Averell, Mary Williamson. See Harriman, Mary Williamson Averell
Averell, William H. (Mary Harriman’s father), 141–42
Averell, William (Mary Harriman’s brother), 143
Averell, William (Mary Harriman’s cousin), 239
Bacon, Robert, 278–79, 298, 309, 312, 337
Baker, George Fisher, 277–78, 297
Baker, Ray Stannard, 338
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 114, 236, 322, 384n107
Bancroft, W. H., 195–96
Banning, William L., 82
Baring Brothers & Co., 83, 183
Barnard, George, 50, 96, 98
Barrett, James, 117
Bartlett, Leroy, 107
Baruch, Bernard, 283, 284, 294–95, 301, 310–12, 316–17
Beckert, Sven, 11–12
Beecher, Henry Ward, 76, 80
Belden, William, 96
Belmont, August, 137
Berry, J. B., 201–2
Bierstadt, Albert, 47
Billings, Frederick, 257
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 334
Bissell, Wilson S., 225
Black Friday (1869), 95–96
black laborers, 218, 222
black travelers, xx–xxi, 12
Blaine, James G., 58–59, 60, 62, 81
BNSF Railway, 366
Boissevain, A. H., 186
Bolton, Samuel, Jr., 324
Bonaparte, Charles J., 348, 350
Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad, 26–27
Boutelle, M. H., 299–300
Boutwell, George, 83, 94–96
Bradley Martin Ball, 291–94
Brady, Mathew, 8
Brandeis, Louis, 359–61, 369–70
Brice, Calvin, 186
Broderick, David, 47
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, 288
Brooks, James, 62–64
Brown, Dee, 394n261
Brown Brothers Harriman, 11, 172, 371
Bryan, William Jennings, 177, 232, 284, 331
Bryce, James (Viscount), xiv
Buchanan, Joseph, 118
“bucket shops,” 290–91
Burlington. See Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Burlington Northern, 366
Burroughs, John, 239–40
Bushnell, Cornelius, 98
Cable, Ransom Reed, 172–73
California, railroads and, ix, xvii–xviii, 9–10
California Development Company, 353–54
Camden & Amboy Railroad, 3–4, 376n3
Cameron, Elizabeth, 338, 344
Campbell, Edward G., 206, 287
Canada Southern Railroad, 84
Canfield, Thomas Hawley, 76–77
Cardozo, Albert, 96
Cardozo, Benjamin, 96
Carlyle, Thomas, xii
Carnegie, Andrew, 351
Carwardine, William H., 212–13, 215–16, 218
Cassel, Ernest, 269, 294
Cassidy, Butch (Parker, Robert Leroy), 203, 204, 390n203
Central and Southern Pacific, 183
Central Pacific Railroad Company
founding, 15
Harriman and, 249, 251–55, 253
Morgans’ grand tour, 47
Mormon laborers, 46
Southern Pacific and, 244–46, 249, 251–55
transcontinental railroad, ix, xi, 15, 37, 38, 70, 206
Union Pacific and, 44, 362–63
Champaign, Havana & Western, 153
Chandler, Alfred, xiii, 42, 88, 111, 231, 368, 369
Chase, Salmon P., 73, 151
Chernow, Ron, 379n52
Chesapeake & Ohio, xx–xxi
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
battle for, 268–69, 271, 274–79, 297–99
Burlington Northern merger, 366
competition, 268, 269, 270, 272
Olney and, 225
Chicago, Illinois, 48, 114, 127
Chicago, Madison & Northern, 153
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 183, 198–99, 230, 276
Chicago, St. Louis & Kansas City, 175
Chicago & Alton, 235–36, 348, 361
Chicago & Northwestern, 36, 183, 191, 229–30, 276
Civil War, US
Adams and fellow officers, 161
financing, 73–75, 83–84
labor relations, 111
monetary supply, 94
news coverage, 258
railroads, 15, 151
Clark, Enoch, 73
Clark, George, 141
Clark, Horace F., 66–67, 92
Claxton, R. Bethell, 76–77
Clermont (steamship), 4, 5
Cleveland, Grover, 177, 178, 219, 225, 228, 232
Clews, Henry, 7, 89, 259, 289–91, 327–28, 377n19
Colfax, Schuyler, 58–59, 60, 62, 79, 80
Colorado River restoration, 134, 353–55, 354
communism, 114–15
“community of interests,” 159–80
Morgan’s concept, 157–58, 170
negotiations, 172–75, 184
shipping rates, 210–11
Compromise of 1877, 113–14
Congress, US. See also political influence of railroads
Crédit Mobilier scandal, 60–65, 67, 92
Great Southwest Railroad Strike investigation, 117, 120
Northern Pacific financing and, 81–82
Pujo Committee, 206, 358–60
transcontinental railroad, 68, 70–71
Union Pacific, 186–87, 190–91
Consolidated Steel and Wire Company, 286
Cooke, Eleutheros, 71
Cooke, Henry, 73–74, 76, 81
Cooke, Jay, 72
background, 71–73
and Civil War financing, 73–75, 83–84
and Northern Pacific, 67, 71, 72, 75–83
Ogontz (Cooke mansion), 75, 78–79, 82–84
and Panic of 1873, 67, 72, 84–85, 90–91
on upper Midwest, 75–76
Cooke & Co., 75, 76, 78–79, 83, 85, 168
Corbin, Abel Rathbone, 94–96
Corbin, Virginia “Jennie” Grant, 94–95
“cordage trust,” 175–76
Corey, Lewis, 329, 371
Cortelyou, George B., 352
Coster, Charles, 273
cotton, 11–12
Coxey, Jacob, 225–26
Crazy Horse, 80
Crédit Mobilier scandal, 56–67
architect of, 97
goals, 56, 57–58
impact of, 65–66, 160
investigation of, 60–65, 67, 92
politicians involved, 58–65
Crerar, John Chippewa, 42–43
Creswell, John, 59
Crocker, Charles, 245, 250
Croffut, W. A.
on Erie Railroad war, 24, 26, 33
on Hightstown rail accident, 376n3
on Vanderbilt, xxii, 6, 9, 16–18, 20
Crusade for Justice (Wells), xx–xxi
Cunard, Edward, 24
“Curb,” 289–90
Currier & Ives, 30
Curtiss, Jennie, 212–13, 224, 392n224
Czolgosz, Leon, 332
D. C. Hays (Wall Street firm), 136–37
Daggett, Stuart, 66, 104, 106
Dall, Caroline Healey, xix
Dana, Charles A., 60
Darrow, Clarence, 221, 229–31, 352
Davis, John P., 186–87
Day, William Rufus, 362
Debs, Eugene Victor
background, 221–22
Darrow as lawyer for, 230–31
and Pullman Strike, 221–24, 227, 229–32, 392n231
Theodore Roosevelt on, 352
Delaware & Hudson Railroad, 52, 323
Denver & South Park Railroad, 163
Denver Pacific Railroad, 103–5
Depew, Chauncey, 190, 191, 284
Dexter, F. Gordon, 104
Dillon, Sidney, 92–93, 104, 106, 126
Dodge, Grenville, 186, 194, 249
Doty, Duane, 216
Douglas, Stephen A., 146, 258
Douglass, Frederick, 12
Drew, Daniel, 8
business model, xv, 7, 26, 369
character traits, 7, 140, 369
death, 101, 283
and Erie Railroad, 11, 23, 24, 26–27, 29–33, 35
Kenyon, Cox & Co., 84
and New York Central, 20, 377n19
as steamship entrepreneur, 5–9, 20
Vanderbilt and, xv, 5–7, 19–21, 29, 33, 377n19
as Wall Street manipulator, 7–9, 19–20, 26, 377n19
Drexel, Anthony, 81, 83
Drexel, Morgan & Co., 156, 170, 172
Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad, 154–58
Duncan, Sherman & Co., 41
Dunne, Peter, 326
Durant, Thomas C., 38, 97–98
Edmunds, George F., 164
Eggert, Gerald G., 226
Ehrhart, Samuel, cartoon by, 351
Elder (steamship). See George W. Elder
election (1872), 45, 55–56, 60
election (1876), 83, 113–14
election (1892), 177
election (1896), 177, 232, 284, 331
election (1900), 177, 232, 296, 331
election (1904), 343–44, 345
election (1908), 177
Ellis, Charles, 302
Ely, Richard T., 212, 217, 218
emigrants, as passengers, ix–x
employees. See labor relations; railroad personnel
Engels, Friedrich, 114–15
enslaved people, 12
Erie Canal, 10
Erie Railroad
Albany & Susquehanna and, 49–51
design, 11, 22, 23, 24, 149
Erie Railroad war, 26–35, 30, 378n33
finances, 11, 22–24, 26, 33–34, 355–56
Gould and, 11, 23, 26–35, 48–49, 93–94, 378n33
Harriman and, 355–56
map (1855), 25
Morgan and, 178–80, 355
New York Central and, 24, 26
stock trading, 322
suppressing competition, 48–49
Evans, John, 163
Fahnestock, Harris C., 78, 82, 85
Fair, Virginia, 307
Familistère, Guise, France, 214
Field, Cyrus, 102, 166
Fink, Albert, 369
Fish, Stuyvesant, 142–45, 144, 150–54, 361
Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, 142
Fisk, Jim
and Albany & Susquehanna, 49–52
and Boston, Hartford & Erie, 26–27
character traits, 28–29, 369
death, 101, 283
and Erie Railroad, 11, 25, 26–35, 30, 48–51
gold speculation, 28, 59, 95–97, 139, 386n137
Grant and, 59
physical appearance, 28, 28, 29, 52
public opinion concerning, 49–50
and Union Pacific, 97–99
Fleming, Robert, 287–88
Flower, Roswell Pettibone, 288, 319
Fort Taylor, siege of, 28, 31–33
Fowler, William Worthington, 17–20, 26, 289
Franco-Prussian War, 78–79, 81, 115
Frick, Henry Clay, 329, 345
Fulton, Robert, 4
Gainsborough, Thomas, 292, 296–97
Gallamore, Robert E., 366, 367
Gannett, Henry, 242
Garfield, James A., 59, 60, 62, 150, 260
Gates, John W. “Bet-a-Million,” 203, 236, 242–44, 284–86, 320
gauge standards, 22, 43
General Managers’ Association (GMA), 223, 226, 230
George, Charles B., 112
George, Henry, xvii–xviii, 229
George W. Elder (steamship), 237, 237–42
Gerolt, Baron von, 78
Gibbons, Thomas, 4–5
The Gilded Age (Twain and Warner), xiv, 88–89
GMA (General Managers’ Association), 223, 226, 230
Godin, Jean Baptiste André, 214
golden spike, ix, xi, 37, 38
Gold Exchange, 96
gold market
gold crash (1869), 95–97, 139, 386n137
Panic of 1893, 176–77
speculation in, 28, 52, 59, 93–97, 139, 386n137
gold rush, 9–10
gold standard, 176–77, 284
Goodwin, James, 49
Goodwin, Mary, 39, 44, 46, 49
Gould, George, 183, 185, 187–88, 275, 345
Gould, Jay
Adams and, 181–84
and Albany & Susquehanna, 49–50, 52–53
and Boston, Hartford & Erie, 26–27
business acumen, 101–2
business model, xv, 48–49, 53, 92, 93, 116, 126–27
character traits, xxi, 27–29, 53, 93, 102, 369
and Chicago & Northwestern, 36
“community of interest,” 172–73, 184
death, 172, 185, 283
and Erie Railroad, 11, 23, 26–35, 48–49, 93–94, 378n33
Fisk Raid and, 99
gold speculation, 28, 52, 59, 93–97, 139, 386n137
Grant and, 59, 94–96
Great Southwest Railroad Strike, 107–8, 121–28
introduction, xii, xv, xvi, xxi
and Kansas Pacific Railroad, 102–5, 383n102
labor relations, 116–27
legacy, 369–70
Missouri Pacific, 116
Morgan and, 53, 171, 184–85
New York, West Shore & Buffalo, 168
New York Central, 166
Pacific Mail (steamship line), 183
Panic of 1873, 91
physical appearance, 27, 27
public opinion concerning, 49–50
receivership of railroads, 116, 117
Stockwell and, 140
transcontinental railroad lines, 206
and Union Pacific, 67, 91–93, 97, 99–106, 160, 163, 181–85, 197, 384n105
Vanderbilts and, 36–37, 168
Wabash syndicate, 166
Western Union Telegraph Company, 91
Grant, James, 286
Grant, Jesse, 84
Grant, Ulysses S.
administration, 142
Cooke and, 75, 84–85
elections, 45, 55, 60, 83
Gould and, 59, 94–96
monetary policy, 94–96
Northern Pacific and, 261, 394n261
Panic of 1873, 84–85, 87–88
scandals, 59, 64
Grant, Virginia “Jennie,” 94–95
Great Depression (1930s), 86, 87–88
great man theory, xii
Great Northern Railway
Burlington Northern merger, 366
business model, 265–67
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 275–79, 297–98
competition, 264, 268–69, 276
control of, 303–4
Hill’s creation of, 265
Northern Pacific and, 270, 303–4, 336
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273–74
railroad peace treaties, 256, 273–74
strike (1894), 222, 226
Great Salt Lake, 252–54, 253
Great Southwest Railroad Strike (1886), 107–8, 117, 120, 122–28, 221–22
Greeley, Horace, 55, 60, 79–80, 258, 262
Green, Ashbel, 169–70
Green, Hetty, 290
Gresham, Walter Q., 225
Gresham’s law, 177
Grinnell, George B., 242
Grodinsky, Julius, 92–93, 103, 185, 267
Grosvenor, William Mason, 115
Gunton, George, 292–93
Hall, Charles, 108, 120, 122
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 80
Hanna, Mark, 333
Harlan, John Marshall, 340
Harlem Railroad, 15–20, 23, 377n19. See also New York & Harlem Railroad
Harriman, Averell, 11, 239, 241–42, 308 n, 371
Harriman, Cornelia (Edward Harriman’s daughter), 194, 239
Harriman, Cornelia Neilsen (Edward Harriman’s mother), 135–36
Harriman, Edward H. “Ned,” 357
Alaska expedition, 132, 234–42, 237
background, 131–32, 136, 140–41
and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 236
Brandeis on, 361
business acumen, 132, 137, 138, 153, 154
business model, xv, 132, 139, 143, 145, 196, 205, 206, 369
and Central Pacific Railroad, 249, 251–55, 253
character traits, xxii, 132, 136–39, 141, 156, 193, 195–96, 205–6, 237, 272
and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 274–79, 298, 301
and Chicago & Alton, 235–36, 348, 361
at D. C. Hays, 136–37
death, 356–57
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