to hell.

  Dom fell. Although Gounabel escaped, Bauer believed that this terrifying woman in front of him could easily find that cold and gloomy man. Bauer looked at his left hand that was powerlessly hanging down, and saw a bloody hole the size of a bowl on his shoulder. This was a grave injury made from the memory of passing through, and it was bestowed upon him by Valkyrie's war lance.

  The war lance's spear tip was obviously not as big as a bowl's mouth, but when it pierced through Bauer's shoulder, the energy that was attached to it expanded Dom's injuries. Bauer could clearly feel that the energy that the war goddess had attached to the spear had invaded his flesh and blood through shock and destruction. Even his bones had instantly disappeared under the effect of the energy.

  Now, the bright tip of the spear was pointing straight at Bauer's nose. And in the eyes of the big Russian, there was the image of Valkyrie's beautiful figure.

  "Surrender, I admire your perseverance. If you are willing to surrender and tell me how you came here, I will not kill you. " Valkyrie said with her usual indifferent tone.

  If she was willing, Bauer would have died long before the second round began. But Valkyrie was not prepared to kill him, and wanted to force useful information from his body.

  Bauer and the other two had abilities at the sixth to seventh stage, and it was impossible for them to go around the Julian Mountains without making a sound and appear in the snow behind the Asgard.

  It was not an exaggeration to say that the moment intermediate level espers like them appeared near the Devil Desert, the Asgard's defensive system would be activated. After all, middle stage and above espers all had a certain amount of destructive power. On the Asgard's side, it was impossible for these ticking time bombs to appear and disappear in the vicinity.

  But these three not only came, but also did not receive any warning from the Asgard. However, the capabilities of these three people were not enough to silently infiltrate the Asgard's defensive system. In other words, these three definitely had a special method. For example, there were people from the Hall of Heroic Spirits helping the three Adepts to do all this.

  Bauer gasped with his head lowered, as if he did not hear Valkyrie's words. After a long while, a burst of mad laughter came from his mouth.

  "Do you think I would? I am not a coward! "

  At the same time, he suddenly shifted his body to the left, far away from the tip of Valkyrie's spear. At the same time, both his broadswords slashed horizontally, bringing out a mournful streak of blood light that slashed towards Valkyrie.

  At such a close distance, even an expert of the ninth step like Valkyrie would not be able to completely ignore the injury that this attack had caused.

  But he was wrong.

  The moment he released his slash, Valkyrie's war lance suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already on Bauer's sword.

  Bauer felt his right hand sink, and the heavy sword was no longer able to make a horizontal slash. Valkyrie's war lance was as heavy as a mountain as it heavily pressed its large sword to the ground.

With a loud rumble, the blood-red sword beam crashed into the ground, causing the sky to shake and snow to fall everywhere. In the beautiful scenery of the winter snow floating in the mist, Valkyrie's war lance disappeared once again.

  Bauer only saw the war lance that had disappeared in his eyes suddenly expanding, then his entire body shook for a moment, and then he no longer knew anything.

  When the tip of the spear touched the big sized man's forehead, Valkyrie withdrew her war lance. She did not spare Bauer another glance as she turned and walked toward Dom's position.

  Bauer was still standing on the snow, with blood spurting out from his head. Fresh blood dyed the snowy ground red before he fell to the ground.

  A bullet-like wound appeared on his forehead.

  Arriving beside Dom, Valkyrie used her spear to pry open the Indian hood and coldly said: "I know you're not dead yet. If you tell me everything that I want to know, I think I can save you."

  Dom was indeed not dead yet, he realized that the destructive energy from the spear energy had spread to most of her body, but still did not touch his heart. Therefore, he knew that Valkyrie had intentionally let him live. If Bauer had admitted it just now, then he might already be dead. But if Bauer died, then the situation might be the opposite.

  "I say …" Dom's hoarse voice came out as she spat out a few indistinct syllables.

  Valkyrie frowned and said: "I can't hear what you're saying clearly."

  "I say, we are …" Seemingly lacking strength, Dom's voice dropped again.

  Valkyrie could only squat down and listen to what he had to say. Unexpectedly, as soon as she squatted, Dom's hands were lightning fast as she grabbed her arms, following that, rays of black light shot out from Dom's blood vessels, bringing with it a sense of craziness.


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