Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 44

by Chen Ran

  Blades of Rage, advanced version of the basic skill, Wind Blade. The energy required to condense hundreds or even more wind blades was concentrated into large wind blades. When hitting the enemy, apart from the first powerful slash, the huge wind blade would explode, and the small wind blades would slash the target in all directions under the effect of the explosion.

  It could be said that in the instant that the Blade of Rage struck, the butcher had already decided to die.

  However, after releasing that Fury Blade, Hookchev felt weak. And up ahead, a large number of living corpse s had already rushed over.

  "Retreat!" Hookchev said in a deep voice, at the same time, his hands retreated, several tens of wind blades shot out consecutively, slicing towards the group of corpses at the very front.

  Although it was a retreat, the team didn't immediately turn around and run. The two guards came to Hookchev's side, while the servants at the back protected him with their firepower. When Hookchev and the other two retreated a certain distance, the Russians would release all kinds of wind blades and wind spears to slow down the living corpse, giving the servants time to retreat. Not long after exiting the group, a few weird figures suddenly rushed out from the group of living corpse.

  They are all still living corpse s without a doubt, but these living corpse s are completely naked, and I am only wearing the clothes of a forest and other things to cover my embarrassment. And these living corpse s were extremely thin, their entire bodies were as skinny as skin and bones. But their stomachs were large, like the fabled hungry ghosts of pregnant women. But even so, they were unable to slow down the speed at which these living corpse were hunting dogs.

  The emaciated cadaver s used both hands and feet to run across the ground like wild beasts. They constantly changed their trajectory, causing the attacks of the servants to miss. Even if Hookchev's wind blades were to hit them hard, the emaciated cadaver's target was not the slave warriors. They brushed past the soldiers and pounced towards Hookchev and the other two.

  "F * ck!" Robin bellowed and headed towards two of the emaciated cadaver s.

  The other guard was not to be outdone, he roared and pounced towards the other emaciated cadaver and shouted at Hookchev: "Leader, don't mind us, quickly go! These things are strange."

  Hookchev instantly released six wind blades, forcing one of the emaciated cadaver to retreat. Looking again at the battle between Robin and the other two guards, the battle style of the emaciated cadaver was very strange, they were neither like the butcher who had immense strength, nor like the lacerator who used their speed and claws to win. These living corpse s that he had last seen were fighting like mad dogs. When Hookchev saw how they were grabbing and biting Robin, his heart palpitated.

  He turned around and left.

  In the Annihilation Hammer's team concept, as long as the captain doesn't die, the team will exist forever. Whether it was a low-level guardian or an ordinary slave soldier, they were all cannon fodder that could be sacrificed at any time for the captain. Of course, according to their status, the captain had to pay them varying amounts of pension after sacrifice.

  Hookchev did not know that the terror of these emaciated cadaver did not stop there. At the same time that he turned around and ran away, the emaciated cadaver that was holding onto Robin and the other two's bodies suddenly had multiple tentacles growing out from their backs.

  The only use of these tentacles was to tightly bind the emaciated cadaver and the target.

  Robin's hands and feet were tightly bound by these few wet tentacles. Following which, he felt the temperature of the emaciated cadaver beside him rising.


  Two explosions suddenly sounded out behind Hookchev, the man looked back in a hurry, only to see two balls of fireballs flying up. Just as Hookchev was unable to understand how this sudden explosion happened, a emaciated cadaver threw itself onto him viciously from the right, pushing the Russian fellow down to the ground.

  Hookchev's reaction was extremely fast, and instantly, a dozen or so wind blades close to the emaciated cadaver's body cut out. The emaciated cadaver immediately flesh and blood flew in all directions, but it screamed crazily as it tightly held onto Hookchev, unwilling to let go. At the same time, another emaciated cadaver pounced over and wrapped Hookchev's head and companion tightly.

  After catching Hookchev, tentacles grew out from the backs of the two emaciated cadaver at the same time, and they flew towards those who had the ability to wrap around themselves. After doing all of this, the emaciated cadaver's round belly actually had a red blush on it.

  Hookchev who was wrapped in the living corpse found out to his horror that the biological energy was soaring rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the red light coming out from living corpse's stomach was already dazzling. In the end, the strong light suddenly burst out from living corpse's stomach.

  As a result, the few of them who had arrived at the entrance of the Remot suddenly heard a loud noise from afar, and an explosive red light shot up into the sky, turning into a fiery cloud in midair and slowly spreading out.

  On commander Avenot's tactical plate, the symbol representing Hookchev's group dimmed.

  The Wind Speaker squadron had all been wiped out!

  Entering the Remot was already a matter of half an hour later, but not everyone had entered the base. Avenot let the main cannons of the damaged tanks enter the base, the engineers following the army and the personnel of the Remot did their best to repair these tanks. On the other hand, the artillery tank remained on the ground. With the help of the soldiers from the Asgard, they constructed a new line of defense at the entrance of the Remot's base.

  The artillery tank's bombardment and the heavy artillery SUV's concentrated fire stopped the living corpse's attacks, while the soldiers constructed a temporary defensive wall. Under the strong suppression from the Asgard's firepower, the new defense line was being formed and stabilized.

  Zero and the other members of the Doomhammer entered the Remot, returning to the familiar underground city. At that time, the size of the Remot surprised Zero who had just left Z7. But now, the city was filled with only uneasiness and chaos.

  Strangely, as the car headed toward the Union Hall, Zero saw people coming and going through the city. Be it the soldiers or the citizens, they looked like they were fully armed. It could be seen that at this very moment, Remot was like a common soldier.

  More than a hundred temporary tents had already been set up on the plaza of the Trade Union Hall. Originally, the Remot's hospital could not accommodate all the injured soldiers, so with Theon's permission, a temporary treatment ground was set up on the plaza.

  After the siege of the Remot, Theon did not choose to defend the city with his life. Instead, he supported the initiative, using nimble but short-lived tactics to disrupt the living corpse's line of sight, allowing the Remot's engineers to leave the city and blow up a few buildings that sheltered the tactical platform. In order to achieve this goal, the Remot had lost three hundred civilians and a few soldiers. As for the injured, they numbered in the hundreds, but as long as they were lightly injured, both civilians and soldiers would insist on guarding their posts. Only those who were severely injured and unable to move would be placed in these medical tents in the square.

  When the carriage reached near the plaza, it was already impassable, more than ten members of the Doomsday Hammer, including Avenot, jumped off the carriage. Under Avenot's lead, they passed by the plaza, and at the entrance of the association hall, they saw Theon and the other representatives of the association.

  "I'm very happy that you two have come, Mr. Avenot!" Theon said passionately as he reached out his hand to shake Avenot's hand tightly.

  Theon had lost a lot of weight compared to a few days ago, and he seemed to have sustained some injuries. Although he was in good spirits, his face was drained of blood.

sp; Avenot asked about the current situation of the Remot briefly, and then said: "Mr. Theon, the Remot's situation is not as optimistic as we imagined. Now I need to plan a new operation with the officers, so we need an undisturbed conference room. "

  "No problem, please follow me." Theon looked at Pera, the beautiful female snake knew what he meant and immediately retreated to arrange the location, while Theon brought the Asgard officers to walk into the main hall.

  When Theon recognized Zero, the union president was stunned for a moment, and then he happily walked over. "Zero, you're Zero! "Good kid, you really didn't die."

  With the indifference of zero, she also felt warmth in her heart when she heard Theon's words. He nodded his head and smiled: "Mr. Theon, it's really good to be able to see you again."

  Theon also nodded his head vigorously. If not for the situation being urgent, he would have already given Su Yun a strong hug. However, Theon only said: "Looks like you have some interesting experiences. Let's talk about it after this matter is over."

  With regards to his request, Zero naturally agreed.

  Moments later, they arrived at a meeting room. This room was normally used by the members of the Remot's Trade Union for meetings, but it had already been vacated to serve as a temporary strategy room for the Asgard. After Avenot led Theon and the other unrelated people out of the meeting room, he forcefully shut the door. Hence, all that was left in the meeting room were these members of the Doomsday Hammer and the 20 military officers that had come from the mixed system.

  "Well, gentlemen, I think we need to talk." Avenot walked to the front of the stage with a solemn expression: "Not long ago, I lost a respectable colleague. Hookchev is a fifth stage wind attribute user, but he and his team of Wind Speaker are already a part of the past. "

  A slight disturbance occurred in the room. Those who knew Hookchev knew that this silent Russian guy was not someone to be trifled with. Although Wind Speaker's team wasn't a formidable team, it was still very reasonable. Seven slave warriors, two Fighting Domain guards, and Hookchev himself, allowed Wind Speaker to adapt to the needs of the majority of the battlefields.

  If it wasn't for Avenot saying it out loud, the people in the room wouldn't believe that Wind Speaker was buried in a seemingly uncomplicated clean-up operation like this.

  "Sir, can you elaborate a bit?"

  A blonde woman with a ponytail raised her hand and asked. She had a European face, blond hair and blue eyes, and wore the uniform of Doomhammer.

  As a female like Su, who was one of the rarer ones in the Hammer of Destruction, Zero knew her name. Agatha, perceptual domain competent of the sixth stage, profession is insinuator. Possessing certain spatial exploration abilities, as well as mind hints and other aspects of the skill, belonged to the auxiliary type.

  However, Agatha had an extremely terrifying ability called "Touch Intent". Once touched by her hand, even those who were at a higher level than her would fall into her trap. He could see terrible things, or he could commit suicide. This ability was practically Agatha's permanent capacity, so she wore gloves that were as black as her uniform all year round.

  This ability was also the origin of Agatha's job name, and similarly became Agatha's curse. This caused this beautiful woman to not have any men that dared to take the initiative to approach her.

  Hearing Agatha's question, Avenot nodded. With a gesture, the aide turned off the power in the conference room and left the room in total darkness. Then, a light screen expanded from the top of the stage. It was a flat light screen created by the projection function on Avenot's tactical plate.

  After a short time of reading the document, a scene appeared on the hologram. Avenot's tactical plate was connected to the monitor that was just set up outside the base. Right now, they were able to see the real-time image of the Remot on the ground.

  In the hologram, the battle continued. The tanks of the Asgard were in a half moon formation in front of the entrance of the Remot.

  However, this tactic could not be sustained. After all, the ammunition brought by the army from the Asgard was not enough to last as long as the artillery tank exploded non-stop. However, under the cover of the tanks, the first fortifications had already begun to take shape. It provided a safe shooting position for the soldiers, and when it was completed, the soldiers could set up a square of infantry mines and more traps in front of them, to slow and destroy the living corpse's attacks.

  If nothing unexpected happened, under this kind of tactic, the surrounding living corpse s would be annihilated in less than three points.

  However, the continuous flow of living corpse from the southwest and the new breed of living corpse made everyone realize that a clean up battle was very likely to develop into a tug of war. That was far beyond the initial stages of Asgard.

  After Avenot executed a few commands on the tactical plate, the image on the light screen froze. Then, a new type of living corpse with a skinny body and round only stomach was called out. The living corpse in the image quickly transformed into a three-dimensional model, and a list of the things that had undergone a preliminary analysis appeared on the light screen.

  "As you have all seen, this type of living corpse probably does not have any records of them, let alone us, in the entire continent." Avenot's fingers moved consecutively. Following each command given, the living corpse on the light screen also moved accordingly.

  On the back of the 3D model, a few small dots quickly appeared, and then a tentacle appeared. At this time, a normal human model appeared in front of the living corpse. Under Avenot's orders, the simulation of the living corpse's attack appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

  In the light screen, the living corpse jumped onto the human's body. After it used the tentacles on its back to tie itself up with humans, the biological energy data in its round belly kept increasing until it reached a terrifying energy unit. When the number broke through the critical point, both the living corpse and human models were smashed into smithereens at the same time!

  Looking at this scene, Avenot said quietly: "This is the new style of living corpse's attack. I wonder what everyone has thought of?"

  In the quiet meeting room, Zero's indifferent voice rang out: "biological bomb."

  Chapter 294 - Thunder

  "What's your name?" Avenot looked at zero, his voice was calm, but unquestionable.

  Avenot nodded and said, "Alright, I'll remember you."

  On Avenot's list, there was naturally a name of zero. But the name was just a symbol, Avenot did not yet understand every member of the Doomsday Hammer deeply. But now it was different, he did remember zero. Those thin living corpse s were like many biological bomb s that could move. This was also the answer given by Hall of Heroic Spirits's most senior Doctor of Biology, Rafiel, after a preliminary analysis, it was basically the same as zero.

  The only difference was that Zero's guess was based on intuition, while what Professor Rafiel saw were numbers.

  Avenot's words immediately made Ling Ming feel that his back was covered with goosebumps. Dozens of gazes immediately fell on him. There was praise, anger, and most of the others were envious. At the end of the day, whether it was the Asgard or the entire world, it didn't matter. There was a competitive relationship between humans and beasts. From individual to individual, to the entire world, the competition of the new era was everywhere.

  As the most elite of the five legions, the relationship between Doomhammer and his men was very intense. As a result, eight out of ten of the gazes that Zero received were filled with hostility.

  If a soldier performed well in the war, the chances of promotion were very high. How to let the officer know that he was doing well was a very technical question, and it was certainly the best way to get Aveno to call him by name. Although Hookchev should have left a deep impression on the commander, a dead person was nothing to mention.

  However, with his indifferent personality, he ignored the stares of the crowd.

  On the podiu
m, Avenk continued, "Just like what Zero said, this new type of living corpse is like a bunch of biological bomb. Their attacks were simple but crude, the power of their explosions was equivalent to the might of a high-energy grenade. Gentlemen, a high-energy grenade can release a force of 3000 joules. Unless one's defense is at least at the seventh step, otherwise, it would explode into pieces. And the terrifying thing about these new type of living corpse is that once you get caught by them, congratulations, you are already at the exploding core point. "

  Avignon's words made everyone's hearts sink. It could be said that even if a member of the Doomhammer faced off against a high-energy grenade, as long as their heart did not explode, they could use all sorts of methods to protect themselves. However, if he was directly hit by a heart explosion, he would end up like Hookchev, turning into a pile of minced meat.

  "This new type of living corpse is very dangerous. They are practically one-time use weapons. But with them, the living corpse would be able to make a breakthrough. Looking at them, I'm almost sure they're for people like us. " Avenot's expression was also very solemn. No matter how one looked at the high mobility biological bomb, it would never let people feel happy.

  "If this was in the old era, it would probably have taken tens of thousands of years or even longer to evolve. However, in this damned era, I wouldn't be surprised if a monster that looks like a floating fortress appeared. And looking at the situation during this attack, they were not the same as in the past, where they instinctively attacked the humans, you all have seen that they did not just attack the humans, these filthy things even transformed the corpses of the citizens of the Remot, causing them to be unable to rest in peace. This is simply unforgivable! " Avenot paused for a moment, to calm his agitated mood, and continued: "Behind all of this, whether it is the generals of Asgard or myself, we all believe that there must be an existence of wisdom behind the armies of living corpse, who can lead the entire picture."


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