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Warlord 4

Page 52

by Chen Ran

  Based on the two points above, there were very few people who would strengthen their own Basic Competencies, other than when necessary. For example, because Su was a berserk soldier that valued strength, she levelled up her ability to strengthen herself.

  But now, the identity of this master of the will was that of a perceptual domain competent of the eighth step, which was somewhat more acceptable to everyone than the mighty beings of the twelfth step or even the Thirteenth step.

  "We have the basic information on the living corpse Legion and we will pass it to Dr. Raphael for analysis. Just as you had guessed before, there might be a living corpse Kingdom hidden behind this army. Yes, a kingdom. Didn't she say before, that she mentioned something similar to 'Queen' when she called herself the creator's Gulad? " Callio pointed at the screen again and again, as if wanting to emphasize something: "It's her, Queen! Well, let's call it the Queen. This existence is the ultimate will behind the living corpse. Who knows how the living corpse could evolve and produce such an existence without us even knowing. But there is no doubt that it is our enemy, the enemy of all mankind. The dead and humans were existences that could not coexist. It was just that in the past, the population of living corpse had low intelligence, and only acted on instinct. Even the high level monsters among them, such as the butcher and lacerator, were the same. "But it's different now …"

  "Not only is this so called Queen binding the living corpse, they have also developed a modulated version of the biological weapon. "Oh right, look at these." Callio's figure faded away and a three-dimensional model of a new type of living corpse appeared on the screen, "Doctor Raphael has already named several new types of living corpse that you all have seen so as to facilitate the storage of information and the separation of soldiers. Hell, it looks like we'll have to deal with these things for a while. "

  On the screen of the intelligence brain, the first thing that appeared was the bomb carcass, and the name that the doctor gave it was Blaster. They were named the Guard, the latent, the herald, and the executioner. These names, depending on the nature of the monster, are also vivid.

  After a simple introduction, Callio's figure appeared again. "Doctor Raphael thinks that the Gu La and the other three creator that are considered to have been created should be able to produce more than just this number of biological weapon. According to creator's judgement on the battlefield and the weapons that were automatically produced, they could produce all kinds of biological weapon according to their needs. If the energy materials were sufficient, it was even possible to produce weapons like the mothership. This was the difference between the living corpse Kingdom and the foreign races, although the foreign races had also evolved from the mutated organism. However, their social structure and abilities are all relatively simple, and not as complicated as that of the living corpse Kingdom. "

  In the end, Callio emphasized: "We can allow foreign races with different abilities to exist, but we definitely cannot allow this kind of clear division of labour, a kingdom with complex military capabilities, to exist. Gentlemen, I need you to find this kingdom and its queen. And then, erase it greatly! "

  Callio's order was within the expectations of the few of them. The new age is a time of competition, not only between people, but also between humans and other life. What they competed for was the right to live in this land. There was only one Earth, and it could not contain too many intelligent life. As a result, some lives were destined to be eliminated in this competition.

  As long as it was a human, no one wanted that species to be a human. The appearance of the living corpse Kingdom was a wake-up call for the human race. Once a certain being gained intelligence, a clear division of labor in society began to appear, finally forming a kingdom with complex armies, that would definitely be a disaster for the human race.

  Be it Hall of Heroic Spirits or Dark Council, they were the two big shots of the Central Continent. None of them wanted to see a huge kingdom of mutants lurking right under their noses.

  However, no matter how much Zero and the rest were willing to help Callio complete this mission, there were still some unavoidable questions.

  "Our forces are not strong enough to destroy a kingdom, sir." He spoke the thoughts of everyone in a flat tone.

  "I understand." Callio revealed a rough smile, "With just you Lyons, of course you wouldn't be able to destroy an entire kingdom. But we can. Your main task is to find out where the kingdom is. Then, just send us a coordinate. As for the rest, you don't need to do anything else. You just need to leave the location as fast as possible. "

  Zero one, and asked doubtfully, "Is the laser accurate? A nuclear strike? "

  With that said, Agatha's expression became somewhat strange, while Berrien snorted from his nose, full of disdain. On the screen, Callio's candid laughter resounded: "If it's a goal that is within ten kilometers of Asgard, this suggestion of yours might still be possible. However, you are at least 2000 kilometers away from the Asgard. Even if the target is right under your feet, this method will still not work. "

  Callio turned his head and looked up, "After all, the damn radiation clouds in the sky not only affected the possibility of air traffic, but also made the long-distance missile attacks a joke. However, what I want you to do is more or less the same as what you said. It's just that the laser sight was changed to a energy crystal and the nuclear bomb was turned into a long-range attack. "

  As he said that, Callio took out a piece of crystal stone from his pocket. "I have already informed Avenot, he will have someone bring out three SUV, food and clean water for you guys later … and this sort of thing. "

  "Originally, the location crystal was intended for Avenot to bring it to the Remot when he was prepared. I never thought that it would really come in handy." Callio explained: "This thing is a special locator that stores the same nature and the same energy intensity. At the time of production, these crystals were produced in pairs. When one was crushed, the other would also crumble due to the resonance between the two crystals. However, the energy released by the shattering of the crystal will be detected by our special apparatus, thus locking onto the target. This was produced by using the principle of using the ability element Su resonated with in the Meta-Su Domain. At present, it is still unable to be mass-produced, so the two of you only have one crystal. This is because after the crystals in your hands shatter, the target will be affected by the unimaginable attacks of YuanSu within three minutes at the most. "

  "Yuan Su's attack?"

  "That's right, it's also a long-distance attack that uses the resonance principle between the dimensional Su s." Callio said seriously, "At that time, when we receive your coordinates, the seven people in the higher ups of the Meteor Realm of the Asgard will exercise the different kinds of Meteor Su's powers. At the coordinates you provide, we will use the power of the 'Apocalypse' at the twelfth level of the Meteor Su's domain to destroy this location without any differences!"

  The moment Callio said this, a few gasps sounded out from beside him. Seeing that it didn't seem to understand what the Apocalypse is, Feng explained, "As the power of the twelfth stage, the Apocalypse's power is only slightly weaker than the Thirteenth step's' Apocalypse '. However, not everyone could use these two skills. They decided that the person with the ability must be proficient in all seven of the major divisions of the YuanSu Region at the same time, and each of them needed to reach the required level. In other words, even a slightly weaker Apocalypse would require the user to be at least at the twelfth stage to be able to unleash the power of the seven elements. As a result, neither of these two skills can be used by anyone alone. "

  "That's the truth." Callio said with a proud look on his face: "These two abilities can only be used by those who have the same cultivation level as you, and this test of tacit understanding between those with the same cultivation level, if even a single one of the stages has a problem, releasing the power would be a failure or a small matter. If the energy rampaged, it would be a
terrible disaster. Just finding seven Element Domain Capable s at the twelfth stage wasn't a simple matter, and Asgard was a person who only had the ability to activate this skill in the recent few years, which could be considered as strategic level. "Right now, it's time to test the feasibility of this ability."

  "Well, that's all I have to say. He found the location of the living corpse Kingdom and crushed the location crystal at the right place. Then, you all will have three minutes to escape! " Callio said in a serious tone.

  The screen flashed twice, and intelligence brain cut off the communication. Agatha took down the intelligence brain and said while looking at everyone, "This mission is no small matter. No matter how much we dislike each other, it's fine. "I hope everyone will put their preferences aside for this trip and put priority on the mission!"

  She looked deeply at Berrien, who did not make a sound and only nodded heavily.

  Although Berrien agreed to let go of his pride and cooperate with the mission temporarily before it was completed, he would naturally not stay with the others. Thus, in the temporary camp that he had cleaned up, Berrien and his remaining two Thunderbolt Guard were at the southern border. He just sat silently on the ground and used a bolt of lightning to start a bonfire.

  The fire lit up his handsome face, but his eyes seemed very gloomy under the fire. No one knew what he was thinking about.

  Feng lightly knocked on Ling Yun's arm and said: "Do you think that guy will hold a grudge and trick us at a critical moment to let us and the living corpse Kingdom die together in the Apocalypse?"

  "You're thinking too much, aren't you?"

  In the end, Su frowned and retorted softly.

  "It's not impossible." Zero Zheng checked Giant's Type 1 sniper rifle and replied seriously, "It's not wrong to be cautious. A mad dog is sometimes more terrifying than a lion!"

  "Captain is right, we should be careful of mad dogs like Berrien." Feng nodded and looked towards Berrien.

  Berrien seemed to have sensed something, and turned to look at Feng. Their gazes met in midair, filling the camp with the smell of gunpowder.

  At this time, the sound of engine came from far away in the ruins. A few lamp post cut through the night sky and brought over the vehicles and supplies that Avenot and the others needed. Agatha's servants immediately signalled for the support personnel. After a while, three jeeps stopped at the side of the camp.

  Not only did the three cars bring supplies, they also brought a few high grade medical kits. It was evident that Avenot had set up this car after considering the various injuries of the lot and the fact that he still had to continue with the mission. In addition, there were a few military tents and a prismatic locating crystal.

  The location of the crystal was naturally guarded by the captain, but there were three captains at the scene. It would become a problem if the one who left it in his custody was the leader.

  "Don't leave this fragile item to me, don't accidentally let my ability detonate." Berrien's voice was calm, and with that, he turned and left. Two Thunderbolt Guard s behind him took two army tents from the carriage, then followed Berrien.

  Su Ling looked at Agatha and said: "I'll leave this crystal in your custody. When I'm fighting, my movements are too big, and it's also not appropriate for me to bring this kind of thing with me."

  Agatha did not reject, her abilities were mainly in the field of observation, there were very few opportunities to fight, and she was the most suitable person to keep the stones. Thus, without saying anything further, she put the crystal away.

  "However, the wilderness is so vast, where can I find this so-called living corpse Kingdom?" Agatha frowned as she thought of this difficult problem that gave her a headache.

  He looked at the ruins at night and said, "We will look for creator wherever he comes from."

  Agatha's eyes lit up, and she was awakened by a few simple words. But when she regained her senses, Zero had already left and was setting up a tent with her team.

  They would rest here for the night and set out tomorrow to search for the living corpse Kingdom. Who knows, it might take only a few days, or even months?

  It was late at night, and even the bonfire was still burning, struggling feebly on the solid surface. Deep in the night in the ruins, the temperature was only -25 degrees Celsius. The ground was as cold as ice. Sitting on this kind of ground was definitely not comfortable at all. But the guards were not responsible, unless they were willing to stand all night.

  Servants sat on the ground, leaning on thick cotton coats and low flames to keep warm. Amongst the supplies, there were also two boxes of poor quality wine. They tasted bitter. Rather than wine, it was better to say that it was alcohol mixed with water. Regardless, they were strong enough to pierce the throat like fire. That was enough.

  The vigilant slave warriors each held a bottle of this bad wine. Occasionally, they would take a sip and let the pungent wine warm their bodies.

  At the eastern edge of the camp, Zero sat as still as a stone statue. The wounds on his body were already beginning to heal, and his entire body was covered in a pink blood clot. These things will fall off in the morning, when Zero's body looks unharmed. However, true injuries were not so simple to heal. The broken bones and damaged organs required time to heal, and the regeneration of the lost lobes needed a longer period of time.

  Although Zero was sitting, every time he breathed, his body would be in extreme pain. However, from the expressionless face of Zero, no one knew that he was heavily injured. Other than his pale face, Zero was no different from a normal person.

  A low temperature and a strong wind were no longer a threat to a person with the ability of zero. Furthermore, Nocturnal's tactical suit already had a constant temperature system, so the soldiers with enough power to support the Hammer of Destruction could freely move around in extreme circumstances. Therefore, Zero did not care about the cold wind that could freeze an ordinary person to death.

  "Captain Zero, staying up all night is not good for your injuries at all."

  Following this clear and sonorous voice that carried a bit of hoarseness, the temperature around Su Yun rose slightly and Agatha sat beside him.

  "Aren't you the same, Captain Agatha. Although no injury has been sustained, the whole night is also detrimental to a woman's looks. " Zero looked at her, his face calm.

  Agatha smiled sweetly as she reached out to untie the ponytail. Immediately, Agatha's head of golden hair started to dance in the night wind. Her hair was like a dancing fairy, gently sweeping across Zero's face, causing him to feel itchy.

  Zero had seen quite a few beauties, but every beautiful woman had a different temperament. For example, Lea's elegance, Moni's innocence, Taelice's wildness, and Valkyrie's coldness. As for the Agatha in front of her, she was more inclined towards a type of neutral type of beauty. Agatha did not make people feel astonished, but she was like a bottle of good wine with a rich taste. The longer they spent together, the more they felt that she was interesting.

  "Why are you always staring at me? Is there sand on my face? " Agatha chuckled.

  "No, it's just that I think you're very beautiful." "No," Zero replied honestly.

  In the ruins of the wilderness, there was a place with a slight rise in the temperature.

  Two red clouds quietly flew up from Agatha's face.

  Chapter 302 - The Dead Land (II)

  The night wind was strong and cold. Not far away, the window of a small building was being blown so hard that it made a "Pa Pa" sound, which was a sound other than the sound of the wind.

  Su Yun and Agatha did not speak, but the silence did not last long. After a while, Agatha's voice once again sounded out along with the wind and entered Zero's ears.

  "Captain Zero, do you have a dream?"

  Su Zero was startled, and looked at Agatha in surprise.

  Dreams, what beautiful words. However, dreams belonged to the old era. By then, resources were already tight, the economy was not in good shape, an
d unemployment remained high in many countries. But on the whole, the world was beautiful. At least there was no radiation that was everywhere, no mutated organism that fought with humans for the living space. Although there were wars, they were limited. They only occurred in the civil strife of certain countries, not the entire continent, or even the entire world.

  The old era was a dream that all mankind could not return to. The sky was blue, the clouds were white, the rain didn't carry strong radiation, and the snowflakes were romantic. Looking at it now, the old era was like a fairy tale, existing in everyone's heart.

  Dreams were words that used to hang on the lips of people in the old era. At that time, no matter how difficult life was, people would always have their own dreams. As long as there is a dream, no matter how hard life can be colored.

  For most people, life in the new era was gray. People who struggled on the line between life and death every day had no dreams at all.

  To these Warriors, they were definitely better off than ordinary people. However, their mortality rate was not lower than that of an ordinary person. On the contrary, it might even be higher. Ordinary people could survive as long as they had food, and the soldiers didn't even know if they could live past today. Thus, to them, their dreams were even more distant, so much so that no one would even think about it.

  Su Ling never thought that Agatha would actually ask such a question. Perhaps, a woman's nerves are always thinner than a man's. For example, Feng, I bet that his dreams were not included in her thoughts.


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