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Warlord 4

Page 20

by Chen Ran

  The night was cold and still.

  "Put me down, Ma Pei. I think I can leave by myself."

  Ma Pei carried Zero and ran out of the exit of the three-tier base passage, and when he was on the black man's shoulder, he asked.

  In five-tier base, after Angelguet and Callio stopped Angelguet in their tracks, Ling Yun, Eva and the others gathered at the exit and quickly left five-tier base. It seemed that in order to attract Angelguet and the other children's attention, Eva and the others had killed quite a few of them. Other than the initial trap, he had also used various tactics to harvest the lives of the strange fish. By the time they had returned, at least a hundred monster fish had died under their weapons. Adding to the initial trap they had obtained, within just a short span of an hour, Angelguet had lost over a hundred children.

  Right now, everyone had retreated to the three-tier base. Right now, the four-tier base was also submerged in less than half of the water from the surface. As the water flowed out, Angelguet's son also swam to the top of the four-tier base with the water. As a result, the Vengeance who was slow in moving became the best target. With the movement speed of the monster fish and the fact that it could shoot at them at any time, it was difficult for Vengeance's biological bomb to hit them. Furthermore, the strange fish were very smart, they would not come together in groups to give the Vengeance the chance to kill them all.

  When they passed by the four-tier base, they saw with their own eyes a Vengeance being surrounded and attacked by over a hundred strange fish.

  In the three-tier base, all the Fusarium had almost run away. However, the human faced moth and a few Vengeance s were trying their best to escape through the safe passage. The few of them were still surrounded by bugs, but right now, neither the human faced moth nor the Vengeance had the time to pay attention to them.

  After falling back to the ground, he took a deep breath inside his helmet. Valkyrie allowed him to recover 5% of his strength, and adding the fact that Ma Pei had helped him previously, Zero rested on his shoulder once more, recovering a small portion of his strength at the same time. Although he was still unable to fight, the strength he had recovered was enough for him to move around normally. At least he wouldn't slow down the team's speed.

  After confirming that Zero could move on his own, the team moved again. Just as they reached the center of the base, the entire ground shook violently once again. It seemed like the battle between Valkyrie and the other two was not easy. Su Ming secretly frowned, but her footsteps were much faster. They followed the tide of bugs that was rolling towards the exit, arriving at Rest area. Just as they stepped into the area, they stopped right in their tracks.

  A faintly discernible sense of danger lurked within the worm, extending its dangerous tentacles towards the few of them. He could not see anything, but his instincts told him that danger was approaching.

  At this moment, the sense of crisis suddenly intensified. A line of fire passed through the insect torrent, and all the worms that were in the path of the fire were penetrated. And at the end of the path of the flame, was actually Ma Pei's wide chest!

  Zero, who was standing beside Ma Pei, subconsciously crashed towards Ma Pei. The strength of the one versus one was extremely strong, directly knocking Ma Pei away and causing the black man to fall into the swarm of bugs. A few Man-Faced Moths were startled by the sudden disturbance and flew away. However, they quickly changed their direction and flew away. The speed of the Insect Tempest was not affected at all, and only a zero-degree team was affected.

  After knocking Ma Pei away, he threw himself onto the others shooting trajectory. When the bullet pierced the left side of his chest, Zero suddenly remembered Antony's smiling face. Instantly, he knew that this attack was a trap meticulously prepared for him!

  The kinetic energy of the bullet caused the bullet to fly into the air and then fall backwards. At this moment, the sound of a sniper rifle came from afar. The few people in front who reacted the fastest, Eva did not rush towards the zero, but towards the sniper rifle's shooting array. The speed and might of Eva's charge was so quick and huge. The moment she dashed out, the dozens of man-faced moths that accidentally hit her bounced up into the air and exploded one by one.

  Feng and Su who were at the back pounced back at Zero, who was already on the ground. Nocturnal's tactical suit was torn apart by the sniper rifle, and blood was flowing out from Zero's chest area. But what was even more serious was that when Feng took off Zero's helmet, he realized that Zero's eyes were wide open, but its pupils had lost all its light, as if it was going to dissipate at any moment. Even the golden flame in his right eye had dimmed to the point that it was about to be extinguished!

  Chapter 265 - Graduation (III)

  Eva's speed of advancement wasn't fast, at least, it could still be captured with Luca's naked eyes.

  Luca was holding onto Betsy's sniper rifle, which was one of the few remaining firearms in his hands that had ammunition. Just a moment ago, Luca, who was hiding behind an abandoned restaurant with Antony, had used this sniper rifle to deal a heavy blow to Zero. Just as he had thought in an instant, Luca's target was actually him. However, based on his extraordinary sense of danger, he didn't even have 20% chance of hitting the expert zero. This was the result of taking into account the huge drop in his physical strength and even the dulling of his senses. Under normal circumstances, a sniper would have to be within three hundred meters of the target, but the distance between the restaurant and the target was at least seven hundred meters.

  Therefore, Luca set his target to Ma Pei who was by the side of zero. Antony had analyzed the concept of zero before. According to the principle and concept that zero was incompatible with the new era, when people he recognized were in danger, he would often do something stupid. This was evident from what he had done before zero. As a result, Luca knew that when Ma Pei was attacked, he would probably subconsciously push Ma Pei away.

  However, this action would allow zero to automatically be sent to Luca's sniping trajectory.

  The facts proved that Luca's prediction was not wrong. Zero had practically automatically delivered itself to his door for him to shoot. Although he did not manage to hit Zero's heart with a shot, or even which part of the heart he would hit, with Luca's level of sniping, it was impossible to predict. However, his real target was not the sniper rifle. Instead, they attached a strand of Antony's mental thread to the bullet. As long as the bullet entered's body, he would be able to launch a mental attack through this mental thread.

  Furthermore, they were more than five hundred meters away from each other, and it was enough for the members of the zero team to safely escape before they could even react. In this way, if the experimental diary s were with Ling Yun, then Antony and Yue Shan could smoothly pass the examination. Even if they did not, at the moment, there were only the two of them left in the three teams. According to the unwritten rules of Asgard, without competitors, they would be able to graduate. As for the dead members, as long as they had enough merit points, they could also be recruited later in the Asgard's army system.

  Everything looked so beautiful, especially the moment of Zero's downfall, Antony already felt that victory was within his grasp.

  Until Eva charged towards them. The speed of this unfamiliar woman who did not appear in any of the documents was not fast, but she naturally had a strong sense of oppression as she ran towards the restaurant from a distance. Luca and Antony immediately felt their steps become heavy, it was difficult to breathe. As for the surrounding walls of the restaurant, as if they were pressed down by heavy objects, they began to emit thick cracks before they started to collapse, exposing Antony and Antony to the outside world!

  When the distance between the two parties had shortened to about a hundred meters, Luca finally rid himself of the fear in his heart. With a loud roar, he raised his sniper rifle in Eva's direction with bloodshot eyes.

  Eva suddenly disappeared from Luca's sight, she flew backwards, and just as s
he was about to reach the ground. Eva supported herself on the ground, and immediately charged upwards diagonally as she took the opportunity to kick Luca's temple. If she got kicked, the kick with the power of an additional stage eight would definitely turn Luca's head into powder.

  Luca reacted, the sniper rifle in his hand swept towards the tip of Eva's feet, and now he swung his head backwards, escaping from Eva's attack trajectory.

  Eva let out an unexpected sigh, and her feet already touched the sniper rifle. This sniper rifle that was made of alloy had countless cracks on it, following that it shattered. Countless parts flew everywhere, and there were even some wounds on Luca's face. But Eva's final kick landed on empty air, as her other hand was pressing down on the ground, borrowing the force from her waist's rotation, she instantly stomped heavily on Luca's chest.

  Luca's chest immediately caved in and his entire body flew out.

  He bumped into a load bearing pillar behind Antony, and when he fell, he propped himself up with both hands, but he still spat out a large mist of blood from his mouth. When Luca raised his head again, blood was flowing out of his mouth and nose. He panted heavily. In a few simple breaths, Luca knew that he had been severely injured. First of all, his sternum had completely shattered, and the broken bones had even pierced into his internal organs. Even his heart, which was located in his chest, had been pierced by tiny bone spikes. Apart from that, Eva not only added about the strength of around the sixth stage to his kick, but the energy that was transferred from the kick was also terrifying to the point of destruction. Not only did they cause irreparable damage to the muscle fiber in front of Luca's chest, they also seeped into his body.

  Luca knew that he wouldn't be able to leave the military base, but he could at least let Antony leave. Instantly, he planned to sacrifice himself to help Antony delay this terrifying woman.

  When Eva walked towards him gracefully, Luca let out a loud, hysterical roar, and burst forth with all his remaining energy. At the same time, he shouted at Antony: "Run, An … …"

  Before he finished speaking, Luca suddenly felt someone pushing him from behind, making him unable to control himself and pounce towards Eva.

  Everything happened so quickly, Luca did not have time to react, instead, he punched directly towards Eva, right in the left side of his chest where his heart was. Luca's entire person sprung up, the energy on Eva's fist pierced through his chest and crushed his muscles, at the same time blasting out his heart along with his flesh and bones from his back.

  When Luca fell to the ground, blood was flowing out continuously from the hole he made in his back. At the moment of Luca's death, the corner of his mouth curved into a wry smile.

  He was betrayed by Antony, but Luca no longer had the strength to hate him. In that instant earlier, he had decided to sacrifice himself for Antony. But now, it seemed so laughable. Even if he did not do this, Antony would immediately sacrifice him.

  Suddenly, Luca was envious of Su Yun's team members. Because they had a captain that they could sacrifice for them!

  The bitter smile stayed on Luca's face forever. Within the man's widened eyes, his pupils gradually expanded. Eva looked at the corpse, and it was as if she sensed something, Eva shook his head, and did not chase after Antony who had ran far, instead turning and walking back in the zero direction.

  "Zero, can you hear me?"

  Feng slapped Zero's face and called out anxiously.

  The tactical suit in the upper half of his body had already been removed, and Su used the medical kit to give him a simple yet effective treatment. His eyes were wide open, but he had lost all reaction to any kind of stimulation.

  The sniper rifle bullet was not fatal. After it entered Zero's body, it was blocked by its powerful muscles. Furthermore, the place where the bullet landed was not a fatal spot. Furthermore, the bullet did not burst any of the vital blood vessels in Zero's body. All of these things should not have happened, but he did not react at all, leaving Feng and the others with no choice but to worry.

  On the bullet that had zero blood, that was casually thrown to the side by Su, Feng and the others, they did not know that she had used it to launch a long-distance mental attack on Zero.

  The moment the bullet entered his body, Antony's Spiritual Shock directly crashed into Zero's consciousness like an irresistible torrent. His consciousness was suddenly hit by a huge impact, causing Zero to fall into a state similar to that of a computer. With all of his will and mind painfully resisting Antony's attack, he had naturally lost all reaction to the outside world.

  In the The World of Consciousness of zero, the light bands formed by countless numbers intertwined and intertwined in a complicated way. On the other hand, Antony's Mental Energy attack kept on cutting the streams of data, and the data that were cut apart by the shock wave would silently shatter in the air, turning into fine particles and dissipating. The dissipation of every piece of data represented the loss of a part of his consciousness. Once all of the data was destroyed by the shock wave, then Zero would suffer irreparable damage. It would become a vegetable at best, but its brain would immediately die!

  In this world full of data, at the very bottom of the countless streams of data, the figure of zero would turn from virtual to real, finally appearing as a physical entity in this world of consciousness. This was the main consciousness of zero. Zero looked at the data that was constantly being destroyed by the impact numbers and immediately realized what had happened.

  As each piece of data disappeared, Zero could sense that he had forgotten something. He knew that when all the data disappeared, he would be like a computer that had been forced to format, becoming blank!

  "Don't even think about it!" Zero let out an angry roar at the level of his consciousness.

  All that remained in his memory was what he had seen and heard after the hibernation chamber had awakened. How could he allow Antony to destroy even this insignificant memory. How could Zero forget all the people he knew, all the things he had done, and finally bury himself in the eternal darkness?



  Zero roared angrily. Even though it was only a projection of his main consciousness, just like his main body, the golden eyes of his right eye spewed out intense golden flames. At the same time, the silver threads that were scattered around the edges of the pupil quietly converged, not turning into a vertical pupil as if it had entered berserk mode. Instead, it continuously twisted and combined, as if it was forming something.

  At the same time, in the darkness of The World of Consciousness, a faint golden light rose from beneath Ling Xiao's feet. He raised his hands and pointed angrily at the foreign energy that had destroyed his consciousness. Immediately, the golden light beneath him followed the direction of where Zero's hands had been. Rays of golden light shot up from the ground.

  They flew and spun, converging into a golden pillar of light that split the sky and split the earth, smashing into Antony's Master's attack with a loud bang.

  Instantly, the entire The World of Consciousness lit up. The energy on the surface of the golden pillar of light surged, rising higher and higher like the acceleration of a rocket. The light pillar endured the impact from Antony and continued to shoot towards the sky above The World of Consciousness. Finally, in Zero's eyes, it turned into a speck of light and disappeared.

  At this moment, the countless silver lines in Zero's right eye had already formed the shape of a symbol. However, this symbol was not stable yet, and the countless silver threads at its edges were still scattered. But regardless of how the symbol solidified, as the shockwave was forcefully blown out of the The World of Consciousness, Su Yun's mind relaxed, and the runes in his eyes immediately scattered, turning into countless silver threads that returned to the edges of his eyes.

  In the real world, Zero's eyes that were originally unfocused suddenly spewed out a long golden flame from his right eye. His whole body suddenly shook. As the golden flames fell back down, Ling Chen
's eyes gradually focused, and finally, he saw the few people who were extremely worried.

  The awakening of Zero naturally made people happy, and Ma Pei, who had been saved by him, hugged tightly onto him, almost suffocating him. In the end, Feng let go of Feng, or Zero would probably faint.

  At this moment, the base's shaking reminded everyone that the danger had not passed. As a result, Ma Pei picked up the 0% that was close to collapse, and with Feng leading the way, the group started to move towards the exit. Eva was at the back, looking deep in thought at the zero on the black man's back.

  That's right, that should be the aura of awakening. Eva said with certainty in her heart.

  In the The World of Consciousness, when the symbol zero slowly took shape, Eva could clearly feel that the right eye of the zero god was displaying an extremely faint yet majestic might. That aura contained too much information, Eva could barely decipher the limited attributes such as prediction, energy, and origin. As for most of it, it was hidden within the vast amounts of data.

  There was no doubt that this was the sign of the Eye of God awakening. It didn't matter if it was zero, Eva and Feng's different divine objects, when they awakened, they would produce might that contained different attributes. Taking Eva as an example, when she woke up, the aura released by the Blood of God included information on the attributes such as regeneration, strength, split and so on.

  However, the scattered power of awakening suddenly stopped. He was still a step away from true awakening. However, Eva believed that when this force appeared again, Zero would definitely be able to truly awaken it.

  I'm really looking forward to it! What kind of power does the Eye of God, which represents the past and the future, the destruction and rebirth, suddenly possess? Let me bear witness. Eva nodded lightly. It was only until the various information revealed by Zero that Eva finally decided to stay by her side and wait for the day Zero became her true equal partner.


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