Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 12

by Chen Ran

  "Is that so?" Eva reached out her tongue, and lightly licked her lips that were so red that it seemed as if blood was going to drip from it: "Then after we leave this place, I'll find a chance to try again."

  After he finished speaking, Eva took elegant steps and walked out of the passage with the living corpse. Ma Pei took in a deep breath. His eyes were red like it was about to spew fire. He smiled in excitement and followed the moving curve out of the passage.

  It was dark outside the exit passage, but in the night vision mode with the helmet, it was not hard to see the bodies on the ground. Most of these bodies were humanoid moths, and countless corpses had filled up the entire base. In here, the corpses of half-worm-man s would occasionally appear. And in the insect pile, there were a few Vengeance s.

  The huge worm fell to the ground, its body a mess of gnawed flesh. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" But looking at the large number of corpses of the Human-Faced Moths, what kind of price would they have to pay to bring down a Vengeance?

  In the distance, there was a sudden flash of blue light. Everyone looked, it was a Vengeance that was throwing out a biological bomb towards the Man-Faced Moths army. When did the underground base of the 4th level become a battlefield for bugs? It was obvious that the Man-Faced Moths in the fifth floor had invaded the Vengeance's territory, triggering this great battle of bugs.

  The number of Vengeance s compared to Man-Faced Moths and Fusarium was pitiful, as this kind of insect had a longer breeding cycle. It takes about half a year from fertilization to the birth of the larva. After another three years, the larvae will mature and possess the ability to shoot biological bomb s. Thus, in the entire four-tier base, there were only about two hundred or so mature Vengeance s. The mature Fusarium and Man-Faced Moths, however, use ten thousand as a unit!

  The enormous disparity in power between the two determined the enormous difference in strength between the two. Even Fusarium s could not easily tear open the rough and tough outer skin of the Vengeance, and it condensed its own large biological energy into biological bomb s that hung outside of its body. When necessary, it would shoot out high temperature electric fire with unparalleled power, it was also an effective method to kill other insects.

  Now, the invasion of the Man-Faced Moths had angered the master of the four-tier base. In the Whole Base, one could see balls of blue lightning exploding at almost every corner, as well as the shrieks and screeches of the man-faced moth and the half-worm-man!

  At the edge of the chaotic battlefield, Zero and the others watched with their heads big. If they were to head towards the five-tier base, they would have to pass through this chaotic battlefield. However, at that time, the possibility of being seen as an enemy by both sides was close to unlimited. That would definitely not be a pleasant thing.

  "It seems like we can only go around it." Feng scratched his head, but he could only scratch the tactical helmet, hence this action of his looked extremely comical. However, no one could laugh now,'s suggestion was undoubtedly the only way.

  In terms of fighting strength, whether it was Feng or Eva, they both had the strength to completely exterminate all the bugs. However, this did not mean that they were willing to clash head-on with the bugs. Feng wanted to hide his identity, but as for Eva, he did not want to make things easy for them. From beginning to end, she had placed herself in the role of a guide. The Biochemical Corps was already considered as an additional gift from the beginning of their cooperation.

  For the above reasons, if there were people unwilling to help them, then the remaining plan would naturally be a roundabout one.

  Just as Zero was about to give his order, the skin under the tactical suit suddenly tightened, and a prickling sensation arose. Without any hesitation, his body moved ahead of his head, and Zero suddenly jumped onto the ground!

  At almost the same time, two black figures pierced through the living corpse behind Su Yun, and then pierced towards the place where Su Yun was just at. Of course, they could only pierce the air. However, if Zero was still in the same place, then his heart would have been pierced.

  From the darkness of the passage came a "eh" sound. Following that, the thing that was stabbed into the living corpse suddenly split apart, pushing to the two sides, and actually caused the living corpse's body to explode.

  At the moment of this sudden attack, Feng and the rest had already avoided it. In terms of time, he was only slightly behind. As for the slow Ma Pei, he was also casually pulled away by Su, who pulled away this big size man. As for Zero, after rolling on the ground, he changed his direction. In the darkness facing the passage, he picked up the Browning's pistol and started firing again and again.

  Both guns were jumping, but Zero's hands were as steady as a boulder, keeping the path of the pistol in a straight line. He fired again and again. The bullets brought along the fire as they crashed into the darkness of the passageway. Sparks flew continuously and the sound of metal being hit rang out, letting Zero know that his opponent had perfectly defended against his attack.

  The two magazine s were shot to their deaths. At almost the same instant, several other black shadows pierced towards them.

  With a grunt, he rolled to dodge the attack. At the same time, he threw away the two spears and took down the Colt on his back. When he squatted, the Colt pointed directly at the passage.

  The sniper rifle exploded in flames, and the bullet was sent flying into the darkness at the speed of a thousand meters.

  The sound of the biggest exchange of blows since the beginning of the battle rang out. In the midst of the loud and clear voices, there was a flash of fire in the darkness. But with his zero eyesight, he could already see that it was a thin man wearing a windbreaker. However, what blocked the sniper rifle was a bunch of vines twisting together to form a cone, causing Zero's attack to fail.

  However, the energy from the sniper rifle still pushed the man a few meters back. When the blazing bullet landed on the ground, Gounabel's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

  He had planned on launching a sneak attack on Zero, and with one hit he had succeeded. Who would have thought that not only would Zero be able to avoid Gounabel's attack, it would also be a quick and powerful counterattack. Not only were the shot points from both spears extremely accurate, almost all of them landed in the same position, making Gounabel unable to deal with them as easily as she could with Rankin. After that, she finally managed to seize the opportunity when both her guns missed. However, she failed once again and attracted the other party's sniper rifles to shoot from a short distance.

  The power of the bullet being shot out by the Colt was extremely strong, it almost pierced through the "shield" that Gounabel had formed with ten twisted vines. One had to know that his thorny vines were not only as tough as alloy, but also extremely tough. It was not easy to shoot off his vines, but Zero had almost done it. Not only did this scare Gounabel, but it also successfully elicited a strong killing intent from Gounabel towards Zero.

  Thus, in the darkness, Gounabel revealed a sinister smile that even he herself did not know. His hands had already turned into thorns, moving like the tentacles of an octopus. Gounabel walked towards the exit. He wanted to tear this fellow who almost injured him apart in front of all her friends!

  Chapter 254 - Contest

  The Colt's gun was aimed at the man who just walked out of the tunnel. In his infrared vision, Zero could clearly see that his hands had turned into thorny vines that were twisting and turning. They stuck out from the sleeves of the man's windbreaker like a dozen or so vipers coiling together, like octopus tentacles, ready to violently wound at any moment.

  When the man walked out of the passage, Feng, Su and Ma Pei had pointed their guns at him. Gounabel did not place Feng and Su's machine guns in his eyes at all. However, Ma Pei's flamethrower secretly caught his attention. As a plant type mutated human, Gounabel was just like most
plants and was afraid of high temperature flames. It was one of his few weaknesses. It was just that he did not reveal it on his face, and did not even glance at Ma Pei's injector, making it impossible for others to know what he was thinking.

  Although Zero pointed the Colt at him, he did not feel that he had the slightest chance of winning. Gounabel's position in his eyes changed at any time. His figure would sway gently in the surroundings, with a radius that normal vision would not be able to capture. Zero had also split the images that appeared in a second into dozens of frames before discovering the subtle differences. If not for the fact that he was already at the fifth step, Zero's brain would not be able to perform such a minute calculation.

  Right now, compared to the time he killed the Adept Hans near the Hulson Bridge, the processing ability of Zero Brain's data had increased by several levels. Thus, he could only conclude this from observing Gounabel.

  Those minute changes in angle meant that Gounabel was constantly moving about subtly. Even if Zero fired immediately, it might not be able to kill him. At the very least, she wouldn't be able to cause fatal injuries!

  "Who are you?" His voice was calm and indifferent, without the slightest bit of emotion.

  Gounabel revealed a playful smile: "A dying person, do you need to know my identity? "You just need to understand that I'm here to kill you."

  Zero's brain started working at high speed, almost half of his energy pouring into the calculation. In an indescribably brief instant, he already had an answer.

  Judging from Gounabel's clothes, he was not from Asgard. Of course, he could change her clothes to conceal her identity. But right now, the assessment to become a new recruit of the Hammer of Destruction is in progress. As the most elite army in Asgard, Zero did not believe that anyone could casually enter the exam grounds to kill someone. The killing intent of the white man's sudden attack just now showed that she really wanted to kill Zero. If not for this killing intent, Zero would not have been able to discover it.

  And the Adepts in Asgard could not, and would not dare to, kill people in broad daylight. Even if he was able to kill everyone present, through the traces left behind at the scene, he would definitely be discovered afterwards. After all, every organization or city had strict rules on the administration of Adepts, and that was even more so for Asgard. All of the superpowers were recorded to be able to hide their true strength only from artificial god like Feng.

  Thus, as long as he compared the information with the police, he would be able to find out the identity of the murderer easily.

  Under the leadership of the Hall of Heroic Spirits, the Asgard formed a rule that was not a rule. That is, the warriors of the Asgard can die on the battlefield, but not in a conspiracy!

  Excluding the Asgard s, he was certain that this man came from other places. At present, the only ones with zero killing intent were the Dark Council and the Parkland's valve. However, it was impossible for the Dark Council to do this just for the sake of a situation where they were risking everything to break the peace. Then, the remaining possibility was …

  "You were sent by the Parkland?" he asked.

  Gounabel's smile faded as he revealed a surprised expression, confirming her guess from the side. But the man did not try to hide it and admitted it, "You are smarter than I expected. Damn it, to get rid of you, old Brent made a huge fortune. But I can understand the old man's thoughts. After all, his favorite child is also the heir to the family that died in your hands. "

  "Are you ready to die, then?"

  Gounabel let out a loud laugh, and her body slightly leaned forward, wanting to pounce forward. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a great pain between her eyebrows, as if a steel nail had pierced into him. He knew that this was the feeling of being locked on by zero, and it also meant that zero was about to pull the trigger. However, Günagur was preparing himself when he suddenly dodged to the left. However, he did not have enough time to feel proud, because Zero's black muzzle was already waiting for him.

  As expected, it was enough to cause Gounabel to dodge horizontally. But the real kill was Gounabel herself. It was as if she had bumped into the door and appeared under the trajectory that he had prepared earlier, so Zero naturally wouldn't be polite.

  The black muzzle flashed.

  Gounabel no longer had time to make another evasive action, she could only cross her arms in front of her chest. The vines twisted together, forming two strange, conical thorns. He had just finished her protective maneuver when her body shook. The powerful force from the sniper rifle sent him flying into the air and she was thrown to the back of the group.

  When the sound of a sniper sounded out, Zero turned around and ran.

  On the other side, Gounabel who fell to the ground bounced up in a strange posture. Nine of the ten vines in her left hand were broken, and the broken vines even began to smoke from the heat created by the adjustment of the movement of the bullets. Gounabel's eyes locked onto Zero's back. He cursed and her hands and feet started to split into thorny vines.

  These things rapidly pierced in all directions. The moment they touched the wall or anything else, the thorns on the surface would pierce into the object. After getting a hold of all these, the vine shot out in the opposite direction, causing Gounabel to be pushed towards nothing. Just like this, Gounabel continued to circulate her movement, allowing him to chase after Zero like a spider, disappearing from everyone's line of sight.

  Watching as Su Yun left, Su originally wanted to chase after him, but she was stopped by Feng.

  Feng's voice was very solemn in the communication channel: "Stop chasing, don't tell me you don't understand why Captain is doing this? He wants to lure the guy away so we can move on. What we need to do now is to complete the mission for the captain! "

  After he finished speaking, Feng released her hand. The man turned silently and walked in the opposite direction. Ma Pei also followed behind him without saying a word, followed by Eva and the other living corpse bodies. Su took a deep look at the direction that Zero took to leave, then followed the rest of the convoy to leave.

  Just as Feng had thought, zero did not wish for Gounabel to slow down the progress of the entire team. Moreover, Gounabel had come for him alone, so this time, Su Yun had decided to go alone.

  He ran very fast, but Gounabel was not slow either, as he kept on closing in from behind.

  As he ran, Zero suddenly crashed to the left, knocking open an alloy door. The force of the collision was great, and the entire alloy door, with its frame frame, was knocked into the room. They landed heavily on the ground, sending sparks flying and knocking rows of filing cabinets to the ground. It looked like this was a Archives, but he couldn't care less as he ran towards the safety gate.

  With a snap, a thick vine poked through the door and knocked upside down on the edge of the door. Following that, more vines entered the Archives and locked themselves into the walls, ceiling and other places. The vines suddenly tightened, bringing Gounabel's entire person into the room. At this moment, Zero ran to the safety gate.

  "You can't escape!" Gounabel shouted, at the same time a thick vine extended out like a poisonous snake towards Zero.

  Suddenly, Zero dropped to the ground and slid towards the safety gate, using the force of the impact to slide down to the ground. At the same time, he flipped his body and did not stop moving. However, the sniper rifle released sparks in the darkness.

  The bullet shot out from the Colt rotated at high speeds, bringing up a ball of misty red light, and passed by Gounabel in an instant. This time, Gounabel's vines did not twist together. The sniper bullets easily tore apart dozens of vines, causing Gounabel to lose her balance and her entire body fell to the ground. However, in the next moment, new plant tissue was formed on the broken vine. Instead of the torn parts of the bullet, they formed new vines.

  The newly formed vine quickly supported Gounabel, allowing him to continue chasing after the zero progress. And the result of the one and a half second mar
k only made Gounabel stop for less than two seconds.

  Zero had slid out of the security door and into an office. The office was dilapidated, and the ceiling lights hung with wires to the floor. As for the tables and chairs in the office, they fell all the way to the west corner of the office, as if something had struck them. On the floor, there were computer parts scattered everywhere, and the screen of the computer was visible everywhere.

  Suddenly stopping, Zero ran to the west side of the office and hid behind a toppled table. Just as he hid himself, Gounabel caught up to him. Gounabel looked towards the door of the office, only to see that it was tightly shut. He smiled because she knew Zero was still hiding in the office.

  Gounabel didn't have the infrared vision of the tactical helmet, but his vine that was practically everywhere was moving around, constructing a spatial model of the things it touched in Gounabel's mind. At the same time, Gounabel's thorns were not only sharp, they were also very sensitive. Therefore, even in the darkness, there was no living being that could escape Gounabel's perception.

  In Gounabel's mind, following the vines' movement, a messy three-dimensional model of the office was quickly constructed. Judging from the scene in the model, the most likely hiding spot for Zero was naturally the table and chairs on the west side of the wall. Thus, he walked over. At this moment, the thorns on the vine could feel the air trembling. The data was sent back to Gounabel's brain, and in the model in her mind, another person's figure appeared, jumping out from the table and chair!

  Gounabel let out a strange laugh, and one of the vines instantly swept towards the figure in the three-dimensional model. Brambles, who was exposed to the air, instantly formed countless data through the vibrations of the air currents, and reported it back to Gounabel's mind. Therefore, Gounabel "saw" that the Innate Ranker was easily sliced into two. Although the first attack was successful, Gounabel felt that something was wrong.


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