stock trading, 306, 308–24, 325
Villard and, 168, 174, 259–63, 267, 269
Northern Securities Company, 299, 335–42
Norton, Eddie, 315, 316
Noyes, Alexander Dana, 286, 294
Oakes, Thomas, 175
Oberholtzer, Ellis, 81
The Octopus (Norris), 132, 249
Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain, 142
Ogontz (Cooke mansion), 75, 78–79, 82–84
Ogontz (Wyandot chief), 71–72, 75
Ohio River bridges, 153–54
O’Leary, C. F., 120
Olney, Richard, 225–29, 231, 392n231
Opdyke, George, 97
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 245–46, 257, 259, 273–74
Oregon Railway, 195
Oregon Short Line, 195, 245–46, 273–74, 299
organized labor. See labor relations
Osborn, William H., 151–52, 387n152
Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 140, 183, 248
Pacific Railroad Act (1862), 15
Pacific Railway Commission, 92, 103, 159–64
Panic of 1837, 72
Panic of 1857, 73
Panic of 1873
aftermath, 67, 88, 90–91, 110–11
bucket shops, 291
Cooke and, 67, 72, 84–85, 90–91
Grant and, 84–85, 87–88
Great Depression comparisons, 86, 87–88
labor relations, 110–11
New York markets, 84–85, 87
railroads and, 67, 71, 72, 84–88
Panic of 1893
aftermath, 185, 213–14, 225
bucket shops, 291
business failures, 178, 198
cause, 175–78
depression, 197–98
Morgan and, 91
recovery, 194, 199, 284
wage cuts, 219–20
Panic of 1901, 294–95, 301, 322–31
Park, William L., 197, 201, 202–3, 204
Parker, Robert Leroy (Butch Cassidy), 203, 204, 390n203
“Passage to India” (Whitman), xxii–xxiii
accommodations, x, xix–xx, 43, 215
black travelers, xx–xxi, 12
emigrants as, ix–x
number of, xviii, 367
Stevenson as, ix–x
women as, xix–xxi
Paullin, Charles O., 13
Pawnees, 45
Payne, D. A., xx
Peacock Alley, 284
Pennsylvania Fiscal Agency, 57
Pennsylvania Railroad, xiii, 42, 113–14, 143–45, 168–70, 172, 210
People’s Pacific Railway Company, 70–71
Pepperell Mills, Biddeford, Maine, xiii
Perham, Josiah, 70–71
Perkins, Charles E., 268–69, 272, 275–77, 298
Peters, Madison C., 293
Philadelphia & Reading, 168
Pierce, Winslow S., 187, 188, 190, 192
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 114
Poker Flat, Battle of, 81
Poland, Luke, 60
Poland Committee, 60–65
political influence of railroads
Crédit Mobilier scandal, 56–67, 92, 97, 160
introduction, xvi
on judges, 30–31, 33, 50, 96, 98
New York, 18–19, 33–34, 50
Pennsylvania Railroad, 113–14
Pondir, John, 98, 99
pooling agreements, 165, 170–71
Powderly, Terence V., 109–11, 118–28
presidential elections. See election
Promontory Summit, Utah, ix, xi, 37, 38
Prouty, Charles A., 210–11
Prussia, 78–79, 81, 115, 157
Pujo, Arsène, 206, 358–60
Pullman, George
on female travelers, xx
greed, 212–13, 219, 329
labor relations, 211, 220, 224, 233, 329
Morgan and, 42–43
New York, West Shore & Buffalo, 168
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 259
on Pullman, Illinois, 214, 216, 219
Pullman, Illinois, 212, 214–20, 217
Pullman Palace Car Company, 212–14, 219–20
Pullman sleeping cars, xx, 43, 215
Pullman Strike (1894), 213–14, 219, 221–24, 226–33, 329, 392n231
Pyle, Joseph Gilpin, 268, 301
Q. See Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
racial segregation, xx–xxi
rail mileage, xiii, 12, 13, 13, 87, 365
railroad civil wars, 172–75
railroad magnates. See also specific magnates, railroads, and topics
business models, 16–17
“community of interest,” 172–75
introduction, xiv, xvi, xxi–xxii
map of empires, 208–9
as robber barons, xiv, 89–90
shared characteristics, xxi
railroad personnel. See also labor relations
contempt for emigrants, x
number of, xiii, 366
skilled jobs, xvii, 111–12, 122–23
stratification, 111–12, 122–23
railroads. See specific people, railroads, and topics
Rainsford, William S., 293
Ramsey, Joseph H., 49–52, 380n52
Randolph, Epes, 354–55
Reading, Pennsylvania, 114
Reconstruction, 113
Reid, Whitelaw, 151, 262
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Lefèvre), 324–25
“Respondez!” (Whitman), 64
Richardson, Albert, 38
Richardson, William A., 87
Richter, Amy, xix
Ripley, William Z., 131, 132, 197, 205
Roberts, George B., 168, 169, 172
Roberts, William Milnor, 76–77, 79, 82
Rockefeller, John D., 350, 351
Rockefeller, Nelson, 308 n
Rockefeller, William A., 210, 307
Rockefeller family, 345
Rock Island line, 172–73, 183, 210, 227, 228
Roosevelt, Alice, 345
Roosevelt, Franklin, 87–88, 355
Roosevelt, James A., 156
Roosevelt, Kermit, 350
Roosevelt, Theodore
address to Congress, 333–35
antibusiness bent, 332–35
Bradley Martin Ball, 294
economic slowdown and, 349–53, 351
election (1904), 343–44, 345
Harriman and, 132, 134, 343–55, 351, 361–63
on Holmes, 341
Imperial Valley, California, 134
Morgan and, 338–39, 344, 345, 351, 352–53
trustbusting, xiv, 334, 338–40, 352, 365
as vice president, 296, 332
workers’ rights, 233, 334
Rothschild banking family, 78
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 283
Sage, Russell, 331, 351
Salt, Titus, 214
Salt Lake City, Utah, 46–47
Sargent, Charles Sprague, 238–39
Sargent, George B., 78–79
Satterlee, Herbert L.
on “community of interest,” 389n172
on Morgan and Gould, 53, 171, 379n52
on Morgan and Harriman, 155–56, 157, 179, 278
on “Morgan leadership,” 330
on Morgan’s collecting trips, 235, 297
on pooling agreements, 171
on Pujo Committee, 358
on Roberts, 169
Schell, Dick, 141
Schiff, Adele Gertrude Neustadt, 307–8
Schiff, Dorothy, 308 n
Schiff, Frieda, 188
Schiff, Jacob
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 236
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 275–79, 297–99
Chicago & Alton reorganization, 236
as Great Northern director, 269
Harriman and, 188, 1
91–93, 236, 272, 314–15, 337, 357
Hill and, 272, 277–78, 297–98, 304, 307, 312, 335
home, 307
marriage, 188, 189
monetary system, concerns about, 349
Morgan and, 188–89, 272, 277, 278, 298–99
Northern Pacific stock, 269, 298–302, 304, 312, 314–15, 319, 335
Northern Securities Company, 336, 337, 341
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273–74
railroad peace treaties, 256, 273–74
religious observance, 187–88, 304, 314
Southern Pacific, 246
on stock speculation, 287–88, 294
Union Pacific, 187, 188–93
Schiff, Mortimer Leo “Morti,” 277, 307–8
Schiff, Therese Loeb, 188, 189, 272, 307
Schumpeter, Joseph, 368–69
Schurz, Carl, 89, 344
Scott, Thomas A., 113–14, 168
securities markets. See Wall Street
Seeley, J. R., 92
segregation, xx–xxi
Seward, William, 236
Shaw, George Bernard, 368
Sherman, James S., 352
Sherman, John, 73
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
enforcement under Roosevelt, 334, 338
Harriman and, 248–49, 348
Northern Securities Company and, 338, 340
precursors, 170, 176
Union Pacific’s violations, 362–63
Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890), 177
Sickels, David B., 93
silver coinage, 176–77, 186
Sioux, 68, 70
Sitting Bull (Sioux chief), 80, 261, 394n261
slaves, 12
Sloan, Samuel, 152
Smalley, Eugene, 79
Smith, J. Gregory, 82
Social Gospel movement, 212–13
Social Palace, Guise, France, 214
Sodus Bay & Southern, 143–45
Southern Pacific Railroad
Central Pacific and, 244–46, 249, 251–55
Colorado River restoration, 134, 353–55, 354
extent of holdings, 248, 268
Harriman and, 132, 196, 236, 244–55, 253, 268, 356
Mexican branch, 356
stock trading, 306
“Sunset Route,” 206
as “the Octopus,” 132, 249, 250
transcontinental railroad, 206
Union Pacific and, 362–63, 366
South Pennsylvania Railroad, 169–70
Spearman, Frank, 200, 202
Speyer, James, 245
St. Louis, Missouri, 114, 123–24
St. Paul & Pacific, 264–65
Stalin, Joseph, 241–42
Standard Oil of Indiana, 350
Stanford, Leland, 38, 245, 249, 250
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, xix
steamships, 4–10, 12
Stedman, John C., 3
steel-wire industry, 285–86
Steffens, Lincoln, 338
Steichen, Edward, 40–41
Stephens, Uriah, 108–10
Stern, Al, 317
Stetson, Francis Lynde, 225, 339
Stevens, John, 10
Stevenson, Adlai, 177
Stevenson, Robert Louis, ix–x
Stickney, A. B., 175
Stiles, T. J., 20, 377n19
Stillman, James, 193, 236, 275, 337
Stilwell, Arthur, 242–44
stock. See Wall Street
Stockwell, Alden, 140, 183
Stokes, Edward, 101
Stover, John F., 154
Street & Norton brokerage firm, 315, 318
strikes. See labor relations
Strong, George Templeton, 85
Strong, Josiah, 112–13
Strouse, Jean, 329, 358–59
Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh), 203, 204, 390n203
“Sunset Route,” 205–6, 245, 246, 248
Superior, Wisconsin, 75–76
Supreme Court, US
Great Northern-Northern Pacific merger, 270
interstate commerce decision, 230
justices, 96, 359–60
Northern Securities Co. v. United States, 339–42
pooling agreements ruling, 165
steamship cases, 5
Union Pacific’s acquisition of Southern Pacific, 362
Swinton, John, 111
Taft, William Howard, 353
Tammany Hall, 55
Tarbell, Ida, 338
Taussig, Frank, 107, 123
Taylor, George Rogers, 17
Taylor, Talbot, 310–11
Tennessee Coal & Iron, 352–53
Texas & Pacific, 108
Thoreau, Henry David, xvi–xvii
Thurman Act (1878), 160–61, 190
Tilden, Samuel, 113
Trachtenberg, Alan, 368
Tracy, Charles, 50
Tracy, Mary, 39, 44, 46
Train, George Francis, 45, 57
train robberies, 203–4, 390n203
transcontinental railroad
Civil War and, 15
competing lines, 205–6
completion, ix, xi, 15, 37, 38
extent, xiii
financing, 15
Morgans’ grand tour, 39–54
Northern Pacific efforts, 67–68, 75
Perham’s efforts, 70–71
route alternatives, 68, 70
route map, 69
Whitney’s proposal, 14–15
“trickle down” theory, 292–93, 330
Trottman, Nelson Smith, 64, 248
trusts, 175–76, 285–86
Turner, Frederick Jackson, xviii
Twain, Mark, xiv, 88–89, 284
Tweed, William Marcy, Jr., 98
Tweed, William Marcy, Sr. “Boss,” 55
Union Pacific Railroad
Adams and, 106, 160–65, 174, 181–84, 379n48
Central Pacific conflicts, 44
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and, 298
competition, 174, 191, 268–69, 272, 276, 279, 298–99
Crédit Mobilier scandal, 56–67, 92, 160
finances, 66–67, 98, 99–101, 105–6, 159–61, 182–86, 343
Fisk Raid, 97–99
founding, 15
Gould and, 67, 91–93, 97, 99–106, 160, 163, 181–85, 197, 384n105
Harriman and, 48, 106, 191–206, 235, 268, 272–74, 306–7, 343, 346–50, 371–72
headquarters, 98
ICC investigation, 346–49
infrastructure, 43–44, 196–97, 199–203, 205
Kansas Pacific Railroad and, 102–5
management, 106
Morgan and, 43–44, 48, 186, 188–91
Mormon laborers, 46
Northern Pacific stock, 303–4
Northern Securities Company, 337, 338
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, 273–74
Oregon Short Line, 273–74
Pacific Railway Commission and, 159–61
Panic of 1893 and, 185–86
passengers, ix–x
railroad peace treaties, 256, 273–74
reconstruction, 199–203, 205, 235
reorganization efforts, 186–207
reputation, 162–63
robbery response, 203–5, 204, 390n203
Southern Pacific and, 244–51, 362–63, 366
stock trading, 306–7, 308, 350
total mileage, 190
transcontinental railroad, ix, xi, 15, 37, 38, 70, 206
unions. See labor relations
Union Trust Company, 86
United States Steel. See US Steel
Untermyer, Samuel, 358, 359
urbanization, 112–13
US Industrial Commission. See Industrial Commission, US
US Pacific Railway Commission. See Pacific Railway Commission
US Steel, 300–301, 306, 323, 324–25, 339, 352–53
US Supreme Court. See Supreme Court, U
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
business model, xiv–xv, 16–18, 20–21, 23, 26, 48–49
character traits, xxi–xxii, 9–10, 369
death, 101, 283
Drew and, xv, 5–7, 19–21, 29, 33, 377n19
Erie Railroad, 11, 23, 26–36, 30
estate, 101, 166
family background, xxi–xxii
as “first tycoon,” 20
Gould and, 36–37
Harlem Railroad, 15–20, 23, 377n19
Hightstown rail accident, 3–4, 376n3
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