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Quantum Boxed Set: The Complete Series

Page 156

by Force, Marie

  The good news is the erection doesn’t hurt quite as badly as it did last night. It still hurts enough for me to wish I could control the beast, but my mind and body are not collaborating at the moment. My mind is having a freaking field day imagining Leah at my disposal, which isn’t very supportive of the injured soldier below who’s beholden to the whims of my imagination. And my imagination is fertile when it comes to her. I’d fuck the living sass right out of her.

  “Is that for me, or is this a private party?”

  Her sexy, husky voice gives me goose bumps. That’s what she sounds like in the morning? I glance at her to find her gaze firmly fixed on my hard cock, which is plainly visible through the blanket.

  “I’ll give you one night.”

  She rolls her full bottom lip between her teeth.

  “But I have conditions.”

  “What conditions?”

  “We do it my way or not at all. I’m in charge. And you don’t tell anyone. It’ll happen once, and that’ll be the end of this little fixation you have on me. We’re never going to be a couple or live happily ever after. We’re going to fuck and be done with it.”

  She licks her lip, and my dick gets harder imagining her practicing her deep-throat skills on me. Damn me to hell, but I want to see if she can really do it.

  “Do we have a deal?”

  “When will this single night transpire?”

  “Next weekend.”

  “That’ll be during the wedding. If you don’t want anyone to know, that might not be the time to do it with everyone we know underfoot.”

  “Let me worry about logistics and everything else. Your job will be to do exactly what you’re told.”

  “What’s with the bossy shit?”

  “It’s how I like it.”

  “So you’re…”

  “Dominant in bed? Yep.” Um, remember five seconds ago when you weren’t going to tell her that?

  She swallows. Hard. Her eyes go wide, her lips part, and goddamn, I want to devour her.

  “You got a problem with that?”

  “N-no, no problem.”

  “And you agree to tell no one about this?”

  “Not even Marlowe? I thought I had to clear it with my supervisor.”

  “It’s only going to happen once, so there’s no need to discuss it with her. It’ll be over before it begins.”

  She does this cute thing with her mouth with her lips curled to the side, as if she’s thinking it through and trying to decide.

  “Do we have a deal?”

  “I’m not sure about the dominance thing. Will I know ahead of time what’s going to happen?”

  “We’ll fully discuss it as we go. That’s how it works. And you’ll need a safe word that you can use to stop everything at any time. That is nonnegotiable.”

  She takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. “I had no idea that you were…”

  “Kinky? There’re a lot of things you’ll never know about me. You want to have sex. We’ll have sex, and then we’ll move on.”

  “And it won’t be weird when we’re hanging with our mutual friends?”

  “I can be an adult about it. Can you?”

  “Of course I can.” Her eyes flash with indignation that’s so fucking adorable—and arousing.

  “Then we shouldn’t have a problem.”

  “What if, after we do this, you want more than one night?” she asks.

  “I won’t.”

  “But what if you do?”

  “I’m offering one night, Leah. That’s all I’ve got to give.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why do you only have one night to give? Why can’t it be more?”

  Lying on my bed with her hands under her face, she looks so sweet and young and innocent. I feel oddly protective toward her. I want to protect her from things that can hurt her, including me. “It’s not what I want.”

  “At all or it’s not what you want with me?”

  “I don’t want it in general. I’m not like my friends. I didn’t get the family-man gene. I like being free to do what I want when I want. It works for me.”

  “What about love? Don’t you want to love someone and be loved in return?”

  “I loved my grandmother, and she loved me. I love my friends. They love me. I’m good.”

  “I never knew you were so cynical.”

  “I’m not cynical.”

  “Yes, you are. Don’t you want what Flynn has with Natalie, what Hayden has with Addie, what Jasper has with Ellie, what Kristian has—”

  I stop her with a finger to her lips. “No, I don’t want what they have. I’ve never wanted that. When I tell you I’m not capable of being what you want, I need you to believe me. I’ll never deny that I find you sexy and the thought of fucking you is extremely arousing. But that’s all it’ll ever be between us, Leah. And if you can’t accept that, say no to my offer. Don’t go into it thinking you’re going to change me or change my mind. When I tell you who I am, listen to me.”

  “I need to think about it.”

  I have to be honest. I didn’t expect her to say that. Based on the vibes she’s been putting out and the things she’s said to me, I expected her to jump at my offer of one night. “No problem. Let me know when you decide.” I check my watch. “Don’t you have to get going to work?”

  “I told Marlowe I was taking the day off to take care of you.”

  “When did you tell her that?”

  “Last night. She said I should totally do that and there’s no need to take a vacation day. My job today is taking care of you.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”

  “So you said, but it seems you’re stuck with me anyway.” She gets up and stretches, the short dress rising to reveal sexy ass cheeks. I swear she puts some extra writhe into her stretch because she knows I’m watching her. “I’m going to run home to shower and change. I’ll bring back breakfast. You want coffee?”

  Resigned to my fate, I say, “Yeah. With cream and—”

  “Two sugars,” she says, winking as she heads for the door. “I know.”

  I hope I get the chance to fuck the brattiness right out of her.

  I take the elevator from Emmett’s apartment to the lobby, where it occurs to me that I don’t have a way back into the building. If I leave, will he let me back in? I text him to ask that question—and no, he didn’t give me his number. I acquired it. Don’t ask how.

  It’s Leah. Will you let me back in if I leave?

  After a full minute passes, I see that he’s responding. Yeah. Buzz 4D on the keypad outside.

  He doesn’t ask how I got his number. If he asks, I’ll say Addie told me the assistants are encouraged to have the personal cell number of every member of the Quantum team, since we never know what might be needed by those we serve.

  I smile to myself. I’m good at this. But then I remember his offer of one night, his revelation that he’s dominant in bed, and that we—he and I—will never be more than one night. I’m a mixed-up mess of thoughts and emotions where he is concerned. Yes, I have a massive crush on him and the thought of one minute with him does it for me, so the idea of an entire night in which to gorge on him… I wanted to say hell, yes to that. Yes, yes, yes!

  So what’s stopping me from jumping on that monster cock and taking it for the ride of my life? I can’t say it. Even to myself. If I say it, then I’ll have to own it and I can’t. I just can’t want more with him. But I do. There. I said it. I don’t just want him. I like him. I like him a lot, and I’m not sure I can do just one night without wanting more.

  As much as I want that one night—and oh my God, do I want it—I don’t want to be devastated afterward, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be. Who would willingly subject themselves to that? And the worst part is I’m not allowed to talk to anyone about it. I have to make this decision for myself without consulting with Natalie or Addie or Aileen, the women who’ve become my clos
est friends since I moved to LA. Hell, who am I kidding? They’re the closest friends I’ve ever had, and the only ones I’d consider discussing something like this with.

  It doesn’t occur to me to go against his wishes and reach out to Nat, because I want him to think of me as an adult, not a little girl who runs to her friend—the same friend who happens to be married to one of his bosses. I trust Nat with my life, but I refrain from calling her because he told me not to.

  Rock meet hard place. Speaking of hard places… He’d been hugely hard this morning, and I can’t help but think that was for me since he proposed his one-and-done offer shortly after I woke up. Which meant he’d been thinking about me that way, and the thought of me makes him hard. I can work with that.

  I walk the short distance to my place, and when I get there, I go immediately to my bedside table, where I retrieve Roger Rabbit. I have so much to tell him since we last met. I spent the night with Emmett, I saw his hard cock, he offered me a one-night stand. The orgasm is quick and cataclysmic. I come harder than I ever have in my entire life. For minutes afterward, I lie panting on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. If the possibility of him can make me come like that, what might the reality of him do for me?

  Even the likelihood of utter devastation can’t drown out the desire to experience the reality, to have that one night with him. If that’s all he’s offering, wouldn’t that be better than nothing?

  No. It would not be better!

  The aftershocks of the epic orgasm say otherwise. I squirm at the thought of that big cock and what he would do to me. He’s hinted at spanking. What else might he do? I probably ought to know that before I decide anything. I’m so worked up thinking about what might happen with Emmett that I have another go with Roger. The second orgasm is bigger than the first, if that’s possible. I come so hard, I think I black out for a second. I’m tempted to spend the day with Roger, but Emmett is waiting for me, so I take Roger in the shower, give us both a good scrubbing, change my clothes and pack a bag, just in case Emmett needs me to stay over tonight, too.

  A girl can never be too prepared, and as a hot-shot Hollywood assistant, being prepared is my groove. I toss in an outfit for work tomorrow and since Addie dropped off my car for me last night, I text Emmett to ask if I can bring my car over there. He responds with the garage code and tells me to park next to him.

  If you use that code without my permission, I’ll spank you until you can’t sit down for a week.

  Don’t be paranoid.

  What possible reason would I have to be paranoid where you’re concerned?

  Very good question.

  Hurry up, I’m hungry and I need coffee.

  Aw, is he grumpy in the morning before he has coffee? I add that detail to the list of things I know about him. That list grew exponentially since yesterday, which will go down in my personal history as one of the best days ever, even if it was a no good very bad day for him and his poor cock. Yes, sir. I’m coming.

  I bite back a laugh at the thought of him receiving that last reply. I hope he gets the double meaning. I saw the movies. I know what I’m in for if I agree to be dominated by Emmett, and while kink has never appealed to me, he appeals to me like no guy ever has. So I’m willing to consider it with him, but it’s not something I’d go looking for with someone else.

  I hit the coffee shop on my block, pick up coffee and breakfast sandwiches for both of us, and then drive to his building so I’ll have my car if something comes up that I need to do for Marlowe.

  Back at his building, I punch in the code he gave me that I’ve already memorized—duh, of course I memorized it—and take the elevator to the fourth floor. I knock on his door and wait for him to let me in. And then he’s there, shirtless, hair standing on end, jaw covered in whiskers. With all those muscles on full display, he looks nothing at all like the well put together attorney I see every day at the office.

  “You’re staring,” he says.

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  He steps aside to let me in. “Does every thought in your head come out of your mouth, or does it just seem that way?”

  “Are you complaining that someone finds you gorgeous?” I put the tray of coffee and the bag of breakfast sandwiches on the bar that separates the kitchen and living area.

  “Most people don’t blurt out things like that.”

  Over my shoulder, I meet his gaze. “I’m not most people.”

  “No kidding, really?”

  Oh, the sarcasm. I love the sarcasm. “I don’t pull punches. If I think it, I say it. No one ever has to wonder, gee, what does Leah think of me, because Leah lets you know. Does that make you uncomfortable?”


  “Hmm, could’ve fooled me.” I hand him a coffee and push one of the wrapped sandwiches across the counter to him, like I’m feeding a starving tiger and am afraid he’ll pounce. Not that I’m “afraid” of him pouncing, per se… “Maybe you’ll sweeten up after you eat.”

  His scowl is priceless—and strangely sexy.

  My phone rings with a call from a number I don’t recognize. “This is Leah.”

  “You called about a band for a wedding next weekend?”

  “Yes, thanks for getting back to me. Which one are you?”

  He gives me the name of the swing band that was referred by a friend of Addie’s. “We’re playing Friday and Sunday, and we don’t normally do three gigs in a weekend, but you said this is Hayden Roth’s wedding?”

  “That’s right, and their band had a death in the family, which is why it’s so last-minute.” I’m going to hell for the lies I’ve told on Addie’s behalf.

  “We’ll do it.”

  “You will? Oh my God! Thank you so much. The bride and groom will be thrilled.”

  “Where do we need to be and what time?”

  “The wedding is at the Quantum vineyard in Napa. If you’ll send over your contract, I’ll arrange for transportation and lodging.”

  We exchange email addresses, and I end the call with a fist pump and a gleeful squeal. “How do you feel about reviewing a band contract today?”

  “Isn’t it kind of late in the game to be hiring a band?”

  “Don’t ask. Just give thanks that we found someone.”

  “They’ll need to sign an NDA, too,” he says.

  “I told them that when I made the first call. I know the drill by now.” I place a call to Addie. “I have good news,” I tell her when she answers. “Timeless is in.”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  Her relief is so profound that I laugh. “Told you there was nothing to worry about.”

  “Right. Nothing to worry about. One week before my wedding and I didn’t have a band. What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you.”

  “I’m not like this. I don’t forget important things.”

  She sounds so undone that my heart goes out to her. “The only thing that truly matters next weekend is you and Hayden. Keep your focus there, and everything will be fine. I promise.”

  “Thank you so much, Leah,” she says, sniffling. “You’re a great friend.”

  I’m unreasonably complimented. “Tenley, Marlowe and Natalie are all set for dresses?”

  “They decided to wear black cocktail length, which makes it easier than having to pick something they all agree on. And Hayden and I picked out gifts for the wedding party last night and put a rush on them.”

  “See? Everything is fine. Just keep breathing.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Where’s Hayden? Is he with you?”

  “He had an early meeting at one of the studios, and I’m on my way to the office.”

  “Be careful driving. We can’t let anything happen to the bride on her big week.”

  “It’s really happening,” she says softly. “Sometimes I still can’t believe it. I’ve loved him for such a long time.”

  Her sweet words bring tears to my eyes. “I think it’s safe to believe
it’s going to happen. Call me later and let me know what else I can do.”

  “I will. Thanks again, Leah.”

  “Happy to help.” I end the call and text Natalie. Have you talked to Addie? She’s super emotional. Kinda worried…

  While I wait to hear back from her, I take a sip of my coffee and glance at Emmett, who’s watching me intently. “What?” I swipe a napkin over my face in case there’s egg on it. Wouldn’t be the first time.

  “You were very sweet to her.”

  “You sound so surprised,” I say with a laugh. “I can be sweet when I want to be.”

  “Good to know.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing other than it’s good to know you can be sweet when you want to be.”

  I prop my chin on my upturned arm. “Why? Do you like it sweet?”

  “Hardly,” he says, scoffing.

  Oh, hello. “What does that mean?”

  “Eat your breakfast and go to work. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “But things are just getting interesting here. Why would I want to leave?”

  “Because I have work to do, and I assume you do, too.”

  “I told Marlowe I was taking care of you today.”

  “I’m bruised, not sick. I can take care of myself.”

  “Why would you want to when I can do it for you?”

  “Because,” he says, his voice dropping to a lower octave that makes my panties damp. “Being around you doesn’t help with my recovery. It hinders it.”

  I slide off my stool and move around the counter to take a good long look at the tent pole in his sweats, taking perverse pleasure in knowing he’s so easily aroused around me.

  “Quit your grinning,” he snaps. “And get the fuck out of here.”

  “You know,” I say, licking my lips as I continue to stare, “it might be a good idea to see if everything still works the way it should. I mean, after that kind of injury, you can’t be too careful.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he asks, sounding a bit… strangled.

  “I could, you know, help you out with your… situation.” Marshaling all the courage I can find, I move behind him and place my hands on his shoulders, massaging the tension from his tight muscles. I keep waiting for him to shake me off, but he doesn’t. I can’t believe I’m actually touching and caressing him, and he’s allowing it. Emboldened, I lean forward and press my lips to his back, drawing a gasp from him that becomes a moan when I bite him gently.


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