Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 45

by Chen Ran

  "Is it the monarch?" an officer of the mixed unit asked, raising his hand.

  "I'm afraid it's not that simple." Avenot frowned and said: "Everyone knows, within the living corpse, there will occasionally be special existences, including butcher, that can command living corpse. We call it a monarch, but a monarch does not possess high intelligence. It was like a king among a group of wild beasts, only naturally able to control and direct other similar operations. Of course, we cannot deny that the monarch has a certain intelligence, but I would like to emphasize that intelligence is not the same as intelligence. metamorph also have a certain level of intelligence, but you wouldn't say that they have intelligence, right? "

  "In other words, what we are facing is not the corpses outside, but something else." The one who spoke was a member of the Hammer of Destruction. He suddenly thought of something and gasped, "Heavens, could it be a new alien race?"

  "That's right, Professor Rafiel also said that possibility." Avenot said in a deep voice, "In the western part of the Asgard, I do not need to detail the number of strange and intelligent species that have already been born in the land behind the Frozen Plains Plateau. What Professor Rafiel meant was that this kind of evolution should have extended from the depths of the continent to the vicinity of the coastline. We don't know where this evolution came from, but it did. But now is not the time to think about how it happened. What we need to do now is to find the wisdom of the living corpse. Bring it back, or. Destroy it! "

  There were so many mutated organism in the world, but when it came to the number of races, even if the living corpse wasn't number one, it was more than enough to make it into the top ten. If intelligent life were to be born from a race that had a large amount of their own kind, it would definitely be a disaster for humanity. In the face of such a huge race, there was no possibility for humans to coexist with them.

  Thus, when the had a very high probability of appearing, the Asgard Headquarters would have a higher probability of being destroyed. Using the most berserk methods to kill this kind of intelligent life was the safest method. Bringing the specimens back was only a method allowed under the circumstances.

  Following that, Avenot pulled out the map again. This map encompassed the Remot, as well as all the corners of the city that the Remot resided in. On the map, there were some red lines showing the route the living corpse took. The end of the line pointed straight at the Remot, but the source of the line had disappeared at the ruins in the southwest of the Remot.

  Pointing to the map, Avenot said: "Gentlemen, I need some of you to figure out where this living corpse came from and where this intelligent life exists. When necessary, you all don't need to report and directly kill the intelligent life. We must swiftly resolve this crisis in a thunderous manner. Listen, this isn't just a crisis for the Remot, it might very well be a crisis for all of humanity. Therefore, this operation, I shall pass on to you the code name of 'Thunder'. "

  Following that, Avenot pointed out a few team leaders. They were, respectively, the insinuators Agatha, Zero and the other capable Berrien. Berrien was a Element Domain Capable and his profession was a "Hand of Thunder." He was a person who completely leaned towards attack and destruction.

  It was not an exaggeration to say that a single Berrien was equivalent to a mobile fortress.

  The combination of these three teams could be said to be a small war group. With Agatha's exploration ability and a long ranged sniper attack, there was also a firepower hand like Berrien. It could be said that this was a golden combination.

  Adding on the other members of his own team, these three teams were the most suitable candidates for this "Thunder" mission that Avenot could find at the current stage.

  The team that was called out could leave the meeting room first and they would have half an hour to repair themselves and inspect their equipment. The mission will begin in half an hour. Avenot would let the ground troops divert the living corpse's attention, and let Su Yun and the others slip away. In order to not attract the attention of the living corpse, they could not use the SUV anymore, so they had to use their own feet to travel a long distance.

  With regards to this, the members of the three squads naturally had no objections. After they left, the meeting continued. But the next part of the agenda was on how to stall the living corpse's army to the greatest extent before the crisis broke down between them and Su Yun. Of course, passively defending was not advisable, but the restriction of military strength did not meet the condition of forceful attack. In the end, the only thing that was left to decide was guerrilla warfare.

  The details of the entire strategy was finalized one by one in Avenot and the various officers' discussions. At the same time, Zero and the others were checking the equipment on their SUVs. In addition to their equipment, they also needed to bring food and water. However, the portable apparatus's area was limited, the ammunition took up the majority of the space, so the space left for food was not much.

  Other than bringing Su for nourishment, Su Yun and the rest had also prepared a water coagulating agent in the portable apparatus. Condensate is a kind of concentrated gel for clean water, a drop of which contains the amount of water a normal person needs in a day. Apart from the taste, there were all sorts of minerals in the water. However, this newly developed war water had a certain amount of Su poison. Ordinary people would die after eating two drops, but for special ability users, this kind of Su poison wasn't enough to kill them. As a result, water coagulants could only be used in the army, and even so, a single water coagulant was still very expensive. If they did not carry out this special task, they would not have been able to obtain this latest technology.

  On the other hand, Su and Feng, the two portable apparatus s who use cold weapons, do not need to store much ammunition. Who knew how many days this mission would take? It was always good to be prepared.

  Looking at the portable apparatus's full supply, Zero suddenly felt a sense of happiness. He recalled the two years when he had just woken up. In the Z7 base, where supplies were extremely scarce, even eating a piece of fresh bread was an extremely luxurious thing. But now, not only was there plenty of ammunition, there was even a nutritious Su that could fill up his stomach.

  Hmm, it's just that the water resources are a bit scarce. However, compared to the past, this place was now like heaven. If there was a heaven in the world.

  Zero was carefully inspecting Giant's Type 1 sniper rifle. This new type of gun lacked the smell of old firearms because it was powered by high-volume batteries. But when it came to the wild, it was better than nothing. The cold and straight metal body of the spear, and the extremely rough muzzle. Even if he were to look at it this way, it would make his blood boil. Holding onto the giant, he seemed to hear the roar of the gun.

  It thirsted for blood! Yearning to kill!


  A crisp shout interrupted Zero and Giant's communication. He looked at the voice that seemed to resonate between a person and a gun with slight annoyance. Master's eyes were immediately filled with a dazzling golden color.

  The warm sunshine of her blond hair was simply tied into a ponytail, yet it did not harm her master's beauty. Instead, it added a hint of valiance to her charm. Under the black uniform, Agatha with her graceful figure appeared beside the SUV. Behind her, there were two other men.

  When he saw Agatha, Feng whistled loudly in the car. But the whistle was short, because when Su stepped on Feng's foot, it immediately turned the frivolous whistle into a scream.

  Just as Scar and Su were winking at each other, Zero jumped out of the car. "Please forgive my comrade's rudeness, but I can guarantee that he did not have any ill intentions."

  The two men behind Agatha had ugly expressions, staring at Feng as though they wanted to skin him alive and swallow him whole. Su Wen Li knew that these two were not just Agatha's team members, they might even be suitors.

  However, with Agatha's special abilities, there were still many men who dared
to pursue after them. This caused Ling Ming to be impressed by the courage of these two.

  "It doesn't matter." Agatha said magnanimously: "I came here to greet Captain Zero, and hope that we can work together more closely in the upcoming actions. After all, this mission is very important, and I think Captain Zero does not want anything to go wrong. "

  "Of course, Captain Agatha's ability will definitely be of great help to us." Then, he extended his hand out towards Agatha.

  Agatha was taken aback. Although Zero was not the first man to be willing to shake hands with her, he was definitely the first person who was willing to extend her hand. When she heard her companion's dry cough from behind her, Agatha immediately realized that he had lost control of himself and immediately extended his hand to grab Zero.

  Although it was through the gloves, Zero could still feel the softness of Agatha's palm. And with this simple contact, Zero's brain automatically analyzed the muscle strength, grip strength and other basic data of Agatha's palm. When all sorts of data swept past his mind, Zero had already let go of Agatha's hand. Most of this data was automatically ignored by Zero. If he needed it, when Zero focused his attention on someone, the target data stored in his mind would automatically appear.

  Ever since the assessment of the Cossacks' base, Zero could feel that the calculation abilities of his brain were getting stronger and stronger. Thinking about it, it seemed to be related to Antony's spiritual attack. Antony's mental attacks did not succeed in wiping out his willpower, but instead stimulated some of his potential.

  Following that, Agatha introduced his two companions to Zero. To Zero's surprise, these two people were regular soldiers of Doomhammer. They were willing to be Agatha's teammates. Just as Zero had guessed, their relationship with Agatha was completely different from the teamwork of Zero, Su and the other two.

  Among the two men, Johnny who was nearly two meters tall was one of the rarer fight master s. The fight master was a rare profession that cared about the limits of the body, using the body as a weapon. They used their bodies as shields and their fists and feet as blades. They were good at close quarters combat. However, not many people were willing to be promoted to this profession, or in other words, did not dare to. After all, the other classes all had their own weapons.

  As for the other graceful looking man, Jonah, he and Feng attacked swordsman at the same time. The only difference was that he did not use Tang Dao s, but a flowery thin sword. The thin sword's hilt was engraved with beautiful patterns, making it look more ornamental than aggressive. However, it was very compatible with Jonah's temperament.

  After Agatha finished her introduction, a cold laugh sounded out in the ears of the few people present.

  The owner of the sneer was a tall, handsome man with silver hair and a pair of eyes as blue as the sea beneath his bangs. If one looked closely at those eyes, one would be able to see countless electric snakes dancing about.

  Berrien, who had the power of lightning, possessed unparalleled destructive power. Lightning and Fire were both branches of the Meta-Su Domain that had the ability to destroy anything. It was a pretty good name for the moving cannon emplacement.

  "Captain Berrien, you came too." Agatha said politely.

  Unexpectedly, Berrien didn't care in the slightest, and arrogantly said: "The so called tight integration is only the action of the weak. Listen, I don't like working with Cursed Woman and the gunman at all, but under the orders from my superiors, I can only work with you for the time being. You don't have to do anything. Just remember not to drag me down. "

  He had met many arrogant people, and the Soren from that day was one of them. But even Soren was not as arrogant as him. In the eyes of this man, it was as if she and Agatha had already been reduced to mere decorations. He smiled, too lazy to talk to this kind of person. Agatha's self-control was also excellent, she smiled without saying a word, but the two men behind her obviously did not have such good tempers.

  Just as they were about to stand out and argue with Berrien, they were stopped by him raising his hand gently. Berrien looked at the two of them and laughed coldly, "What can a bear and a monkey do? Fortunately, you have a good master. Otherwise, I'll probably have to change your hairstyles for both of you. "

  With that, Berrien snorted from his nose and left.

  Zero said faintly, "I really don't understand. How did he survive until now?"

  With just that one sentence, Agatha burst out in laughter. Then she said seriously, "Those who are used to looking up at the sky have no way of knowing the vastness and greatness of the earth. And because I see them too highly, I won't be able to see anyone else. In the end, I probably won't be able to see myself either. "

  "I never thought that Captain Agatha was actually a wise man."

  "No, I was just casually saying it." Agatha said sincerely: "In short, I hope that both of us will have a happy experience with each other."

  Zero nodded. At this time, all the members who were on the mission of "Thunder" received Avenot's message: "The operation will begin in ten minutes. All related personnel should gather at the exit of the base immediately!"

  Chapter 295 - Corpse City (I)

  A depressing atmosphere pervaded the exit of the Remot's base. All the members of Zero and a few other members of the team that were in charge of the "Thunder" quest were gathered. Even the arrogant Berrien shut his mouth obediently.

  Avenot then used his communication device to continuously send out various orders to the troops on the ground. When the last order was given, he turned to his teammates and said: "I hope I can still see you all again. "Now..."


  The moment the commander shouted out the last word, the base's armored door suddenly rose up. The moment the door was lifted, a small crack appeared on the ground. The deafening sound immediately shattered the tranquility of the base.

  Before the door could fully open, Zero had already moved.

  Carrying a series of afterimages, he was the first to rush to the side of the door. Just as he was about to slam into the door, Zero suddenly lowered his body and slid out through the gap between the doors. Following closely behind him were the others. With a roll, they were sent flying off the ground. Looking up, another wave of bombardment was being launched by a missile armoured vehicle. The small missiles were like flaming snakes that shot into the sky as they sped away in the blink of an eye.

  A moment later, after the Remot set up a new defense line, fireballs exploded in the sea of corpses one after another. Amidst the flames, living corpse fell and immediately cleared out a vacuum area. But very quickly, they were once again filled to the brim with living corpse s.

  After the missile bombardment, the artillery tank roared in unison. And the rapid fire heavy gun that was taken down from the SUV had already been placed under the cover of the defense line. They resonated with the cannons and a wave of metal was cut into the sea of corpses. Wherever they passed by, flesh and blood would fly everywhere!

  Looking at the current situation, the Remot's defense line should not be a problem. However, the butcher and lacerator had not appeared yet, and the emaciated cadaver that looked like them had also disappeared. Right now, the ones attacking the Remot were ordinary living corpse, but once those high-level monsters appeared, the situation wasn't as optimistic anymore.

  But right now, he didn't need to think about these matters. He had an even more important mission to complete.

  After a simple glance at the battlefield, he immediately turned around and walked around the Remot with the others. Like a dagger, he stabbed into the southwest part of the City Ruins, Kaddam.

  The sounds of the cannons and the living corpse's shrill howls gradually disappeared into the distance. In front of Zero was the endless ruins. The city was like a rotting corpse, and the roads were like dried blood vessels, with zero lines running through them like maggots on a rotting corpse.

  But Zero's mood was relaxed. The wilderness was his world. Back in the wild
erness, he was like a fish back in the water. Unknowingly, he seemed to have become one with the wind, the shadows, and the air. At this time, Ling Chen had lost all hope, sadness, and joy. He was like a bystander, looking coldly at the world from the point of view of the Creator.

  In the eyes of the vast world, what they did was simply meaningless actions. It was like looking at an ant. No matter how loud it was, in the eyes of a human, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

  Zero sprinted as if it was flying, while Agatha who was behind him started to reveal a puzzled expression. Agatha was a person who possessed the ability to cultivate the perceptual domain. For those who had the ability in this field, no matter what aspect they excelled at, their basic ability of perception would always be extremely sensitive.

  In Agatha's senses, zero disappeared. This did not mean that his body had disappeared, but rather that her aura, life characteristics, etc., had completely overflowed beyond Agatha's senses. In Agatha's eyes, although he was clearly running in the front, she could sense that place was completely empty.

  Shadow Wanderer.

  This phrase floated in Agatha's mind. Shadow Wanderer was a high level occupation, and also the direction in which the wind shooter progressed. If nothing unexpected happened, he could show that he had zero talent in stealth, or at least had the potential to advance to Shadow Wanderer!

  A high class meant that the ability rank was at least the eighth step. Even in the Asgard, a stage eight ability user was already a big shot. And most people, their potential often wouldn't be able to break through the most crucial level, and would stay at or below the seventh step. At least Agatha herself, in that one ability test, her potential was only at the seventh stage.

  However, with the current technology, the accuracy of this type of test was extremely high. There shouldn't be any mistakes.

  Thinking of this, Agatha felt a bit of jealousy.

  Zero naturally did not know what Agatha was thinking. He was currently in a very strange state. It was as if he had become the air, fusing with the world. The incoming wind, the shadows under the ruins, and all sorts of subtle sounds filled his ears, giving him countless data. The data merged together in his mind and formed a circular space with zero as its origin, with a diameter of about 300 meters.


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