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Page 8

by Kay Marie

  “You and me both,” I respond.

  “I’m down to help kick her ass if you want,” Rivet exclaims.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Nah, it’s okay. We’ll find a way to convince the brothers to get rid of her soon enough.”

  We finish up our grocery list in record time. Now to find a prospect to assign to grocery shopping.

  Chapter Twenty


  As soon as I walk out of the kitchen, I see Candy watching me even though she’s sitting on Buzz’s lap. I shake my head and walk down the hall to my room. I lock my door so Candy can’t just walk in and try anything. Within ten minutes, I’m showered and dressed in fresh clothes.

  When I walk out to the main room, more of the brothers are out here. Minx and Rivet are standing by the kitchen door like they just walked out. Candy gets up from sitting with Buzz and walks in Minx’s direction with a smirk on her face. I make sure to get to Minx before Candy does.

  “Hey, beautiful. Finish making your list?” I whisper in Minx’s ear as I slide my hand along her back. I pull her to me so her front is flush with mine. She places a hand on my chest and smiles up at me. She's like a missing puzzle piece, fitting perfectly in my arms.

  “I did. Do you know where any of the prospects are?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Sure don’t. I’ve been in my room. We’ll find someone to go shopping for you.” I look around the room to see who’s around.

  “Tech!” He’s sitting by Buzz, who has Candy on his lap again. Candy is eyeing me like I'm her next meal. Dream on, bitch. Something about that chick has always rubbed me the wrong way.

  “What’s up, brother?” he asks as he walks up to us. I move Minx to my side, keeping my arm around her shoulders.

  “Will you and Buzz go to the grocery store for us?” Minx asks him. If he tells her no, I might have to kick his ass. Tech looks to me, then back to Minx.

  “Yeah, sure. You got a list?” he questions. She hands him their list and thanks him.

  “No problem. We got you.” Tech winks at Minx, and I give him a death glare. His response is a laugh. He leaves to go get Buzz and head out.

  “Can we talk now?” I ask and place a kiss on the side of Minx’s head. I want to find out what her feisty, little growl was about. But mostly, I just want her to myself again.

  She pauses before responding. “Sure.”

  “You’re stealing her away again?” Rivet teases.

  I lift a shoulder in a shrug. “I’m greedy when it comes to this beautiful lady.”

  Pink rises up Minx’s cheeks. Rivet sticks a finger in her mouth, pretending to gag and I laugh.

  I take her outside, away from prying ears. We go over by the fire pit so we’re away from the front door in case anyone happens to walk out. I sit in one of the wooden Adirondack chairs and pull Minx into my lap.

  “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours, Kitty?” I brush her hair away from her neck and lightly kiss the spot above her collar bone, causing her to shiver.

  “All the side dishes Rivet and I need to make for the BBQ.” My sassy girl. I lightly bite the spot I just kissed and she gasps.

  “I meant more along the lines of what your little growl was about earlier.”

  Her cheeks flush a shade of pink and she laughs nervously. I should make her blush more often. Her freckles are more pronounced when she does. “You heard that, huh?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, babe, I did. Want to tell me about it?”

  “Umm, not really.” I give her a look. “Alright, alright. I really wanted to smash Candy’s fucking face in. I try to keep it cool because I know Pops really hates drama. I’ve never liked Candy. If that bitch thinks she can walk all over me just because the brothers like how she sucks dick, she’s got another thing coming.”

  I pull her closer to me, and start kissing up her neck to her jaw, stopping at the corner of her mouth. “Kitty, she’s just trying to get under your skin. For some fucked up reason, she thinks I want her. In reality, I've never given her the time of day. Never will either.”

  “Oh, Raze.” She cups my face in her hand and I lean into it. “It’s cute you think that’s all that was. I know how she is. I knew her in high school. She thinks she can scare me away, but the bitch must have forgotten who I am. If I’m going to be your girl, I will put any bitch in her place if they think I’ll let them fuck with you.” She lets out a small growl. “What's mine is mine. I don't share.” She stresses that last part like she's trying to make a point.

  “No ifs about it, Kitty. It’s happening. I don't share either,” I growl out, and then grab the back of her neck and cover her lips with mine. When I pull away, she still has her eyes closed.

  “You can keep doing that.” She sounds calmer and opens her eyes. I'm loving learning just how much of an effect I have on her.

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask. She nods. “If we keep kissing like that, I’m going to take you right here and now. ‘Cause I’m not going to be able to stop.”

  “I’d be okay with that.” She gives me a shy smirk. Damn this woman is sexy.

  “Soon, Kitty, but not right now. We have a BBQ to get ready for.” I wink at her. She groans, dropping her head to my shoulder.

  “Now who’s making it hard,” she says into my neck.

  I let out a small laugh. “It’ll be worth the wait. I promise.”

  “Minx!” Rivet shouts as she comes out of the clubhouse. Minx lifts her head up but stays on my lap. She doesn’t respond and just waits for Rivet to come over to us.

  “Oh, am I interrupting something?” she asks with a grin.

  “Not yet. If you would have come out here two minutes later you might have been,” Minx teases Rivet. Rivet’s face drops.

  “I didn’t need that visual.” Minx throws her head back laughing and I can’t help but laugh with her. “Come inside with me. I’m bored.”

  Minx stands up. “Are you going to come inside or stay out here?”

  “I’m going to stay out here for a little bit. I’ll come in soon though,” I tell her. She leans down, grabs my face with both hands and covers my lips with hers in a quick kiss. Then she links arms with Rivet and they walk back to the clubhouse. If I’m already this hooked from kissing her, what’s gonna happen once we fuck?

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Rivet and I head inside the clubhouse. We grab a couple of sodas from behind the bar and decide to play some pool before Tech and Buzz get back with our groceries. Candy and Trix are sitting on one of the couches, watching Rivet and I. They look like they’re plotting something, and I don’t trust either one of those bitches.

  The other cut bunnies are cool as shit. It’s just these two bimbos I can’t stand. I rack the balls while Rivet prepares to take her shot. We’re talking and playing, and every so often, I catch Candy throwing me nasty looks. We’re about halfway through our third game when Raze comes walking inside with Saint. As soon as Rivet sees Saint, she looks anywhere but in his direction.

  “Is something going on with you and Saint?” I whisper to her.

  “What? No, no way. Why would you think that?” she answers a little too quickly.

  I smile and shake my head. “Oh, no reason, Riv.”

  “Look who I found,” Raze shouts to me as Tech and Buzz walk in. Both of them carrying roughly three grocery bags in each hand.

  “About time y’all got back!” Rivet exclaims. She starts for the kitchen and I walk over to Raze. I stand on my tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips.

  “Get into any trouble in here?” Raze questions.

  I feign shock, bringing my hand to my chest. “Who me? Why would you think little ol’ me would get into trouble?”

  The corner of his mouth turns up in amusement. “You’re real fucking cute, ya know that?” he whispers.

  “Why thank you.” I wink at him, then turn and start for the kitchen.

  “Where you going, Kitty?” Raze calls after me.

  I look at him over
my shoulder. “I’m going to cook. I have a BBQ to prepare for.”

  “I have something you can prepare for,” he replies with a smirk and winks.

  “You’re too much,” I say on a giggle. He blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it before walking to the kitchen. Rivet is in here instructing Tech and Buzz where to put all the groceries. As they’re finishing up, Tink and Lolita show up to help.

  “Hey, bitches,” Tink shouts as they walk into the kitchen. Leave it to Tink to make a grand entrance.

  “Where did you disappear to last night?” Lolita inquires. I look to Tech and Buzz.

  Buzz throws his hands up. “Don’t worry, we’re leaving.”

  With that they walk out of the kitchen, leaving us girls free to talk. The brothers have been known to gossip more than a group of school girls. It’s pretty humorous most of the time. You’d never expect big, scary biker men to blab to each other about anything and everything.

  “So?” Tink presses. “Where did you go?”

  I tell them about taking Raze to my favorite chill spot to talk and how he carried me to my bed after I fell asleep. Then I tell them about our talk this morning and how he said he wants me to be his girl. When I’m done telling them everything, their jaws have hit the floor.

  “Raze? Savage Menaces MC’s Hellraiser, Raze? He actually said that he wants you to be his girl?” Lolita asks in disbelief.

  “Y’all should have seen them about an hour ago. All cuddled up and kissing on each other,” Rivet tells them. Then she pretends to gag. We all laugh.

  “Seriously, though. This is a pretty big deal for Raze,” Tink tells us. “Of course you would be the woman to be able to grab his attention.” She’s talking to me only this time. She has a wide grin on her face. “He needs a woman like you.”

  I respond with a smile and get to work preparing food for the BBQ. The guys will be grilling burgers and brats. The four of us will be making all kinds of side dishes and some desserts.

  We’re finishing up with our cooking and only needed to shoo a couple of brothers away. There’s still an hour until they start grilling, so we put the food in proper containers and get it put away in the fridge. We walk out to the main room. It’s filling up with brothers and some of their families. Most of the cut bunnies are here too. They’re dressed more modestly to be respectful of it being a family day. Pops has always included them in the BBQ because they’re part of the Savage family.

  “I’m going to go sit outside,” I tell the girls. It’s a gorgeous day and after spending so much time in the kitchen, I’m ready for some fresh air.

  “I’ll come with you,” Tink responds. Rivet is looking toward the pool tables. I look to see what she’s looking at and see Saint. He’s playing a game of pool with Raze.

  “I’ll stay with Riv,” Lolita grins, seeing what I saw. I nod at her and make my way toward the back door with Tink. We walk outside and there’s nobody out here. It looks like some of the brothers or cut bunnies set up some tables and chairs. There are a few games set up too, like bags, ladder golf, and beersbee. There’s also a big fire pit out here that looks like it’s been prepared for a bonfire for tonight. I half sit, half fall into a chair, ready to relax and hang out with my family.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  While the girls are in the kitchen cooking for the BBQ, Saint and I are just chillin’ in the main room with some of the other brothers. I’m not really paying attention to what anyone is saying. Just letting my mind wander. I can’t help but think back to the days before the club.

  My mom and I bounced around from place to place. It’s always just been my mom and I. My pops left before I was born. Mom worked two, sometimes three, jobs just for us to get by. I started working part-time as soon as I was old enough, but the jobs never lasted long. I was too hot-headed and ended up butting heads with the wrong people. I didn’t care about school, and I never had many friends. We moved around too often, switching schools every year.

  When I was seventeen, we finally settled in a small town, Hawk Springs, just outside of Austin. That’s when I met Holly. She had blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She was the complete opposite of Minx. Holly was a complete girly-girl.

  Holly and I quickly became inseparable. My mom was never too fond of her or how much time we spent together. After about a year of us being together, Holly got into some hard drugs. It was only here and there at first, but it didn’t take long for it to become an everyday need for her.

  We started getting into fights about her drug use. Until one day, she just disa-fucking-peared. No one had heard from her or knew where she went. I searched everywhere for her, including surrounding towns. That’s how I met Trigger. He talked to me about the Savage Menaces and their brotherhood. He told me if I ever wanted to prospect for the club to give him a call and he’d put a good word in for me.

  After searching for Holly for months, I finally gave up. I tried jumping back into my life but I could feel myself starting to slip into darkness. My heart had iced over and I shut my feelings off. I ended up calling Trigger and told him I was ready to prospect.

  Now, four years later, joining the Savage Menaces was the best choice I’ve ever made. My mom doesn’t need to work anymore, but insists on keeping one job to stay sane. Hawk Springs is only twenty minutes away from the clubhouse, and I go see her every other Sunday.

  Sometimes, she’ll come to our Sunday BBQ’s. Today is a day she would normally be here but she told me Friday that she had made other plans for this weekend. Since only working one job, she’s made friends and has been taking weekend girls trips. It’s been great for her.

  Saint shoves my shoulder, shaking me out of my thoughts.

  “You okay, brother?” he asks. “You look a little out there.”

  “I’m good. Just got a lost in thought,” I tell him. He nods, a look of understanding crossing his face.

  “You up for a game of pool?”

  “Sure,” I respond, and we make our way to the tables. My mind starts to drift toward Minx. I wonder briefly what my mom would think of her. She’s so different from Holly. She makes me feel shit Holly never made me feel. And that shit scares me and makes me want more at the same time.

  Saint and I are getting into our game and I’ve barely made any decent shots. My mind too preoccupied with thoughts of Minx. She and the girls should be finishing up in the kitchen soon. We finish a game and jump right into another.

  “What’s got your mind all twisted up?” Saint asks on a laugh.

  “Why do you think it’s all twisted up?

  “You’re not usually this easy to beat,” he responds with a shrug. I flip him off.

  “Too many things to list,” I tell him. I don’t feel like spilling my thoughts to him. I hear the kitchen door open as I’m lining up my next shot. I take my shot and when I look up, I only see Rivet and Lo sitting at the bar. I can’t help but wonder where my girl is.

  “Sketch, Raze, my office,” Prez calls out. Saint gives me a look like he’s asking me what that’s about. I shrug my shoulders and head to Prez’s office. I follow Sketch in, and see Buster already there, sitting on the couch.

  “What’s this about?” Sketch looks between Prez and Buster.

  “Sit down, fellas. You’re gonna want to hear what Buster has to say,” Prez responds, sitting in his chair behind his desk. I take a seat on the couch with Buster while Sketch sits in one of the chairs in front of Prez’s desk.

  “So, what’s up?” I ask Prez. He nods to Buster, giving him the go ahead.

  “This really isn’t my story to tell, but I know Minx will put it off until it’s too late,” Buster begins. “She got an anonymous text message yesterday. It had a picture of her in front of the clubhouse and said, ‘you can run but you can’t hide.’”

  I clench my fists, feeling anger starting to brew inside. Someone is threatening my girl.

  “Who the fuck would be dumb enough to threaten her?” Sketch shouts. Clearly, he’s having a hard
time controlling his anger.

  “Her ex-boyfriend,” Buster grits out. “That’s really all I can say. Minx needs to be the one to tell you the rest.”

  Prez picks up his phone, types out a message, and sets it back down. Sketch starts tapping his foot like he’s getting restless. A couple of minutes go by and the office door opens.

  “Hey, Pops.” Minx freezes when she sees all of us in here.

  “Come on in, babygirl. We need to talk,” Prez tells her. She hesitates briefly before closing the door and moving to the chair next to Sketch.

  “Sooo . . . what’s going on?” she asks.

  “Why don’t you tell us what the fuck happened with your ex?” Sketch shoots out at her. Prez gives him a look that shuts him up. I move over to Minx and crouch down by her chair.

  “Kitty, tell us what happened. We all just want to keep you safe,” I tell her, grabbing her hand. She drops her head and sighs.

  “I told them about the text, Savi,” Buster says. “They need to know everything.”

  Minx takes a deep breath and the starts talking. “About two years ago, I started dating this guy name Brody. The first year was good. It was pretty normal, or as normal as it can be outside the club. Buster and Shade weren’t his biggest fans, but I chalked it up to them just being protective. Shortly after Brody and I celebrated our one year anniversary, things began to change.”

  She pauses, taking another deep breath.

  “It started out with him getting jealous of me spending time with Buster and the guys, and some verbal abuse. I would just brush it off. If he was really that insecure about me hanging out with them, then I figured he’d just break up with me. Then he started trying to control everything I did, who I hung out with. That caused an argument and he smacked me, so I left. I told him it was over. He tried to apologize and get me back for maybe two weeks before his whole attitude changed. He started threatening and stalking me. Buster and Shade made sure one of them was with me at all times. Making sure I stayed safe.”


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