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Warlord 4

Page 22

by Chen Ran

  Looking at Feng who closed the door with a wicked smile on his face, Zero suddenly felt that it was good to be alive.

  Feng and the others were currently dressed in the formal uniform of the Hammer of Destruction. It was a set of pure black military uniform with golden edges at the cuffs and collar. The epaulettes on his shoulders were also inlaid with a golden tassel, and on the left side of his chest, there was a hammer pattern embroidered with golden threads wrapped with lightning. A domineering aura immediately assaulted his senses.

  Doomhammer's uniform was calm, but it did not lose its tension. The uniform was cut in a proper style, perfectly showing the temperament of Su and the others. Just this set of uniforms would be enough to earn him a fortune in the wilderness. It could be seen that the status of an official member of the Doomhammer was probably even higher than that of an ordinary warrior. But very quickly, Feng told Zero that this set of uniforms cost them 300 contribution points, and it was a forced payment. For some reason, upon hearing this news, Zero naturally thought of Ben's completely unscrupulous face.

  The arrival of Feng and the others also told Su Yun some other information.

  For example, the latest news about the military base in the Cossacks. After they had retreated, the bombardment continued for a day before most of the mutated beasts were successfully driven to the southwest. Valkyrie and Callio also appeared not long after. According to them, other than the first two-tier base, all the bases below the underground base had already been destroyed. The height of the earth and water had also reached the third floor from the fifth floor. Fortunately, a majority of the strange fish had gotten involved in the battle between them and Angelguet. It could be said that in this battle, Angelguet's children had died the most unjustly.

  After this battle, Angelguet once again entered deep slumber. He was now fast asleep in the depths of the abyss. If there were no external interference, Angelguet would only wake up at the second breeding stage. Furthermore, the age of a Crypt Lord is usually measured in a hundred years. In other words, Angelguet would not wake up for a long time. It could be seen that the injury sustained by the Crypt Lord was not light.

  Similarly, Valkyrie and Callio were not easy either. The two of them had already been secretly sent to some place for treatment, and it was expected that it would take at least a week before they could recover.

  Other than that, there was also the question of where the wind walker team would go from here.

  The members of the Doomhammer usually maintained a formation of around two to three hundred people, and like the New barracks, they were usually formed with small teams. The most common team in the Hammer of Destruction was led by powerhouses of the fifth step and above, and they recruited low-ranked warriors from the military system. They even recruited powerless slave soldiers to become their own team members. Of course, whether it was a warrior or a slave, neither of them were official members of the Doomhammer, so naturally they would not be able to enjoy its salary and benefits.

  All expenses incurred by the warriors and the servants would be paid by those who were capable of being the captains.

  Now, according to the meaning of Feng and the others, they hoped that the team would not be disbanded and would continue to exist. The advantage of doing so was that they would be able to maintain a higher combat strength than the ordinary team. The disadvantage was that the benefits and rewards would be divided equally. Since the four of them are all official members of the Doomhammer, the proceeds cannot all belong to the captain, so the distribution must be redone.

  "On this issue, I suggest that zero should remain the leader. As for the income, we will split it 30%, and share the rest among us. What do you think? " Feng suggested.

  Actually, the three of them had already considered this method of allocation, but they didn't know if they should agree to it or not. Now that Zero had awoken, Feng took the opportunity to make this suggestion, and wanted to hear Zero's suggestion.

  Unexpectedly, without thinking, they agreed, and the wind walker team finally avoided the end of their teammates. Now, after the injuries have healed, they could go to the Destroyer Hammer's team registration office to register the wind walker. Then, they could receive all kinds of missions and orders issued by the headquarters in the name of the team.

  Other than that, there was another problem. That was Eva, the woman who had stayed in the underground base for two years now walked out from underground. Although Feng and the others had rented a small house at the outskirts of the city, Asgas, for her to settle down temporarily, she was not a person from the Asgard. According to the rules, she could not stay in the city for a week.

  When the one week time limit expired, Eva would be forced to leave Asgard. Unless...

  "Let her become a slave to any of us?" Zero frowned.

  "That's right, we can recruit mercenaries from the wilderness. As long as you become a slave, Eva will be able to stay behind, although you will not be able to enter the central region of the city. " Su nodded.

  This method was not bad, but who would dare to have a woman with strength at least at the eighth step as their slave soldier?

  "I should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. Let me talk to her. Perhaps, she can feel wronged for the time being. " He didn't have much confidence in himself, but at the moment, other than this method, he really couldn't think of any other way to make Eva stay in the Asgard legally.

  Just then, the door to the ward was pushed open. The nurse who was taken advantage of by Feng just now as well as a middle-aged lady who looked like the head nurse walked into the ward together, and kicked the three of them out. The head nurse said aggressively, as if the hospital was her home, completely disregarding Su and the others who held a higher status than her. The nurse's eyes lit up as she looked at the head nurse with admiration.

  When Feng and the others left, and he was the only one left in the room, the world became quiet again. As he closed his eyes, the image of a young lady slowly appeared in his mind.

  "Lea, wait for me. Very soon, you will be alive again. " He said in a soft voice that only he could hear.

  At the same time Feng and the others left, he appeared in a tightly guarded biochemical laboratory in Asgard. In front of Ben was a row of culture tank, but there were only two culture tank working right now. Valkyrie and Callio were in the midst of these two culture tank that were immersed in various base liquids. The two of them had their eyes closed, the base liquid from the culture tank entered their bodies through their skin, helping to heal their cell level injuries.

  There were also tens of thousands of nanobots in the base fluid. They covered the surface of their bodies and were constantly working to restore the creations on their bodies. The electronic watch below the culture tank was entering the countdown. When the numbers on the electronic watch returned to zero, even if the culture tank stopped working, it would also be when Valkyrie and Yue Yang recovered.

  At that moment, an old man with a bulging, bulbous body came up to Ben. The old man lifted the glasses on his nose and whispered to Ben, "You'd better take a look. The gene lock with zero has almost broken through to the second stage."

  Chapter 268 - Rebirth Plan (II)

  Ben and the fat old man were standing in front of an unremarkable door in a long, dark corridor. However, this place was already five hundred metres underground of the Asgard. The corridor behind them was quiet, and there was no sign of anyone, but the monitors hidden in the blind corners and walls kept a full record of every passing person.

  The Asgard's central brain would allocate 10% of their energy to monitor the corridor. Anyone who entered the corridor would immediately compare it to the information in the intelligence brain's database. Once someone appeared who did not have the authority to do so, hundreds of 30 centimeters thick alloy armor plate would descend from the corridor. As for the people deemed to be "trespassers", they would be separated by armor plate. Within five seconds, the nearby security personnel would arriv
e at the scene. And among these guards, there were ten of them all year round. For an average city, a powerhouse of the eighth step was an unimaginable figure. Only the Asgard was able to make these people stay in such a dark base all year round, and there were more than ten of them.

  Aside from these ten powerhouses of the eighth step, there were over a hundred of others of the seventh to fifth step. As for the number of ordinary soldiers, it was as high as three thousand. For this era, such a configuration was enough to wipe out many cities and towns. However, the troop that was arranged under the Asgard was only there to guard this super biochemical laboratory that was the same size as the Asgard.

  Ben and the fat old man were currently at the core area of the experiment lab, and only three people in the entire Asgard were able to reach this area.

  One of them was naturally the person who held the highest authority in this Asgard, and the other was the fat old man beside him. The last one was War God Tyre, one of the five Sovereigns, the person who had been groomed by this self as his successor.

  If the Twelve Sovereigns' Halls was the location of the soul of the Asgard, then the room behind this door was the Asgard's brain. The room behind the door was not only the important computer room for the central brain, but also the personal office of Professor Rafiel. Only after the fat old man was carefully verified did this seemingly ordinary door slowly open.

  It is first indented inwards 10 cm and then centrally separated. Only then did the doors on both sides shrink back into the wall to the left and right. Only then could he see that the door was made of wood and the alloy was very hard in the middle. Moreover, it was not an ordinary alloy. Its density was about 20 times that of an ordinary alloy and its weight was close to 100 tons. If it weren't for the switch control of the hydraulic machines hidden in the walls, it would have been impossible to separate them with just the power of a human being, unless one possessed a strength of at least the ninth step.

  When the door was completely opened, what appeared in Ben's eyes was a circular space of about 500 square meters. In this circular office, the walls were filled with countless light screens that formed the office's special walls. There was an ordinary chair placed in the middle of the office, and on the back of the chair was a piece of metal connected to the ceiling. This was the lift for the chair, and although it was shaped like a square steel tube, it could be used to control the chair and lift it up into the air when needed by the doctor.

  The office was over a hundred meters high, and as the doctor rose into the air, the ceiling and the lights on the ground would go out, making him turn around as if he were in space. Behind the chair was a helmet with countless cables attached to it. Through the sensor inside the helmet, the Doctor was able to use his own thoughts to operate the central brain to deduce or extract whatever information he needed.

  When Ben walked into the office, he saw that the light screen on the wall corresponded to the different experimental area regions in the base. Every single experimental area Realm was split into nearly a hundred different screens, to achieve the purpose of observing from the side without any dead angles. Every single research project in the experimental area Region was different. With a single glance, he was able to see that living corpse, strange insects, huge beasts and even mutated plants existed within them.

  The reason for the existence of this super biochemical laboratory was to study the various mutated organism s and even the capable people. Under the guidance of Dr. Rafiel, the researchers would extract the genes of various experimental subjects and then combine them to create a controllable biological weapon. The number of different life forms and their numbers determine the pattern of gene combinations in thousands. However, not all combinations could give birth to a brand-new life form and transform it into a biological weapon. Within the many culture tank that could be seen, they were constantly cleaning up some weirdly shaped corpses.

  They were failures of genetic combinations, and in almost infinite combinations, the chances of success were minimal. This made people feel that they couldn't understand what was going on. The Asgard had spent a lot of resources to obtain these failed attempts, so there was no need to continue with this experiment. However, he had originally thought that once all those who failed were removed from the list, their success wouldn't be far.

  The result proved that he was right. After failing gene combinations were rejected one by one and archived, the researchers who gradually touched the laws of variety and quantity of combinations, finally succeeded in creating two kinds of biological weapon in this spring.

  On the wall to the left of Ben Wang, there were two screens that were larger in area, each displaying a picture of a culture tank.

  In the picture on the left, the culture tank was abnormally huge, ten times the length and width of an ordinary culture tank, and it was around two hundred meters square. Inside the culture tank was a dark green base fluid, and in this green base fluid, there was an equally huge shadow. This was the biological weapon that was named as the Steel Fortress, it looked like an ancient mammoth. But on its body, there were biological armor s on its head, back, chest and four limbs. What was even weirder was that there were two protruding bones on the back of the biological weapon. They were biological rapid-fire cannons that were not fully formed yet in the iron fortress.

  This was a semi-finished steel fortress. When it was finally completed, the steel fortress would have both defensive and offensive characteristics. The biological armor s on its body will cover its entire body, its hardness was three times that of the alloy armor, and its defensive power was equivalent to a stage five defense strengthening, making it very difficult to kill the steel fortress. On the other hand, the two biological rapid firing cannons that would form on the back of the steel fortress would be able to blast out the life energy from the biological weapon's body using cannonballs. This allowed the steel fortress to attack and defend.

  However, according to the design of Professor Rafiel, the defensive power of the Steel Fortress was equivalent to that of a Seventh Order Warrior. Furthermore, their bodies were not rapid-fire cannons, but biological beam cannons. The Beam Cannon would have both Penetration and Sputtering effects. The attack interval was 3 seconds, with 2 seconds of cooldown and 1 second of charge. And these numbers were all inferred from rigorous deductions.

  However, when it was a true genetic combination, for some unknown reason, the originally strict data had actually been changed. Not only did its defence level drop, the biological cannon it was carrying had also turned into a rapid-fire cannon. It could be said that it was an incomplete version of a steel fortress.

  As for the other biological weapon in the light screen, it was called the Sentinel Wolf. The body of the sentry was similar to that of a Finry's wolf, with fur that looked like a black waterfall. It floated in the same green base fluid, with tiny dots of fluorescence radiating from the roots of each hair to the end. From afar, the sentry looked like a burning black flame.

  The sentry's eyes were closed, but a vertical pupil appeared in the center of his forehead. The vertical pupil was composed of countless concentric circles. If one looked carefully, they would see that these concentric circles were arranged in rows of numbers. This eye records everything the sentinel sees, and it naturally emits a special wave energy. When the wave energy is received and decrypted, the scene seen by the sentinel is restored.

  The Sentinel has the advantage of speed and record-keeping, and its mode of attack is to convert biological energy into black flames and spray them out of the wolf's mouth to attack the enemy. The black flames were also at a high temperature of five hundred degrees, and they were also viscous. Once tainted by the black flames, it would be very difficult to extinguish them all. But compared to a fortified steel fortress, the sentry's attack was relatively weak, and it was easy to kill if it was not proficient in defense.

  This was also an incomplete version of the biological weapon. According to Professor Rafiel's design, the sentry
should be a Homo Evolutis that was more similar to a werewolf in order to adapt to the more complex terrain requirements. A full version of the Sentinel can eject light claws condensed from high energy and can cut through ordinary alloy armor. And werewolf sentries have efficient food digestion systems that can extract energy from almost anything to provide their own activity.

  This form of sentinel can penetrate deep into enemy territory for a long time and is difficult to detect. Unlike an incomplete version of a sentry, it required a large amount of food to maintain the energy it required to move. This way, the enemy could easily discover its existence.

  But no matter what, the steel fortress and the sentries were still epoch-making works of the Asgard. With them, the Asgard was the second city to possess a biological weapon after the Arctic Asmox, even though the two of them had different definitions of biological weapon.

  As long as there is a period of time before the data collection, error correction. Initially, he could foresee that the complete version of biological weapon would appear soon, or perhaps they could be mass-produced from the two incomplete versions of biological weapon. The intelligence of biological weapon s was similar to a seven year old child's, they could recognize simple instructions. In terms of abilities, they couldn't even match up to someone with a high level ability, and even someone with a middle level ability wouldn't be able to match them. Their potential has been determined since the beginning of creation, depending on the fusion degree of the original genes and their combinations.

  For example, the defensive power and strength of an iron fortress was equivalent to a powerhouse of the fifth step, and even if it was released, it wouldn't be able to raise its level, until the end of its life, the iron fortress could only maintain the power of the fifth step. It would not improve, nor regress, this was the special characteristic of biological weapon. Maybe the Asgard could create biological weapon of a higher level, but it could not create life that could evolve on its own. After all, that was the domain of a god.


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