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Warlord 4

Page 54

by Chen Ran

  "Huh?" He was obviously surprised, but it didn't stop him from grabbing the girl's ankle.

  The skin on his tentacles was smooth and smooth, and he could even feel the powerful rumbling of the blood vessels beneath his skin.

  Girls have good potential. As soon as Zero made this judgment, the girl used his ankle as a fulcrum and instantly got rid of him. Her other hand bounced off the ground, while her remaining long leg kicked out with lightning speed, aiming for Zero's face.

  As a result, when Agatha and the rest squeezed through the crack in the door, they saw a small and exquisite figure kicking at them with all kinds of force, attacking Zero with all kinds of attacks. As far as Zero was concerned, this sort of attack wasn't anything to him. After a moment, he had subdued the girl. Zero did not engage in close-combat with the girl. Instead, he took out his Golden Eagle Finger and placed it on the girl's forehead, calming her down.

  "What a little chili!" Feng whistled.

  Agatha said in surprise, "Your strength, defense and agility have all reached the level of a stage. I never would have thought that there would be such a brat here. "

  Hearing Agatha's words, Zero was also slightly surprised. Although they were all only at the first stage, it was already surprising enough for there to be three little fellows from the Fighting Domain's Basic Competencies in Z7 base. He slowly withdrew his pistol and said, "Well, I can tell you whomever you think we are. It won't be what you think. "Don't make any dangerous movements now. Then, let me introduce myself. My name is Zero."

  When the girl heard the name Zero, her eyes suddenly lit up. "Your name is Zero? "Are you the zero who left Z7 before?"

  "If no one else is called Zero after I leave, I think I am." When did he become a celebrity?

  "It's really you?" The fear in the girl's eyes had been wiped away and was replaced with a look of excitement. "They told me that there used to be a great guy in the base. At Z7, he was still a country bumpkin, but after leaving the base and not long after, he became a celebrity. "

  "They have told me about your confrontation with the Parkland's valve who knows how many times. They say that no one has ever dared to treat those nobles like this, except you. " As the girl spoke, her eyes began to mist. "Unfortunately, they are all dead. "Captain Neo, Jess, Clson, and a lot of other people..."

  "I came here for this. If possible, I want you to tell me what happened at this base." Su Ming said in a deep voice.

  The girl looked up and asked loudly, "Will you take revenge for everyone?"

  Zero nodded heavily.

  "Then I'll tell you, I …" Suddenly, the girl's stomach rumbled and she revealed an awkward expression, "Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry. I haven't had anything to eat in three days. "

  Su Yun immediately turned to Feng and said, "Go get some food and water."

  Feng nodded, then turned and left. Zero brought the girl out of the mining site. This was not a good place to eat and chat. When they reached the gate, one of Berrien's subordinate, a Thunderbolt Guard, saw the girl's slim figure and his eyes lit up. He extended his hand and patted her butt and said: "Little girl, you should be able to do it well."

  But the man's hand missed, because Zero had already pulled her aside. Su Yun looked at the Thunderbolt Guard and said expressionlessly: "I found her first, I won't allow you or anyone else to touch her. Otherwise, I will see it as a provocation. "

  After saying that, he pulled the confused girl through the door.

  Thunderbolt Guard's face immediately turned vermilion as he looked at Berrien. Berrien said indifferently: "What he said is not wrong, these are the rules, the rules that we and you must follow."

  The full members of Doomhammer have their own private property, which can include property, money, soldiers, or women. If a woman was found in the wilderness, then the principle of whoever discovered her first would be followed. Of course, if the so-called principles of the era of turmoil were not supported by powerful forces, then it would be nothing more than a piece of cake.

  Therefore, it is permissible to challenge this rule between members, or between subordinates and superiors, as long as you can afford it.

  Thunderbolt Guard had the power and defense of the fifth step, to ordinary people, he was already a fierce person. But as long as one has brains, he will know that this kind of strength isn't enough to provoke a captain of Doomhammer. Even if the power of zero wasn't directly based on the opponent's attack, his agility and agility along with his powerful weapon was enough for Thunderbolt Guard to provoke him.

  Therefore, this Thunderbolt Guard only let out a heavy "hmph" to express the unwillingness in his heart, but didn't say anymore unnecessary words.

  "— I am the dividing line, gaga —"

  "My name is Hedwig..." The girl squeezed a tube of nutritious Su into her mouth and revealed a disgusted expression. Indeed, the feeling of nourishing Su was no different from eating toothpaste, but it was enough to fill her stomach. Then, the girl took a sip of water before exhaling and continuing, "Hedwig Joe Elizabeth, I roamed with my brother to Z7 base two months ago and temporarily stayed here."

  Speaking of her brother, the young girl Hedwig's eyes started to fill with fog again. It seemed that her brother had met with some misfortune.

  "Your fighting skills are not bad, who did you learn from?"

  Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Feng changed the topic. The people of this era were usually quite strong, and the hardships of life had already made people's hearts as firm as steel. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to live in this turbulent era. The young girl Hedwig was also the same. Although the departure of her family and friends made her feel sad, she had already endured it. Hearing Feng's praise, Hedwig proudly puffed out his chest and patted his chest like a man: "It was Captain Neo who taught me. He said that my legs are long and very suitable for training and kicking."

  "He's right." A hearty voice cut in, but it was followed by Johnny who walked over: "Your legs are very slender, and your muscle tissue is well-proportioned. This allows you to have a strong explosive strength, and is indeed suited to practice various kicking techniques. "How about it? Do you want me to be your teacher? I know a bit about kicking too."

  Saying that, Johnny landed on one leg, and with lightning speed, swept, pierced the throat, hooked the legs, kicked forward, lowered the body of the kick and other leg techniques. Johnny performed a few kicks consecutively with unpredictable changes, making Hedwig's eyes dazzled. A light of adoration gradually filled her eyes.

  Indeed, in the field of zero, as the fight master, Johnny was the most qualified person to become Hedwig's teacher. What was even harder to come by was that Johnny did not look down on her because of her identity. After all, not everyone was willing to teach her fighting techniques even if she did have talent in kicking.

  Hedwig was also a smart girl. When she saw that Zero and the rest were well-equipped and had seven to eight strong people, including Zero, she knew that they must belong to a powerful organization or corporate. If Johnny was willing to be her teacher, then she would be able to follow by their side for a period of time. Thus, both life and safety were guaranteed.

  Thus, when Johnny finished speaking, he immediately nodded his head, afraid that Johnny would go back on his words.

  Johnny looked at Zero, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in the little guy."

  The underlying meaning was naturally for Zero to not have to worry about having his eyes on Hedwig's body. Zero nodded. Looking at Hedwig, Zero immediately thought of Moni. I wonder how is the girl who left with the young Guru.

  "Then Hedwig, can you tell us what happened at this base?"

  Agatha's voice brought Zero back to reality, and he looked towards Hedwig. The short-haired girl's gaze turned profound, as though she was recalling a memory. "That morning, I woke up in my usual deep sleep. My brother is already preparing to work in the mine, and because I have a first class ability, my work is much better than my brothe
r's. "My job is to be the base's lower level guard. Although I'm a recruit, everyone, including Captain Neo, is very considerate of me …"

  "I got up for breakfast and went to the guardhouse to report. Since I was on duty in the afternoon, I went to the practice field to practice the skills Captain Neo had taught me. I remembered that it was noon, and just as I was about to leave after completing the three sets of training, I heard the base's alarm sound. As soon as I left the training ground, I received an order from Captain Neo to evacuate the workers in the mine. " When Hedwig said till here, her large eyes began to reveal a terrified light. "But when I arrived at the mine, they had already charged in. It's the living corpse, and inside there are the butcher and the lacerator. These monsters were not something that a mere guard team of the base could fight against. Captain Neo and the others were engaged in an intense fight with these monsters, but they kept fighting as they retreated to the mining site. When he saw me in the crowd, he told me to hide inside the mine with everyone else and to close the mine's gate! "

  "I did as he said. Just as the gate was about to close behind the mine, a butcher attacked me. I panicked, not knowing what to do, when someone pushed me away. It's my brother, and after he knocked me away, he was killed by a butcher himself! " After saying that, Hedwig started crying bitterly.

  Agatha sighed softly and pulled the pitiful girl into her embrace. Hedwig cried for a while, but gradually stopped crying and continued, "What happened afterwards was very chaotic. I remember that although the door was closing, there were living corpse who kept on entering the mining area. Many people had died. The monsters had even destroyed the operation platform to stop the door from closing. Many of them hid in the mine track, and in the end, we let the living corpse find us. Only I. Only I survived … "

  "Where are you hiding?" Zero asked.

  Hedwig pointed upwards: "Ventilator. I was smaller, so I hid in the mine ventilation ducts. As expected, those monsters didn't expect to find someone hiding in the ventilation duct, so I didn't search for them. After that, I hid in the ventilation duct for two days, and because of that, I saw something strange. "

  "What is it?" Agatha asked.

  "People, people who can get along with living corpse, they call him the guide!" Hedwig replied.

  This sentence made Ling Yun and the rest look at each other in dismay. This was the first time they had heard that living corpse could actually interact with someone else. The meticulous Agatha said: "Wait, you tell me, they call him the guide. In other words, the living corpse can speak the human language? "

  Hedwig hesitated, "I don't know if that thing can be considered a living corpse, but it is indeed a monster.

  "Can you describe what it looks like?" Su Ming said.

  Hedwig nodded, and gestured with her hand: "It seems to be fatter than the other living corpse, and even the butcher is shorter than it by a chunk. Looking at it, it looked like a big fat person. That's right, it was a big fat person. But strangely, it speaks human language. I was hiding in the ventilation ducts when I saw it talking to a man on the work platform just outside the mine. The man spread out a map on the ground and was pointing out to the fat man the human bases that led north from Z7. The fat man seemed to have noticed me and looked at me. I was scared and left without hearing what they were saying. Only during the conversation, I heard the fat man call the man the guide. "

  The fatty that Hedwig spoke of was very similar to the creator Gollard that Su Yun and the others had seen before. And before she died, Gollard spoke to zero in human language. This was also the reason why Agatha could feel that the creator had left behind such an energy trace on the Z7 base.

  "After I left the ventilation duct above the Workspace, I hid in the training field. Unexpectedly, I hid in an equipment warehouse in the practice area and soon heard a big commotion outside. When I hid behind the door and looked, I saw living corpse bringing in everyone's bodies one by one. I felt that it was very strange, could it be that living corpse would bury everyone here? Just as I was thinking about that, the big fatty came in. " Hedwig showed a disgusting expression and gestured: "That fatty has grown many tentacles, and it swept many people's corpses into its own body. So the reason the living corpse gathered everyone's bodies was to make it easier for the fatty to swallow everyone's corpses. However, the fatty did not eat everyone's corpses. He kept nearly half of them, and then let out weird cries towards the other living corpse s. Just like how the living corpse Sovereign ordered his servants, the other living corpse s immediately threw themselves onto the remaining corpses after hearing his order. In the end... The remaining corpses have all been transformed! "

  "Converted?" Su Yun muttered to herself, "So that's how it is, we found empty bases along the way. Those who died were either treated as food by the creator or turned into their own kind. Just like the residents of the Remot, who have been transformed, they are not only the lowest level of soldiers, when necessary, they are also the energy and materials that the creator needs to produce other biological weapon! "

  "This is the most convenient and cheapest supply method I've ever seen." Agatha laughed bitterly, but the others could not laugh.

  Just as Agatha had said, killing, eating, and transforming. Using this method, the creator swept through more than 30 bases. Like locusts that were in transit, they were replenished with energy and at the same time, continuously produced soldiers of the lowest level. It could be imagined that without a certain number of capable people guarding the area, ordinary living quarters or bases with insufficient defensive power were already like supply stations in the eyes of the living corpse!

  "After all the corpses have been transformed, the guide is like a fatty who has expressed his wish to leave." After all the corpses have been transformed, the guide is like a fatty who has expressed his wish to leave. Hedwig emphasized.

  "Indeed." Agatha said in a deep voice, "The Eye of Flame is a human settlement behind the Twin Towers Mountain. It is a city built on the ground's ruins. Below the city was an active volcanic belt, which was extremely hot all year round. The city is located in an empty space below the lava, which is why the Eye of Flame is called. "

  Listening to that, Su Ming said lightly: "It looks like we need to make a trip there. Since the guide is able to bring creator to the coastline, we can make him the guide to the living corpse Kingdom! "

  Chapter 304 - Eyes of Flame

  When Zero left the base, it was already evening. The radiant clouds shone with a bright red light, making the clouds look like thousands of miles of burning flames.

  Outside the base, the servants were unloading supplies from off-road vehicles and carrying them into the base. They would spend the night at Z7 before setting off for Twin Towers Mountain in the morning. The journey this time was a little longer than he had expected. Zero had never thought of crossing the mountain range that spanned ten thousand miles. Strictly speaking, this was his first real journey.

  Fortunately, Avenot had enough supplies, and there were enough supplies for them to make a round trip. The only thing to worry about was the world behind the Twin Towers Mountain, a mysterious place that even the Hall of Heroic Spirits did not know of. No one knew what happened there.

  "Captain, would you like one?"

  In an empty area outside the base, Johnny was sitting on a stone pillar, smoking. When he saw Zero, he took out another cigarette and waved it at him.

  After receiving it, Johnny lit it up for him. He took a deep breath and blew out a smoke ring. He rarely smoked, but in fact, the cigarettes that he had prepared for those who had the ability to smoke all had a small amount of Su's nerve poison mixed in. Otherwise, those who were able to smoke wouldn't be able to experience the feeling ordinary people had. This was the reason why Su Yun rarely smoked. After all, no matter how small Du Su was, it was still a danger.

  Now, though, it might be a good idea to relax once in a while.

  In front of Johnny, he was practicing his leg techniques. The girl's lon
g and slender legs were full of explosive power. Under the evening's afterglow, she continuously kicked out with all kinds of fast and tricky force, presenting a picture of a beauty filled with power.

  Ever since Johnny had agreed to be her teacher in the afternoon, he taught her some basic pointers on leg techniques. As the fight master, Johnny's kung fu skills were naturally very outstanding. The skills that he had personally taught Hedwig were much better than the skills that he had taught her from the team captain. fight master always emphasized on using his own energy to complement his punching skills to display his terrifying destructive power. It could be said that if they were to get close to him and attack him, as long as the level difference wasn't too far, defeating him was just a matter of time.

  "I can tell you like the kid." Zero said.

  Johnny vigorously nodded his head, "She has good talent. If she were to be trained, it would not be difficult for her to become another fight master, or even a high level martial arts expert."

  He had never thought that Johnny's evaluation of this girl would be this high. This reminded Su Ling of Moni, the girl who played the dagger well and also had a lot of potential in the Fighting Domain. If she was guided by a wise teacher, her achievements were limitless.

  Only, he didn't know where the kid and the Gulu Tan with the strange beast eyes had gone to. If they could meet again, Zero planned to bring them back to Asgard. In that city, they would definitely be able to unearth all of their potential.

  At this moment, a strange sound of wind sounded. It was a resonating whistle formed from a series of air vibrations!

  Looking up, a few beads of sweat danced in the air under the reddening sky.

  Hedwig turned her waist, and her soft and slender waist made Hedwig almost turn 180 degrees on the spot. At the same time, she took a wrong step and used the rotational force coming from his waist to send out a kick.


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