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Hawk's Heart: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Guardian's of the Fae Realms Book 4)

Page 9

by JL Madore

  She smiles and sends me the ocular version of the same message. Good. At least we know where we both stand.

  “Hey, you’re here.” Hawk rises from his desk and I’m struck by him sitting there looking all professional CEO. He comes to greet me and I welcome the hug. “Where’s Kotah? I wanted to see him and apologize about yesterday morning now that he’s back.”

  “Was back,” I correct. “He’s wolfed up again.”

  “What? Why? Did something happen?”

  I look over to Lukas and smile. “Do you mind if we have a moment?”

  Lukas checks with Hawk and then dips his chin. “Not a problem. I have work at my desk. Let me know when you’re ready to leave.”

  “Thank you, Lukas.” Hawk waits until the door shuts and then sits on the end of his desk. “What’s wrong? Is he still feeling the effects of the poison?”

  “No. He said he felt better.”

  “Is his wolf still being protective of him? Coming out in the open like this? Maybe Manhattan was a bad idea.”

  “I think his wolf is being protective, but not from assassination.” I squeeze his wrists and sigh. “I think his wolf is upset with you.”

  “Me? I would never hurt him.”

  The confusion and concern in Hawk’s gaze warm my heart. He has come a long way. “Whatever’s going on between you two, bit us in the ass last night. The three of us had a lovely welcome back love-in and then your bonding with Brant hit us. He muttered something about never being enough and flipped back to his wolf.”

  The pain in Hawk’s expression tells me he knows exactly what this is about. He pushes off his desk and begins to pace.

  “The two of you argued yesterday morning. You said he was angry and looking for a fight. What was that about?”

  Hawk runs his hands over his face and then tips his head back. “Fuuuuck!”

  I cross my arms. “Oh, Hawk. What did you do?”

  His mouth tightens into a tight line. “Oh, so it’s me, is it? I’m the one causing the fight?”

  I draw a deep breath and unclench my fists. “I’m sorry. Kotah is the sweetest and most patient man I’ve ever met. It hurts me that he’s hurting. I didn’t mean to come at you with my finger-wagging but if he’s the one feeling hurt then something happened.”

  Hawk strides over to the window and stares out at the city. “He said I didn’t accept him as a mate because he’ll never be enough for me. He said you and Jaxx were the mates I chose and he and Brant were the throwaways.”

  “And then you mated Brant.”

  He hangs his head and exhales. “I thought… fuck, I’m trying so hard to make everyone happy.”

  I uncross my arms and hug him from behind. “I know. I’m sorry I snapped. If it’s any consolation, Jaxx and I think you’re doing great. And, given the lust vibrating over the mating bond last night, Brant is warming up to you too.”

  He turns to face me and pulls me into his chest. “I didn’t mean to snub, Kotah. He’s just so perfect. Of all of you, I’m afraid to fuck up with him the most.”

  “Have you told him that?”

  “I was trying when he pretty much died in my arms.”

  I hug him tighter. “Okay. We’ll figure that out. You do have feelings for him though, right? The pull of the mating bond is there? You could love him?”

  Hawk huffs. “How could anyone not love him. He’s a saint. A brilliant, sexy, well-mannered saint.”

  Yeah. True story.

  We stand like that holding onto one another for a bit until Hawk finally straightens. “I have one more question.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “Why is Lukas’s scent on you? Have you two got something hot and steamy going on the side?”

  I burst out laughing. “Yeah, because I need another cock in the mix.”

  “Hey, just asking. He’s got that buff, military soldier thing going for him.”

  “No doubt. He’s a pleasure to look at, but no. I hugged him in the elevator and told him how much I appreciate everything he’s done for us over the past months. No clandestine love affair.”

  “That’s good. I’d hate to have to kill my best friend.”

  I reach up on my tiptoes and claim his mouth. “Your bestie can live another day. I’m only fooling around with four men at the moment.”

  Hawk chuckles and pulls me tight to his chest. “Well, as long as it’s only four.”


  Kotah and I don’t see Brant when we get off the elevator, so we head over to ask the closest person where we might find—

  “Where is Penny?”

  I follow the hostile voice to a tall, blond guy shooting daggers around the room. “Come on, people. Penelope Fremont. I was told she’s up here. Now, where is she?”

  A timid-looking brunette stands in her cubical and points down the hall. “Penny’s in conference room B with Dillan and a guest of—”

  Angry blond stomps off, and Kotah and I follow suit. If Hawk wanted to stir up dust with his video announcement this morning, this guy might be part of the sandstorm.

  The guy is booking it down the hall and Kotah and I have to jog to keep up. When he rips into the room, he stops in the doorway and thumbs over his shoulder. “Penny, I need to speak to you privately. It’s urgent.”

  Kotah and I stop up the hall. The conference room has glass walls and I meet Brant’s gaze. He’s sitting behind a long table, glaring at the asshat between us.

  “Penny. Now, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The sweet thing looks like she might pee her panties and my cat takes offense to the intimidation. By the growl rumbling out of my wolf, I’d say Kotah feels the same way.

  “What’s your beef with Penny, Mr. Gable?” I ask.

  He swings around and scowls. “Do I know you?”

  “Not personally, but I’ve been lookin’ at your mug for the past week on my office wall. And after the way you just spoke to the ladies in this office, I feel like I know you.”

  He turns to face me and I step in close. “Not so mouthy now, eh?”

  “Fuck you.”

  He moves to pass me and I shift to block him. “Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. Now. What’s your problem with Penny? What’s so urgent that you forgot how to behave like a gentleman?”

  “Who are you? You don’t even work here.”

  “Answer his question, dickwad,” Brant says, joining the testosterone party in the hall. “What’s your beef with Penny?”

  “That’s company business and none of yours.”

  I turn to the lady in question. “What are you workin’ on that Mr. Gable might be so worked up about this mornin’, sweetheart?”

  She shrugs. “Nothing. I’ve been working on the fae reservation closures full-time for three weeks. With Mr. Barron shutting that down, I have no current task outside of what we’re doing here with the Guardians of the Fae Realms. Searching for areas of compromise and tracking the sources.”

  “Did you hear that, Mr. Gable? The lady sees no reason why you should need her attention.”

  Brant pushes forward. “Unless you are concerned about the closure of the fae reservations getting halted. Did you have something to do with that clusterfuck?”

  He frowns. “Of course not. Everyone knows that was all Barron.”

  Brant and I chuckle and Kotah growls. “Everyone here knows it has nothing to do with Hawk Barron.”

  Blondie laughs. “Bullshit baffles. And after one stupid video, you believe him? He’s saving his ass. He’s as corrupt and dishonest as they come. Don’t believe everything you hear boys.” He looks around and can’t see his opening to leave. That’s because there isn’t one.

  His hand shoots out and grabs my throat.

  Before he has time to squeeze, our wolf launches.

  The scream of horror makes me giggle. “I’ve heard of actions bitin’ someone in the ass, but wow… biting you in the nut sac must be so much worse.”

  Hunter drops to
the ground, his feet flailing as he tries to wriggle away like the backsliding worm he is. Kotah still has a solid hold of the man’s junk and stalks him step by step.

  “Get your mutt off me. I’ll fucking sue you bastards. Do you have any idea who my father is?”

  Kotah flips out of wolf and stands tall. He wipes the blood from his mouth and then taps the purple Fae Prime tat on his cheek. “Do you have any idea who my father is?”

  Hunter groans and rolls onto his knees. “You’ll regret this. We’ll make you pay.”


  “We who?” I say, joining the guys down on eighteen. I look my Director of Operations up and down. He’s sweating like a motherfucker and his crotch is bleeding. “Did something literally come back to bite you in the balls?”

  “You’re welcome,” Kotah snaps.

  I flash Kotah a warm smile and get back to Hunter. “Did you think we wouldn’t put it together?”

  He lists to the side, his shoulder catching on the wall to hold him up. “You haven’t put anything together. I worked here under your nose for three years and you’re as clueless now as you were then.”

  The dazed look of agony gives me my best chance of playing him against his boss. “If you say so. Or maybe I let you think that so I could keep an eye on you.”

  He chuckles. “Nice try.”

  “Do you think he doesn’t know you’re his brother?” Kotah snaps a snarl in his voice. “Or half-brother I should say. Same father, different mothers.”

  It’s a good thing Hunter is staring at Kotah because there’s no hiding the shock from my expression. I draw a deep breath and compose myself. Before he looks back, I’ve got my mask of arrogance back in place.

  Kotah’s sense of smell as a wolf is incredible. If it’s true… it explains so much. “So, Daddy Dearest wants to tear me to the ground, does he?”

  Hunter chuffs. “Don’t flatter yourself. You’ve been dead to him for twenty years. I came to see what all the hype was about. Let’s say I’m underwhelmed.”

  I force a laugh, my head spinning. I widen my stance and fortify myself. I did not see this coming. “Our father’s not the kind of man to forgive and forget. I thumbed my nose at him and made a life for myself. That’s eating away at him, isn’t it? That’s why he made this so personal.”

  “There’s nothing personal about you two. You’re a narcissistic, twisted fuck.”

  Brant, Jaxx, and Kotah all rumble off a warning growl at the same time. The color in Hunter’s face drains bone-white.

  I smile. “Careful. I happen to be their narcissistic, twisted fuck and their wildling sides are a fuck ton more deadly than ours.”

  “He hates you, you know. You disgust him.”

  I chuckle. “And you sound like a petulant child spouting things you wish were true. So, who’s your mother? One of our servants? The wife of a rival businessman? One of his regular Saturday night whores?”

  That gets a rise out of him. “You don’t know me. You know nothing about me.”

  I laugh at that. “If that man had anything to do with your upbringing and shaping you, I know everything I need to. The fact that you spied on me and plotted for three years proves you’re a chip off the old man block. You could’ve told me the truth. I always wanted a brother.”

  “Bullshit. You don’t do family.”

  “Bullshit,” Brant snaps. “You didn’t give him a chance.”

  “It’s sad. If anyone on this planet understands where you’re coming from, it’s me. We could’ve been allies. You chose to be enemies. Lukas, show Hunter the door.”

  Lukas nods and grabs him by the arm. Brant meets my gaze and tips his head. I give him a nod. If he wants to play bouncer to my illegitimate baby brother, he’s welcome to.

  Kotah escorts Penny back into the conference room and closes the door.

  Calli hugs me around the waist and Jaxx presses his forehead to my temple. “I’m sorry, Bastian. That was a shitty way to find out you have family you didn’t know about.”

  Hearing him call me by my given name strengthens my soul. “I have all the family I need in you four.”

  Calli kisses my jaw. “Do you truly believe your father could be part of this?”

  “Not part of it,” I say, my throat tight with fury. “My father doesn’t allow other players in his games. If Sabastian Barron Whitehouse Senior is involved in this clusterfuck, he is the Black Knight.”

  Calli squeezes me tighter and nuzzles my neck. “I get why he’d come after you—that’s personal—but why come after us and try to keep me from opening the Portal Gate?”

  I shrug and turn toward the elevators. “I don’t know yet, but our answers—at least some of them—lie upstairs. We need to speak to Jayne…”



  “Did you know?” I lead the charge into Jayne’s office and Calli and Jaxx follow close on my heels.

  Jayne looks up from the open folder of reports she’s highlighting. Her smile is intentionally obtuse and fuels my already bad temper. “I know a great many things, darling. Know what exactly?”

  Before I’m dealing with another fireball incident, I nudge Calli sideways into Jaxx’s arms. With a tilt of my head, I send the two of them over to sit in the chairs in the lounge area of the executive suite.

  Jaxx settles into the oversized club chair and pulls Calli into his lap. For once, I don’t think it’s the jaguar attempting to get handsy. He’s keeping her within his clutches to remain in control of her homicidal impulses.

  Smart man.

  “Don’t do that,” I say, pegging Jayne with a stern look. “Your days of calling me darling are over and you know it. Please don’t jam me up on purpose. I want this to work and you’re not making it easy.”

  Jayne rolls her eyes and sighs. “Where’s your fighting spirit, Barron. You used to love to spat and spar.”

  “Now it’s all I do. The world is coming at us from every angle. Fighting has lost its appeal. Believe it or not, I’m happiest now when I’m playing drinking games and laughing with my mates.”

  She studies my expression and some of the anger and hostility slips away. “I am glad you’re happy. Truly. I’m over the insanity of it all and have taken a couple of lovers myself. Whether any of them hold interest in a month or two is still a mystery. You never know.”

  I chuckle. “I wish you well on that and please wish them luck from me.”

  She smiles and sits back in her chair. “So, back to your question. Did I know? Know what?”

  “Did you know Hunter is my half-brother?”

  She closes her eyes and smiles. “Recently I discovered a few… similarities between the two of you I never noticed before. I clued in, yes.”

  “How recently?”

  “Once I started fucking him.”

  I frown. “That’s disturbing. You’re saying my half-brother fucks like me?”

  “No. I’m saying that while spending time with Hunter in a more intimate setting, I noticed mannerisms and ticks that the two of you share. That strange way you use your fork… little sayings I’ve only ever heard you say… It was enough of an echo for me to take notice and have him investigated further. That’s when my life went to shit.”

  “They have your father? Your comment about him being surrounded by powerful people. They’ve threatened you by threatening him.”

  She smiles and looks at the small, silver keys on her desk. Her intention is clear. After working so closely with her for over a decade, I can read her better than anyone on the planet. Not that I’d admit that to anyone.

  Calli already wants to kill her.

  I pick up the keys and walk over to unlock her file cabinet. Nothing out of the ordinary… except a manilla envelope with her name written in black ink on the front. I pull it out and she nods. I take the cue and open it up.

  Taking the contents over to the desk, I spread out a dozen glossy shots of her father sitting in his wheelchair on a little bridge by the koi pond, sitting alone on a
third-story balcony, him being fed his dinner in the community dining hall.

  The message is clear. Whoever sent these can get to Victor Trenton. And, considering he’s the one thing Jayne cares for above all else, the message would have been enough.

  “When did this arrive?”

  She moves her lips to answer me but stops. I feel the same sensation of magic tingling in the air that I felt before. “You’re spelled to silence.” She lets off a sigh and sits heavily in her chair. “You used to be far more observant. That took you weeks.”

  “They forced your compliance or they’ll take it out on your father.”

  She tries to speak and frowns when her voice is cut off and the magic spikes.

  “Okay, I get it. There are things you want to say but can’t. I’m assuming this restriction also covers communicating in forms other than voice.”

  “Powerful people are efficient.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Alright, so, you start fucking Hunter and you recognize we have some inherited quirks. You look into him further and figure out he hasn’t disclosed everything and might have an ulterior motive for working his way up in my company.”

  “You have good instincts.”

  “Then you got too close to the truth and they bound your interference with magic and by dangling a threat over Victor.”

  The fire in her gaze tells me how much she despises being censored. “I tried to get your attention.”

  “And I didn’t have my eye on the ball. Were you in trouble when you ambushed Calli at the palace? Was that a move to get my attention.”

  “Your attention, yes, but only because I was angry.”

  “And a bitch,” Calli adds.

  I look over to where she and Jaxx are sitting in the chair and Calli puts her hand over her mouth. “Oops, did I say that out loud. My mistake. Carry on.”

  When I get back to focusing on Jayne she’s smiling. “She’s not wrong. That was a bitch move.”

  “Moving past that…” I say, trying to get past the name-calling. “I’m sorry my family dysfunction impacted you and your father. It’s not something I would have allowed had I known.”



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