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Warlord 4

Page 48

by Chen Ran

  "Think about it, if these terrible things develop their own kingdoms, the same species with different abilities. There's a tendency to defend, a tendency to attack, a tendency to transport, a tendency to calculate, and so on. What do you think? " Dr. Shona tossed this question to his old friend in the window.

  "A refined biological weapon..." Ogrellok's words were also filled with surprise.

  "Yes, that was our original idea. When we can decide on the same species, but produce biological weapon with different types of abilities, it means the appearance of a kingdom. And this idea, perhaps even before, has been implemented by some unknown existence. They have even drawn up a complete blueprint of the kingdom, and have set up a procedure for reproduction and evolution, and who knows how many more years it will take for us to reach this point. " Dr. Shona said in a low voice, "In the disorderly people, what I see is technology that far surpasses our civilization. Unfortunately, the disorderly seems to be the failure of a plan. Although the mysterious genetic code allowed the owner to maximize his or her ability, it was completely destroyed when it came to the modules of reproduction and autonomous evolution. That's why until now, the biological weapon Kingdom has not appeared! "

  Dr. Shona was not only a mad scientist, she was also a genius. Just by analyzing part of the information, through the independent complement and reverse derivation, he could already see the entire outline of the fact. What he lacked was only detail.

  Only, what Doctor Shona did not know was that the so called modulated biological weapon Kingdom had appeared quietly in a City Ruins called Kaddam, which was located south of the coast.

  The night was very dark and very heavy; the wind was very strong, very urgent!

  The incoming wind was not only cold, it also brought with it bits of ice. Under the reflection of the sunlight from the night sky, the ice shards glimmered a little. Beautiful, but deadly.

  This kind of extremely cold ice shards was as hard as diamonds. If an ordinary person's body was exposed to this type of wind that contained ice shards, their body would be sliced into pieces in just a short moment.

  Zero and others were standing on the rooftop. Without cover the wind blew even more violently. Although the strength of their bodies was much higher than ordinary people but the ice shards were still painful. No one would make a sound.

  "What's that?" Agatha lowered the binoculars, her voice was extremely penetrating, even with the howling of the wind, it did not affect her voice slightly.

  It was obvious that Agatha had used some of the abilities that she did not know of. She was an expert in perceptual domain, so it was not surprising for her to have used some of these tricks. The wind was too strong. Unless she used a roar, even if Agatha stood by his side, she would not be able to hear it clearly.

  So Zero made a gesture to the effect that they should go downstairs and talk. Agatha nodded, and signaled the servants to place the security cordon on the floor below the balcony. When the few of them reached the roof, the library on this level had already been set up by Agatha's servants to be a safe area with a radius of twenty square meters.

  "I have a bad feeling about that fatty." Zero said simply.

  Agatha nodded in agreement, "I agree. When I placed my life force on it, I found out that its life force was unbelievably large. If the ordinary living corpse was a match, the butcher and the lacerator were a electric tower, and the bomb carcass was a power station. Then, this fat guy was like a nuclear power plant. But strangely, its life seems to be stable and it lacks aggression. "

  "No matter what it is, two new species have appeared in the living corpse within a day. It makes people feel uncomfortable." There was a trace of worry in Zero's words. He had never been this worried before.

  In the end, he realized that he was afraid. There was a voice in his mind telling him that something had quietly changed in a place beyond human vision.

  "They're coming." Feng said outside the window of the library, his expression heavy.

  Zero nodded and clapped. "Let's go. Let's see what kind of role that thing will play."

  The obese man was like a mountain of meat as he slowly but perfectly stepped into the University City under the protection of around a hundred living corpse guards. However, this team did not enter the hinterland, but stopped at the track and field who had fought the Spider Queen for the last time.

  The few of them used the cover of the night to leave the library. After sneaking into the track and field, they hid in the grandstands in the southwest corner. From far away, living corpse who looked like a mountain of flesh seemed like someone preparing for morning training, he stretched his hands continuously. Just as Agatha's few servants were laughing uncontrollably, the living corpse suddenly stretched out his hands. Like a boneless object, his short arm grew larger and reached five to six metres in length.

  living corpse held onto the ground with both hands, as if he was trying to stabilize his body as six legs stretched out from underneath him. This time, he was able to see clearly that the living corpse's six legs were shaped like spider legs. The legs were also covered with hard hair, as if they were trying to forcefully pin a giant spider's leg onto its body. After the living corpse's six feet reached the side, he too nailed the ground firmly like an arm. Following which the living corpse's body sank and sat steadily on the sandy ground.

  living corpse touched the ground, causing it to shake slightly. A thin wind that could be seen with the naked eye blew the dust on the ground, slowly spreading it out in all directions. Once he was seated, the fat man raised his head towards the sky and let out a shrill whistle. The howl rose into the sky, and then spread out far, far away. The entire University City could hear it clearly.

  After releasing that roar, the corpulent cadaver's mountain-like body started to crack. The slit opened with a ripping sound. The two sides of the slit were like wounds that had been ripped open, and were still connected to the countless thin threads of blood. However, corpulent cadaver still had the time to yawn at the sky. All of a sudden, a black shadow emerged from the crack.

  There were as many holes as there were holes in the ground. There were as many shadows as there were holes in the ground. They were like tentacles that instantly swept up the nearby living corpse s who were acting as guards. Be it the normal living corpse or the butcher lacerator, these high level monsters did not resist at all, as they were swept towards the corpulent cadaver's flesh by the tentacles. The ordinary living corpse and lacerator were small in size, and were immediately sucked into the gaping hole in the ground, entering the body of the corpulent cadaver. As for the more muscular butcher, he was caught by a few tentacles and ripped apart on both sides. He was ripped into two pieces, and his corpse was also swept into corpulent cadaver's body.

  When all the living corpse s were sucked into his body, their entire bodies began to tremble. Beams of meat wave began to surge as thin white smoke began to emit from the pores all over corpulent cadaver's body, like a gigantic machine that had started to operate.

  And from the top of the audience, Agatha exclaimed: "Its biological energy is rising!"

  At the end of his speech, Zero's pupils slightly contracted. In his eyes, countless living corpse s rushed in from the track and field's entrance. They quickly rushed to the location of the corpulent cadaver, and as the living corpse approached, the flesh on their bodies opened up, and more tentacles shot out. However, the living corpse below seemed to have seen something that made her happy, and didn't try to avoid it. Instead, she jumped up and went to meet the tentacles.

  The tentacles continuously wrapped around the s that came to their doorsteps automatically and stuffed them into his body. Every time he swallowed a living corpse, the fatty's biological energy would increase by a level. In the end, the energy that could be seen with the naked eye enveloped corpulent cadaver's entire body. Even so, there were still living corpse that kept on rushing over, being continuously swallowed into the corpulent cadaver's body, becoming a part of its en

  At the entrance of track and field, there was an endless flow of living corpse s. It seemed that all the living corpse s that were still in University City had heard the fatty's summons and came over one after another. They did not mind becoming the nourishment of the corpulent cadaver at all. When the corpulent cadaver had devoured nearly half of the living corpse s, its body's size had already doubled compared to before.

  Flesh tendons continued to grow out from the layers of fat. They formed a meat shape, followed by a carbuncle. After the carbuncle took shape, it was as if it formed the soil for the plants to grow on. As a result, more muscles started to form, rise, expand, link and eventually form pink colored muscles. As a result, layers of newly formed muscles were spread on the surface of corpulent cadaver's body. However, after a while, corpulent cadaver had already turned into a pile of meat paste.

  "What is this? Eat? " Agatha muttered to herself.

  No one could answer her questions. Even the most ordinary of slave warriors knew that this was no ordinary food. After all, no one had ever heard of a mutated organism that required such a large amount of food.

  "I guess it's evolution..." Zero suddenly remembered the scene at the mining area at Z7, where he saw a few metal-spitting insects devouring each other. Other than that, the Finry's wolf had also been able to evolve a new Wolf King by devouring its own kind while staying in the Phoenix City.

  Right now, the scene of the corpulent cadaver devouring its own kind was extremely similar to what he had seen that day.

  "Look, it seems to be evolving!"

  Su's surprised exclamation suddenly sounded beside her ears, causing Ling Xiao's slightly distracted mind to quickly reel in his thoughts. He looked towards the track and field, there was indeed a change.

  Fatty raised his head and let out a cry of pain. Following which, his body became a mass of sarcoma from his back to the top of his head. The sarcoma suddenly exploded, and from the splatter of greenish-yellow fluid, a black shadow pierced out. The black shadow appeared in midair, as if it was pierced by numerous bone spikes. The bone spikes spread out in all directions with corpulent cadaver as the center. They stabbed into the walls of the spectator stands around track and field and deeply burrowed into the walls.

  The corpulent cadaver in the track and field felt that it was laughable for them to grow an antenna all over their body, but no one present was able to laugh.

  After a moment, a slight tremble appeared under everyone's feet. Before they could figure out what had happened, pink liquid began to gush out from various cracks in the stands. As soon as the liquid came in contact with the air, it immediately condensed into a gelatinous shape, like a pink carbuncle.

  The carbuncle s quickly spread across the surface of the buildings. The few of them paled and immediately retreated, distancing themselves from the strange carbuncle s. But there seemed to be no limit to the carbuncle's expansion, as it quickly submerged the entire track and field and chased after it towards other corners of the University City.

  After the carbuncle was formed, red, root-shaped threads would grow out from these substances, they were like nerve line s of some sort. If one looked carefully, it was not difficult to find that there were bursts of fluorescent light that flowed around regularly within these nerve line.

  This process lasted for almost half an hour. Only after the carbuncle occupied the entire University City did they stop their growth and expansion. These things occupied the heights of all the buildings and surrounded the entire University City.

  Zero and the others appeared on the rooftop of a building near the track and field. Under their feet were these gelatinous carbuncle. Su used the heavy sword and tore off a piece of the ground casually. A new organization quickly grew out from the crack of the carbuncle and it was completed in the blink of an eye.

  "What are these disgusting things?" Su looked at the pink substance on the sword and frowned.

  He was indeed not good at biology, but if Eva was here, he should be able to see something. Unfortunately, that woman was still far away in Asgard, assisting Victor in his plans to reincarnate.

  Arcus' head was slightly bowed as if he was thinking about something. A moment later, a low voice came from her mouth, "Look, do the red lines in those things look like neural networks?"

  Everyone was stunned. If what Agatha said was true, then the neural networks that covered the entire University City were like a large signal transmission terminal. Suddenly, Su Yun understood how the will of the living corpse, which restricted a large number of living corpse, was transmitting her orders to him.

  Chapter 298 - Corpse City (IV)

  The corpulent cadaver was still changing.

  Its eating speed was different from before, it would only devour the next ordinary living corpse every minute now. It was obvious that the energy in his body had already reached its saturation point, and would naturally be excreted after he ate his fill. It was just that the excrement of this weird living corpse was not any feces.

  At the foot of the mountain, waves of flesh rolled up, followed by a strange organ. It resembled a woman's lower body, and as a gully formed, it opened up to either side, followed by a ball of flesh spraying out of the draining organ.

  The ball of flesh rolled out three meters. It wasn't big, and its diameter wasn't even half a meter. But soon, something bulged out from the ball of meat. They were like sarcomas parasitized on balls, but they kept lengthening, forming limbs, bodies, and heads. A moment later, a skinny body, with a big belly, living corpse shook the juice off his body and slowly propped up his corpse.

  Everyone on the living corpse's roof was very familiar with this kind of person, it was the bomb carcass s that were set up to deal with people who had the ability to do so!

  After the first bomb carcass was formed, more and more balls of meat were discharged from corpulent cadaver's lower organs. Ten minutes later, there were more than thirty of these bomb carcass on track and field. They quickly took shape, regardless of appearance or weight, there was not the slightest difference, it was as if they were made from precise equipment.

  After producing these bomb carcass, corpulent cadaver's production had still come to an end. That strange organ suddenly opened up and shot out ten odd corpse beasts. These corpse beasts were the size of a hound, and their bodies were rotten. They looked like wolves, but their heads were very big, which was about the same as their bodies. After the large headed corpse beast was created, it was as if they had received the order early in the morning. When their four limbs moved as though they were flying, they leapt onto the tall wall at the edge of track and field and crouched down like wolves.

  However, they were not simply squatting down. When the monsters had fixed their bodies, apart from their heads, the rest of their bodies suddenly melted. The flesh was connected, and in the end they were all alike. The liquid even dripped onto the wall and stuck the corpse beast tightly together with the wall. The corpse beast opened its mouth wide, its eyes quickly turned into the shape of a stone statue.

  However, their active biological energy inside told the few of them that these things were not dead.

  More and more corpses beasts appeared, and they all rushed up to the peak of University City in an orderly fashion, before quickly solidifying and turning into a strange beast sculpture. But from the position they occupied, it seemed more like a predetermined cannon emplacement.

  Su Yun and the rest did not have time to discuss the use of these things, new corpse beasts were produced by the corpulent cadaver. It was still the same type of crawling beast, but the new corpse beast was a bit special. It had the appearance of a corpse of a wild beast, complete with insect limbs, and a human head attached to its neck. This slippery bald head had eyes that looked down, and a chin that made people feel uncomfortable.

  After this strange corpse beast was born, it did not move at all. Instead, it directly grabbed the nearby living corpse and started to eat. When they finished their first meal, the
back of the corpse beast cracked open, and dozens of intestines floated out from its body. No one knew what kind of effect they had.

  The number of these corpse beasts was very few, only around five. As soon as they grew intestines on their backs, they suddenly dispersed and hid themselves in the darkness of buildings.

  At this time, the corpulent cadaver was trembling all over, and a few pupae appeared from its producing organs. These pupae were wrapped in a thin layer of carbuncle, and from the flow of the carbuncle's tendons and veins, one could vaguely see a curled up human shadow within the pupa. When the person in the cocoon reached out his hand to tear the carbuncle apart, a naked human appeared on top of the empty track and field, along with the green-yellow nutrition liquid.

  On the surface, these people looked no different from ordinary people. However, their chests didn't move, which meant that they didn't need to breathe. In other words, no matter how human-like they were, they still could not escape the living corpse's definition. It was just that they were much cleaner than normal living corpse s. However, under Agatha's observation, the level of energy in these living corpse s were extremely low, and were practically no different from ordinary living corpse s. In other words, these clean living corpse did not have much combat power.

  So, what are the reasons they were created?

  Like the corpse beasts in front, these human-shaped living corpse were very rare, only around four people. After they tore apart the pupa, they came to the side of the corpulent cadaver. The corpulent cadaver roared at them, and as if they had received some order, they nodded like humans. Then, they turned around and roared at the bomb carcass.

  The bomb carcass that made those who were able to feel danger listened to the four living corpse s. The bomb carcass moved quickly, like a pack of hounds, it charged towards the exit of track and field. Right behind them were the four human-shaped living corpse s.

  After the living corpse s left, the corpulent cadaver began to eat again. But this time, after it had eaten all five hundred ordinary living corpse s, it did not make any move to produce them. It was as if the production of four types of living corpse had caused it to consume a large amount of energy and it could not concoct any new living corpse in a short period of time.


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