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Warlord 4

Page 34

by Chen Ran

  The uncertainty dragged the Aaron's body deep into the complex crypt, as if some wild beast were beginning to store food for itself in the cold winter. But in this Western Frozen Plains, in the Asgard's records, there were no records of metamorph s controlling fire. In fact, the habits and abilities of metamorph had a lot to do with the environment they resided in.

  The Ice Demon Wolves, Finry's wolf s could be produced in the Frozen Plains, but they were unable to produce strange beasts like the Fire Spitting Lizards. Although many things could not be tested with common sense in the new era, there were still some basic rules.

  It was not a pleasant journey to travel under the complicated terrain, especially with the scraps of flesh and the occasional Aaron or two of corpses, which made the trip less than a sightseeing tour of the catacombs. On the contrary, the deeper one went, the more one would feel as though they were heading towards hell.

  The journey finally came to an end after reaching three thousand meters deep into the cave. After walking out of the complex fulcrum, what appeared before everyone's eyes was a relatively large and flat ground. It was just that the space here was extremely narrow. The lichen above their heads was less than five meters from the ground, making the entire space flat. The uncomfortable shape of the space made the few of them feel oppressed.

  What was rare was that the middle of the ground was actually a lake that was hundreds of meters wide. The water in the lake was in a very pure state. The bottom of the lake was covered with luminescent fungi, and a hazy light shone through the surface of the lake, causing the entire lake to shine like resplendent gems.

  There was no doubt that the lake's scenery was beautiful. But the scene on the other side of lake was far from beautiful, and could even make people feel disgusted. At least twenty or so corpses were piled up, forming a small mountain of corpses. These were the bodies of the Aaron people. They were now like dried meat that was casually stored beside the lake, ready for consumption.

  Near the corpse mountain, a figure was lying on top of one of the corpses. Chewing sounds that caused people to go crazy continuously rang out. In this special environment of the cave, the sound was several times larger, and it drilled into the ears of the three of them from all directions. What was even more unbelievable was that the figure was wearing a long, dark red leather robe. It looked like it was the killer of the Aaron Family's entire village.

  However, the few of them did not expect this person to have the hobby of eating corpses. Although there were many freaks among those with special abilities, it was still rare for them to eat corpses. The sound of the footsteps of the others had obviously alarmed the one who was enjoying the delicacies of the corpses. He jumped up in alarm and quickly spun around to face the others.

  Su Yun was startled, his pupils contracted slightly as she involuntarily called out a person's name: "Soren?"

  That's right! Even though this person's face was covered in dark green blood, even though his eyes had turned completely black, there were still circles of red on his skin. But none of this prevented Zero from recognizing him. Soren, the former successor to the position of Parkland's valve, the man who had tangled with Zero before but died under his hands, had now appeared on the Frozen Plains Plateau behind the Asgard.

  "What's wrong, zero?" Is this your friend? " Feng said in surprise.

  Zero shook his head and said, "I don't have any friends like the ghouls … …"

  "You two stop talking nonsense, I don't look very happy!" Su reminded Yun Che as she gripped her heavy sword tightly and assumed a posture that she could attack at any time.

  On the other side, Su who looked like a ghoul began to roar. He let out a strange, beast-like howl. Her mouth was opened to the limit, revealing teeth that had already turned sharp from her lips.

  Soren who had already been turned into a disorderly person, had once instinctively become a place which was very close to zero. However, the battle aura of Valkyrie and the other two Adepts had scared Soren away. After that, the Shield of Dawn as well as the large amount of strange beings that had escaped from the Cossack base had made Soren run even further away.

  Afterwards, Soren continued to wander in the wilderness. Under his instincts, he arrived at the Ice Forest, which had a thick life force, and found the Aaron Family. In the beginning, Soren only killed Aaron race people because of food. But after eating the Aaron human flesh and blood, Soren liked this kind of food. However, what Soren didn't know was that Aaron's heart and brain had greatly increased his power, which allowed him to level up from the Fourth Stage to the Fifth Stage.

  What happened afterwards was naturally the massacre of the village. Aaron race was killed by Soren with his own strength, and Soren even used his beast like intuition to pick out the most powerful corpse of the clan members, and dragged it into this naturally formed cave to be stored as food. Only, even Soren did not expect that his actions would actually lead to zero.

  The moment he saw zero, Soren's instinctive order to kill zero was activated. Immediately, the red light wheel in his eyes changed continuously, causing the air in the cave to rise continuously, it was because the space fire elemental energy Su was active.

  It had only been a short two seconds since the entire lake was filled with red light and the entire surface of the lake had started boiling. In the next moment, lake erupted with a loud voice, spouting out a tall water curtain. At the same time, water vapor began rolling out from the ground due to high temperature evaporation, causing the entire cave to become moist and hot, at the same time reducing everyone's visibility.

  Suddenly, an invisible wave swept out of the mist.

  His body tensed up as he felt an incomparably strong sense of danger.


  he cried, rolling forward. Su and Feng also moved to the left and right at the same time, and just as the three figures flashed, a red light flashed from beneath the ground where they were previously, followed by a three meter wide pillar of fire that spouted out. If the three of them didn't move fast enough, they would have been roasted like pigs.

  Feng let out a cold snort. His body leaned forward, and with the force of his feet, he instantly pulled out a black line and entered the water mist. Seeing him attack, Su was afraid that he would miss, and immediately rushed towards the direction of the mist in which Soren was standing. She intentionally released his aura to attract Soren's attention.

  At the same time, Su Yun also took down the assailant that was pinned under the portable apparatus. Soren's strength had actually risen to the Fifth Stage, which surprised him. Furthermore, he also could not understand why Soren, whom he had killed, would actually come back to life. What made him even more uneasy was that Soren's special eyes made him think of Hans!

  As soon as the attacker was taken down, it immediately entered the recharge mode. Before it could reach the target, Zero suddenly saw a flash of red light from the depths of the water mist, followed by a stream of flames shooting out straight at Su!

  Su lifted the heavy sword horizontally, barely able to withstand the flame pillar. Instantly, the violent impact sent her flying into the air. As for Su's alloy heavy sword, it instantly turned red.

  When Su bounced up from the ground, the temperature of the heavy sword retreated a little.

  The flame pillar that had sent her flying did not disappear. Instead, it turned into a flat flame that swept towards the left of the cave. The mist was immediately dispersed by the fire pillar. In the light of the fire,'s figure that was leaning forward was reflected.

  Yan Zhu chased after Feng from behind, but he seemed to not have noticed anything. Just as Su was about to shout, Feng suddenly flipped forward, allowing the fire pillar to fly past his back. Feng sprung up again, his speed increased, and in the blink of an eye he was already in front of Soren.

  The Tang Dao disappeared from Feng's hands, and in the next moment, three blade lights flew towards Soren like claws.

  Eagle Claw!

  Soren did not panic,
but instead laughed, with a sudden flash of red under his feet, followed by another pillar of fire that soared into the sky. In the firelight, Feng's expression finally changed. The Tang Dao retracted its protection in front of itself, and was flung out by the impact of the fire pillar that suddenly erupted.

  This pillar of fire was at a temperature of five hundred degrees, Feng never thought that Soren would place it at his feet. However, inside the flames, Soren did not even burn a single strand of hair. Instead, the flames had burnt some of the dirt on his body, making him look much cleaner.

  Soren's smile disappeared, and with a roar, he spread open his arms, preparing to descend in the direction of Feng and use another flame shock. Suddenly, a jade-green light appeared in the corner of his eyes.

  He immediately looked in the direction of the light, only to see a group of dark green energy bomb flying across the lake, and behind them was a pool of lake water.

  The flame shock changed its target and landed on the energy bomb's body. Flames that could be seen with the naked eye appeared out of thin air, and then wrapped around the energy bomb's body layer by layer. When they were still more than ten meters away from Soren, a flash of a flame quietly appeared on the left side of the Acid Bullet that the attacker had shot out.

  When the firelight appeared, the explosion occurred immediately. The energy in Su's space violently exploded, successfully detonating the acid bomb. The two different types of energies released a blazing red and white light, which expanded and contracted, forming a huge fireball that appeared above the lake. The shockwave from the explosion swept out in all directions, and Soren who was the closest to the explosion was immediately sent flying. The one furthest away, was also suffocated by the strong wind brought by the shockwave.

  The violent impact of the two types of energies also caused the walls of the cave to have soul-shaking cracks. Countless amounts of sand and sand continued to fall, as if it were raining sand.

  Feng's face turned ugly as he shouted, "Zero, don't use that girl's weapon unless you want to bury us alive here!"

  Without a word, he retrieved the invader and took down the Type 2 sniper rifle instead. The magazine was already filled to the brim with sniper shells, they could be fired at any time. On the other side, Feng was already pouncing towards Soren, shouting something like "In the end, you still have to rely on yourself", as Feng launched his Tornado Strike at Soren. This was a unique skill that could attack swordsman. When it was activated, Feng's speed would become as fast as the wind. He circled around Soren, continuously attacking him from all angles with the Tang Dao in his hands. At the same time, the Tang Dao had a strange force field attached to it. The ability of defense 'fell apart', which was also a type of attack on the swordsman, could reduce the opponent's various defensive capabilities to a certain extent.

  When Feng came closer, he had already casted a layer of elemental field on his body. This skill was used to deal with long-ranged and close-ranged Wanhua Oil, providing a certain amount of damage absorption. However, the defensive layer of power was gradually reduced due to Feng's targeted abilities, but Soren was able to replenish his skills from time to time, and was able to maintain the same position as Yuan Su, without collapsing.

  As for Feng's combos of wind, Soren seemed to not care about it at all. Strictly speaking, the current Soren was even closer to the living corpse. As a result, he did not even defend against most of Feng's attacks, allowing the Tang Dao to attack him freely. Other than the more important parts of his head and chest, Soren practically allowed himself to be beaten up.

  However, his retaliation often caused Feng to complain incessantly. To Soren, a Level 1 Fireball was something that could be cast with just a thought. Furthermore, the fireball's explosive power at a close distance was more than enough to push Feng away. Thus, from time to time, he would throw out a fireball and occasionally use a fire pillar to attack.

  "Out of the way!"

  While Feng was entangled with Soren, Su had already bypassed the lake and approached him. Her speed was not great, but he had great power as she ran. The energy ripple s on Su's body scattered into the air. It seemed that after the trip to Cossacks, Su's strength had also increased. At the very least, she wouldn't have been able to release his energy before this.

  Right now, Su's alloy heavy sword was wrapped in layers of surging energy ripple. When she was near Soren, Su's feet fiercely stepped on the ground.

  The ground immediately cracked, allowing Su to leap high into the air. Raising the heavy sword above her head, Su gave a loud shout as the heavy sword, which was wrapped in energy ripples, gave rise to a violent howl of the wind as it cleaved down towards Soren.

  Berserk hacking! The commonly used skills of Berserkers appeared once again. With just a single sword strike, they felt as if a mountain was crushing down on them.

  Under the violent wind pressure, Feng's face changed slightly as he retreated. He did not want to be affected by the power of this slash.

  As the Soren who was viewed as a target by Su, the pressure produced by the energy ripple heavily fell on his body, making it difficult for him to avoid like Feng. Seeing that she could not dodge in time, Soren bellowed and pushed his hands forward. Countless red lights gathered and formed a red light shield between the two in the blink of an eye. In the center of the light shield, a pattern of flames appeared.

  elemental field and Yuan Su Shield were all skills that were commonly used in the Element Domain Capable. The powers and effects displayed by these two skills differed depending on whether one was proficient in using Primordial Su or not. For example, the Indians who were fighting against Valkyrie previously used the Shield of Darkness to absorb energy. However, Su Lun's Fierce flame shield Plate actually displayed the complete characteristics of Su Fire Essence, as it was purely used for offense.

  Su's heavy sword ruthlessly hacked at YuanSu's shield, which immediately shattered into pieces. However, at the same time as the shield collapsed, Su, who was inside, released a terrifying energy. Sensing that there was a change to it, Su only had enough time to raise her heavy sword in front of her body in a defensive posture before exploding.

  With a rumble, the high-temperature energy explosion rubbed against the air, producing a fireball. The shock wave from the fireball's explosion made Su fly backwards. When Su landed on the ground, she could not help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, which showed that she was injured.

  The flames spread over Soren's head, he released a complacent roar, and pounced towards Su. However, he suddenly stopped and fiercely turned his head in the direction of zero. In that direction, Soren first saw Zero's face, but it was soon covered by the flames!

  Chapter 282 - Blazing Demon Two

  In terms of timing, Soren had just used up one of the intense flame shield tokens. In that moment of haste, Soren was unable to use the second facet!

  However, Soren still had a layer of elemental field, thus when the light of the gun flashed, Soren's elemental field began to tremble violently. 's body could be seen to be covered by the Yuan Su's light aura, but the sniper rifle was still blocked by the elemental field, and was suspended 10 centimeters away from the center of Soren's eyebrows.

  Soren revealed a smile, but when he smiled, he saw the fire at the muzzle of Su Yun's gun flickering. Almost at the same moment the first shot was fired, the second strike from zero arrived. The elemental field shook again, and instantly shattered into red crystal powder. Before Soren could react, the muzzle of Su Ming's gun spouted out a flame tongue three times. This time, the fire sniper bullet struck right at the center of Soren's brows!

  Soren's entire body shook and his head was thrown backwards. At the same time, a spurt of blood spurted out in the air and Soren's entire body plummeted to the ground. He landed heavily on the ground, causing dust to fly everywhere. At this moment, the third gunshot echoed in the cavern.

  Multiple attacks! The unique skill of the wind shooter, was able to make zero make multiple attacks at the sa
me time in an instant. It had a terrifying penetrating power, allowing it to break through defenses first-rate. But Soren had already proven this with his own body, so before he could even react, he had already been hit by the bullet and fell to the ground. Only after seeing him fall did Zero heave a sigh of relief. Even if the living corpse were to be directly hit on the head, he would not be able to survive.

  But then, Soren's fingers suddenly twitched. Following that, he suddenly bounced up, and surprisingly, a finger sized hole of blood appeared on Soren's forehead.

  Soren let out a huge roar, like an enraged wild beast, the golden hair on his head stood on end, and all the blood vessels in his body popped out, looking terrifying.

  The temperature of the cave once again rose as the surface of the lake's lake began to boil. A pillar of water burst out of the lake. The hot water was squeezed into hot smoke and filled the air. However, following Soren's angry roar, the water mist suddenly trembled and dissipated, revealing Soren who had fire sprouting out of his skin's pores.

  This was an unbelievable scene. It was as if lava was flowing through Soren's body, and there were actually traces of flames spewing out of it. The flames would fall to the ground, and even if there were no combustible material, they would continue to burn tenaciously. For a moment, the ground where Soren was standing burned with flames, causing Soren, who was enveloped in flames, to look just like an evil spirit.

  In Soren's eyes, if one looked carefully, they would see that the red circle in that pitch-black pupil was disintegrating one by one. Every time a ring was broken down, the flames on Soren's body would become stronger. It was as if the shackles that were suppressing Soren were opening one by one, and when the last ring of light broke apart, huge flames erupted from Soren's eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth and pores one after another, causing Soren to instantly disappear into a ball of flames that was over two thousand degrees!


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