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Warlord 4

Page 60

by Chen Ran

  The changes were not obvious. If one were to compare the number of zeros with her appearance after the first meeting, they would see that she had only changed her nose a little, her eyebrows were a little longer, her eyes were brighter, and her lips were a little thicker. But even these minute changes, with the combination of her facial features, were beautiful enough to turn any man in the tavern into a beast.

  These men were still sitting in their seats. Firstly, they knew that Su was also a capable person, and secondly, they knew that she was also one of them.

  No one dared to sit next to him. He was sitting alone at the entire counter, and Su had plenty of seats.

  "Don't you want to buy me a drink?" Su pouted towards the bottle of red wine beside Zero.

  He then asked bartender for a note, poured it out for him and pushed it in front of Su: "You came here specifically to drink, it can't be that you want to come here for nothing."

  Su drank it all in one mouthful, and at the end, there were a few drops of wine on his lips. Her lips parted slightly, and with a sweep of her lilac tongue, she swept them clean. These actions were full of charm. Even Zero was stunned for a moment before recovering.

  "Captain Agatha told me to inform you that we have to prepare. There's already news from Jodtenheim's side that they will come to collect the goods tonight. " Su said casually.

  Upon hearing this, Zero's eyes lit up and he nodded. "They've finally arrived."

  Jodtenheim and Tie Sen company had a set of communication methods that only people who knew of. It was a energy crystal given to Tie Sen by the creator, and it could be used as a communication device for elemental Su. But the communication crystal placed on top of Tie Sen's bed was one-sided. Only when Jodtenheim came to collect the goods every month, would Tie Sen be notified through the communication crystal.

  Just 10 minutes ago, Agatha received a communication signal, at the same time that she asked the successor of the Tie Sen family, who was being controlled by her, to let the factory prepare the goods, she also ordered Su to come to the tavern to find zeros, to prepare for the upcoming operation.

  According to Tie Sen's memories, Su Ling and the rest knew that every time they delivered the goods, Jodtenheim would deliver a corpse beast the size of a mammoth. Sulfur and hot batteries would be sorted and placed in containers, and after acceptance by intelligent messenger soldiers, the goods would be loaded onto trucks, and then dragged away by Jodtenheim's Corpse Beast.

  To that end, they had drawn up a plan.

  This time, the mission will be carried out by the eight capable participants, while the servants and Thunderbolt Guard will remain in the Eye of Flame. The fewer people were going to Jodtenheim, the harder it was for them to be discovered. Not to mention that deep within the Corpse Country, whether it was the slave warriors or the Thunder Guards, their strength could be ignored. After all, their mission was not to damage Jodtenheim. Even if they did, bringing along slave soldiers would not be of much use.

  When Jodtenheim's living corpse arrived, they would prepare an extra container. After the living corpse had inspected the goods, the 108 people would hide inside the container, and the servants who disguised themselves as workers would transport the container onto the truck. Along the way, Agatha would activate a "Sensory Perception Shuttle" ability. The Basic Competencies of the perceptual domain was not of much use to those of the same level or higher, but it was enough to confuse the living corpse s that were following the carriage.

  The overall direction of the plan was decided by zero, and the details of the plan was supplemented by Agatha. As for Berrien, who valued violence and aesthetics, he had never taken any courses on strategy.

  Of course, no plan was perfect. In the eyes of the planners, no matter how perfect the plan was, there could still be variables. Zero was only thinking of the most feasible plan. As for the variables, he could only think of them randomly.

  After drinking the last drop of red wine in the bottle, he paid for the wine and left with Su.

  Two hours later, two long and one short alarm sounded from above the Eye of Flame, signalling that Jodtenheim's living corpse was about to enter the city. Hearing the alarm, the good old man's bar closed early. The drinkers left one after another, returning to their homes like the people on the street, closing the doors and windows carefully. Curious children would be taken away from the window by their parents. A crowd of living dead was not a pleasant sight. No parents would want their children to be unable to sleep after seeing those terrifying dead people.

  In Tie Sen's villa, Zero, who had heard the alarm, came to the window. Through the window on the fourth floor, he could see a gray torrent rolling towards him from the outskirts of the city. Appearing in front of the torrent were four mammoth like monsters. They looked very similar to mammoths, but they had no hair on their bodies and were damaged in many places. One could see the tissue beneath their skin. The grooves are connected to the head and chest, and green light flows through the grooves in a mysterious and eerie way.

  This was the beast that Jodtenheim was delivering the goods from, it's attacks could not be considered good. She was an expert in offense, and the guards on both sides of the torrent were more than ten black coloured corpse wolves. Their body shape was similar to Finry's wolf s, completely hairless like living corpse's mammoth. Their black skin and flesh were rotten in many places, and their eyes were blood-red, constantly sparkling with crystal light. Their four claws constantly overflowed with red light, and as they moved, they would leave streaks of light in the air, clearly not just for decoration purposes. When the corpse wolf moved, it would occasionally open its mouth to breathe. The breath of the dead wolf brought along a patch of red with it, without any surprise, it should be the main attacking method of this kind of dead wolf. (TL: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz))

  Other than that, the rest of the team only had regular living corpse. They numbered close to a hundred, and after this death torrent, they rushed into the Eye of Flame.

  Whether it was mammoths or corpse wolves, they had never seen this new type of weapon before. After seeing them, neither Zero nor Agatha's gaze could be said to be relaxed. Looking at it this way, Jodtenheim's biological weapon shouldn't be limited to just these.

  The flood of death entered the town and made its way familiarly to the loading and unloading area of the Ironwood factory. From the group, a messenger walked out. that it and other living corpse look like

  There was no difference between the two, but they could use human language like the creator. After a brief conversation with the manager in charge of the company, the messenger went to the containers that were already filled with goods and began inspecting them.

  While the messenger was checking the goods, a few people who had left the house and came to the factory entered the warehouse through the back door. They quickly entered an empty container that had been prepared beforehand. The inside of the container had already been filled with goods ahead of time as a way to conceal themselves. A row of zeroes quickly crawled to the empty space behind the container, and after Agatha placed "Sensory Perception Shutoff" all around it, the container was completely sealed.

  A moment later, a faint yellow fluorescence appeared in the pitch black container. The lights were coming from the fluorescent rod in Feng's and his hands. A few of the fluorescent rod were placed on top of each other at the bottom of the box, serving as lighting up the place. After all this was done, the container began to shake, and the factory began to load the goods.

  Agatha sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a intelligence brain on her hand. After Agatha typed in a few commands, a few hidden cameras outside the container and the intelligence brain connected together. This goods box that contained the Asgard's eight capable soldiers was placed at the very bottom of the box so that the people inside could observe the environment outside.

  After a moment, the information connected, a few windows opene
d on the intelligence brain's screen. Through these windows, the information of the outside world could be seen clearly.

  After they finished loading the goods, the living corpse connected the 12 wheels of the goods with Tie Su and the mammoth. Each mammoth dragged a cart full of goods out of the factory. As soon as they moved, a dozen black wolves scattered to serve as guards. The ordinary living corpse were still in the rear, and their job was not only to unload the goods, but also to serve as one of the bodyguards.

  Just like that, the death torrent left the Eye of Raging Flames. After they left, the residents of the town let out a sigh of relief, and the town became lively once again.

  The journey was unexpectedly long.

  After leaving the Eye of Flame, the Death Wave travelled for a day before leaving the Scorching Valley. Beyond the valley was a flat plain, like most of the wilderness along the coastline, but it was more desolate. From the camera installed outside the container, they could only see the occasional low tree, but they didn't see any signs of ruins or even electric towers.

  Even though the plain was desolate, it did not mean that it was devoid of life. On the contrary, the plains were overgrown with mutated plants, and the occasional mutated cattle were frequent visitors to the plains. They swept through the weeds on the plains. These herbivores, even though their genes had mutated, still ate weeds. Wherever the mutated cattle went, they would see a pack of dead wolves. Occasionally, there would be a lone wolf among the cattle, so it became a delicacy in their stomachs.

  In addition, sharp boars, burrowing tyrants, two-headed eagles, and steel-like leopards appeared, dotted with the life force of this plain.

  At the end of the plain, there was another towering mountain. The mountain was precipitous, and its shape was like a knife, piercing straight into the clouds of radiation in the sky. The mountain base was countless km wide, looking left and right, there was no end. There were dense forests at the foot of the mountain, but the higher they climbed, the rarer the trees became. Halfway up the mountain, there was a yellow-brown mountain. When they reached the peak of the mountain, which was close to the radiation cloud, there was already a line of snow. Above the line of snow, there was a sheet of pure white snow that extended all the way to the clouds.

  On the sixth day after leaving the Eye of Flame, the supplies team crossed the plains. This was because living corpse did not know how to travel day and night, otherwise, it would take a few more days. The group once again entered from a certain part of the mountain before their eyes, ascending up the rugged mountain path. Two days later, the group entered the world within the clouds. From the camera, the whole world was beautiful.

  Frozen wind mixed with ice shards whizzed by, sometimes flashing like lightning, and sometimes running for thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. In this world of clouds, the mountain had almost no bulge. Anything too sharp had been ground flat in the gale, leaving only flat, bald stones. In this cruel environment, one could not tolerate even the tiniest bit of weakness. As a result, the remaining rocks were all as hard as steel, otherwise, they would have long been worn out by the freezing wind and freezing air.

  Even the tireless living corpse found it hard to walk in such an environment. In the howling clouds, only the mammoth could ride against the wind. As for Black Wolf, he had to lower his body and take advantage of the mountain to block the wind as he crawled forward. As for the other living corpse s, they were blown left and right by the wind. They walked among the clouds on the mountain tops for two days, and when they finally left the Forbidden Land of Life, there would be at least twenty or so living corpse s and two black wolves that would forever remain on the mountain.

  After leaving the mountain, he spent another two days. It had been a full 13 days since they left the Eye of Flame. It had been half a month, not too short nor too long, but they were already tens of thousands of kilometers away from the coastline. After staying in the container for so many days, even Feng, who talked the most, had become silent.

  Fortunately, three days later, the team had circled around a vast radiation lake and entered a forest behind the lake. They had finally reached their destination.

  Jodtenheim, the living corpse's Kingdom is located in this vast primordial forest. In the middle of the forest, there was a clearing that was about ten kilometers wide, and Jodtenheim stood on top of it. On Agatha's screen, due to the angle of view, the number of things that Zero and the others could see was very limited. But no matter from which angle, it was likely that they would never miss the huge, square, and dusty pillar that towered in the middle of Jodtenheim.

  Fang Chen's pillar was made of blood-red rock. It was dark red in color and had thick black veined patterns all over the pillar. Within these lines, a dazzling red light would occasionally flash. It was unknown what use it had. It was unknown what else was built on the huge pillar. From time to time, a stream of light would shoot up into the sky from the top of the gigantic pillar and then explode like fireworks, resplendent and resplendent.

  When everyone's attention was focused on the square apex column in the middle of Jodtenheim, Zero suddenly felt a chill from behind. A chill ran up his spine and into the back of his head. His hair stood on end.

  A huge danger appeared in the sky!

  Chapter 310 - Lilith (I)

  "Hurry up!" Zero shouted.

  Berrien, Agatha and the others had yet to react, but Su and the others had already coordinated with Zero for a long time, so they believed in his sense of danger the most. Almost the moment the zero sound was heard, Su and Feng had already moved.

  The alloy heavy sword jumped onto Su's hands, without any extra moves, Su directly slashed the container wall. The container had a long crack like it was made of paper, Feng added another kick, and the container wall immediately cracked into pieces. Looking through the gap, Feng could see a black wolf beside the carriage looking at them, its eyes were filled with confusion, as though it did not understand why a human would suddenly appear inside the container.

  Feng did not have time to explain to it. The Tang Dao was unsheathed and instantly brushed past Black Wolf. When Feng arrived at the surface station, a thin line of blood spurted out from Black Wolf's neck, but he was still alive. However, no matter how it moved, a strong wind would pass by and follow the wolf's head. It could not do any evil.

  Su withdrew her heavy sword and let out a heavy snort from her nostrils. Feng was too careless that he forgot that this black wolf was also a type of living corpse weapon. Only by beheading it would he be able to kill it. It just cut off the neck artery and didn't kill it. Therefore, he could only smile bitterly and remained silent.

  The sound of wind rang out as Zero and the others leapt out one after another. The last one to appear at the exit of the container was Berrien. He had a proud face and wanted to ask why Zero took so much effort to do so, but suddenly, Berrien turned his head and looked towards the sky.

  From the top of the pillar that Jodtenheim was using, a stream of blood suddenly spurted out. This current of energy, however, was not as bright as the one in the sky, and once again exploded. Instead, after charging up to a hundred meters, he suddenly turned around and headed straight towards the direction of the caravan.

  As the red light faded, the aura of energy that assaulted his face seemed as deep as hell. The level of energy had already far surpassed Berrien's strength. In the end, his face paled, and without any hesitation, he sprung into the air. The moment he left the box, the current of energy came down from the sky, brushing past Berrien's shoes and drowning the truck, the warbeast, as well as the nearby living corpse or Black Wolf.

  In the air, the intense explosion occurred behind Berrien. He only had enough time to conjure up a surge of Su's power for herself, before she was sent flying by the shockwave from the explosion. As for the few of them, they had already fled far away when the red light broke through the sky. But even so, the aftermath of the explosion still lifted them up and ruthlessly scattered them.

  From afar, he saw a red cloud floating in the forest. Streams of hot smoke slowly appeared and slowly spread out.

  Zero struggled to get up from the grass. Looking up, he saw that the direction of the caravan had turned into a sea of flames. If they had run a little later, they might have become roasted pigs before they even enter Jodtenheim's residence. The top of the square apex column did not know what was there, the power of one strike was not less than a missile, it was even stronger than it was before. Within the sea of fire, a huge beast cried out in grief. A mammoth slowly walked out of the fire, bringing with it streams of hot smoke. However, after a few steps, it collapsed and died. As for the other living corpse s and black wolves, they had all died in the sea of fire.

  In his mind, Zero heard a cold snort. This cold snort was not obvious, only catching a faint afterword. Even so, his entire body suddenly collapsed, his black hair rose, and he entered the highest state of combat. Only after confirming that there were no living creatures around did Zero relax, but he still remained alert. Right now, they could already be considered to have penetrated deep into the enemy camp. However, they didn't expect that they would be seen through halfway through. Although the explosion did not take their lives, it scattered them.

  Of course, although the shockwave was fierce, it wasn't enough to completely disperse them. Su Yun looked at Agatha who was helping her up. Just as she was about to call her to look for everyone, Agatha suddenly raised her head, and said with a pale face: "A large number of enemies are approaching."

  As a perceptual domain competent, Agatha felt that there was naturally no mistake. At this time, the group of people who had recovered from the explosion stood up in a scattered manner. They swept their gaze around and felt like their target was obvious. When that happened, he bellowed: Disperse, infiltrate, gather the square apex column!


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