and Dubuque & Sioux City, 154–58
empire’s extent, 247, 248, 362
and Erie Railroad, 178–80, 355–56
family background, xxii, 134–36
family life, importance of, 141, 142
Fish comparisons, 142–43
Great Northern, 342
Hill and, 267, 272–74, 279, 298, 301
ICC investigation, 346–49
and Illinois Central, 138, 150–58, 191, 361
introduction, xii–xiii, xv, xxii
Kansas City Southern, 236, 242–44
Lake Ontario Southern, 143–45
legacy, 133–34, 369–72
marriage, 141
Morgan and, xii–xiii, 48, 131, 132, 154–58, 178, 210, 234–35, 256, 271, 278
Northern Pacific, 298–307, 309, 312–15, 317–19, 321, 341, 342
Northern Securities Company, 299, 336–37, 341–42
Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain, 142
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273–74
Oregon Short Line, 273
physical appearance, 133, 138, 142–43
political power, 131
railroad peace treaties, 256, 273–74
reputation, 343, 355–56
Roosevelt and, 132, 134, 343–55, 351, 361–63
Schiff and, 188, 191–93, 236, 272, 314–15, 337, 357
seed money, source of, 137, 386n137
social life, 137
Southern Pacific, 132, 196, 236, 244–55, 253, 268, 356
train robberies, rapid-response brigade, 203–5, 204, 391n203
Union Pacific, 48, 106, 191–206, 235, 268, 272–74, 306–7, 343, 346–50, 371–72
Harriman, Mary (Edward Harriman’s daughter), 194, 239
Harriman, Mary Williamson Averell (Edward Harriman’s wife), 141, 142, 239, 241
Harriman, Oliver, 137
Harriman, Orlando (Edward Harriman’s father), 135–36
Harriman, Orlando (Edward Harriman’s grandfather), 135
Harriman, Roland, 11, 237, 239
Harriman, William, 134–35
Harrison, Benjamin, 177–78
Hartley, D. H., 120
Hartranft, John, 114
Havemeyer, Henry O., 326
Hawley, Edwin, 245, 284
Hay, John, 334–35
Hayes, Rutherford B., 113–16, 142
Haymarket affair, 127
Haywood, William “Big Bill,” 352
Hazen, W. B., 77–78
Heathcote, Thomas, 220
Heinsheimer, Louis, 314
Hessberg, Sam, 322–23
Higginson, Henry Lee, 350
Hightstown rail accident, 3–4, 376n3
Hilgard, Ferdinand Heinrich Gustav. See Villard, Henry
Hill, James J., 266
background, 264–65
Baltimore & Ohio, 236
banker, 249
business acumen, 263–68, 300
character traits, 272
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 274–79, 297–98, 300, 301
Great Northern, 222, 264–70, 272, 303–4, 336
Harriman and, 267, 272–74, 279, 298, 301
Morgan and, 272, 275–77, 297–98
and Northern Pacific, 269–70, 272, 300, 302–5, 308–9, 312–13, 315–17, 320–21, 335–36
Northern Securities Company, 337, 341–42
Panic of 1901, 325–26
Schiff and, 272, 277–78, 297–98, 304, 307, 312, 335
St. Paul & Pacific, 264–65
Hoffman, John T., 51
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 340–41
Hook, Sidney, xii
Hoover, Herbert, 88
Hopkins, A. L., 122
Hopkins, Mark, 245
House of Morgan. See J. P. Morgan and Co.; J. S. Morgan & Co.
Housman, Arthur A., 324
Hoxie, H. M., 123, 124–25
Hudson River Railroad, 20–21, 23
Hudson River steamships, 4–7
Hughitt, Marvin, 190, 191
Humason, William Lawrence, 44
Humphreys, Solon, 166
Huntington, Collis P., 183, 245–46, 249, 252, 253, 255
ICC. See Interstate Commerce Commission
Illinois Central
battle of Dubuque, 154–58
construction, 146–47, 149
expansion, 148, 150, 151–55
financing, 146, 150, 153
scandal (1910), 361
Union Pacific and, 191–92
Imperial Valley, California, 134, 353–54
Indians, 45, 68, 70–72, 80–81, 261, 394n261
Industrial Commission, US, 246
inequality, xvii–xviii, 330–31, 338
Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 165, 173
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
creation of, 165
Harriman and, 248–49, 346–49
railroad arbitration board, 173–74
on railroad rates, 210–11
Union Pacific and, 363
Interstate Commerce Railway Association, 174
Irons, Martin, 122, 124–25
J. P. Morgan and Co., 273, 308–9, 325, 335
J. S. Morgan & Co., 39–42, 53, 256, 273
Jay Cooke & Co., 75, 76, 78–79, 83, 85, 168
Jim Crow laws, xx–xxi
Johnson, Andrew, 31–32, 94
Josephson, Matthew, 329
Judah, Theodore, 15
judges, railroad influence on, 30–31, 33, 50, 96, 98
Kahn, Addie Wolff, 138, 188
Kahn, Otto
on Harriman, 132, 137–39, 243, 244, 313, 343, 346, 347, 355
on Illinois Central, 153
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 138
on Sunset Route, 246
on Union Pacific, 192–93, 198–99, 343, 362
Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf, 243
Kansas City Southern, 236, 242–44
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 102–5
Keene, James R., 283, 284, 301, 310–11, 315, 321
Kelley, William D., 62
Kennan, George, 135, 198, 239, 342, 345, 347, 386n137
Kennedy, John S., 249, 309, 337
Kennedy, McPherson, 305
Kenyon, Cox & Co., 84
Kernan, John D., 233
Keys, C. M., 136, 139
Kidder, Peabody, 172
King, Willford Isbell, 330
Klein, Maury, 116, 371–72, 383n102, 384n105
Knights of Labor (union)
Chicago meatpacking strike, 127
District Assembly 101, 121–22
founding, 108–9
goals, 109, 111, 119, 124
Great Southwest Railroad Strike, 107–8, 121–28
Haymarket affair, 127
Missouri Pacific strike, 117–20, 122
number of members, 110, 118–19, 127
organizational structure, 118, 222
“rigmarole” of secrecy, 109–10
Knox, Philander, 338, 339
Kolko, Gabriel, 174
Kruttschnitt, Julius, 196, 251–53, 362
Kuhn, Abraham, 188
Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
family ties, 138
Northern Pacific stock, 298–300, 302, 304, 312–14, 317–18, 325, 335
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273
Panic of 1901, 325
railroad reorganization syndicates, 207
Union Pacific reorganization, 187–92
Labor Day, 232
labor relations. See also Knights of Labor
“at-will” employment, 111
average workweek, 232
Chicago meatpacking strike, 127
Civil War, 111
communist influences, 114–15
congressional investigation, 117, 120
Gould’s empire, 116–23
Great Northern Railway strike, 222, 226
Great Southwest Railroad Strike, 10
7–8, 121–28
“great upheaval,” 107–28, 384n107
Haymarket affair, 127
labor leaders, 221
labor shortages, 147
Missouri Pacific strike, 117–20, 122
mistreatment of workers, xvii, 108, 112, 116–17
Panic of 1873 and, 110–11
public sentiment, 117, 225
Pullman Strike, 213–14, 219, 221–24, 226–33, 329, 392n231
strikes (1877), 114–16, 384n107
utopian worker communities, 214
wages, 116–17, 147, 149, 223
workers’ rights, 232–33, 334
La Force, Joe (or Lefors), 204
Lake Ontario Southern, 143–45
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, 86
Lamont, Daniel S., 225, 337
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 350
Larrabee, William, xvi
Latham, Milton Slocum, 47
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), xxii–xxiii, 64
Lefèvre, Edwin, 179, 324–25, 398n324
Lefors, Joe. See La Force, Joe
Levy, Jefferson Monroe, 328
The Life and Legend of Jay Gould (Klein), 383n102, 384n105
Lincoln, Abraham
assassination, 74
cabinet, 73
debates with Douglas, 146, 258
funeral train, 150
Hay as private secretary, 335
Illinois Central career, 149–50
monetary supply, 94
Pacific Railroad Act (1862), 15
Linsly, Jared, 376n3
Little Egypt, Illinois, 149, 387n149
Livermore, Jesse, 324–25, 398n324
Livingston, Robert, 4, 5
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 346
Loebs, Solomon, 188
Loeb, Therese. See Schiff, Therese Loeb
Longabaugh, Harry (Sundance Kid), 203, 204, 390n203
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 345
Longworth, Nicholas, 345
Louise of France, 47
Lucin Cutoff, 252–54, 253
Macy, Silvanus J., 143–44
Mansfield, Josie, 29, 32, 50, 101
maps, 13, 25, 148, 167, 208–9, 247
Marmaduke, John S., 118
Marshall, John, 5
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, 291–94
Martinsburg, West Virginia, 114, 115
Marx, Karl, 114–15
McAllister, Ward, 89
McComb, Henry, 58
McKinley, William, 194, 232, 284, 288, 296, 331–34
McLean, John, 218
meatpacking strike (1886), 127
Mellen, Charles S., 350
Merriam, Clinton Hart, 234–35, 237–42
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 207
Meyer, John F., 366, 367
Milchrist, Thomas, 226–27
Mississippi & Tennessee, 153
Missouri Pacific, 107, 116–28, 183, 185
monetary system, 94, 176–77, 284, 349. See also gold market
Moody, John, 11, 166, 207, 210
Moorhead, William G., 78
Morgan, Frances Louisa “Fanny” Tracy, 39, 41, 43–47
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Albany & Susquehanna, 42, 49–50, 52–53, 380n52
background, xxi, 41
business model, xv, 53–54, 86, 369, 370–71
character traits, xxi, 155–56, 329–30, 330
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 276–77, 297–98
Civil War refinancing, 83–84
collecting trips, 234–35, 296–97
“community of interest,” 157–58, 170, 172–75, 184
congressional investigation, 358–60
Crédit Mobilier scandal and, 65
death, 359
Drexel, Morgan & Co., 156
Drexel and, 81
Dubuque & Sioux City, 154–58
Duncan, Sherman & Co. partnership, 41
Erie Railroad, 35, 178–80, 355
final years, 357–59
Gould and, 53, 171, 184–85
grand tour, 39–54
Great Northern, 268, 269
Great Southwest Railroad Strike, 108
Harriman and, xii–xiii, 48, 131, 132, 154–58, 178, 210, 234–35, 256, 271, 278
Hill and, 272, 275–77, 297–98
introduction, xii–xiii, xv, xxi
J. S. Morgan & Co., 39–40, 41
legacy, 369–72
management power, 52–53
marriages, 41
McKinley’s assassination and, 332
Morganization, 108, 158, 178, 270, 286–87
New York, West Shore & Buffalo, 168–70
New York Central, 166, 168
Northern Pacific, 168, 260, 268–70, 302, 308–13, 315–16, 318–19, 321
Northern Securities Company, 299, 335–42
Panic of 1873, 86, 91
Panic of 1893, 91
Panic of 1901, 325, 328
Philadelphia & Reading, 168
physical appearance, 40, 40–41
pooling agreements and, 170–71
railroad civil wars, 172–75, 389n172
railroad industry, influence over, 166, 168–71, 207, 210
on railroad stock rumors, 307
Roosevelt and, 338–39, 344, 345, 351, 352–53
Schiff and, 188–89, 272, 277, 278, 298–99
South Pennsylvania Railroad, 169–70
Union Pacific, 43–44, 48, 186, 188–91
United States Steel, 300–301
on Vanderbilts, xv
on wealth distribution, 330
Morgan, J. Pierpont “Jack,” Jr., 41, 350, 391n206
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 39, 41, 49–50, 84, 296–97
Morgan, Louisa, 41, 358
Morgan, Memie, 41
Morgan & Co. See J. P. Morgan and Co.
“Morganization,” 108, 158, 178, 270, 286–87, 358–59
Mormons, 45–46, 379n46
Morris, Lewis, 238, 241
Morton, Levi P., 83
Mott, Edward Harold, 24
Mount Stephen, Lord, 270, 276, 304
Moyer, Charles, 352
Muir, John, 132–33, 238–42
Mussel Slough Tragedy (1880), 249, 250
National City Bank, 193
National Cordage Association, 175–76
Native Americans, 45, 68, 70–72, 80–81, 261, 394n261
Neilsen, Cornelia, 135–36
Neustadt, Adele Gertrude, 307–8
Neustadt, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund, 307
New Orleans, Louisiana, 150, 151
New York, Providence & Boston, 170
New York, West Shore & Buffalo, 168–70
New York & Erie Railroad, xiii
New York & Harlem Railroad, 4, 10. See also Harlem Railroad
New York Central Railroad
competition, 24, 26, 49, 168–70, 191
Harriman and, 143–45
map, 167
Morgan and, 166, 168
Panic of 1873, 86
as public company, 166
Vanderbilts and, 20–21, 23–24, 86, 145, 166, 167, 168
New York Stock Exchange. See Wall Street
New York Warehouse and Security Co., 84
Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor. See Knights of Labor
Norris, Frank, 132, 249
Northern Pacific Railroad
advertisements, ix–x
battle for, 271, 298–322, 335–38, 341–42
Burlington Northern merger, 366
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 275–79, 298, 300
“community of interest,” 175
competition, 174, 259, 264, 268–69
construction, 68, 79–82, 260–62
Cooke and, 67, 71, 72, 75–83
finances, 76, 78–83, 256, 257, 260–63, 269
Great Northern alliance, 270, 336
infrastructure improvements, 205
Morgan and, 168, 26
0, 268–70, 302, 308–13, 315–16, 318–19, 321
Northern Securities Company, 336
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273–74
Panic of 1873 and, 71, 72, 85, 256
railroad peace treaties, 256, 273–74
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