Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 11

by Chen Ran

  Eva had dispersed the Black Dragon's high-temperature flame tip, but the temperature of the heavy sword was still extremely high, so she did not retract her heavy sword, but rather leaned against the ground. She looked at Zero, raised her chin and said, "Big sister has her own matters to settle by herself!"

  He looked towards the empty and pitch black tunnel and said: "Now, we just need to wait for Feng to return and we can start moving towards the first four-tier base."

  Hearing him say that, Su said worriedly, "I wonder if that guy is alright."

  After she finished speaking, a lazy voice came out from behind the crowd: "It's rare that Su is worried about me. If that's the case, then I will die with no regrets."

  Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to see Feng walking alone, walking in the darkness towards them. He said it lightly, but his body was unusually "intense." Putting aside the crisscrossing wounds that nearly tore apart the tactical suit, just the huge wounds on his left arm and thigh caused by them almost dissected Feng's body was enough to make one's heart jump to his throat.

  "Are you alright?" Seeing this, Su immediately untied the portable apparatus and took out the Battle Medical Kit from inside. He then simply disinfected and took care of Feng.

  Seeing Feng's intoxicated expression, Su Ling knew that this man should not die. Hence, the group stayed at the entrance to rest for a while, waiting quietly for Su to treat his wounds.

  Feng briefly described what happened to him, and naturally, he went to the movie theater in the resting area. He only lightly explained how he managed to lure most of the bugs in the insect nest away from their original nest. However, when he led the army of bugs around the base, for some reason, these guys retreated. Although Feng looked simple, the wounds on his body reminded everyone that the process was not as easy as he said it was.


  When the last wound was bandaged, Feng almost turned into a mummy. From another angle, Su's way of nursing really made people not flatter him. However, in the end, it stopped the bleeding and the poison disappeared, so no one said anything. It was just that the way the crowd looked at Feng was not very natural, so Ma Pei had to work even harder to hold back his laughter.

  Feng didn't mind it at all, he stood up and pointed to the pitch black tunnel. "We've already wasted too much time, let's go. I just want to finish this mission as soon as possible and get out of here as soon as possible. Damn, this is the first time I've missed old Henry's crappy bar! "

  Naturally, no one would object to this suggestion, so Zero took the lead and headed towards the dark staircase. Behind him were Su and Ma Pei, followed by two lacerator s and a few living corpse shooter s. Just as Feng was about to move, he received a slap from behind.

  Eva smiled and whispered into his ear, "You did a good job."

  "Nothing much, the plot needs to be done." Feng laughed, then ignored Eva and followed along.

  Giving him a ruthless stare, Eva's pupils were dancing with fire.

  Chapter 252 - Monster Rampage (II)

  Others might not know of Feng's tricks, but Eva had no choice. When the soldiers who were involved in the experiment survived and the 13 were named as God of Man-made. Their implants come from the same organ or limb, and there is a resonance in them that no one can understand. After the awakening of his ability, the resonance became even stronger.

  Therefore, Eva had to hide in the underground base and use the natural environment to isolate this resonance. As for Feng, he did not use his true strength for a long time, and thus, the God's hand entered a state similar to hibernation, minimizing the resonance between his peers. As for zero, he who had only unlocked the first layer of the Eye of God, his abilities could not be considered to have awakened. As a result, his resonance was the weakest amongst his kind.

  At that time, Andre had only found the zero record through the memories of Soren, while Eva only found the identity of the zero mark after coming into direct contact with it. After all, she wasn't like the Hall of Heroic Spirits, who had already discovered that the sacred sign had life forms known as gods. Through the study of living body, special wave energy of living body was found. Only by using this as a foundation would he be able to create an energy meter that was capable of discovering his identity before Zero awakened.

  The thirteen artificial god s were all able to determine each other's identities through their own kind's resonance. Thus, when Feng used the Hand of God, the aura he produced resonated with him. However, Eva was very curious about what Feng was doing. Because of Andre, the encounters on the artificial god meant war, and everyone wanted to absorb the other party's Divine Body to improve their own life, and from then on evolve into the real life form of a God on the ground.

  What Eva obtained was a Blood of God, the essence of a drop of his blood. The moment it entered Eva's body, it went through an overall transformation. The transformation process involved a genetic plane, which was a grade even lower than that of cells. As a result, the whole process could no longer be simply described as painful. However, after the transformation was successful, Eva only obtained the super power and speed, as well as other abilities. But because of the existence of the Blood of God, Eva was unable to cause her own resonance to enter a hibernating state like Feng. After all, as long as she was still alive, the movements of the Blood of God would not stop.

  As a result, the moment Feng saw Eva, and even discovered his existence the moment he entered the base.

  If Feng wanted to steal Eva's Blood of God, he could pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger until the end. But he had revealed his identity to Eva on his own accord, and told him in an obscure manner.

  What was this? Do you want to be nice to me? Eva thought, in the darkness, two long flames shot out of her eyes.

  With no answer to this question, she decided to stop thinking about it. No matter what Feng thought, she would never lower her guard against this man. He didn't look like Zero. The information that Eva had gathered from Zero's blood showed that Zero really didn't know his identity. After his memories awoken from the hibernation chamber, there was only darkness.

  That was a memory impairment, but he didn't know if it was due to the loss of his memory or because someone had taken the initiative to perform an operation to block out his memory. In short, Zero didn't know that he was one of the thirteen artificial god s.

  Therefore, the threat of zero to Eva was so low that it could be ignored. With the power that he had yet to awaken, Eva could easily knock him down. This was also why Eva was willing to act with Zero. Another reason was because of what Zero had said to her, which moved her.

  Eva also did not want to live in this dark underground base for the rest of her life. If possible, it would be a good idea to defeat Andre together with Ling Yun!

  But now that Feng was here, the additional variables made the originally simple partnership more complicated. Eva had no choice but to reconsider the possibility of cooperation between the two. This would depend on whether or not Zero knew Feng's identity!


  Eva's deep thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. She looked up, and there was a flash of fire in the darkness. And then, a feminine wail rang out. The voice was short and shrill. In the afterglow of the gun, a black shadow hit the wall of the passageway, then fell back onto the corridor. Finally, it rolled down the stairs three times and stopped moving.

  Reaching here, the air was not only turbid, but also carried the scent of Poisonous Su. If an ordinary person were to be exposed to this air, he would suffocate to death within five minutes. However, to Eva, the cells in her body that possessed Blood of God were able to produce oxygen, which she needed to supply her body. Other than space and lava, there was almost no place that Eva couldn't go.

  In fact, Eva's blood was resistant to most of the poison Su, but that did not mean she liked the human face moth's neurotoxin Su.

  Yes, it was a giant moth that had been killed by No. 01 shootings. It had a wo
man's face on its head. Just now, it was it that emitted that wailing sound that was similar to a woman's. Now, although the man-faced moth was dead, the poison powder under its wings was floating up and mixing in the air.

  As the few of them were wearing tactical helmet s, they naturally did not breathe in the air that was tainted with poison powder. But Eva was different, even though the venomous Su of the humanoid moth had made her slightly numb, she still struck her palm. The palm with the power of the eighth stage, suddenly stirred up a gust of wind in the pathway, causing the poison Su to be wiped clean.

  However, the Human-Faced Moths that had lived in the underground five-tier base for a long time actually appeared at the entrance of the four-tier base, causing Eva to frown.

  Amongst the tactical helmet, Zero's face was full of seriousness. He also knew that this kind of monster shouldn't appear here, and the mutated organism was like a wild beast, with a strict set of territorial divisions. If there were no special circumstances, the Man-Faced Moths would not rashly enter the Vengeance's territory. On the left side of his tactical helmet, there were a few icons. These icons represented the air quality, the concentration of oxygen, and the concentration of toxic gases.

  At this moment, the symbol for the concentration of poisonous gas flashed continuously. As for the yellow icon, it was gradually turning red. This meant that the amount of toxic substances in the air was increasing. At the same time, the sound of the insect flapping its wings came from below. The next moment, a pretty face appeared in the darkness of the tunnel. But what came out of the darkness was not a woman, but the body of a great moth.

  Human-faced moth!

  Intense gunshots rang out, and without any warning, the others all picked up their machine guns to attack the Man-Faced Moths that were flying from the four-tier base. As for the living corpse shooter, under the orders of the Gemini, he also attacked the strange moths that appeared from the darkness. For a moment, the sounds of gunfire in the passage were deafening. Dozens of machine guns formed a barrage of bullets that cut through the line of fire and the face of the moth.

  Amongst all the firepower, Ma Pei's flamethrower was the most powerful. Wherever the two fire dragons went, the human-faced moths would catch fire. The high temperature of the flames even affected the other party members, and after a while, the Human-Faced Moths' camp had already started burning fireballs.

  Fiery light illuminated the entire passage, only to see that at the exit of four-tier base, there were actually many man-faced moths rushing towards the three-tier base.

  Collective migration? While Zero was asking this question, a dark mass was thrown in from the exit, falling into the side of the Human-Faced Moths. After the round object flashed twice, it actually exploded into a blinding light.

  Like a high-energy bomb, the round object released a blue flame with an electric snake on it. The moment the Human-Faced Moths was licked by the blue colored electric fire, the affected parts immediately vaporized. This cold fire, was actually even hotter than Ma Pei's fire!

  The whole passageway shook, and a large portion of the human-faced moths blocking the exit fell to the ground. Then, an obese body squeezed in. It was a bug as big as a truck. It squeezed with all its might, causing cracks to appear on the exit wall. Crack ~ ~ Nearly a ton of stones were crushed by the insects as the crack expanded and fell onto its body.

  Seeing that the bugs had sarcomas on their bodies, Eva's expression changed slightly, and shouted: "It's the Vengeance, quickly kill it!"

  The sarcoma on Vengeance's body was a biological bomb. Just a single pill was enough to cause the passage to tremble. Look at the 20 to 30 sarcomas hanging from the Vengeance's body. Once they were all thrown into the passage, then this group of 0 would definitely die together with the Faced Moths. Of course, Feng and Eva who had already awakened would most likely be an accident.

  So the Colt bounced up from his back, and when it landed in his hands, it had already taken a shooting stance. Su Yun's hands were steady and strong, the Colt in his hands did not budge an inch. In Su Yun's right eye, the things within her line of sight suddenly expanded, and Vengeance's excessively large head immediately appeared in Su Yun's eyes.

  He withdrew his finger and pressed down the trigger. When the Colt's muzzle released a dazzling firelight, Vengeance's head had already bloomed with a flower of blood. The moving energy of the bullet directly caused a bowl-sized wound on the insect's head. If it was a human, they would have already died from a Zero Shot Burst. But Vengeance did not die immediately. A blue light suddenly flickered from the left side of his body, ready to attack.

  The Colt immediately turned its muzzle, aiming straight at the flashing blue flame of the sarcoma, firing zero again.

  The bullet had hit its target, causing the Vengeance to suddenly squirm uneasily, but the next moment, the blue coloured lightning bolt exploded and engulfed its entire body. Over a thousand degrees of cold fire had instantly disintegrated the rough skin and flesh of the bug, directly making it lose more than half of its body. There were also quite a few humanoid moths that were affected. Immediately, the underground passage became a mess.

  The shock wave from the biological bomb's explosion made Ling Yun and the rest prostrate themselves on the ground. living corpse shooter, who did not know how to dodge, was either blown away or sent flying by the shock wave. The living corpse s that fell to the bottom of the passage did not die immediately, but the nearby Human-Faced Moths did.

  Although the few of them were fine, but with this, the fire energy web that was originally constructed immediately stopped, and the hundreds of Human-Faced Moths seized this opportunity to rush over. Ma Pei who was lying on one side had his eyes turn red, the big sized man quickly took off his flamethrower. With a loud roar, all the muscles on the black man's body trembled. Following that, his body swelled up and he transformed into a berserk Armored Rhinoceros!

  Chapter 253 - Killing Intent

  The whole passage trembled, and with the groan of its stairs and walls, the voice of the man-faced moth, which was like a woman's wail, joined the melody with its theme of chaos.

  Ma Pei, who had activated the mutation system and temporarily changed into his Armored Rhinoceros, charged down the stairs towards the hundred Human-Faced Moths. used the two skills that were unique to Armored Rhinoceros s, Rage and Charge of War. In an instant, the power of the Rhinoceros, which had reached the seventh stage, left circular spreading shockwaves in the passage wherever it passed.

  The human face moth that was arched by Ma Pei was already in a half-crippled state, and was once again swept away by the shock wave caused by the battle charge, all of its internal organs were turned to powder. Ma Pei rushed all the way to the bottom, but still managed to beat the remaining Human-Faced Moths to death.

  However, at the beginning of the design, the staircase to the passage was not meant for a creature weighing nearly five tons to pass through. Furthermore, Ma Pei's War Charge had caused the structure of the staircase to be destroyed. The body of the building let out a final groan and started to collapse from the middle section onwards.

  "So, the thing I hate the most is definitely some brainless brute!" Amidst his shouts, Eva continuously changed his posture as the stone fragments fell to the ground, before finally landing on the ground in a half-squatting position. The movement made in the air had already removed the force of the fall, so Eva, who had landed on the ground, was as gentle as a leaf. However, to her, such a thing was not within her will.

  Then there were zeros falling from above.

  When Zero hit the ground, it instantly rolled to the side to deflect the force from his body. As for Su, she directly smashed into the ground. The reason she smashed was because she had forcefully created a meter deep crater on the alloy floor beneath her feet.

  Other than them, living corpse was in a more sorry state. The lacerator used its claws to directly grab onto the wall to reduce its fall. As for the other normal living corpse, they fell onto the g
round without any posture at all, just like the Gemini. However, after Gemini fell to the ground, he could only shake his head and stand up. But for ordinary living corpse, they would not be able to control their arms or legs, and if they were unlucky, they would even land their heads on the ground, falling to their deaths.

  After a moment of clamor passed, under the orders of the Gemini, the surviving living corpse gathered once again. But after Eva finished counting, she revealed a pained expression. The biochemical army from before could barely be considered a squad now. The Gemini was still the leader, but only two lacerator and eleven living corpse were left. Four or five of them had their machine guns broken. Without the machine guns, they could not even be considered cannon fodder.

  Just then, Ma Pei, who had changed back into his human form, walked down the stairs. Nocturnal's tactical suit had already been torn apart by the big sized man's transformation, what remained on Ma Pei's body were only a few pieces of cloth. Ma Pei revealed his upper body, which had muscles that bulged out like armor. Eva whistled, looking down at the black man. Ma Pei blushed for the first time, then he grabbed a living corpse on the ground and peeled off its clothes and wore it.

  Although Ma Pei found a relatively tall living corpse, his clothes were still tight. Zero walked up to him and handed the black man the flamethrower he had been clutching before dropping it.

  After finishing his words, Zero made a gesture. He gestured towards the door, then took the lead to walk towards the entrance that was pushed open by the Vengeance. Su and Feng followed behind Zero. Eva walked over to the black man and said, "I was pretty brave just now. How was it on the bed?"

  The obviously teasing words caused Ma Pei to exhale hot air as he stuck out his chest and said: "A woman who has slept with me before, a person who has never lasted for five minutes."


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