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Warlord 4

Page 16

by Chen Ran

  Chapter 258 - Conspiracy

  Valkyrie silently looked at the butcher who had died on the ground. His chest was almost completely caved in, and the spine on his back had been broken into many pieces. Behind the butcher, dark red blood dyed the ground red. On top of the blood lay a few bones, which were the broken vertebrae of the butcher. Beneath the mask, the butcher looked stunned. He had never thought that he would end up like this.

  Callio patted his shoulder as if he had done something insignificant. He raised his head, and signaled Valkyrie to follow him.

  The two of them sped through the dark main passage of the base. Valkyrie looked at the short and stocky figure in front of him. sneered as she welcomed the blind butcher who was rushing towards them. Chief Instructor and the butcher crashed into each other without any skill. The impact of the clash of forces was so strong that a few nearby buildings were turned into dust. The butcher who tried to kill the two of them was killed beyond belief.

  Not only did Callio's attack collapse its chest, it also smashed its brain into a pulp. Although Valkyrie knew that Callio was not a simple person, seeing him deal with a butcher so easily with his own eyes made Valkyrie understand his power a little.

  Among the things that his father had occasionally talked about back then, Valkyrie knew that Callio had the title of Steel Tiger. Even Ben had an expression of admiration when talking about Callio. Other than the power of the eighth stage that Callio was proud of, there was another thing. That was, the wounds of the Iron Tiger were numerous, but not a single injury was seen on his back!

  He was a fully deserving warrior, and the role model of all warriors in Asgard. Especially Callio's student, who was also the idol of the captain of the Doomhammer's army, Thunder God Sol.

  The slight distraction caused Callio to notice something strange. Chief Instructor who was originally in front of him slowed down his footsteps and with a casual punch, smashed a lacerator that had jumped out of the building three hundred meters away into pieces. Callio looked at Valkyrie with a deep gaze and said, "Concentrate your mind. Although there are almost no life forms in this base that can contend against you, that does not mean that you can let your guard down."

  Valkyrie trembled slightly, and touched faintly on the difference between Callio and the rest. It was a will of the mind that was as unmovable as a boulder. It maintained a battle-ready state all the time. This kind of method seemed to be meaningless, but in actual combat, it could burst forth with an even greater power, allowing him to defeat an opponent of a higher level than him. However, not everyone could maintain a fighting state throughout the day, as that would cause extreme mental stress.

  Therefore, in the entire Asgard, there was not a single Callio.

  Valkyrie's attention returned to the underground base, and looked through the darkness and obstacles once again. No life could be hidden from her line of sight. Thus, she saw that the underground base wasn't as lifeless, but it was even more lively than the wilderness. Inside the building, behind the shelter, the living corpse wandered around aimlessly. Ordinary living corpse's sensing range was very small, and their sensing mode was also quite behind. Only the butcher and the lacerator, were able to sense Callio and her existence through this special method.

  In Valkyrie's eyes, there were simply too many living corpse in this base, and this was still the first two-tier base. In the various layer base s below, the stronger ones were scattered all over the ground. Moreover, Valkyrie could also feel a powerful will resting in the depths of the base.

  Right now, she and Callio were able to enter the base because her strong will seemed to have attracted their attention towards other things. Valkyrie only hoped that the one who attracted the strong willpower was not the group of zero.

  "Chief Instructor, blame me for my bluntness. For a dangerous base like the Cossacks, it is not suitable for them to be used as a place for the examination to graduate from New barracks. For a place like this, even the regular soldiers would find it difficult to retreat safely, not to mention the rookies from New barracks. " Valkyrie's magnetic, cold voice sounded out.

  Callio turned his head and looked at her strangely, saying, "Isn't this the decision of your Headquarters? "I only temporarily changed the assessment mission after receiving your orders …"

  Valkyrie's pupils contracted slightly as the war goddess suddenly stopped. Callio did not have her ability to stop every single word he said, so under her control, he was able to rush a hundred meters forward, then stop and return back to his original body.

  "What's the problem?" Callio suddenly thought of something, and said: "Don't tell me the Headquarters did not have such a decision?"

  Valkyrie's eyes flashed with ice-cold killing intent, she lowered her voice and said: "Looks like someone is scheming something behind our back. Esteemed Instructor Callio, all we know is that you have applied for a quest change email. Sol did not question your decision, but we never thought that there would actually be someone who would use the trust between us to make such an arrangement. "

  "This is a conspiracy!" Callio roared, and an imposing aura with him as the center, instantly swept across the thousand meter square base space. "The Asgard has been peaceful for too long, this kind of false peace has dulled our senses. But we were completely unaware that the dagger for our lives is already behind us! "

  Valkyrie nodded: "That's right, this is a conspiracy. Add to that the false orders you received, and you can imagine that they were all done by the same person. "But who could it be?"

  "Only the five great captains have the authority to alter the orders of the headquarters. It's naturally impossible for you. Sol is my student, so you should be clear about his personality. Then, other than you all, only Tyre, Badr and Loki have the possibility to do so. " Callio paused for a while, and said: "If I'm not wrong, the one who should be right, is Loki. That sinister brat! "

  "In any case, when this is over, I will investigate it carefully. Let the mastermind behind this pay a heavy price! " Valkyrie said.

  Callio spat out a few streams of hot air from his nostrils, he let out a grunt, and turned around to move forward. Valkyrie followed him from behind. Looking at the Iron Tiger's figure, the war goddess shook his head.

  Callio was good in everything except for his deep friendship. To Valkyrie, other than herself, the rest of the five big captains were all suspicious. Callio determined that Loki was only his personal preference, but it was not enough to be conclusive evidence.

  Valkyrie will find this evidence and uncover the clown behind the scenes!

  Right now, she could only hope that Zero had not died in this conspiracy. From the change of location to the appearance of an external killer, it was like a meticulously planned death match. That person wanted Zero to die in the Cossack Army's base. Valkyrie didn't know what his motive was. But no matter what, she would not allow Zero to die just like that before it could radiate any light.

  As she thought, Zero was not dead yet.

  In the darkness, a little golden flame jumped up. That was zero's right eye. After a short ten minutes of rest, Zero opened his eyes. A golden light flashed in his right eye as Zero stretched his numb limbs and then stood up while holding onto the wall.

  His brain issued a command, and immediately countless data were relayed to the brain's neural center from all parts of his body. After analyzing the data, Zero instantly knew that he had recovered 27% of his energy. Zero did not know why a specific number appeared. In the past, he had only obtained a vague feeling. But this time, the numbers were clear.

  It seemed that after such a long battle, Zero's computational ability had already improved by leaps and bounds.

  He was quietly evolving.

  However, the energy level of less than thirty percent was not enough to sustain a normal battle. But Zero did not plan to rest. He had already rested for too long. So he started walking, but he didn't go forward, but headed back. At first he staggered, but after a while he walked faster and faster
until he was running at a constant speed of thirty kilometers an hour. Very quickly, Zero returned to the training room and picked up his tactical helmet from the uneven ground.

  When he put on the helmet and looked back, a slight prickling sensation appeared on Zero's back. He turned with a cautious, subtle movement. Behind him was a Vengeance. It was unknown when the big bug had appeared in the cultivation room, but its huge body was moving around on the ground. The thing in front of the big bug was either 'drowned' by its huge body, or pushed to the side.

  Zero was in the worm's path, but Vengeance didn't seem to have any hostility towards it. Thus, the "barrier" of zero very tactfully hid in the gap between the two culture tank. Just like that, he watched the big bug swim past him and disappear into the entrance of the cultivation room.

  He heaved a sigh of relief and followed the communication function of the helmet into the dedicated communication channel. On the screen of the helmet, appeared the picture of Feng and the other two. However, only Ma Pei's icon was lit, the other two's icon was a dull gray, indicating that the other party was in a state where they were unable to communicate.

  "Ma Pei, did you hear my voice?" Zero said in the communication channel.

  A moment later, a delighted voice came out from the black man, "Captain, it's great to hear your voice. Are you okay? "

  Zero could feel a faint warmth flowing through his chest. Originally, being cared for by others was a very happy thing. However, Zero's voice did not show any fluctuations in emotions. He continued, "I'm fine. Where are you right now? How's the situation?"

  Ma Pei reported the team's current situation simply. Upon hearing that Feng and the others did not receive any news after entering the five-tier base, Zero's heart tensed up. But just then, Feng's and Su's icons lit up.

  After a while, Feng's voice sounded in the communication channel: "Captain? "I knew you wouldn't die, how could that octopus man be your opponent …"

  Following that was a series of praises from Feng. Fortunately, at this time, there was a wave of chaotic noise that came from the communication channel, and Zero heard Feng shouting loudly. Following that, Eva's voice rang in the channel, "Zero, hurry up and roll over here. We're in trouble, big trouble! "

  Chapter 259 - Encroachment

  After connecting the coordinates of the entrance to the safe passage with Feng, he spent an hour and forty-seven minutes to reach the indicated location. Originally, if he ran at full speed, he would only need ten minutes. However, he chose to walk closer step by step and kill some Human-Faced Moths along the way while replenishing some 'food'. Zero is a picky eater, and the Man-Faced Moths don't have enough muscle fiber s, so the ones that they eat the most are the Bug Brain.

  The brain is rich in protein, amino acids and other nutrients needed by the human body. Of course, the brain juice of a human face moth is not delicious at all. They were bitter and bitter, slightly astringent, and even contained a small amount of the neurotoxin, Su. Usually, after killing a Human-Faced Moth, she would use the light tooth to open the brains of the insects, and then carefully pluck out the fist-sized brain of the insects, which was wrapped in a greyish-white fat cortex, and eat it in two to three bites.

  Just like this, when Zero reached the entrance of the five-tier base, there were already no less than a hundred Man-Faced Moths that had been hollowed out. But even so, Zero still felt sick from hunger. Although the Insect Brain was rich in nutrients, it was far from being as nutritious as Su's food, which contained a huge amount of calories and nutrition after being purified. Thus, although she had eaten a lot of snacks, she was able to recover about 5% of her energy.

  If he wanted to recover all his energy, he would probably need to eat thousands or even more Human-Faced Moths. Adepts, after all, consumed a great deal of energy, as well as a great deal of energy. If it weren't for Su and all kinds of food that was compressed, Adepts would have to spend around two-thirds of their day eating. This was simply unimaginable.

  When Zero appeared, Feng and a few others were seated cross-legged at the entrance. living corpse was guarding nearby. When he saw zero, he nearly attacked, but luckily Eva stopped him in time.

  Eva took a deep look at Zero. In her eyes, the energy released by Zero was dim. Although his energy was recovering, with this slow speed, if he were to eat normally, it would take him at least two days to recover to his peak condition.

  "You're hurt." Eva said indifferently, her gaze sweeping across the crisscrossing wounds on Su Yun's body.

  Zero took off his helmet, shook his head and said, "He won't die. Instead, it's you guys, there's been a big problem. "

  Feng jumped up from the ground, and after using his hands to make a few gestures, he said in an exaggerated manner, "Fish, such a big fish. Their speed is comparable to a speedboat, and their biting power is five times that of a shark, but more importantly, they have at least a thousand. "

  After Feng incoherently expressed what he wanted to say, the impatient Su pushed him away. Under Su's more organized explanation, Zero roughly understood five-tier base's situation. five-tier base was already filled to the brim with water. When Feng and the rest entered the base, the water level had only reached their knees. However, 10 minutes ago, Su, who was in third place, realized that the water level had already dropped to half the waist.

  The trouble was, the water in the five-tier base was almost completely occupied by the descendants of Crypt Lord. Those extremely fast, savage and bloodthirsty strange fish swam around in the water all the time, and there was almost no way to cross over their internal and external layers of sealing lines.

  A tactical plate was placed on the ground, the screen displaying the floor plan of the five-tier base. The various shapes of the buildings above showed different functions. There were offices, testing room s, laboratories, Archives s, etc. The mission items for Ling Yun's group were placed in the Archives. Looking at the screen, there was a distance of over 2000 meters between the exit of the safe passage and Archives. If he followed the route given by the intelligence brain, the distance would be even longer. More importantly, this distance was filled with red dots of light.

  Each light dot represented a strange fish, so there were at least four hundred fish blocking their path. With so many people, unless Feng or Eva were willing to bring out their true strength, it would be difficult for Su Yun and the others to break through.

  "It's not like there's nothing we can do." After understanding the situation in the base, Zero said calmly, "First, find the location of the Archives and directly create a gap for us to enter. But right now we don't have enough equipment or gunpowder, so this method shouldn't work. "Now, I can only use the second method …"

  In five-tier base, the water level was still rising. Originally, the low temperature in the west caused the underground water to freeze. However, in order to give the next generation an environment where they could grow, Crypt Lord used their own tremendous biological energy to heat up and melt the frozen ground water, but gushed into the underground base. The temperature of the sewage was extremely low, but because it was underground water, there was very little radiation. If a certain amount of water was taken to the surface for treatment, it could also be turned into pure water for drinking in the wilderness.

  In the new era, the definition of clean water is different to clean water, not to mention low-radiation drinking water. The higher the level of the clean water, the less radiation there is in the water. But now, this lowest level area of clean water had become the hotbed for the strange fishes.

  They forage, grow, and eventually evolve into maternal amphibians.

  However, not all of these strange fish could evolve into Crypt Lord. Amongst the thousands of strange fish, there could only be one Crypt Lord being born. From birth, they would not only have to contend with the environment, but also have to compete with their own kind. When there was food, the weird fish would cooperate to hunt, but if there was a lack of food, they would fight in advance.

>   Right now, a few of the strange fish were biting at each other. They chased each other at an extremely fast speed, biting at each other with their huge mouths as they seized the opportunity. Given the frightening size of the strange fish's bite range, once it was similarly bitten, it meant that it would lose less than half of its body. It didn't take long before the water was filled with blue blood.

  The same type of blood, yet it had attracted even more of its own comrades to participate in this battle. Gradually, more and more fish corpses floated on the surface of the water with their white bellies turned over, becoming the victims of this cruel battle.

  As the battle became more and more intense, the strong smell of blood wafted into the water. The madness in the eyes of all the monster fishes gradually disappeared. They suspiciously used their special organs to identify the source and category of the smell of blood in the water. Very quickly, the image of the human face moth appeared in their minds. They were very satisfied with their first meal after birth, as well as with the strange taste of the human face moth.

  Now, the smell of blood in the water had piqued their interest. Thus, the strange fish stopped their slaughter of their own species. They flapped their tails, or used the jet organs on their tails to speed up, swimming towards the source of the smell.

  It was a testing room, the room had been flooded with sewage by more than half. The room was marked with numbers. At the entrance of the entrance, a dozen or so humanoid moths were pinned to the wall by sharp objects that passed through them. The sharp objects were not nailed to the vital points of the man-faced moth, so they did not die immediately. However, the insect blood that flowed endlessly to the surface of the water from the wound caused the body of the Face-Moth to lose its temperature.


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