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Warlord 4

Page 42

by Chen Ran

  "I believe that many of those present were people who participated in the construction of the Remot back then, and I am one of them." Theon made a gesture, and Pera understood. Through a few simple commands, the electronic screen in the guild hall reflected the picture of the residential area on the surface. From the image, although there were not many, there were still living corpse roaming about, and following that, Theon continued, "At the beginning of the construction, due to defensive reasons, I had already secretly set up a tactical platform in the residential area when I was designing the city. Once it was activated, it would form an effective ground firepower that would be able to help us temporarily defeat the living corpse."

  Hearing this news, the citizens became excited, and continued to shout "Long live" to Theon. Theon had no choice but to wave his hand for them to calm down, and said: "However, due to Chownok's policy, the addition of the residential building on the ground destroyed the previously designed platform array, causing it to be shot at a dead angle, which made the use of the tactical platform extremely limited. I need to blow up these obstacles, but I don't have enough soldiers, gentlemen! "

  "Now, I need you to answer a few questions …" Theon's gaze swept across all the faces in the plaza. "I want you to answer me, are you willing to sit here and wait for death or follow me to blow up those things that hinder our self-rescue?

  After saying that last sentence, Theon suddenly raised his voice, making his words sound like a huge hammer, fiercely pounding on everyone's hearts.

  Among the citizens, a white-haired old man raised his hand and shouted, "I'll go, let me kill those bastards!"

  Then, more and more voices rose up, converging into a gigantic volume: "Let me kill them!"

  "Very good, now go to the armory and retrieve your weapons." Theon shouted again, "Gentlemen, I am proud of your courage!"

  With that, he turned around and walked into the hall. Pera followed closely behind, Theon heard wave after wave of excited roars, and said softly: "This way, we will have two thousand more soldiers."

  Looking at this man whose eyes were shining, Pera's heart was filled with respect and reverence. Although Theon didn't have any ability, those who had the ability to do so might not be able to turn two thousand civilians into brave warriors like Theon. This was no longer something that could be done with one's ability, but a type of charm.

  Theon's Charm.

  "But this isn't enough. Although courage can make people fearless, it can't change their natural limitations in terms of physique and strength. At the very most, it can only buy us some time." Theon rushed into the office and instructed: "Pera, continue contacting our allies. Right now, they are the only ones who can save us. "

  Pera nodded his head, placed the Flat intelligence brain in his hands onto the table. With a wave of his finger, he sent a mail to a designated mailbox. On the mailbox, there were countless soldiers holding their guns to the sky.

  That was the symbol of the Hall of Heroic Spirits!

  Just as Theon sat down, he saw an icon requesting for a call flashing on the computer screen on his desk. Theon immediately opened it, and a window opened up, revealing a skinny man inside.

  The man was around 30 years old, and behind him was a room with a wolf's corpse.

  "Bobby, what's going on?" Theon asked anxiously.

  Spicer, the best scout in the Cobra unit. Before Theon was prepared to take over the position of the Remot President, he had already allowed Si Bi to sneak out of the Remot in order to investigate the situation on the ground.

  "Not very well, sir." "I have reason to believe that this is not a simple living corpse attack."

  "How so?"

  The scene changed and a new window popped open. The scene was of a dark corridor filled with the corpses of civilians. The lights in the corridor flickered, giving the scene a sinister and terrifying look. "This is one of the videos that I have filmed. Please take a careful look, Mister. Perhaps this is not the 3000 living corpse that we are facing … …"

  As he spoke, the dead bodies on the screen began to tremble violently. Soon after, the corpses rose from the ground in slow, sluggish movements. They stood like logs, then gradually began to move. At that moment, one of the corpses pounced towards the screen. The scene immediately shook, but before that, Theon could see clearly, the corpse's eyes were bloodshot.

  This was the symbol of the living corpse.

  In other words, the commoners in this corridor had already become living corpse. New living corpse Body.

  The scene changed again, but it was Sby who shifted the camera toward the window of the room. Thus, Theon saw the streets below. Right now, it was densely packed with people, walking towards the entrance of the Remot's base. Occasionally, one or two of them would turn their heads to look in the direction of the video.

  living corpse! A large number of living corpse s, transformed from ordinary citizens of the Remot, charged towards the Remot like a huge wave.

  Theon's mouth was wide agape and he was unable to say a word. living corpse could transform corpses, but normally, they would not do that. That ordinary corpse turned into something similar. It was a virus, and also the life substance of the living corpse. Moreover, living people were only food to them, and they would not waste their life on food. But now, they were creating a large number of their own.

  Now, Remot was not facing three thousand living corpse, but ten thousand Corpse Demons!

  "Oh my god..." When Theon sat on the chair, he looked like he had aged ten years.

  "— — Divide up. Wa, ka, ka ~ ~ ~"

  In the sky above the Yongye City, the clouds of radiation that had been enveloping the city for years were constantly exploding with streaks of red electricity. However, it was absorbed by special instruments that were spread throughout the ground, and eventually gathered in one place, becoming one of the power sources for the Yongye City.

  The city, known as the Eternal Night, was illuminated almost all day by flickering lights. Different from the day and night that were created by the huge amount of holographic plates used by the Asgard, the fact that the Yongye City was exposed to the surface which was filled with radiation reminded the people living inside of what kind of world they lived in.

  In such an environment, in order to change his life, even the entire world. The people who lived within it had to put in ten times or even a hundred times the effort for this. However, the irony was that the people who could change the world were often the few people who stood at the top of the pyramid. Although politicians often speak of "the change of the world depends on the people," the truth is that it is only those who stand at the peak of power that really determine the direction of the world's current trends.

  In the Yongye City, outside the Polytechnic Academy building, Ogrellok's shelves were quietly parked at the side. However, this top two character of the Mainland China was not in the car, nor was he in the building. Instead, he was in an important base called "Dark Core" in the underground 49 level.

  The Speaker of the Dark Council, Ogrellok, was walking down a dark but bright tunnel in the underground base. Staff were passing by beside him, but none of them stopped to greet him. Here, Ogrellok's illustrious identity no longer existed, but he was used to being ignored by others like this.

  Ogrellok arrived at the end of the passageway. After a series of tests, the metal isolation door slid open from the two sides, opening a room that led to's work.

  Dr. Shona was wearing a sensor helmet and controlling the comet level intelligence brain 'Ormisgar', performing a series of complex operations that Ogrellok could not understand. Even the arrival of the Speaker did not distract Dr. Shona in the slightest. Ogrellok did not mind, but after the isolation door closed, he stood by the side, waiting for the Doctor to temporarily stop his work.

  On the light screen opened up in front of Doctor Shona, a complicated formula appeared continuously. The data that flew past inside was like a sea of stars, even Ogrellok was dazzled by it. However,
these things were obviously not difficult for him anymore. Shona's eyes were shooting out an excited and fanatical light, he was no longer just working, but burning his own life to explore the mysteries of the universe.

  In Ogrellok's eyes, since Doctor Shona's face was thin from not being able to rest for a long time, and using medicine to continuously stimulate her own nerves, in order to maintain an energetic state for the majority of the time, caused Doctor Shona's thin face to turn a sickly white color. Doctor Shona's hair had already been shed, revealing a perfectly round bald head. This reminded Ogrellok of another person that was worthy of respect.

  Dr. Rafiel.

  The fat old man was the same as Shona, the student of Dr. Halson who was in charge of the artificial god in the old era. However, the differences in their understanding of the nature of the world, as well as the split between Ogrellok and Ben Douglas, separated the two excellent doctors.

  Maybe after this research ends, I should let this old thing, Shona, take a long vacation. Ogrellok thought.

  "Og, you're here."

  Dr. Shona's excited voice brought the Speaker back to reality. Dr. Shona had already entered her sensor helmet and jumped down from Omiga's operating platform.

  "Shona, my old friend, for you to come looking for me in such a hurry, have you discovered something?"

  "It's a big discovery, old bastard." Shona was very happy. Only when she was excited and happy would she address Oak as a bastard, a term that they used to curse each other when they were young.

  If he had said those words from another person, then he would have already become the dead man under Ogrellok. But when it came out of Dr. Shona's mouth, it made him feel even more familiar. It was as if time had returned to forty years ago, when the parliament was first established. Many like-minded comrades had gathered together and fought for the same goal. It was touching.

  Unfortunately, time was gone.

  Ogrellok's attention returned to Doctor Shona. There were not many opportunities for high level ability users like him to get distracted, but tonight, Ogrellok seemed to have gotten distracted a little more.

  On the other side, Dr. Shona had already transferred out a few diagrams. It looked like a gene sequence, but it was much more complicated than an ordinary gene diagram. Even with Ogrellok's computing power, he was unable to read much useful information from these diagrams.

  "Look at this, old friend." Shona pointed at them and said, "Do you know what this is? It's the core of the disorderly code, and yes, it's a big piece of genetic code, as you can see. However, it was also a gene. Its complexity was several orders of magnitude higher than that of a human's. What's more interesting is that such a gene has a similar fragment that exists in modern organisms! "

  Ogrellok's body trembled. With his usual calmness, he was moved by Doctor Shona's words, "Speak more carefully!"

  "Well, for the sake of your stupidity." It was obvious that Doctor Shona was in a good mood, hence she decided to make fun of Ogrellok.

  The chart on the light screen disappeared and was replaced by a spherical model wrapped in countless data. Shona pointed to the data on the outer layer of the model and said: "Look, this data is the initial data of the disordered person code that has been analyzed. At first I interpreted them as ordinary two-dimensional data, but you know how long it has been. Until one day, I suddenly thought about what would happen if I read the data in three dimensions. "

  "So, it became what you see now." Dr. Shona spread open his arms, and in the end, hugged onto his chest as he sighed, "I can already confirm that the disordered ones are not the products of Earth. Even if they are all wearing the skin of a human, they are still different in nature. I have to say, these outsiders are quite unexpected. For example, who would have thought that this data had something to do with stereoscopic functions? "

  At this time, Ogrellok noticed that inside the data ball, there was a flashing light. He could not help but ask: "What is this?"

  "The core." Dr. Shona said, "It is a database, and all the external data originated from it. I can only decipher a very small part of it now, but the message it shows is the genetic chart you just saw. Note that this is not a perfect genetic diagram. There should be a long tail behind it. Do you know what that means, my friend? "

  "Limit... You mean, the disordered person might not have the limit to their evolution, or the limit to their evolution is too big, at least far exceeding all the information we have? " Ogrellok caught the main point.

  "That's right, it seems that you aren't that stupid." Dr. Shona pointed to Ogrellok and nodded, "But this is only one of them. Secondly, by comparing it with the information in our database, I discovered that apart from humans, almost all mutated organism have the same piece of gene as the disorderly. They are not all the same, but at the most critical genetic node, their data is accurate to 4 digits after the decimal point! Friend, allow me to make a bold guess here. "

  "As you know, the mutated organism's evolution happened almost overnight. And the genetic node's data was also previously seen. It was as if someone had inserted this piece of data into them all of a sudden, and now, the same data was also found on the disordered person. So I think that the genes of the disordered and metamorph s are at least a part of the same creator! "

  Chapter 292 - Returning to the Battlefield (I)

  Zero sat in the SUV, silently watching the troops gather.

  After he came back from the forest, Zero lay in the hospital for a few more days. Even though he had been discharged from the hospital, the wound was only barely healing. But Zero did not care, because there was an even more important task waiting for him. That was why he had ended his treatment early and was now packed in the SUV.

  However, the harvest from this trip was great. The completion of the quest allowed the members of the party to receive 200 to 500 contribution points in return, and the grade of the wind walker team rose from E1 to E2, increasing by an entire level. The biggest gain was Soren's corpse. During the healing period, the Hall of Heroic Spirits officials paid a high price of two million gold coins to buy the Crystal Demon Corpse for research purposes.

  It could be said that Soren had killed Soren alone. According to Feng's idea, all two million should belong to him, but he still gave Feng and Su a hundred thousand each. As for the rest of the money, Zero had only saved fifty thousand for him to use as his daily equipment. He gave the rest to Doctor Victor to fund the laboratory.

  During the time that Su Yun was hospitalized, Callio had personally visited him and brought him shocking news.

  Remot was surrounded by nearly ten thousand living corpse!

  And what made Zero even more shocked was that the biggest Donors was actually the Asgard. And because of that, the Asgard couldn't just ignore this desolate city. After receiving the Remot's help message, the Command had already convened an emergency meeting and unanimously decided to send troops for assistance.

  Among the five legions, ten teams from the Hammer of Destruction were to fight together, and three thousand soldiers from Victory Spear, Shield of Dawn, and the Dark Blade's Tip were to form a mixed army. In addition, the Asgard dispatched 20 artillery tank s, missiles and armoured vehicles, 30 heavy artillery off-road vehicles and a number of troop transport vehicles.

  This was not a simple mission, but a command from the headquarters. It was also the first time that he had participated in a war. Although the target of the battle was the living corpse who had low intelligence, but seeing so many beasts gathering their strength, although it was not a one-of-a-kind battle, it was still an unprecedented battle.

  He had only seen more than one unit of troops working together, and the war chariot escort formation was at Phoenix City. The cleaning operation was initiated by the Phoenix City Army towards the Finry's wolf's base, but at that time, regardless of whether it was the number of soldiers, Su, or the type of chariots, they were all far inferior to the hybrid army that the Asgard had temporarily mobilized.

  However, a
lthough there were a lot of people participating and their lineup was large, none of the captains were able to join the battle. It looks like tens of thousands of living corpse did not have the qualifications for their leader to take the field personally, so this time, the leader was one of the Holy Spirit s in the Hammer of Destruction, the stage seven Deep Ice. Avenot simultaneously owned a tactical team of his, Ice Storm, which was a team made up of him, three Ice Element Su and twenty slave warriors.

  In Asgard's ranking, Ice Storm was far superior than level B2. Avenot not only had rich battle experience, he was also a rare tactical commander. With his experience, he had fought against the foreign forces in the west many times. Every record could be said to be a perfect lesson in war. Otherwise, Avenot would not be in command of this huge army of over three thousand soldiers.

  Avenot's fighting style was also a traditional characteristic of the Asgard. As for his comrades in the Doomsday Hammer, Avenot granted them all the freedom they could muster. Under the premise of not going against their tactical targets, the nine Hammer of Destruction teams, including zero, could engage in free combat. And the main target of Avenot's command was still that large group of people mixed together by the three great Legions.

  With regards to this kind of combat method, Zero disapproved. Although he lost his memories, he still had the old era's standard soldier, Su, who raised him. However, he also understood that the tactics of the old era were not suitable for the new era. On average, the official soldiers of Doomhammer who were at least at the fifth step would have more destructive power in their nimble combat than in their teamwork.

  After all, every powerhouse of the fifth step had a range range of at least a hundred meters or more. But a soldier with a long-range attack like Zero had a range of more than five hundred meters. Confining all these people with the same ability within the same range could only be considered a waste of power, which was why he used such a fighting technique on Avenot.


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