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Warlord 4

Page 46

by Chen Ran

  In this space, a three-dimensional model of the ground is constructed from data. It was similar to Antony's psychic scanning, but zero had used his brain's terrifying processing ability to implement this kind of three-dimensional modeling.

  When this model appeared in his mind, Zero finally understood why he had the feeling of being a bystander. It felt strange to be in and out of the world.

  However, at this moment, a few new models appeared in the 3D model.

  He stopped abruptly and made a gesture of hiding. He himself was the first one to fall into an abandoned building on the side of the street, and all the members, including Agatha, also dived into the small building as if they had learned zero.

  And this sudden movement caused the model in Zero's mind to collapse and shatter. Zero also lost the feeling of being a bystander. He was like a man in a trance, suddenly pulled back to reality. Zero knew that this was the reason why his processing ability was not stable yet. Once this ability was stabilized, 3D modeling would be able to exist for a long period of time and the scope of observation might be even larger.

  The higher the rank of the user, the more astounding the ability of their brain to process data. As a result, every high-level esper was an outstanding intellectual. It was just that due to their different hobbies and talents, the areas that they tended to focus on were also different.

  Due to his talent for sniping, it was not surprising that his brain tended to observe the environment while processing the data. Just as they hid themselves well, a group of living corpse appeared at the corner of the street. The reason why they were said to be a group, and not just a few, was because the living corpse had displayed something that could not possibly exist in their bodies.


  They walked side by side strictly, the two living corpse s in front vigilantly observing the environment as they moved forward, while the living corpse on both sides and at the end of the line held simple and crude weapons. No matter how crude the rusted machetes or the broken throats were, in Zero's memory, ordinary living corpse s rarely saw any weapons in their hands. They were more used to using their sharp nails and fangs to tear apart the human's soft body. Of course, the other exception were the living corpse shooter in the Cossacks who had retained part of their instincts.

  After all, in such a large group like the living corpse, the people who made up their group were only normal people when they were alive.

  And in the middle of the group of living corpse, was a crawling bomb carcass. The living corpse who was as skinny as a hungry ghost and had a big belly looked extremely funny, especially when it looked like a beast crawling on the ground with its hands and feet. However, everyone knew the consequences of being caught by it, so no one could laugh.

  Originally, the living corpse did not have an obvious order, they were only a kind of blurry cluster consciousness. However, when there was a bomb carcass in the middle of the group, the ordinary living corpse outside the group advanced carefully, as if they were guards transporting weapons and equipment.

  Order meant restriction, but the restriction did not come from the bomb carcass. These one-time biological weapon did not possess that kind of dignity and intelligence, so the restriction came from an existence behind them. Whatever it was, it was the target of zero.

  Regarding this group of non-existent living corpse, Zero had no intention of alarming them. But right at this moment, even if he wasn't from Element Domain Capable, he could feel the atmosphere behind him gather energy at a rapid pace.

  When he suddenly looked behind him, he saw Berrien stretching out both of his arms, and an azure blue electric arc was jumping about in his hands!

  Amongst the group of living corpse outside the house, the bomb carcass in the middle seemed to have sensed something and turned its head to shout towards the house.

  "Hurry up and finish the battle!" At the same time, he went out through the window.

  As he fell to the ground, two balls of lightning dragged the electric snake out of the window. The reason why all the hairs on his body stood on end was not because it was dangerous, but because when the lightning flew past him, the remaining electric charges in the air would naturally cause the hair to stand on end.

  The thunder light pulled out an arc in different directions, and finally exploded in the middle of the living corpse team. The annihilation of the two masses of energy formed a black hole like effect, tightly dragging the area where the living corpse was unable to escape from. Flames carried electric serpents with them as they soared into the sky, becoming the most obvious form of fireworks. Behind the firework, a figure could be seen flying.

  The bomb carcass was also clearly affected by the explosion caused by the two lightning bolts that Berrien released, but the surface of its body was only partially burnt, and the situation was not serious at all. It also quickly determined that the attacker's strength was far above its own, or perhaps it was undefeatable without enough companions, so it chose to escape.

  It quickly climbed up the wall of a building and reached the roof in the blink of an eye. As long as it passed the building, the spiderweb-like network of cities would be its best refuge from danger.

  Just as the bomb carcass jumped over the fence, there was a strange vibration in the air.

  In the next moment, the bomb carcass's head and chest were also turned into powder. Its body stayed in the air for a moment before falling straight down onto the broken floor of the rooftop. Blood and internal organs flowed out from the wound, staining the grayish-brown ground red. The next moment, a dull gunshot rang out and resounded like thunder.

  Putting the giant away, Zero said calmly, "Move him away immediately, at the same time …"

  He looked at Berrien and said quietly: "We need to talk!"

  Ten minutes after Zero left, hundreds of living corpse and a few bomb carcass appeared at the scene. The bomb carcass screamed at the ordinary living corpse, as if it was giving out orders. On the other hand, ordinary living corpse quickly scattered and used their own noses to sniff something on the ground. A few of the living corpse s came to the corner of the house where the few of them were hiding.

  In the living corpse's eyes, it was a round black ball. There was an electronic screen on the ball, and the numbers in red letters jumped back and forth on the screen. When the numbers returned to zero, the small building suddenly exploded. The flames and gales completely destroyed all traces of the zero and the others' existence.

  Two blocks away from the site of the explosion, Zero and the others were in a half-collapsed bank business hall. The broken stones and debris in the middle of the hall had already been cleared to the four sides. Three small teams had formed a circle, with Zero and Berrien standing in the middle of the circle.

  "What do you mean, Asian?" Berrien tilted his head, his eyes filled with disdain.

  "I don't think you understand the situation, Captain Berrien." Zero's tone was flat, and he sounded exactly the same as usual. However, those who were familiar with him, such as Feng and Su, were able to hear a bone-chilling aura from his calm, wind-like voice.

  He was truly infuriated.

  "There is absolutely no need to kill that group of living corpse just now. On the contrary, your reckless actions may cause our actions to fail. Can you bear the consequences? "

  Berrien suddenly stood up and walked all the way to Su Yun's side. He was two points higher than Zero Shang, so Berrien's look of condescension was filled with vigor.

  Zero was completely unmoved. He looked at the white man with a calm and cold gaze.

  The way Zero looked made Berrien feel uncomfortable. And Zero's attitude made him want to turn Zero into a pile of mincemeat.

  Of course, he couldn't do that. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it in front of so many of his comrades. Be it the Doomhammer or the Asgard, killing comrades is prohibited from happening. Otherwise, Antony wouldn't have had to flee Asgard, and reason told him that he couldn't do that. Thus, he squeezed out a s
entence from his mouth: "I don't need to report to you what I'm doing. If you like, you can obediently be the obedient dog beside Avenot! "

  Zero's eyelids jumped.

  At this time, Feng's voice sounded out: "Forget it Captain, talking to an idiot would be useless, it's just a waste of your saliva."

  Feng shrugged his shoulders, but in the next moment, Berrien's teammates pointed their guns at Feng. Feng smiled, and did not bother to look at the gun pointed at his head.

  Berrien sneered as he turned around and raised his right hand. An electric arc danced in his hand: "What did you say just now? I didn't hear you. "

  "It seems that not only are you an idiot, you're also a slut. You'll only be willing to be cursed twice." Feng did not hold back and poured all his malicious words onto Berrien.

  Berrien suddenly raised his hand, the electric arcs in his palm congealed into a lightning spear, he laughed sinisterly: "Seems like you can only sleep in the hospital for a while, I hope that you do not become a plant!"

  When Berrien raised his hand, Su had already touched onto the sword hilt of the alloy heavy sword. The muscles at the bottom of the tactical suit began to tremble, signalling the beginning of the release of energy at any time.

  In the hall, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense.

  Just at the moment when Berrien was about to lose his mind, an ice-cold muzzle shot out from the back of his head, causing him to calm down a little.

  "Want to kill me? "Captain?" Berrien asked with a cold smile.

  He pointed the gun at the back of Berrien's head. "Kill you? Sorry, as my companion said, you are an idiot. Killing an idiot didn't make me feel that much of a sense of accomplishment, but being with an idiot made me feel even more troubled. So from this moment on, you and I will act separately. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't get in the way of my work. "

  Then, he looked at Agatha and blandly asked: "What do you mean?"

  Agatha gave a sweet smile, "Looks like it will be more interesting to travel together with you."

  "Then, let's go." Zero said lightly, but the gun did not move away.

  Feng acted as if he did not see the several guns pointed at his head, he even whistled towards Berrien and walked towards the exit. Other than Berrien's group, everyone else left the bank. Zero was in charge of cutting him off. He stepped back, but the muzzle of his gun didn't move at all. As long as Berrien made any unusual movements, what welcomed him was a blazing bullet.

  Berrien possessed unparalleled destructive power, but when it came to defense, he was no different from a normal person. Thus, he could only silently allow Zero to leave. He waited until the freezing coldness that had been aimed at him disappeared. Only then did he slowly turn around, but Zero and the others had already left.

  Berrien did not get angry, but laughed instead, and clenched his fingers into a fist. There were electric snakes leaping on his fists.

  Passing through the abandoned streets, Feng walked to Su Ling's side and said with a smile, "Captain, I didn't think that you would also say such harsh words."

  Zero said disapprovingly, "It's just that someone can teach you well."

  The smile on Feng's face immediately froze, and Zero did not pay any more attention to him and proceeded forward. A moment later, Feng's voice sounded from behind Su Yun: "Someone shouldn't be pointing at me, right? "I don't remember ever teaching Captain anything …"

  In the end, Feng's voice turned into a groan, but it was Su's elbow hitting his lower abdomen. This strike would not injure him, but the energy that was vibrating in his body made Feng feel uncomfortable.

  "Shut up, you idiot! Do you not find us ostentatious enough? " Su said indifferently.

  Ma Pei walked past Feng and glanced at him sideways. That gaze was like looking at an idiot, suddenly realizing that he almost wanted to scream, but when he felt the killing intent from Su, Feng immediately shut his mouth obediently.

  Looking at the three of them, Agatha, who was walking beside Zero, pursed her lips into a smile: "You have a few pretty good companions."

  Zero nodded. "You look good when you smile."

  Agatha was startled, then said: "Speaking of which, the number of times I have laughed today, is much more than in the past."

  "Then smile more." He quickened his pace.

  Looking at his back, Agatha seemed to have thought of something, and two red clouds quietly flew up on her face, but then dispersed. But this phenomenon fell into Johnny's and Jonah's eyes. The two men looked at each other and felt that their strongest love rival had appeared.

  Chapter 296 - Corpse City (II)

  When Zero saw it, he had an indescribably complicated feeling.

  It was the place where the two of them had met that day at the University of Lampitz, where their fates began to intersect. He did not expect that after being separated by nearly half a year, Zero would once again step into the University City. It was as if fate had inadvertently turned around and brought Zero back to this place.

  Coming to the University City was not a coincidence, but the result of him observing the route the living corpse took. The living corpse set out from here, crossing over the complex and broken city road, and finally arriving at the Remot, becoming a part of the gigantic sea of corpses.

  This was the home of the living corpse, but the number of people that the living corpse was heading to the Remot was far from being called an endless stream. In fact, when Su Yun and the rest arrived at University City in the evening, there were almost no more living corpse s present.

  They were currently on the roof of an abandoned factory building near University City. Looking from this direction, living corpse was still active, but they had stopped sending new troops to Remot. But strangely, where did these University City s come from?

  At the same time, there was a series of questions.

  The reason why living corpse was gathered? The aim of attacking Remot? And, there was also the most important question. Where is the intelligent life hiding behind this series of events?

  Agatha opened her eyes.

  The golden-haired beauty had been standing at the edge of the roof with her eyes closed ever since. She was facing towards the University City and had activated one of her abilities, "Life Perception". This kind of ability was similar to Antony's psychic scanning, but it wasn't complete. The psychic scanning used one's mental energy to scan an area, and then model the area in their mind.

  Although the Life Perception was also used to scan the entire area with spiritual force, the only difference was that this ability was mainly used to determine the number of lives in the area as well as their location.

  When Agatha opened his eyes, a few gazes landed on her body. Agatha found an indifferent gaze amongst them, and then saw zero.

  "How is it?"

  "Not very optimistic." Agatha reached out her hand and gently tucked the hair that was blown about by the wind behind her ears, "Roughly two thousand life reactions occurred in University City, but they were extremely ordinary in life levels, and there were no reactions like what intelligent life should have."

  "That's normal." Xiao Budian looked at University City: "If it's intelligent life, then you should know how dangerous it is to be discovered. So if they really exist in this school, they must be hiding themselves. "

  "If that's the case, then we'll have to use the stupidest method." Feng stretched his back and yawned.

  Zero nodded and looked at the golden-haired beauty, "Captain Agatha, it looks like we need to separate for now. We will search from the east and west, and if we find any intelligent life, we will be able to contact them through the communication device. Remember, don't provoke it. "

  "I see." Just as Agatha was speaking, an explosion came from the street behind them.

  Within the smoke from the explosion, there were electric snakes coiling around. From afar, they saw over a hundred living corpse s near the explosion site, including a butcher and two bomb carcass s. They were like bees
looking at honey, quickly gathering towards the explosion site.

  "Seems like our Captain Berrien still has a lot of work to handle." Agatha laughed softly, her smile was clear and beautiful, causing both Johnny and Jonah to be stunned at the same time.

  "Ignore him. I actually hope to complete the mission in advance before he arrives." With that, Feng and the others started to move. Then, he looked at Agatha and said lightly: "Take care."

  After Zero left, only Agatha's group remained on the rooftop. The simple yet sincere words still lingered in his ears, Agatha laughed, and returned his attention back to the present: "Then, let us take action as well. This time, we must let everyone know that we are not some idle scout. "

  Clenching her delicate fist, she revealed the other side of Agatha's determination.

  When Agatha also left the Heaven Stage, the sky slowly darkened.

  It was dark.

  Nightfall, but the world is not pure black. The faint red light of the sky shone through the radiating clouds on the wild ground, replacing the moonlight of the old era. The wilderness was not as quiet as it usually was. A few small metamorph were gradually leaving the city area where University City and the others were. This place had already become a battleground between the living and the dead. No matter which side's aura made the metamorph that lived in the ruins feel uneasy or even fearful.

  Under the urging of their instincts, they chose to leave. Especially in the vicinity of Remot, the smell of living corpse and the smell of gunpowder on the battlefield drove away all of the metamorph nearby, causing the species here to change from the rich species before into the single species now.

  On the battlefield in front of the Remot, it was obviously not as lively as it was during the day.


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