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Warlord 4

Page 63

by Chen Ran

  "Actually, you're right. I've never lived in the wilderness before." Agatha gently bit off the steak that was her and tore off a piece of the beef before stuffing it into her mouth, "My father was also a member of the Hammer of Destruction a long time ago. I was born in the Asgard, and compared to many people, I belong to the luckiest group of people. Remember my childhood, full of joy. In this new era, I'm afraid very few people would have a childhood like mine. "

  Agatha was smiling, but from her smile, Zero could feel a sense of sadness.

  "Happiness naturally comes with a price. If it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't be able to enjoy this kind of life. But when I was thirteen, my father was killed in a battle. Even though Asgard had paid my mother a considerable amount of pension for this, holding onto this sum of money, my mother ran off with another man. " Agatha let out a self-deprecating laugh, "Perhaps, to her, I'm just a burden when I'm only thirteen. I remember begging her desperately, and I would work hard, as long as she didn't leave me. However, she still left. After all, a man who was able to protect her is far more important than this daughter of mine. "

  At some point in time, the container in Zero's hand fell to the bottom of the ring. When Zero came back to his senses, he found that his thumb had turned blue from the excessive force he used.

  Agatha lowered her head, borrowing the food's movement to prevent Zero from seeing her face. However, in the shadow that was covered by the sea of bangs, a few sparkling and translucent lights fell down. Agatha said in a bland voice, "But there's nothing bad about that. Thanks to mother, I will be strong in this difficult life. It wasn't until I was 16 that I experienced my first genetic shock and stepped into the realm of the capable. And then there is the day and night of training, until I enter the Doomhammer and become a warrior, when I see my mother again. "

  "Ironically, the man who promised to protect his mother ran away with his father's pension. When she saw me again, she was no longer beautiful like she used to be. She repented and begged my forgiveness. When I saw her face, I realized that I didn't even have the strength to hate her. "

  "After receiving my forgiveness, my mother left. It wasn't long before I heard the news of her death. Strangely, I didn't feel sad. I didn't think I'd ever feel sad again, but now … " Agatha suddenly raised her head, her eyes brimming with mist: "But now, why do I feel such pain?"

  Zero said lightly, "Pain and sadness are not bad things. To be able to feel these is proof that we are still alive."

  As long as he was alive, there was hope for him to make up for his negligence or regret!

  Chapter 315 - The Night is Dark

  After he finished eating, Agatha's emotions stabilized. She moved the tableware away and started to discuss how to enter Jodtenheim's room with Zero. It was as if the teary woman from before was just a misperception.

  The sorrow naturally would not disappear, but was buried even deeper. In turbulent times, cruelty would raze everything. Those who were still alive didn't have much time to care about their own self-pity.

  Agatha's voice travelled into Zero's ears, "From the battle today, it seems that Jodtenheim's king possesses the ability of perceptual domain, and her rank is far above mine. This point cannot be doubted. In this way, our actions will be very tricky. "

  Zero nodded and agreed with Agatha's point of view. Their mission was not to attack Jodtenheim forcefully, but to bring the location crystal to the center of living corpse to activate. According to their original plan, they had a high possibility of infiltrating Jodtenheim. But who would have thought that the Queen of the living corpse Kingdom would actually possess the ability of perceptual domain. Even before they had entered the city, they had already been discovered.

  Right now, if he wanted to enter Corpse Country, the first person he had to deal with was the strongest one among them, Jodtenheim.

  "I have a plan!" Agatha raised a finger and laughed. Her expression was a bit excited, like a little girl holding a branch and drawing a few concentric circles on the sand.

  Agatha poked him with a tree branch in the middle of the concentric circle, and said: "This is Jodtenheim's square apex column, it is located in the center of the entire kingdom, and cannot be any better location. What we need to do is to send the location crystal here to start. "Then …"

  She then pointed at a big circle on the outside with her branch. "This is Jodtenheim, and this is the forest on the outside."

  Finally, the branch landed on the edge of the third circle, and Agatha drew a straight line on the ground. The end point of the straight line pointed at the square apex column: "We are currently at the edge of the forest, and from here we are at least ten kilometers away from the square apex column. "Obviously, the Queen's Sensory Perception has reached at least the middle of the forest. Once we enter this area, we will be caught."

  Things that were obvious here, but since Agatha had brought it up, she must have her own thoughts. Zero looked at her in silence, waiting for her next words.

  Agatha raised her head and coincidentally met with Zero's gaze. Her face suddenly flushed red, she withdrew her hand and asked seriously: "I would like to ask Captain Zero, if we use Jodtenheim's side as the starting point, how long would it take for us to reach the square apex column in a straight line?"

  Zero calculated and replied, "If I run at full speed, I can get there in about 10 minutes."

  "What if you bring me?"

  "Then it'll take about twenty minutes." Zero answered truthfully.

  "That means we'll be in Dallow in half an hour. That's fine." Agatha laughed: "Tomorrow, we will swagger from here to the edge of Jodtenheim's borders. At that time, I will activate an ability called the Sensory Perception Fault. This ability is an upgraded version of Sense Block, allowing it to cover both you and me, isolating the Queen's senses. I can probably maintain it for about half an hour, not long enough for us to reach our destination. "

  Zero did not immediately agree. Instead, he looked at Agatha's simple map quietly.

  "Is there a problem?" "Captain Zero." Agatha asked.

  Zero raised his head and asked, "I have a question. If that fault ability only works on you, how long can it last?"

  "There will be a lot more time like that. It can last for at least two hours." Agatha replied.

  "Then, the plan has to be changed." Su Ming took the branch from Agatha and pointed it at the edge, "Tomorrow, I will escort you to the edge of Jodtenheim's body, and then I will assume a forceful stance. I think that if anyone else discovers this, they will also act with me. I hope that Captain Agatha can go to the square apex column alone while we attract your firepower. Two hours should be enough time for you to go back and forth. "

  "But …"

  Agatha naturally knew that Zero was putting the most dangerous part of the plan on her shoulders. What she needed to do was a lot simpler. Moreover, with the Sensory Perception Fault activated, not only would the duration of the effect increase, it would also be difficult to see through. It could be said that Agatha's actions were the safest.

  "Captain Agatha, your work is not at all easier than ours. Let's just leave it at this, it's already late at night. Let's rest early. " Not allowing Agatha to object, he removed a few branches from the cave. The bonfire gradually dimmed and the light in the cave dimmed down.

  This time when Qingzhuang set off, apart from the necessary materials, they did not bring anything else with them. Agatha, on the other hand, brought a army blanket with her. She used a tree branch to clear an open area, then placed the army blanket on the ground and said to Zero: "Captain Zero, let's squeeze together tonight."

  Su Yun did not expect Agatha to say this and could not help but be slightly stunned. He then shook her head and laughed out loud. Then, she heard Agatha laugh out.

  "Rest assured Captain Zero, I will not eat you." Agatha said in a serious tone, "The temperature at night is too low. Although Nocturnal has a thermostatic system, sleeping on the ground like this is hard to guarantee that there won't be
any problems. Our operation tomorrow is a matter of great importance, and Captain Zero is our main force. If you mind, you sleep here, I'll sleep on the floor. "

  "No, no..." After a moment, he said, "Let's sleep together."

  This was the best thing for other men, and in times of turmoil, men and women were more open to each other. In order to reproduce, there were even places where men and women interacted day and night for several days. Zero Fei didn't know that after living in the wilderness for a few years, his views on this area had lessened by quite a bit. Since Agatha didn't mind, he didn't mind, so he laid down on the army carpet with Agatha.

  He turned his body to the side of the bonfire. The flame was constantly jumping around, but after watching it for a while, it had a hypnotizing effect. Zero's eyelids gradually grew heavy, but he could not fall asleep. The beautiful woman beside them was lying down, and they were both dressed in extremely close-fitting tactical suit s. The tactical suit s were just like their second skin. The two of them stuck together as if they were naked, and they could clearly feel Agatha's alluring and flexible body. For a moment, how could he sleep?

  At this time, a sound came from behind him, and Agatha had actually turned around. He could clearly feel that there were two balls of soft flesh tightly sticking to his body on Agatha's chest. Immediately, Zero naturally reacted.

  The bonfire suddenly jumped nonstop and then fell silent. It was as if it was quietly suppressed by an invisible hand and only flame remained.

  A hand suddenly wrapped around Zero's waist. Agatha hugged him gently from behind. Just as he was about to struggle free, he suddenly heard Agatha say softly, "Can you let me hug you like this? "Zero, as long as you hold her like this, you won't feel like you're always struggling by yourself …"

  As long as I hold you, I won't be afraid. Tomorrow. I have a bad feeling about this.

  Behind him, Agatha's voice gradually grew softer, followed by the sound of regular breathing. He sighed softly, thinking that he was definitely going to be hugged by a pillow tonight. Beside them, the fire finally died down and the darkness engulfed them.

  The night was dark.

  Chapter 316 - Blade of Pain (I)

  An executioner was wandering around Jodtenheim.

  The sun had already risen on the second day, and naturally, the red light of the sky passed through the gaps between the leaves of the forest, leaving behind glazed mottled shadows on the ground. Since yesterday, the battle had practically continued. A huge number of [Beginner] and [Intermediate] biological weapon came out from Jodtenheim's body like locusts, searching for those crafty invaders.

  Take the executioner in front of them for example, he had been active for almost 18 hours. Although biological weapon did not need to sleep, being active for a long period of time would inevitably cause the life force in his body to decline. The decrease in biological energy meant the decrease in alertness, agility, combat ability, and other values. However, if it did not receive the order to rest, it would fall to the ground and die in the next second.

  It ran along a particular route, running on the ground with its blade-like feet. Suddenly, the executioner stopped. It turned and jumped towards the bushes. While it was still in the air, it used both of its long claws to slash the grass, causing leaves to fly everywhere. In the splatter of leaves, the executioner saw a torn piece of clothing. It was the intruder's scent that caught its attention.

  However, the executioner didn't understand. It clearly sensed a mass of biological energy in the grass, and it belonged to the biological energy of the invader. The smell of the tiny piece of clothing wasn't enough to make an attack, but it was enough to add a mass of biological energy. However, there was no one in the grass.

  Before it could react, the executioner's body suddenly shook violently, and his head exploded into a cloud of blood.

  Only then did the headless body slowly collapse. In the next moment, rough gunshots rang and at the same time, countless of living corpse's weapons in the vicinity rushed over like bees smelling nectar!

  In the woods about 1,700 meters from the executioner, Zero dropped his sniper rifle.

  After this spear, there were no longer any living corpse weapons on the route he had chosen. Although the nearby living corpse would be attracted to this shot, it would still only happen five minutes later. Five minutes was enough for Agatha to sneak in.

  After activating the "perception fault", Agatha had already disappeared from the world's field of vision. Even if her rank was higher than hers, if he didn't deliberately investigate, it would be difficult to find her as long as she was also an expert in perceptual domain. What Zero needed to do now was to attract more firepower for her, as well as signal for her companions to attack while hiding in the forest.

  A moment later, a resounding howl rang out from Lingcun's location. The whistling sound was accompanied by layers of energy that vibrated outwards. It was an extremely obvious signal to the weapons of the living corpse. The living corpse s who were attracted by the sound of the gunshot turned around and rushed towards where Xiao Ming was.

  He jumped down from the tree, his back turning cold. He grunted and lunged forward as he hit the ground.

  A sinister giant axe was chopped off from behind the tree, and the tree was cut in half at the waist. The Evil Axe brought along a strong wind as it slashed through the air that had zero body temperature remaining.

  A heavy roar sounded from behind him, but Zero did not even bother looking as he quickly walked away with his gun.

  A butcher with a naked upper body and iron balls wrapped around his lower body held his giant axe. He roared at the back. Behind the butcher were various biological weapon s. Black Wolf Corpse and Blaster ran the fastest. These two biological weapon s whose limbs touched the ground were at least stage four in terms of agility, and were only one stage lower than zero.

  Behind these two types of living corpse were a group of executioners and over a hundred lacerator. The last one was the butcher. The butcher carried a heavy soldier, which was like a tank that could flatten all obstacles.

  Su Yun rushed straight towards Jodtenheim. After running nearly one thousand meters, he suddenly turned around. However, her speed didn't slow down at all. She was actually running backwards. At the same time, the giant raised his sniper rifle and pointed the muzzle towards the living corpse.

  At the moment of firing, Zero had already jumped up. The body of the sniper rifle shook violently. The recoil caused him to fly back. It saved him a lot of effort. Moreover, he had already reached his limit. His speed had increased by 20%.

  And after the specially made bullet left the barrel, it drew out a bright and clear light belt, piercing straight through countless living corpse.

  After the bullet had passed, the sound of gunfire and the howling of the wind rose again. A wave of air swept across the ground, marking the trajectory of the bullet. And the living corpse on this path, regardless of their rank, all of them exploded and fell. Even the few black corpse wolves saw that the shot was coming and pasted themselves to the ground, not getting hit directly by the warheads. However, before they could rejoice, they heard the sound of their own flesh being torn apart.

  Waves of blood spurted out from the back of these corpse wolves. However, they were all ripped apart by the wind pressure brought by the flying bullets.

  In an instant, half of the pursuers behind him fell and the pressure on them was greatly reduced.

  It was at this moment that a cold and furious will fell upon Zero. He turned around, raised his gun, and aimed at the top of the obelisk in the distance.

  This was naked provocation!

  The figure of the Zerg appeared in a hexagonal crystal screen. There were even more crystal screens like this one. There were hundreds of them, and as they interconnected, they formed Lilith's eyes. Lilibet let out a cold snort as a furious wave of thought swept past the minds of all of Jodtenheim's living corpse's weapons. Many ordinary living corpse and lacerator suddenly spat o
ut blood from their seven orifices and fell to the ground, dead.

  As for the stronger butcher, he was swaying as if he was drunk. It took him a moment to recover.

  Lilith was truly furious. In the hexagonal crystal screen in her eyes, which was almost limitless, more than half of the crystal screen reflected the figures of these invaders from different angles. Among these bugs, Lilith noticed two that she cared about.

  One of them was an expert from the Meteor Realm. The lightning and thunder arrows in that man's hands were extremely powerful, like a moving human cannon, tearing apart a large number of low grade weapons along the way. If it was said that this bug was attracted to Lilith because of its power, then the other bug that used a powerful sniper rifle was the one that insolently and arrogantly attracted Lilith's attention.

  In fact, Lilith's attention towards zero was even greater than Berrien.

  Lilith began to consider whether or not to use the high rank weapon s from Jodtenheim's group. Whether it was the trackers or the Dusk Hunter s, they were all excellent assassins who could kill Zero or Berrien. The former was good at stealth and melee attacks, while the latter was good at setting up energy traps and long-range attacks. Other than this, the most advanced weapon that Jodtenheim could master, the Angry Consul, had the strength of someone below the eighth step.

  It was just that for Lilith, high rank weapon were extremely precious. The materials needed to produce them all required a lot of energy, so they were the trump card Lilith used to deal with human experts and to release weapons. It would be overkill to use them against these invaders now.

  Just as Lilith was hesitating, a special consciousness suddenly swept past her senses. If it was a normal situation, Lilith might have ignored it. But within this thought, Lilith sensed an unusual meaning.

  "Interesting. You actually had a reaction to those bugs that only use guns. Then, you can kill him." Lilith laughed to herself, then opened her mouth and let out a soundless whistle.


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