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My Secret Alpha Step SEAL

Page 78

by Paula Mabbel

  “I’m sorry that was rude.” Peter said quickly.

  Tilly shook her head. “It’s fine.” She said and she gave him a reassuring look. “I grew up on the streets. I don’t have anything to offer and we both know that marriage isn’t built on love alone.” She said with a smile that Peter could tell was masking sadness.

  “I suppose that’s true.” He said. “Do you ever hope to marry?”

  “I think I can do quite well without a man.” Tilly said after a second of thought.

  “I’m sure you’re right.” Peter said. “Would you care to go for a walk after dinner?”

  “I should need a long walk to settle my stomach after so much fine food.” Tilly said with a smile.


  They walked alone in the darkness for almost an hour before Peter made the suggestion to head back to his estate. Tilly had been concerned with his intentions at first, but when he pointed out her shivering body and the blue tinge to her lips she agreed.

  The smell of dust had lifted somewhat from the air when they walked through the doors, and the coldness that had met him on his first night home was nothing more than a memory.

  Peter showed Tilly in to the study that he’d sat with George in not two nights before. The room was small but cozy, and the books that lined the walls had filled the air with the smell of knowledge and old paper.

  “You have a lot of books.” Tilly said as she looked up at the shelves that filled the walls.

  “I like to read.” Peter said with a smile.

  “I’ve read very little.” Tilly admitted. “But I’ve liked the little that I’ve had a chance to read.” She added thoughtfully.

  “You’re welcome to borrow any book of your choosing.” Peter said with a warm smile when he noticed the fascinated look in her eyes.

  “I fear that might be a pointless endeavor.” Tilly said as she turned her attention away from the books and to Peter.

  “And why might that be?” Peter asked her and then he walked over to the small chain of bells that would alert his staff to his need for attention. He pulled the bell and then turned back to face Tilly.

  “I find little time to read.” Tilly said simply. “If I’m not working, then I think time is better spent sleeping or eating.”

  “You’ve had this whole evening off. You could have spent it with a book.” Peter said and then the door opened and he informed the maid to bring in two cups of hot cocoa.

  “I think this is perhaps, my first evening off in three years.” Tilly said after a moment’s pause. “Ever since I started working in the inn.”

  “Well then, I’m very privileged to have had so much of your time.” Peter said honestly.

  “Why did you ask me to dinner?” She asked him suddenly.

  Peter didn’t say anything for a minute. He was unsure about what she wanted the answer to be. “I told you.” He said finally. “You intrigued me.”

  “Enough to take me out to a place where you might get seen with a girl from the streets?” Tilly asked him.

  “I suppose so.” Peter said.

  “And what do you hope will come from this evening?” She asked him with her eyes holding firmly onto his gaze.

  The door opened and the maid walked in with a tray. Tilly watched as she quietly put it down on one of the tables and then walked back out of the room.

  “You should have thanked her.” Tilly said without waiting for Peter’s answer.

  “I pay her and that’s thanks enough.” Peter said.

  “Do you pay her extra to not poison you?” Tilly asked with a small, playful smile on her lips.

  “What kind of question is that?” Peter asked.

  “Do you?” Tilly pushed.

  “Of course I don’t.” Peter said a little haughtily.

  “Then you should have thanked her for not doing so.” Tilly said.

  “You really are a strange girl.” Peter said and he watched her intensely.

  He could no longer deny the attraction he felt towards her. She infuriated him and they were totally different, but the fire that she carried was calling to him and he wanted to know what it felt like to be in her warmth.

  “I shouldn’t think it strange.” Tilly said. “It’s simply good manners after all.” She teased.

  “You look adorable when you do that.” Peter said.

  “When I do what?” Tilly asked.

  “When you wrinkle your nose when you smile.” Peter said as though he was pointing her in the direction of the local butchers.

  “Well, I’ll try to refrain from doing that.” Tilly said with a serious face.

  “I shouldn’t think that it would help.” Peter said with a sigh.

  “And why is that?” Tilly asked and she walked across the room, until she was standing within reach of Peter.

  “Tilly you are impossible.” Peter said sadly and he meant it too. She was an impossible girl and it was impossible for him to have her. She had managed to captivate him with her beauty, even though it wasn’t always clear to see. She had taken a hold of his heart and she didn’t even realize that she held it in her hands.

  He reached out and put his hands on her hips. He waited for her to stop him. He waited for her to protest and knock the sense back into him, but she didn’t and he couldn’t help himself. He pulled her closer to him and she came without any objections.

  He lifted his eyes and met hers. He could see her chest rising and falling quickly as his fingers deepened into her skin. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to have a taste of something he knew he could never have again, but he couldn’t help himself.

  He stood up and let her scent of vanilla and grass, fill his senses with tantalizing thoughts. He could hear the sound of her delicate breaths as they escaped from her nose. He could see the small bounces of her curls as her shoulders shifted slightly.

  He brought his lips to hers and kissed her softly. He could feel his lips lingering over the taste of her lips, and then she kissed him back and everything turned into a blur.

  He could feel her lips on his. She was kissing him with a hunger that he should have expected. He brought his own kisses crashing into the mix, and for a moment, there was nothing but the anticipation of what might come next.

  He moved his hands up from her hips and pulled on the soft green ribbon that was holding her dress together. He waited a second. He gave her a chance to change her mind, but she didn’t and he knew that the did not have the strength to stop.

  He pulled at the ribbon and her dress fell to the floor in a ruffle of rustling material. She looked beautiful. The flames from the fire cast shadows over her pale skin and made Peter want reach out and trace the lines.

  He brought his lips back down onto her body. He kissed her neck slowly. He could feel her cold skin against his hot lips and he parted them slightly and slid his tongue gently down to her collar bone. He could feel goose bumps rising up on her skin and he lowered his head further until his lips were just above her breasts.

  He looked up at her. Their eyes met and for a moment he was sure that she felt all the same things that he did. He was sure that she had felt the connection that they shared and that perhaps things could work out.

  He lowered his lips further until he was kissing around her hard nipples. He could hear her heart racing in her chest, as he gently traced his tongue around her nipple and then softly across it.

  She moaned loudly and Peter couldn’t resist grazing his teeth across her breast, until she moaned again. He could feel her body responding to his every move as he slowly slid his hand down her stomach and then traced circles on her inner leg.

  He could tell that she wanted him. He could tell from the way that her breath wavered and her skin shivered with the rhythm of his fingers. He slid his fingers up softly and ran across the line of her peach. He could feel her wetness dampen his fingertips and he knew that she was ready.

  He brought himself back to standing and quickly unfastened his pants. He could feel Tilly’
s eyes burning into his chest as he pulled off his top and revealed to her everything that she had revealed to him.

  He stopped for a moment and felt the beauty in the moment. They had no secrets between each other. There couldn’t possibly be when their bodies were so open to each-others touch.

  He groaned softly as Tilly pulled his body closer to hers. He could feel the soft touch of her hands against his back, and he returned the feeling with his own hands, which he used to lift her slightly.

  He looked into her eyes. She was ready. He was sure of it. He didn’t let go of her eyes as he slowly thrust himself into her and then he groaned with sweet release as her back arched to she let him go all the way.

  He could feel her breathing beat down on his back as her fingers tore into his skin. Her body was hot and wet with sweat as he thrust again, and she wavered and then begged him for more. He gave her everything, until all she could do was cry out into the night, as stars exploded in front of her eyes and the world melted into a messy puddle on the floor.


  Peter pushed open the door to his guest bedroom slowly, so that it wouldn’t creak with the force. He sighed when his eyes took in the great mass of red hair that hid the pretty face that wore it.

  He had let her spend the night, but he had thought better than to let her sleep in his room. He knew that his staff often spoke to the people in the town and he didn’t want word spreading about his female guest.

  He watched her for a moment as she slept peacefully. He couldn’t quite make out her face under the mess of curls, but he knew without looking that she looked beautiful. He hovered for a moment at the door and then walked back out without waking her.

  He had spent the night before trying to sleep, but being unable to. His mind had been plagued with guilt about what had happened between him and Tilly, and what he was going to do about it. He knew that nothing could come of them being together. He knew that he would lose his title of Duke if it was found out that he married a girl from the street.

  He walked downstairs with his mind still plagued with the thoughts of what was to happen. It wasn’t until he’d sat down in the breakfast room that he realized he wasn’t even alone.

  “My friend.” George said cheerfully.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Peter asked with surprise.

  “I have good news.” George said.

  “Then do share it.” Peter said quickly.

  “We are to return to the South in one week.” George said with a cheerful smile.

  “That is fantastic news.” Peter said thoughtfully.

  “Then perhaps, you should tell your face that?” George suggested.

  “What do you mean?” Peter asked in surprise.

  “You don’t look like a man who is happy.” George explained.

  “I have much on my mind.” Peter said as way of explanation.

  Footsteps approached the door and both men looked around to see who was entering.

  “I should say that you do.” George said with a grin when Tilly walked into the room and smiled at them both.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you.” Tilly said anxiously as she looked at Peter with worried eyes.


  Peter avoided George’s eyes even though they were burning into him. Tilly had left for work a considerable time ago, but nothing had been said about it between the two men.

  “You know you can’t just ignore me.” George said finally.

  “I’m not ignoring you.” Peter said.

  “Then please do explain why Tilly was in your house?” George asked with bright eyes.

  “She needed a place to stay.” Peter said dryly.

  “But you hate her.” George pointed out.

  Peter gave George a cold look. He knew that his friend was teasing him. He knew that George had already worked out what had happened between them.

  “Well, clearly I don’t.” Peter said.

  “Quite so.” George said. “So, what are you going to do about it?” He asked.

  “Nothing.” Peter said frankly.

  “What do you mean nothing?” George asked with a look of annoyance on his face.

  “I mean what I said.” Peter said.

  “You love her, do you not?” George said sharply.

  The tone of George’s voice forced Peter to meet his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of his friend because he knew that he was right. He knew that he loved Tilly and he knew that doing nothing about it was crazy.

  “I think I’ve said no such thing.” Peter said in full denial.

  “That’s a shame.” George said sadly.

  “Is it really?” Peter said. “She’s a street girl and you think that I am losing out by not acting on any urges I might have?”

  George didn’t say anything; he just looked at his friend sadly.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Peter said shortly.

  “Like what?” George asked.

  “Like you pity me.” Peter said.

  “But I do.” George said and then he stood up to leave. “I’ll see you in a week when we leave.”

  “I look forward to it.” Peter said with a curt nod and then turned his head to look out of the window.

  He waited until George’s footsteps had left the room before he turned his attention back into it. He could feel her heart beating forcefully against his chest as he thought about what had been said. He was angry, but more at himself than at anybody else.

  He forced himself to stand and walk over to the bells. He pulled the string and waited for someone to come into the room. He knew what he needed to do, but he also knew that he had to do it quickly before his will became too weak.

  A maid pushed the door open and he spoke to her quickly.

  “Did you see the woman who spent the night here?” He asked the plump, ruddy faced woman.

  “I did, Sir.” She said with a quick nod.

  “Please ensure that she doesn’t pay a visit to this house again.” Peter said stiffly.

  “That won’t be a problem Sir.” The maid said and then she made her way back out of the room.

  Peter sighed and walked back into the room. He had one week to wait until he could get away from the town and that couldn’t pass quickly enough.


  Peter walked down to the docks. He could smell the strong hit of salt and dirt from the mucky water and it made his nose wrinkle in disgust. The air was thick with fog and it made everything seem grey and miserable as he made his way over to the boat that he would be taking.

  He could see his men already waiting to board. They stood against the crowd of fishermen with their royal uniforms and proud expressions. He stopped when he had reached the crowd and looked for George.

  “Friend, you made it.” George said when he pushed his way through the crowd.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Peter said and he noticed the way that George frowned at his words.

  “I need to show you something.” George said with a worried expression.

  “What happened?” Peter asked, picking up on his friend’s mood instantly.

  “I don’t want you to be cross, friend.” George said and then he paused. “But I went to speak to Tilly before I left town this morning.”

  “You had no business speaking to her.” Peter said and he felt a tempest of anger rise up from his stomach.

  “Well, I suppose it was a good thing that I did.” George said.

  “How do you figure?” Peter asked suddenly confused by the direction in which George was taking the conversation.

  “She had something to tell me.” George said and then he paused.

  “I don’t suppose it was anything that truly matters.” Peter said, but he couldn’t hide his curiosity.

  “Perhaps not.” George said. “But I happen to believe that my friend becoming a father is a big deal.”

  Peter didn’t say anything. He had heard George. He had understood what he had said and what he had meant,
but his brain was still having a hard time processing it. He could feel his mouth falling open as his brain finally caught up and he looked at his friend with wild eyes.

  “Are you sure it’s so?” He asked with haste.

  “I’m quite sure.” George nodded. “The doctor confirmed it to me this morning after my visit with Tilly.”

  “What do you suppose I should do?” Peter asked.

  “You already know what you should do.” George said softly.

  “I don’t think I do.” Peter said and his voice was full of a worried panic. He could see his men already starting to board the ship and he knew that time was against him.

  “If you didn’t know what to do, then you wouldn’t have asked me. You know you want to do what’s right. You know you want to be with the girl who managed to tame your heart.” George said as though it was all that simple.

  “I’ll lose my title.” Peter said quietly.

  “You’ll gain a new one.” George said with a smile.

  “What title is that?” Peter asked confused.

  “You’ll have someone calling you daddy.” George explained.


  Peter walked into the small café and looked for the bright red hair that he had come to know and love. He noticed her standing next to the waitressing station and he walked over without any hesitation.

  “I’ve just spoken with George.” Peter said a little breathlessly.

  Tilly turned around and looked at him with surprise. “You should be setting sail now.” She said quickly and then her eyes darted to the window.

  “The ships already gone.” Peter said softly.

  “I don’t understand.” Tilly said and her bright eyes were full of confusion.

  Peter smiled, but he didn’t say anything straight away. Instead, he knelt down onto his knee and waited for Tilly to bring her eyes to his.

  “Tilly from the moment we met you had a hold of my heart. You are an impossible girl. You are like the stars that still shine on long after they have burnt out. You are beautiful, but so much of that beauty can be found on the inside. I want you. I want you today and tomorrow and for the rest of my tomorrows and todays. Please marry me.” He said.


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