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Warlord 4

Page 28

by Chen Ran

  In the shop, Reo held onto his sniper rifle and considered whether it was time to change the position. He knew perfectly well that the tracks left by the snow would lead the unseen creature to the shop. Firstly, Reo did not have the time to clear the footprints he had left behind. Secondly, he wanted to use this chance to lure his opponent to his predetermined sniping point.

  As long as the opponent appeared in any corner of the mirror, Reo had the confidence to retaliate.

  Unfortunately, the scene in the mirror did not change at all.

  The killing intent from the back of his head had disappeared the moment he entered the little town. That was because his opponent could no longer see him. To Reo, as long as the other party could not see him, then he had the chance to use this little town to forever flee from their line of sight. However, there was a risk. Once he exposed his body outside the house, he could be ambushed at any time. Looking at the distance between their opponents, Reo was completely unable to detect them in time, let alone retaliate.

  Therefore, the current method seemed a bit stupid, but as long as he had patience, the method was feasible. Only by taking care of the other party, would Reo be able to leave with ease.

  Just as Reo was patiently waiting for a chance, the window on his left was suddenly broken by something. Following that, a black shadow was thrown in and rolled around Reo's feet. Reo's pupils narrowed. Reflecting in his eyes was a grenade. Even the fragment grenade with the least power had exploded at such a close distance, it was enough to take Reo's life.

  Reo reacted almost immediately. He jumped up and quickly jumped out of the window. When he landed on the ground, he did a beautiful roll. Reo bounced up in the snow, trying to find cover, but a black barrel made him stop all his movements.

  It was very quiet behind him, the grenade did not explode. If he hadn't opened the safety catch, it would have been a Mute Thunder. Regardless of which it was, the other party's goal had already been achieved. Using the same method as before, the other side used a grenade to force him to jump into the location he had set earlier. Reo's bitter and bitter expression, he slowly raised his head and looked towards the muzzle of the gun.

  It was a automatic pistol. From its style, Reo felt that it should be a Browning pistol. Behind the gun was a long and powerful arm, and above it was a body that was wrapped in a tactical suit. This gunner was wearing a thin set of tactical suit clothes as he stood in the snow. It was obvious that this set of tactical suit had the ability to adjust the temperature and isolate radiation.

  High-grade goods!

  Reo said in his heart. He raised his head high, and saw the silhouette of a head. The sunlight shone from behind him, causing his face to be hidden in the shadows, making it impossible for Reo to see everything clearly.

  "You have two choices. Die! Or alive! " The man said coldly.

  Even though his voice was cold, Zhang Xuan could tell that the other party was very young. This made Reo surprised again. In his imagination, an opponent who could force him to such an extent should be an experienced sniper. His experience was usually directly proportional to his age. Even if the other party wasn't a white-haired old man, he should have at least stepped into middle age.

  However, his opponent was actually so young, and even seemed to be a few years younger than him, which took Reo by surprise.

  "Now, put down your weapon. Then slowly stand up and answer my question. " The other party continued.

  Reo very cooperatively let go of his sniper rifle, and slowly straightened his body as the opponent raised his gun. When the gun was in a horizontal position on the ground, Reo could finally see the other party's appearance. There was no doubt that this was a young and handsome man. What made Reo almost exclaim out loud was that the other party had a special eye.

  In that golden eye, Reo could clearly see his shocked face.

  The pistol suddenly moved to his chin, and, to make matters worse, the muzzle continued to rise. Therefore, Reo had no choice but to stand on tiptoe, and only when he could not go any higher did the other party stop moving.

  Damn it! Reo scolded in his heart. This kind of action would cause his physical strength to rapidly deplete, and not only did the killing intent from the gun not weaken, instead, it was gradually increasing. Reo was very clear that if he said the wrong thing, the other party would not hesitate to send the bullet into his body. This was the message sent to him from the killing intent.

  "Listen, man. Relax, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. "Could you please lower that damn gun a bit? It's tiring for me to stand like this …" Reo said anxiously. From the bottom of his cowboy hat, he could see beads of perspiration rolling down his forehead.

  Su Ling was silent, allowing Reo to continue speaking. However, the hand that raised the spear had moved, even with the smallest movement.

  Until Reo's legs began to tremble, Zero knew that his stamina was almost at its limit. What he wanted was this kind of effect.

  "I say, quickly ask what you want to know. I can't hold on any longer. Why don't you just kill me!" Reo roared impatiently.

  Finally, Reo saw the other party's lips start to move, and then a simple question came out of the man's mouth. "What's your name?"

  "Reo, Reo Warchester!" Reo not only reported his name, he even mentioned his surname.

  Zero had no interest in his surname. However, based on interrogation techniques, asking the simplest questions and then suddenly getting to the point would often lead the prisoner to reveal the truth without him being able to guard against it. Zero didn't know how he knew all this, but knowing was knowing. He didn't mind studying and selling, so another question popped up.

  "What is your relationship with them?"

  "The DK Regiment?" Reo immediately expressed his stance: "I'm just working for them, bro. You see, I do not have any hostility towards the Angry Reef City. "If you lose because of me, I'm willing to compensate you, really!"

  Zero didn't say anything, but the gun was raised a little more.

  "You talk too much. You only need to answer my questions." Zero said.

  Reo nodded with all his might, only then did the gun under his chin drop to its original angle, and following that, he heard a bunch of irrelevant questions, including his background, and even asked if he had a wife or not. Reo could only answer them one by one. If not for the fact that he was pointed at with a gun, he would have already been distracted.

  "Where did the DK Regiment come from?"

  "Arms? Oh, that was provided by the Dark Merchant … " Reo answered casually, but when he said the Dark Merchant, he immediately shut his mouth.

  "Dark Merchant?" Apparently, Zero had never heard of this organization. In fact, not many people knew about the existence of the Dark Merchant.

  "Listen up, brother, I was just lucky enough to hear the conversation between Dekas and the Dark Merchant. Don't say that I told you, otherwise, Dark Merchant's assassins won't let me go. " Reo's face turned green, if this underground organization were to know about the matter of the Dark Merchant, unless Reo left the vicinity of the coastline, he would definitely become a corpse in the wilderness one day.

  "I think it's better for you to worry about the current situation first." Zero asked some more questions, and he didn't want to ask any more because it was no longer necessary. Among these questions, they mainly talked about the origins of the Dark Merchant, the reason why they supported the DK Regiment, and the contact method between them and the leader of the Regiment.

  Several questions were asked in a random, repetitive, and random manner to make sure that the cowboy was not hiding anything or lying. Zero did not stop the interrogation until the question was repeated five times. The answer to the question had not been given in the first place. Zero was certain that the man was not lying, but he did not know much either. For example, the reason behind Dark Merchant supporting Dekas, and the contact method between the two, these cowboys did not know.

  From his words, Su Yun only had a rough id
ea of the Dark Merchant's origins. But even this question is not known to the cowboy. He only knew that the organization sells everything from metamorph s to high-tech products. As long as you can afford it, you can buy what you want from them.

  When he put down Zero's handgun, Reo's entire body fell to the ground. Every ounce of his strength had been squeezed dry, and now was not the time to move a finger. This was also what Zero wanted. He kept his promise, but didn't want to be pointed at from behind by a gun before he left.

  After putting away the handgun, Zero turned around to leave, but unexpectedly Reo suddenly shouted out: Wait, don't leave bro!

  panted, and barely squeezed out a smile from his face. "I know you are an outstanding sniper, but you are only one person. Maybe sometimes you need a helper. Like me, hey. "

  "Like you?"

  "That's right, I've never lost before." Reo said full of confidence. Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and said dejectedly. "Of course, you are an exception."

  Zero said expressionlessly, "I admit that you are very funny, but there is already a guy in my team who is too funny. Besides, I only have four seats in my car. "

  After saying that, Zero ignored the "funny" cowboy. He used his neither fast nor slow speed to turn a corner and disappeared from Reo's sight. From the wind blowing from behind, Zero could faintly hear Reo shouting, "I have a car of my own …"

  "What an interesting fellow …" Zero replied. But very quickly, his figure disappeared from the town. He did not stay for long for Cowboy's words.

  Chapter 275 - The Night Before (I)

  The battle was over.

  Outside of Angry Reef City, there were battle scars everywhere. The broken post tower s were all scattered on the ground, the fortifications that were blasted away were only left with a thick layer of dust. The ground was riddled with craters, the masterpieces of shoulder-fired missiles. As for the charred glass, it was the mark of the plasma grenade.

  Ron's company's soldiers were just about to enter the battlefield, and after this battle, the company's troops had been reduced from two hundred to only thirty or so miserable people. But Tungus and Bain did not mind, this did not mean that they were indifferent, even though people in the wilderness never had any passion. However, the deaths of more than a hundred people would cause them to feel troubled.

  In addition, Ron Corporation would also need to provide a grant to those who died in battle, to help these families to survive this winter, even though they had lost their pillar of support. But that was all. It was impossible for Ron Corporation to do anything more than that.

  However, just like the darkness before dawn, the cold winter always passed. What Ron had lost in this battle could be compensated back through the weapons, locomotives, and even captives left behind by the DK Regiment. In half a year, or even less, the company would be back to its pre-war size. Tungus and Bain had never doubted this; as long as they are alive, there will be hope!

  But now, there was one more problem that needed to be resolved.

  Tungus and Bain felt a headache coming on as they looked at the black man sitting beside the Tank car that had been stomped into discs. After the Armored Rhinoceros had trampled the entire DK Corps convoy into almost nothing, the huge beast shrank in size and changed. The black man was wearing a tight fit of tactical suit s, revealing the perfect lines of his muscles.

  The tactical suit's chest, shoulders and knees were covered with white armor templates, clearly adding extra protection to these parts. On the template on his chest, there was a hammer that was wrapped by electric snakes. Tungus and Yue Shuang tried to crack their brains, but they could not think of which organization this design represented.

  Be it for a present or some other reason, Tungus and Yue Yang should have invited the black man into the city and thanked him profusely for his hospitality. However, when the two of them suggested this idea, the black man immediately rejected them and then silently sat down beside the discus. He did not know what to do. The two of them had no choice but to stay by the side. After a while, another two figures appeared from the direction of the snow path. Tungus and Bain anxiously stood up, but they heard the black man say in a low voice: "Don't be nervous, they are my companions."

  "Comrade?" Tungus looked at the man and woman that were handling him from the snow path. They were all wearing the same style of uniform. The chest area of the uniform had the same hammer pattern as the black man, explaining the definition of a companion.

  The people who came were Feng and Su. When they walked to Ma Pei's side, Feng casually threw something towards them. When this round thing reached Bain's feet, it stopped, and turned out to be Dekas's head. The look of surprise was forever fixed on his face.

  Looking at the head of the mob's leader, Bain and Tungus looked at each other.

  Feng pointed to that head, and said with a smile: "This is an additional gift."

  Tungus took a step forward, and said: "The three of you have helped us greatly, so please follow us to the city. Angry Reef City cannot be considered rich, but there is still fine wine and barbecue. "

  During the turbulent times, meat and wine was already a luxury item. As for non-contaminated food, it was even harder to find. Even in Asgard, Feng and the others only ate artificially synthesized food, not natural food.

  In the depths of Angry Reef City, there was an underground villa that Ron Corporation had established. The amount of radiation had been reduced to a minimum soil which could meet the minimum planting requirements for fruits such as grapes. When they matured, they would be brewed and sold as wine, thus providing the Angry Reef City with additional income. The dozens of poultry in the manor that were not mutated could also occasionally improve the food of the upper echelons of Ron's company.

  Right now, Tungus was willing to give thanks with wine and barbecue, which could be said to be the highest standard of gratitude in the Angry Reef City. But despite that, Feng still said indifferently: "Thank you for your good intentions, but we still need to wait for one more person."


  "Our captain …"

  Just as Feng finished speaking, he suddenly turned around to look at the northern wilderness, then laughed: "He's here."

  Tungus and Bain looked over at the same time. In their eyes, there was nothing. A moment later, however, a lone figure appeared on the horizon, heading in their direction. Very quickly, a man dressed in the same tactical suit clothes as the black man appeared in front of them. When Tungus saw the golden eyes on the man's face, the man exclaimed.

  "Why?" Bain looked at him, puzzled.

  "He is a friend of Masters." Tungus said anxiously.

  "That war dealer has friends too?" Bain said with disdain.

  "I can't say I'm a friend, but I do have a relationship of cooperation. I remember Masters said his name is Zero. Yes, that's the name, the man who gave Parkland's valve a headache. " Tungus added.

  The night was cold and still.

  "Cheers!" Let us pay our respects to the brave warriors! "

  Masters's excited shout came from the long-awaited Aberdeen Inn. He raised his wine cup high up, and at the same time,'s company's soldiers and Tungus responded. After zeroing in, the four of them were invited by Tungus and Bain to enter Angry Reef City. At the same time, Tungus had also informed Masters and Victor that they were old acquaintances who had only known each other for two zeros.

  This time, not only did he repel the attack of the DK Regiment, he also defeated the Armed mob. Although it was due to the contributions of the few of them, but after Tungus and the rest sent out the message, they only thought that the Angry Reef City had fought a beautiful battle. It could be imagined that after the winter, the famous Angry Reef City would attract more warriors and skilled personnel.

  In the wilderness, warriors and technicians in other fields are fundamental to urban development. Only a strong city would be able to attract more talents.

  The few of them naturally would not bother about who the A
ngry Reef City s were fighting with. To them, these were all matters of no importance. On the contrary, the wine and food were the more practical rewards. Even the zero who did not have much requirements for food would unconsciously let out a sound of satisfaction when he tasted the roast beef.

  The tavern was about to burst. Other than the staff of Ron's company, ordinary citizens also squeezed in to join in the fun. The few of them were naturally the center of attention, and, who was extremely handsome and did not lose out in humor, was naturally favored by the women, while Su, who had a voluptuous figure, also attracted the attention of many men. Even Ma Pei, the black warrior, had surrounded Ron's company's soldiers and was drinking with them.

  The atmosphere in the tavern was warm and harmonious as Su Yun took a sip of Ron's wine. The wine was bitter in the mouth. It couldn't be compared to the sprinkling liquor brewed in the old days. However, it was rare for a wine of this quality to be drunk, so she drank it slowly.

  A hand patted on his shoulder. Only then did he realize that someone had walked up to his side. With the sensitivity he felt, even in such a complicated environment, it was rare for people to not notice it when they walked to the side. But now, Zero had deliberately lowered its sensitivity and loosened its taut nerves, letting itself be a little lazy for a while.

  Turning his head, what Zero saw were Masters and Victor. The two of them had obviously drunk quite a bit. Their faces were red and their bodies reeked of alcohol. Masters walked to the other side, tightly holding onto Su Ling's shoulders and said softly, "It's so good that I can see you again!"

  Masters was not an easily moved person. On the contrary, he was like a precise machine that calculated the different scales between different people. But tonight, he felt a little different, as if there was a reason for him to be moved by all the things he had done to repel the DK Regiment.

  On the contrary, Doctor Victor was more rational. He looked at Zero from head to toe and said, "It looks like you're doing pretty well."


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