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Warlord 4

Page 14

by Chen Ran

  In this state, Gounabel's combat radius was one thousand meters. She could even fight in a complicated environment. It could be said that when Gounabel abandoned her humanoid form, he turned from a clump of thorns into a patch of thorns. Within a thousand meters, everyone was his home ground!

  It drilled out from the wall, bringing out countless broken cables along the way. Gounabel smiled coldly, flew past the culture tank and continued to chase after Zero. But just as Gounabel passed the top of the gun, she had no choice but to stop because a black gun barrel was pointed at his forehead.

  It was zero!

  Like a bat, Zero used its tip to hook onto the concave edge of the culture tank. His helmet had fallen to the ground, and blood flowed from his back to his shoulder. It dripped down his chin, then slid down his cheek to his forehead, leaving an incomparably thick smear of bright red on Zero's face!

  The Colt pointed at Gounabel with both of his hands. At such a close distance, her right eye reflected Gounabel's terrified expression.

  He pressed his finger against the trigger.

  The fear in Gounabel's eyes suddenly disappeared, and was replaced with joy.

  He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  The tip of his foot rose up, breaking free of the concave edge, and dropped down to the ground. At the same time, a few thorns pierced through the top cover and pierced the place where Zero had just been.

  Gounabel could not help but curse angrily, but in his eyes, the black muzzle of the gun suddenly released a bright light!

  The assassin immediately raised his head up. He saw a faint red light brush past his nose and hit the roof. Gounabel felt a hot sensation on his nose, followed by a sharp pain between his brows. Something hot flowed down his forehead, flowed through his nose, and dripped onto the top of the culture tank.

  With a clatter, the thing opened up a beautiful red flower on the dusty metal cover.

  It was blood!

  In the darkness, the sound of a sniper rifle continued to ring out. However, this time, Gounabel was already prepared. The vines all over his body tumbled, and like an octopus, she used layers upon layers of thick vines to catch all the bullets. When Gounabel suddenly shook, the vines dispersed and a sniper rifle dropped onto the roof. However, Zero had already gone far away.

  Gounabel roared from within the darkness. The hundreds of thick vines all over her body started to move, allowing him to quickly move along the walls and catch up to Zero.

  Su Ming ran as fast as she could, but a smile appeared on his face.

  Gounabel was not someone that could not be killed!

  The fifth step's speed was so fast that it left afterimages in the air. After he swept past, an astonishing sonic boom resounded in the air.

  Gounabel wasn't slow either, but he couldn't control it as she pleased. Rather than say that Gounabel could run away, it would be more appropriate to say that she had thrown herself forward. Her movements were very special, using the power of hundreds of vines grabbing the ground, he suddenly pulled forward the moment she grabbed onto the object, giving Gounabel an unending stream of motivation. It was just that this method was very fast, but it was unable to control the direction as Zero ran into the complex tunnels of the fulcrum. At every corner, Gounabel's entire person would crash into the wall, and only after pausing for a bit would she be able to change her direction.

  Even though such a collision could not be considered as anything given Gounabel's physical strength, it still wasn't elegant after all. Especially for someone like Gounabel, her power level was lower than her, so it was basically a disgrace to her dignity. Gounabel could even imagine how Zero Zheng looked at him with a look of disdain. This made him even more eager to capture this smelly insect.

  At another bend in the road, Gounabel cursed loudly. Instead of slowing down, he increased her speed and threw herself against the wall. The moment she stopped, just as Gounabel was about to change her direction, the Colt's barrel pointed at the center of his brows.

  Gounabel's pupils slightly narrowed.

  When he was holding Gounabel back, Zero immediately squeezed down the trigger. However, at the same time, he raised his wrist. A spear that was strong enough to hit Gounabel shot towards the air above his head. Looking again, it was a few thick vines hanging down from above, twisting Zero's hands and pulling him up, thus changing his shooting trajectory.

  "Idiot, do you think I would let you succeed the same strategy twice?"

  Gounabel laughed out loud, with a swing of the thick vine, he ruthlessly smashed Zero against the wall. At the same time, the other thorns pierced towards the zero point. Unexpectedly, an arc of light flashed in the darkness, causing all of the vines around Gounabel's wrist to break. After making a strange movement on the wall, Gounabel's chase fell on empty space.

  The light tooth cut the vine, and the energy dagger that was brought out from the hexagonal shaped spaceship was successful once again. But when he moved, the front half of the Colt's spear was cut off by Gounabel's vines, so he could not use it again.

  After landing back to zero, he could only throw the Colt on the ground. It was a good gun, and to be honest, Zero liked it. Although in terms of pure power, the assailant that Eva sent him was far stronger than the Colt. However, the unique smell of metal and gunpowder on the Colt's body brought with it the shadows of the old era. This was the reason why Zero liked it.

  Although he felt pity, Zero did not have the time to mourn for the Colt. The assailant that was tied to the portable apparatus with a pendant was taken down, the big mouth cannon pointed towards Gounabel with a sharp killing intent.

  For a moment, Gounabel felt as if he had heard the roar of an ancient demon!

  A drop of cold sweat dripped down from Gounabel's forehead. Intuition told him that this tube of strange cannon would definitely be extraordinary. If she let it hit him, he might really die.

  But then he saw Zero laughing.

  In Gounabel's memory, Zero had always been that indifferent look. It was as if even if he were killed in the next moment, Zero would not frown. In Gounabel's eyes, zero was like a block of ice. No matter what happened, he would never reveal his emotions.

  But now, he was actually smiling?

  "What are you laughing at?" Gounabel said sinisterly.

  Zero slowly withdrew his smile and said, "I'm smiling because you are about to die."

  "This is the biggest joke I've ever heard. To be honest, I think you're the one who's going to die." Gounabel laughed.

  "Maybe." A bright light suddenly lit up in his right eye. It was as resplendent as a flame!

  "But I already know your weakness. A fatal weakness. "

  Hearing that, Gounabel's smile suddenly froze!

  "Weakness?" What a joke, you said I have a weakness? " Gounabel laughed out loud, the vines on his entire body twisted and turned. He finally stopped laughing, and a cold light shot out from his eyes: "This joke isn't funny at all, so I decided to kill you right now!"

  Chapter 256 - Lord (I)

  Within the dark, complicated tunnel, countless thorns were dancing in the air. They crisscrossed each other, stabbing and jabbing in an extremely complicated manner, creating holes in the metallic wall. Zero weaves through the dense vines of these dangerous thorns like a fairy, moving nimbly and evasively. He was more like a black mist, a mist that had been dispersed. No matter how dense the thorns were, they would not be able to catch his shadow.

  Gounabel's eyes were already red. If sshe was on the ground instead of in the underground base, Zero would have already been killed by him. In an environment like the underground base, although Gounabel could use Bramble's data to conduct 3D modeling within her consciousness and capture the movements of her opponent, it still wasn't enough. However, there was still a slight difference between using her eyes and using his data to model. After all, he was just like the intelligence brain, sending the data back to Gounabel's brain from the thorns on the vine, there was a delay in the transmission.
  With Gounabel's computing power, this kind of delay could at most be ignored. But this kind of subtle time difference was enough for Zero to make some subtle movements, allowing Gounabel to follow up with additional attacks to either miss or miss the vital points.

  As a result, the battle that should have ended early in the morning continued until now.

  Suddenly, inside Gounabel's 3D model, Zero's figure suddenly stopped. He dodged a thorn vine and squatted on the ground facing Gounabel. Gounabel was very happy. From his point of view, Zero had almost used up all of his stamina, so this was the perfect opportunity to kill him.

  Gounabel was laughing, and so was Zero. He no longer ran, because there was no longer any need. He had already lured Gounabel to a straight path that was around five hundred meters long. There were no unnecessary obstructions here, and at the same time, he exposed Gounabel's head to the air.

  Gounabel was not someone who could not be killed, even though she could change her appearance into that of a thorny vine, from start to finish, he maintained her human form. Plants were not living beings, after all, and they did not have a centre of intelligence for data manipulation. Although Gounabel could transform into a plant, she was not a real plant. He wanted to kill the enemy and think. Therefore, he needed to keep her head.

  And Gounabel's head, was her weakness! His body could transform into a plant anywhere, and the only thing that she could not transform into a plant was his head.

  On the culture tank, when Gounabel's head was exposed under the muzzle of Su Ming's gun, Su Yeyue felt his fear from the bottom of her heart. And now, Zero was going to turn his fear into reality.

  In his right eye, the silver lines that were scattered around his pupils suddenly converged at the center. They converged into a single point, then suddenly expanded and formed a beast-like vertical pupil. When his right eye changed, the temperature at zero would skyrocket, which was a sign that biological energy was rising exponentially. If there was a thermometer in place, the temperature of Zero's body under the tactical suit would be high enough to blow up any thermometer.

  Exhale zero, and a thick, grayish-white steam is ejected from Zero's mouth.

  At this moment, a few vines came slicing towards them.

  He took another deep breath and a long golden flame shot out from his right eye. At that moment, he disappeared. Not only did he disappear on the spot, he even disappeared into Gounabel's three-dimensional model.

  That was the result of the speed of zero surpassing Gounabel's data transmission speed for the first time!

  After activating the [Rampage] skill, the basic stats increased. His agility had originally only reached the fifth step, but now it had reached the seventh step. The agility of the seventh stage was already not something Gounabel could keep up with. Gounabel panicked, he no longer relied on his stats, but used his own intuition, and used it to weave the hundreds of vines around him, forming a net that could cover the entire cross section of the passage.

  At the same time, Gounabel knew that their battle had finally reached its end. After this blow, the victor would be decided!

  He didn't know why, but less than a second after Zero disappeared, his figure appeared in Gounabel's consciousness again. But strangely, in the blink of an eye, another figure appeared. Two human figures, one on the left and one on the right, were still running at a very fast speed on the wall, wanting to circle around Gounabel's big net and attack his body.

  Gounabel revealed a cruel smile, the opponent had already appeared, there was no need for passive defense. The rattan net that was in the process of weaving suddenly dispersed, but it split into two sides. Each side had over a hundred thorny vines, which were like vicious beasts as they pierced towards the two figures. However, this movement seemed to be an attack at the same time. In fact, the speed was different.

  Using the different speeds of the right fast and left slow, Gounabel hoped to be able to distinguish which one was the real body of zero.

  In his 3D model, the vine on the right quickly hit zero. The hundreds of vines were like a speeding train. Not only did they hit zero, but they also crashed into the wall, breaking countless cables. In the model, the figure that was' Zero 'flashed and disappeared.

  The real zero was on the left!

  Gounabel shouted: "I've got you!"

  Therefore, the vine on his left suddenly accelerated and bloomed from all directions like a man-eating flower. It enveloped the space within ten meters around him and nailed itself firmly into the wall. From the 3D model, he could see that Zero had been stabbed and its body was hanging on the wall.

  Gounabel finally could not hold back and laughed, but the laughter stopped abruptly.

  "I don't know what you're happy about."

  A voice suddenly came from the back of his head. Gounabel suddenly felt a burning sensation from the back of his head. It was as if a sea of flames had appeared behind him.

  He suddenly turned to look at the left wall and saw that the figure that was nailed to the wall was disappearing.

  That figure was also fake!

  This was Gounabel's last thought.

  A ball of bright light lit up in the pitch-black passageway. A jade-green light brought along waves of air as it traveled across the passageway at a speed of two thousand meters. In the middle of this dark green light was a blazing white flame, and when it came in contact with the corner of the wall, it turned. The metal wall silently opened up a gap that was the same size as the ball of light, and the cables inside also silently melted.

  When the barrier was broken, the green light had already disappeared, and the white flame inside had suddenly blossomed.

  The Whole Base suddenly shook, and following that, white flames burst out. The light carried with it an aura of destruction, causing crystallization of everything it touched. This was the result of the internal molecular structure being destroyed in a flash. The flames came and went quickly. They expanded the range to a hundred meters with the center of the explosion as their starting point before shrinking back and disappearing.

  He was very satisfied with the weapon that Eva had gifted him. The power of the invaders was not inferior to the bombardment of Tank car's cannons, and their penetrating power was even stronger. It was just that the firing range was not as far as the artillery, and the killing range was relatively narrow, but its power was enough to make up for these shortcomings.

  Gounabel's entire head had already disappeared. The extremely close range attack on the back of his head turned Gounabel's head into powder. The light bullets that were shot by the aggressor had an intense corrosive property to them. After dissolving Gounabel's brain, only less than half of the corrosive light's energy was gone, and the white light on the inner layer wasn't even enough to trigger, causing the killer of Parkland to die in the hands of Zero.

  With Gounabel's death, jade-green flames lit up every vine. Immediately, the hundreds of vines glowed with the same amount of fluorescent light. A faint green flame swept across the vines, burning them to ashes. For a moment, the burning vines made them seem like rivers streaking across the universe, beautiful beyond compare.

  In this beautiful scene of death, Zero slumped to the ground.

  In that short but intense battle, Zero had used Rampage and entered the calculation of the bullet's time limit. In order to attract Gounabel's attention, she used the Phantom Shadow which was a skill that came from Agility on the fifth step. And this time, he succeeded in creating another phantom. It was these two illusions that fooled Gounabel, and Zero came behind him and released the finishing blow.

  However, all of this actually made Zero pay a massive price. Su Yun had no choice but to sit down and rest. Using her trembling hands, she took out all of the nutrition Su from the portable apparatus and ate them one by one into her stomach.

  When the eighth nourishing fruit, Su, was swallowed into her stomach, it finally stopped. This was equivalent to what normal people would need for three days of nourishment, but
Zero ate it in one gulp. After nourishing Su, it was digested into pure nutrition and quickly absorbed by her body. Only then did Zero relax and close his eyes to rest.

  "What was that just now?" While walking, Feng suddenly stopped, and looked towards the direction of the battle between Su Yun and Su Yun.

  Beneath his feet was the corpse of a human-faced moth. The wings of the Man-Faced Moths had shattered, it was the result of Feng using his machine gun to shoot at it. However, the fatal wound was a shallow wound on the forehead of the monster insect. If one were to compare it with others, he would realize that it matched well with Feng's Tang Dao.

  On the left of Feng was Su with his alloyed greatsword, this greatsword was covered with entomophile s, and the tip of the sword had a small crack. The broadsword was no longer as sharp as before, but in order to corrode the broadsword, the human-faced moth had paid more than a thousand.

  On the other hand, Ma Pei was behind Su, the black man was holding onto a machine gun, the ejector behind him was long gone. The fuel in the injector had been used up in the previous battle, and it had become a useless piece of metal. In order to lighten its load, Ma Pei threw it away and changed it to using a machine gun as a weapon.

  The three more or less all looked to be in a bit of a sorry state, but Eva's short, red hair still shone with its usual luster. Even in the dark, it flutters like a flame in a windless base.

  Surrounding the four of them were the corpses of human-faced moths, as well as about a hundred half-worm-man s and even two Vengeance s!

  When Su pulled the greatsword out of one of the insect corpses, it meant that they had cleaned up the last wave of bugs near the entrance. Feng used a trick, although he avoided a few waves of bugs, but once he was near the entrance, Feng's method was no longer effective. After the two living corpse shooter s were discovered, they were killed for the half-worm-man and then thrown into the swarm of bugs. The human face moth had gnawed on them cleanly once more, leaving not even their bones behind.


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