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Warlord 4

Page 25

by Chen Ran

  "Tell me, why are you looking for me?" Eva chose to sit in a comfortable position and threw himself onto the sofa. Following which, a pair of long legs that were revealed from the towel was placed ungracefully on the table in front of him. The bath towel she was wearing was obviously a little short, to the point that one could almost see the mysterious beauty inside the bath towel from the bottom of Eva's thighs.

  Zero gathered his thoughts and said, "I want you to become my slave so that you can have the official identity to stay in this city."

  "Oh, sure." Eva replied without thinking.

  Zero shook his head with a bitter smile. This woman agreed without even listening to his explanation, which gave him a headache. But Zero did not want to take advantage of her, so he told Eva about his status as a slave and the reason why he did so.

  When Eva heard that the servants did not have any benefits, and that the rewards had to be divided evenly amongst the rules, she did not have much of a reaction. But at the very end, when the status of a slave was only slightly better than that of a slave, the woman's eyes suddenly lit up.

  The temperature of the room suddenly rose. Eva's short hair fluttered without wind, looking like a flame!

  She sprang up from the couch, too fast for Zero to react. When Zero came back to his senses, Eva was already sitting on his body. Eva turned to face him, almost pushing her towering mountain range to the point where it touched the zero point of her face. Her long, powerful legs wrapped around Zero's waist, pressing him against her body. This extremely ambiguous posture caused Zero's body to have a natural reaction. Eva could feel a fiery object sticking closely to her from below, causing her to uncontrollably let out a soft groan.

  Then her face hardened, and with both hands on Zero's collar, she said in a soft but dangerous voice: "In other words, you want me to be your slave?"

  The last two words, the volume increased infinitely. The sharp noise made the windows of the house vibrate, and the glass almost exploded.

  Su Yun was almost suffocated by Eva's strangling of her collar. He explained with difficulty, "I know this makes you feel wronged, but this is the only way you can stay. Of course, you are only a slave in name. In fact, I won't order you to do anything. "

  "You have to have the guts too!" Eva glared at Su Ling fiercely, and then let go of his collar.

  She thought for a moment, then said, "Slave then. However, I want to share your earnings!"

  Eva revealed her little tiger teeth, she raised three of her fingers and said: "I want to split the profits, and give the rest to the both of you. "Otherwise..."


  "Otherwise, I'll just kill one of them and then we can split it equally. That would be fine too." Eva nodded strongly to emphasize his point of view.

  "You must be joking." Zero frowned.

  Eva immediately stuck her face to the tip of Zero's nose and asked: "Do I look like I'm joking?"

  Although she was smiling, the light in her eyes was extremely cold. She didn't seem to be joking at all.

  When Zero left Eva's house, the two of them finally made a deal. Eva could become Zero's slave soldier, but he couldn't order her around, and he couldn't interfere with her life. As for the proceeds, they would have to proceed according to the method that Eva described. As for letting her work, that would depend on Eva's mood. Faced with such an answer, Zero felt that he had made a loss.

  Next was a busy day. After reporting to the headquarters of Doomhammer, he rushed to the headquarters' mission hall to register his team. At the same time, he also registered Eva's status as a slave. For this reason, he still needed to pay 50 contribution points as a formality. It wasn't until nightfall that Zero finished his work and returned to the single room that Doomhammer had arranged for the regular soldiers.

  Hammer of Destruction's residence area was located at the outskirts of the city in the southeast part of Asgard. The dormitory was ten stories tall, and there was only one dormitory on each floor. The total area of the dormitory was about fifty square meters. For a single room, such an area could be described as extravagant. There were a total of 30 such residential buildings located in the area close to 1000 square meters. There was a two-car highway connection between the residential building and the residential building, along with artificial grasslands and misplaced street lamps, it was a small status that belonged to the old era.

  Judging by the rules that stated that the Asgard was reaping rewards, it was normal for the official soldiers of the Doomhammer to receive such treatment. Lying on his bed in his dorm room, looking at the freshly painted ceiling and the faint yellow glow of the wall lamp beside his bed, Zero almost suspected that he was living in a dream.

  As he lay there, the memories lingering in his mind began to become unreal. What new era, ability holders, and strange creatures? These were all strange dreams. The current him was lying on the bed of an old house. When he woke up tomorrow, there would be a blazing sun and a lot of work waiting for him.

  Therefore, he closed his eyes, but the wounds on his body and the distinct evolution point reminded him of nothing. All of this was just an illusion.

  Sighing, his thoughts returned to the cruel reality. Zero had already applied for leave from the headquarters. The Doomhammer had never had such a precedent. Once it became an official soldier, it had to start serving. Because of this, not only did Zero manage to invite them for fifteen days of vacation, even Feng and the others got a corresponding holiday due to the relationship of having zero points.

  The few of them had already decided to go to Angry Reef City with Zero. After calculating the time, if they left fast enough, they could still earn some extra money.

  Su Ling thought about Gounabel, the one with mutated ability was an assassin sent by the Parkland's valve. She didn't know how they came to the Asgard, but it didn't matter. She would go and ask them about it, and then she would properly settle the debts with the Parkland, which had been delayed for a long time.

  He closed his eyes. The evolution point from this underground base battle flowed into the gene sequence like a tidal wave, upgrading the skill he had mastered so far.

  The night was dark, but it would eventually pass. Darkness would not forever envelop the world, so the light quietly arrived.

  At dawn, a bright red light broke through the clouds in the distance, casting its first light on the still pitch-black earth. The misty halo continued to move forward, forming a clear line with the darkness. The morning came when the line went on, and the light fought for the dark land, and the line ended at the level of the earth.

  In the faint morning light, the current Angry Reef City was significantly different from three months ago.

  Although the city was located in the south, the sea water which used to have a constant temperature had now lost this function. During turbulent times, the temperature of the sea would always remain below 0 degrees Celsius. The higher north one went, the lower the temperature of the sea would be. By the time they reached the Arctic region of the old era, that place had already returned to the land of ice. Although the Angry Reef City was in the south, they were still baptized by the raging storm.

  Just three days ago, there was a rainstorm here. Thick layers of radiation snow piled up three metres of snow on the streets of the city. Ron, who was stationed at Angry Reef City, put in a large amount of people, and took a whole day to shovel all the snow on the streets. But even so, the piles of snow piled on top of the buildings still left traces of the storm.

  However, the Angry Reef City did not change just because of this. The more obvious change was caused by the barbed wire that surrounded the entire city. Behind the barbed wire were a dozen or so temporarily built post tower s. On the post tower s, Ron and his company's soldiers were on duty all day, monitoring the wilderness outside the Angry Reef City, as well as the curved road that connected the main road.

  On the post tower s, there were high velocity cannons, which could reach two thousand five hundred rounds per
second. These weapons were enough to ensure that no one or any living creature within a thousand meters of the city edge would be able to pass through their blockade. And these weapons could be said to be the trump card of Ron's company. Thus,, who looked defenseless when they left, was now fully armed.

  Such a change is not surprising. In turbulent times, even when there is peace, it is short-lived. Moreover, the vicinity of Angry Reef City was not considered a safe zone, it was just that the recent wilderness was becoming more and more dangerous, thus Ron had no choice but to use all of their might to protect the city they belonged to.

  The danger came from the creatures that were evolving faster and faster in the wild, and also from humans.

  Not long after the wolf thief disappeared, a group of Armed mob s quietly appeared in the wilderness. They did not have a smart leader like Kazuo Watanabe, so their destructive power was comparable to a wolf thief. However, their reputation was even worse than a wolf thief.

  These mob were like locusts as they swept through the small settlements on the south side of the coastline. Everywhere the Armed mob s passed, all the materials were taken away and all the buildings were burnt. Men were killed, and women were brief playthings. After enough play, they would be killed and thrown away, or could become food for the mob s to survive the winter.

  In two short months, a dozen small settlements had been destroyed by them. The larger cities in the wilderness, such as Remot and Phoenix City, had once planned to send troops to suppress them. Unfortunately, with the arrival of winter, the blizzard became a natural barrier to the mob.

  Although the Angry Reef City had the support of Ron's company, but this company was not famous for its military might. At present, Ron Company could only do this to protect themselves.

  In such an environment, a ray of sunlight crawled along the windowsill to the bed and onto the face of a bearded man. Victor cursed as he opened his eyes, which were completely bloodshot from the hangover, under the increasingly bright sunlight.

  He lifted the quilt that reeked of alcohol and groped his way out of the bed. However, he accidentally lost his balance and fell to the ground. Victor cried out in pain. After supporting himself on the bed and standing up, he stomped on the ground angrily a few times.

  Of course the ground didn't hurt, but the doctor woke up completely with the pain.

  Chapter 272 - Returning to the Wilderness (I)

  Outside the window was a misty street with a bit of red light. From Victor's bedroom, he could see that the neighbor,'s, roof was missing a corner. If their line of sight continued to move forward, they would see that the buildings in the town were somewhat damaged and charred. These broken buildings were mostly placed at the front of the Angry Reef City, and there would even be some shocking craters that would occasionally appear on the streets that had been swept clean of snow.

  White snow and black scars constituted the malevolence of war.

  Just before the storm, the Angry Reef City suffered two attacks. The attack was launched by the headache-inducing Armed mob, who called themselves the "DK" Legion. DK was the abbreviation for mob's leader Dekas. Under the lead of the mob leader who was proficient in both the third stage of the Wind and Fire element abilities, all that the DK Regiment left behind were pieces of ruins.

  Looking at the scars on the buildings outside, Victor remembered them clearly. That day was just like this. It was just dawn, and he was still unwilling to get up from his bed, when an attack suddenly occurred.

  First, a shell dragging a fire from outside the city fell into the house of the West Street Blacksmith Levi. The blast destroyed the three-storey building Levy had renovated only a few years earlier, while killing the Levi couple and their two children, who were still in their dreams at the time. After that, there was a continuous stream of gunshots. The DK Regiment immediately rushed in from outside the city gate and was about to occupy the entire West Street area. Fortunately, Ron and his men reacted quickly and relied on their familiarity with the environment and the advantage of their military strength to drive this group of mob out.

  Since the attack, Ron and his company had set up a guard outside the Angry Reef City, as well as set up a post tower s to monitor the surroundings. Afterwards, the DK Regiment launched another attack, but this time, the Angry Reef City that was already prepared for it made them return empty-handed.

  The second attack was followed by a snowstorm. Not only did the snow and wind become a natural barrier for the DK Regiment, they also restricted the movements of the mob. No one believed that the DK Regiment could fight in such an environment. After all, they were the mob that gathered due to benefits, and not the elite troops of an organization.

  Victor stretched his body and walked out of the bedroom to the clinic downstairs. The clinic was filled with the sounds of snoring. Other than the fact that many of the houses that were destroyed in the two attacks had temporarily stayed at Victor's clinic, there were also some injured soldiers from Ron's company.

  After Zero left, Victor's clinic was opened again. To that end, Masters had even sponsored him with a bunch of medical equipment. Adding Victor's medical skills, even if it couldn't compare to a large hospital, in a small place like the Angry Reef City, Victor, who was able to complete the operation on his own, was already a good doctor that was loved and respected by the citizens.

  After the attack of the DK Regiment, Victor was even responsible for the treatment of some of the soldiers who were severely injured. Although Ron's company had its own medical guards, their medical skills could not compare to Victor's. As a result, a few heavily injured soldiers were sent to Victor's place. To that end, Ron had specially sent a team of six to protect this place, as well as providing two female guards to Victor as nurses.

  When Victor went downstairs, he smelled a faint fragrance. It was the smell of roasted meat. Although it was man-made, the added essence made it taste like beef when heated at high temperatures. Victor greedily took two extra breaths of the meaty air, then turned into the kitchen that he hadn't used in many years.

  When Victor's wife, Kaelyn was still alive, the kitchen was his world. After Kaelyn was kidnapped by the wolf, the depressed Victor was naturally not in the mood to use the kitchen again. After that, because of zero reasons, Victor regained his composure. But he bought most of his food from outside, and the doctor didn't cook it himself, so the place was idle for a long time.

  Until the arrival of the two guards, one of them was an Asian woman named Ervinna who was good at cooking. Not only was the food for the citizens and injured soldiers in the clinic under Ervinna's care, she had also meticulously cooked all three of Victor's meals. Ervinna's cooking techniques were indeed brilliant. With the same ingredients, she could conjure different tricks with her hands.

  On the third day that Ervinna arrived, Victor fell in love with the things she cooked. Furthermore, if the danger had been resolved and Ervinna had left, how would he be able to eat his three meals in the future?

  Under the guidance of the fragrance, even with his eyes closed, Victor was still able to sneak into the kitchen. When he walked into the kitchen, he just happened to see Ervinna busy with work in the morning light. Ervinna was only around 1.6m tall, but compared to the average height of the girls in Mainland China, he was relatively short. Like most Asian women, Ervinna's chest was not too big.

  However, the twin peaks in the shape of a jade bamboo shoot were abnormally firm. It could prove its pride to the world without any special accessories. Every time he saw Ervinna, Victor couldn't help but think that there must be many men fantasizing about using their hands to hold the twin peaks. Of course, Victor was no exception. If he had not met the doctor before Kaelyn, he might have pursued Ervinna intensely. But right now, Victor could only contain one woman in his heart, so he did not plan to find a new mistress for his clinic.

  Realizing that Victor had come in, Ervinna smiled sweetly: "Mr. Victor, breakfast is almost ready, can I trouble you to call the others to
get up?"

  Victor looked at his chest fiercely, and then laughed: "I am happy to help you, Madam."

  Ervinna and her other companion looked at each other and smiled before they continued to work diligently.

  Just as a light and warm atmosphere was drifting out from Victor's clinic, the soldier on top of the post tower far away from the city was enduring the bone-piercing coldness. Although the sky was beginning to brighten, the snow had stopped falling. However, it was the coldest time of the day. Jet was around thirty years old and had worked at Ron's company for ten years.

  With trembling hands, he sucked in a mouthful of hot air and reached for the wine pot on his waist. The jug of wine was light as a feather, allowing Jet to use it to shake the jug, so that not even a drop of wine could fall. The strong alcohol in the jug had already been drunk during the whole night when he was standing guard. If not for this jug of strong alcohol whose accuracy was high enough to burn people, Jet would have long been frozen stiff by the cold wind. But now, even though he could only take a sip at a time, he finally finished all the liquor in the pot.

  Jet sighed, using all of his strength to rub his body, hoping that his gradually numbing limbs would awaken some feelings. Then he would wait for the shift to change at 7: 00 and go back to his dorm for a good night's sleep.

  Just then, something's reflection gently pierced into Jet's eyes. Although it was just for a moment, it was already enough to attract Jet's attention.

  He immediately picked up the telescope in front of his chest and looked in the direction of the light.

  It was a snowy hill, and under the raging blizzard a few days ago, snowy hills like this were piled up one by one in the wilderness. It was this kind of thing that greatly restricted the mob's movements. Otherwise, the Angry Reef City would not be so calm these past few days.


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