Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 36

by Chen Ran

  Thus, Zero was like a moth that had fallen into a spider web. Using a fast and unpredictable movement skill to travel between Soren's Scorching Breath, it was as if he was dancing with the Death God every second, and death followed him closely like a shadow. The distance between them was less than 300 meters, but it felt like they had walked for half a century. When they finally reached the corner of fulcrum, Zero suddenly moved to the side and disappeared from Soren's sight, allowing the three roars of flames to fall into empty air and melt a large piece of the ground.

  Soren's angry roar sounded out from within the fulcrum. With the complicated fulcrum as his natural cover, he searched for the best place to attack Soren.

  During this time of being chased down and killed, the sound of the sniper rifle rang out twice more, but the roar of the Flowing Flame did not stop for a single moment!

  Zero took a deep breath and calmed his beating heart down. There were many charred wounds on his body, but the most serious one was a charred muscle on his back. It had been brushed against him by Soren's Blowout. If not for the fact that he dodged quickly, he would only have been brushed against by the exploding Burning Wind. If he was caught in the middle of the explosion, he would have been reduced to a pile of minced meat.

  Soren whose speed could not exceed zero, had changed his strategy after realizing that playing hide and seek was not his strong point. He used Blowout, flame shock and other powerful abilities to blow up fulcrum one by one to limit the range of movement. Su Yun was very clear that when he was forced into a predetermined location by Soren, the only possibility waiting for him was death.

  The Soren Elemental Su was very strong, at least for the current zero. Some of the human's obvious weaknesses had disappeared, and in the last three sniping attacks, Zero had attacked Soren's forehead and left and right chest respectively. In order to increase the frequency of his attacks, Soren did not even make any movements to dodge or defend. Soren had only made a few moves with his head and heart. As he let Zero hit him, he took the opportunity to attack. A few of the more serious injuries on Zero's body suffered from this kind of counterattack.

  However, zero was not without its harvest. As he was trying to dodge the sniper rifle that was aimed at Soren's right chest, Soren didn't allow himself to get hit by zero like he did the previous two times. Of course, it was not possible for Zero to determine that Soren's weakness was in his left chest just by looking at his reaction, but it was worth a try.

  Behind him, there was the sound of an explosion and the rolling of rocks and sand. Zero knew that Soren had sealed off another fulcrum and there wasn't much time left for him. The more time passed, the more the scales of victory tilted towards Soren. Su Bai quietly picked up her sniper rifle and was about to continue moving. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and two diamond-shaped crystals that were wrapped in a red blush floated over.

  This was the Elemental Su Floating Cannon, which had the ability to lock onto a target for intertwining attacks. Feng had been tangled by this kind of thing and almost got hit by Soren's Blowout, if not for Su. When he saw the two little things, Zero knew that Soren had caught up. He raised his sniper rifle and fired. The sniper rifle hit the left side of the Floater Cannon.

  The crystal structure of the Floater Cannon was not as sturdy as Soren's original body. The moment it was hit by the bullet, it instantly exploded into a ball of fire. However, the other Floater Cannon had already opened fire. From the tip of the crystal, an energy beam similar to a burning breath shot out. Of course, this wasn't all that difficult. While dodging, he fired again and the remaining Floater Cannon exploded. But when the Floating Cannon exploded, Zero felt a shocking heat wave behind him. He only had enough time to turn around, and saw that Soren had already pounced forward with flames surrounding him!

  It turned out that the two Floater Cannons were only used to attract Zero's attention.

  With the hot wind blowing against his face, Soren had arrived. Su Ming groaned, it was too late to run, he could only raise his sniper rifle towards Soren. Soren's face revealed a sinister smile, he did not try to dodge, but extended out his hand, holding onto the muzzle of the gun. At this moment, Zero pulled the trigger.

  Slow down the time by a thousand times, you could see the needle striking the shell, the gunpowder in the shell was ignited, and the pressure in the air instantly reached 3000 degrees, pushing the warhead, shooting out along the barrel at a speed of 800 meters. However, just as the warhead reached the front end of the barrel, it was melted into liquid metal by the high temperature. The high temperature originated from Soren's palm, and if one looked carefully, they would see an almost white flame escaping Soren's palm.

  This was a 2,000-degree heat. Not only did it melt the bullet, it also melted the barrel of the sniper rifle. The red flames continued to extend, and with the release of the sniper rifle, he kicked Soren's body. This kick was naturally unable to pose any threat to Soren, but it was enough to have Zero push him out.

  Zero Fly retreated, landed, rolled and then bounced up. His body leaned forward, the tip of his feet pushed forward, leaving afterimages behind him as he charged forward. But at this moment, the temperature behind his back suddenly rose. Without even turning his head, he could see a bright red light illuminating the mountain cliffs on both sides of the fulcrum as it pierced through the air and arrived behind him. Zero dove forward again, and the red beam of heat brushed past him.

  However, this time, his speed had decreased and he was unable to completely evade the beam of light. As a result, the beam of light brushed past the assailant and the portable apparatus. As soon as the machine unlocked the portable apparatus, the two items immediately fell to the ground. Due to the special material, even though the light beam had brushed past the aggressor, it only left it red for a moment before disappearing in the blink of an eye. However, the portable apparatus's material was ordinary, with a crack in the middle, the ammunition and grenades fell down.

  A few more beams of light struck the zero direction, forcing him to stop. He spun around and faced the enemy in front of him. In the corner of his eye, a knife hilt fell into Zero's eyes. That was the light tooth that had yet to be activated. It was lying on the ground quietly, not even three meters away from zero.

  Zero gritted his teeth and the silver lines on the edge of the golden pupil in his right eye suddenly gathered, forming a silver vertical pupil. Zero took a deep breath, and when he exhaled again, it was all hot smoke.

  He moved, and in the moment when he was about to pounce towards the light tooth, he shot out again, barely dodging the beam of light that was coming at him from the bald man's head. However, even more beams of light were flying over. Zero gripped the light tooth tightly as a cold look flashed across his eyes. No matter where he moved to, his ice-cold gaze would always fall on Soren's left chest.

  After entering berserk mode, Zero's speed and movements became even faster and more unpredictable. At the very least, with Soren's speed of calculation, he wouldn't be able to keep up with the movements of zero. But right now, both sides were on a two wide and narrow fulcrum, which meant that no matter how fast the two of them moved, they would still have a dead angle. The flaming breath that was continuously shot out from Soren's chest would shoot out and shoot out randomly, and use an extremely complicated and disorderly shooting mode to deal with the strange zero movement mode.

  Although it had only been three seconds, Zero had already arrived in front of Soren. On Zero's shoulder, chest and right thigh, every single chest had been penetrated by the high temperature beam of light, marking the price he had to pay for approaching Soren. And in exchange for that, he had an opportunity to directly attack Soren.

  In Soren's eyes, Zero raised his right hand. In his right hand, there was something strange. It was something that looked like the handle of a dagger, it's front end was in the blunt shape, Soren really didn't know what use it had. But when a blade made out of pure energy shot out, it was like a demon beast baring its fangs. A peerl
ess and cold aura caused the disordered person who did not know what fear was to feel a chill in his heart!

  Chapter 284 - Ripping (II)

  Under his instincts, Soren roared and raised his hands, clapping them together on the energy light blade of the light tooth. The sharpness of the light tooth was unquestionable, even Soren's crystallized body could be cut apart easily, let alone Soren's palm. However, what was pinching the blade edge was not Soren's palm, but the layer of Fire Essence Su's energy that was covering his palm.

  This was a battle of energy from two different sources. Soren's energy came from within his own body, while the energy of the light tooth was stored using the crystal on top of it. At the peak of the instant, light tooth firmly pressed down on Soren but Soren's energy was stronger than it could sustain. In the first contact, the energy around Soren's palm was immediately torn apart by the light tooth, and deep cracks also appeared on the crystallized palm. But as the energy from Soren's body gushed out, the advantage of the light tooth was slowly levelled.

  Thus, in the eyes of zero, Soren's palms were only five centimeters lower than the bottom before he stopped, but the light tooth was unable to progress at all. However, Zero made a movement that made Soren surprised. He actually released the light tooth.

  Even Soren, who had completely lost all rationality, only knew the value of light tooth. It could be said that if this Light Energy Dagger were to land in the hands of a strong Fighting Domain Ranker, its power would be comparable to a missile. Unfortunately, in the hands of zero, the light tooth was roughly equal to the power of a heavy cannon. Even so, the value of light tooth was enormous. At the very least, it could not fall into the enemy's hands.

  The moment he released his hand, Soren urged the energy in his body to forcibly pour into the physical structure of the light tooth, in order to destroy the weapon that caused him to be in great danger. However, the light tooth was not a modern creation, and the technology it represented far exceeded the current level of civilization. That seemingly thin structure was instantly imbued with a high temperature energy that could melt gold and iron. However, it did not make the slightest movement, but only caused the temperature of the surface of the body to rise.

  Soren was surprised, but at this time, the left side of his chest faintly trembled.

  He lowered his head and saw a pair of Browning automatic pistol s that he had pulled out from his two outer gums. Right now, the black metal muzzle of the gun was pressed against his chest. The energy that covered the surface of his body had already started to raise the temperature of the metal on the pistol, but it was still not enough to stop the firing.

  With his hands crossed, the two handguns were aimed at Soren's chest and kept on firing. Although the Browning's pistol's power was not comparable to the previous M500, it could still penetrate rocks when shot from a distance of 0. Obviously, Soren's crystalline body was not much tougher than the rocks. Amidst the flames spewing out of the muzzle of the gun, Soren's entire body shook intensely, and crystal fragments flew everywhere. The bullets pressed into his body one by one and struck on a fist-sized crystal stone in his chest.

  This crystal was in the shape of a perfect hexagon and was covered in red crystal threads. Energy flames that could be seen with the naked eye formed at the center, and like blood, continued to pump all over Soren's body. There were no longer any human blood vessels, bones and muscles inside Soren. These things were all replaced by crystals, and the threads in the crystals were slightly refined blood vessels. The only difference was that it could support a much larger and denser energy. This was also the main reason why Soren was able to directly advance to the sixth stage.

  But now, as the first bullet struggled its way through the crystallized body and finally reached the energy core of the hexahedron … This energy core, however, was far less solid than the crystals on the surface of Soren's body.

  When more bullets fell into Soren's chest, more of these cracks appeared on the energy core. With an unprecedented sense of danger, Soren could no longer afford to destroy the light tooth. He let go of the energy weapon and instantly punched at Zero's face.

  The fist that was wrapped around the high temperature flame immediately blew Zero away. Zero's head flew backwards and blood started to flow out of its nose and mouth at the same time. He felt a splitting headache coming on. If nothing unexpected happened, his skull would have already been fractured. But even so, zero was like a cold machine, calmly calculating all the data.

  As he was sent flying, Zero threw himself into the air, caught the light tooth that Soren had released, then heavily fell onto the ground. He then brushed past a distance of about three meters before stopping. In his right eye, the silver pupil had disappeared. After removing the berserk mode, his body's data was fed back to his brain, which was zero, at a hundred times the usual amount. Zero almost fainted from the pain, but he understood the condition of his body.

  The overall energy level was now only around 27%, and his body was suffering from massive burns. Other than a few penetrating injuries, the serious injuries had also included a punch that Soren had given him in the face. As expected, his skull had been cracked in three places, and his nasal bone had been fractured in soft tissue, bruised subcutaneous tissue, ruptured capillaries, and other minor injuries were negligible.

  Yet the injuries on his body instead received slight damage to the energy core within Soren's body. However, the biggest benefit was not that, but it confirmed Soren's weakness.

  If there was a weakness, they would naturally be killed.

  To the point that he knelt on the ground, with his entire body laid on the ground, Soren could not see his expression. But this didn't stop Soren from spitting out furious flames from his instincts. Just a moment ago, Soren had already come into contact with the brink of death. If the energy core was destroyed, then Soren's energy would have lost control and would be drained away quickly.

  Having lost his energy, he was like a human without blood. Soren would truly die, no matter how much fire elemental energy he absorbed from the dimensional space. At that moment, a trickle of liquid flowed out from the wound on Soren's chest, the result of the bullet being melted. The molten metal did not have the chance to drip onto the ground, as it evaporated into nothingness on the surface of Soren's scalding body.

  When all the bullets left his body, the wounds on Soren's body closed automatically. After doing all this, he furiously looked at the still lying on the ground and walked towards Zero in large strides.

  A crack had already appeared on the core. If he were to use an energy attack that was too powerful, the core might not be able to withstand and explode. But no matter what, even if he could not use an attack like the Blowout, Soren believed that his iron fist was enough to shatter Su Yun's weak body!

  Arriving beside Zero, Soren grabbed at it with his blazing hand. He wanted to use the cruelest way to kill Zero. But for some reason, when his hand was about to grab onto zero, Soren's five fingers clenched tightly.

  Su Yun slightly lowered his head. At this moment, Zero suddenly raised his head. The silver vertical pupil in his right eye appeared once again and shot out a frenzied glow.

  Second berserk!

  Once again, under the effect of berserk mode, Zero bounced up from the ground. Its speed was so fast that Soren was unable to catch it. By the time he could react, Zero was already on top of him. Ignoring the flames on the surface of Soren's body, Soren was unable to maintain his balance and fell backwards from the impact with zero sacrifice. Zero no longer had the extra strength to adjust his posture. He was pressing down Soren, using his own body to press down. At the same time, he smashed the light tooth's energy blade into Soren's chest heavily!

  The energy blade was like butter as it cut into Soren's body more easily than a bullet. The crystal structure that was blocking in front of the blade edge was like butter, allowing the light tooth to pass through without any hindrance. The moment Soren fell to the ground, the light tooth had al
ready stabbed into his energy core. If one looked through the microscope at this moment, they would be able to see countless crystal threads breaking, twisting, and dissipating!

  On the surface of the core, with the blade as the center, countless cracks spread out like spider silk, covering the entire core.

  Soren let out a world-shaking roar as he raised his fist and smashed it onto Su Yun's head!

  At the same time, the energy core in Soren's chest suddenly exploded, shattering into crystal powder with a bang. With the disappearance of the core, Su's organ which had lost its restraints on him, quickly dissipated. And in Soren's eyes, the pitch-black color slowly faded away, turning into a dull lime color in the end. In the end, the descending fist still landed on Zero's head. However, the force that should have crushed Zero's head with a single punch only caused Zero to faint.

  Before his consciousness fell into darkness, he saw that the flames on Soren's body were constantly extinguishing, and the crystal body that was originally scorching hot had also cooled down. All the crystal threads in the crystal turned into ashes one by one. The dark red crystal stones also turned into the color of lime, just like its eyes. Gray quickly spread over Soren's body. At the same time that was unconscious, his entire body turned gray, like a stone statue.

  His thoughts slipped into the darkness, but very quickly, he felt a bone-chilling coldness. He struggled to open his eyes. The first thing he saw was Ma Pei's black face, followed by the silver frost that covered the ground. Then, Zero fainted again.

  When he regained consciousness, he saw the vast sky shrouded in clouds of radiation. The sky was not the same. In the eyes of zero, it was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Naturally, the sky would not move, so the person moving was none other than himself. It was only when he realized this that he heard the sound of the SUV's engines, and the sense of shock. The earthquake came from the bumpy ground. There were no flat roads here, only uneven wilderness.


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