Book Read Free


Page 40

by Kay Marie

  I walk back into the closet and look for some loungewear. I finally find some sweats and a cami and quickly change into them. Climbing into the bed and under the covers, I turn the TV on and scroll through Netflix. I look for something that will take my mind off this crazy situation I’m in.

  The next morning, I wake up feeling like death. Since TJ drugged me, I wasn’t tired until late, and when I finally fell asleep, I tossed and turned and woke up a hundred times. I’m used to having full nights of uninterrupted sleep. Even more so since I’ve been staying with Shade. The best sleep I’ve ever gotten has been with him. That both terrifies and comforts me.

  I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a hot shower. I could really go for one of my earthy bath bombs right now. With the threat of men with guns guarding the house, I won’t bother asking TJ if I can go for a run. It wouldn’t have the relaxing effect knowing so many eyes would be watching me. I spend longer than needed in the shower, letting the hot water hit my neck and shoulders.

  I turn off the water and grab a towel, drying my hair as best I can first. I dry my body off and wrap the towel around myself before leaving the bathroom.

  “Buenas dias, hermosa,” TJ says as I walk out of the bathroom. I damn near jump out of my skin at the sound of his voice. He stands from the bed only to come stand within inches of me. He lifts a hand cupping my face. I tense at his touch. “Dress and come down to the kitchen. Rosa made breakfast.”

  He kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I sink to the floor, inhaling a couple of deep breaths. I give myself a moment before I pull myself together and get dressed. I dress in some capri yoga pants and a bleach stained rock and roll t-shirt with side slits. As I walk down the stairs, the smell of coffee becomes my motivation to keep going. After a rough night of no sleep, I could use a large cup of joe.

  “Buenas dias, niña,” Rosa says to me as I walk into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Rosa.” I give her a small smile. TJ is sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper.

  “I had Rosa pick up some coffee creamer,” he tells me without looking up from the newspaper. “It’s in the fridge.”

  I silently thank whatever greater being there is for TJ thinking of coffee creamer. I make my own cup, putting plenty of creamer in it. Rosa is putting together a couple of plates, so I take my coffee and sit next to TJ at the table.

  “How did you sleep?” His eyes lift from the paper to mine.

  “Not the greatest,” I tell him honestly.

  “Was the bed comfy enough?”

  “The bed and room are great,” I admit. “I think it was from sleeping so much during the day.”

  “Ah, yes. I’m sorry about that. It won’t happen again,” he says. Rosa brings our food to the table and walks away. Breakfast burritos. “I didn’t know if you would want to add anything to your burrito, so I just had Rosa put out different options.”

  “Thank you,” I reply. There’s salsa, cheese, and sour cream sitting in the middle of the table. I grab the cheese and salsa and add them to my burrito. Like dinner the night before, we eat in silence. The front door opens and in walks a man who looks just like TJ, only older.

  “Es esta ella?” The man is looking at me, but talking to TJ. The look in his eye fills me with dread.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The next morning, I drag myself out of bed and head straight for the kitchen to make coffee. I slept for maybe three hours all night. If TJ really is Torres’s son, who knows what he could have done with her in the short time he’s had her already. Church isn’t for another hour and I’m going to be antsy as fuck by the time it rolls around. I head outside to get some fresh air. When I walk out there, Rascal is sitting at one of the picnic tables.

  “What the fuck are you doing up so early,” I ask him.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” he replies.

  “I couldn’t sleep. Figured I should just get up,” I say, sitting across from him.

  “Why don’t you take a hit of this.” He hands me a joint and a lighter. I gladly take it from him and take a long drag off it. “You know we’re gonna get her back, right?”

  “I know, but it’s been eighteen hours already. He could have taken her out of the state or even the country by now,” I tell him. His face drops. I take one more drag before handing it back to him. “I’m only trying to think realistically.”

  The relaxation from the weed courses through my body. It puts my mind at ease for the time being. We sit in silence for what feels like hours. After some time, Sketch walks out of the clubhouse.

  “Church in ten, fuckers,” he says to us. Rascal nods his head.

  “I’m gonna get a refill on my coffee.” I stand from the table and walk inside. I walk past Cali and Minx at the bar and go straight for the kitchen. I refill my cup, adding some sugar to it and lean against the counter. If anything bad happens to Sienna, I don’t know what I’ll do. I dig my palms into my eyes, rubbing them. I inhale a deep breath, slowly letting it out and head to the room where we have Church. I toss my phone in the basket before walking in. Then find my seat and wait for everyone else to show up.

  Bull and Tech are the last two to walk in. Tech gets set up on his computer in the corner and Bull takes his seat at the head of the table. Bull nods to Rascal, signaling for him to close the doors. Once Rascal sits, Bull starts to talk.

  “It has come to our attention that Torres has a son. We think this son of his has been in the Austin area for at least six months. Tech was able to find out some info on him,” Bull says to the room. He nods his head to Tech.

  “His name Travis Peterson, but he goes by TJ. From what I can find on him, his mom was just some chick Torres was banging whenever he was in the same city as her. It looks like she passed away about three years ago. I’m guessing that’s around the time TJ and Torres were reunited,” Tech explains. “TJ was smart and ditched both Sienna and Wren’s cell phones, but thanks to Wren, we have TJ number that he’s used to keep in contact with Wren’s boyfriend. I tried to track his phone and the last ping I got was in Cotulla.”

  “Cotulla is about an hour away from Laredo, which is right there on the Mexican border,” Bull informs us. “It’s been said Torres has a house outside the Laredo city limits. He keeps it heavily guarded.”

  “Ain’t that like four hours from here? We could easily drive out there and raid the place,” Kicks suggests.

  “We ain't goin’ out there without a solid plan. I don’t want us goin’ in blindsided and getting any of our own hurt. Or even worse, killed,” Bull states. I bounce my foot, getting more anxious as time goes by. We have a good idea where Sienna is and I have to force myself not to walk out of this clubhouse and drive out there on my own. “I have a reliable contact keeping their eyes open for any sightings of Torres, TJ, or Sienna. They’re also gonna do what they can to scope Torres’s house and get a headcount of his security.”

  “So what’s our plan,” I ask Bull.

  “Tech is gonna stay back with the prospects and Nomads Ruger and Reaper. The rest of us are gonna ride out to south San Antonio. Once we get there, I’ll touch base with my contact and we’ll go from there,” Bull explains. “Buster, I want you, Diesel, Rascal, and Raze to go to the warehouse and load up on weapons for the lot of us. We’ll leave here in an hour. Does anyone have anything they need to add?”

  Bull glances around to each of us. When no one says anything, he slams the gavel down, dismissing everyone from Church. I go straight to my room to change my clothes. I grab my gun case that holds my Glock G19 and extra clips. I slide the Glock into the waistband of my jeans and put the extra clips in my pocket. I walk out to the main room, only to be stopped by Bull.

  “Shade, where’s your head at,” he asks me.

  “I’m focused on getting Sienna back,” I tell him honestly.

  “Will you be able to keep a level head when we get to Torres’s place?”

  “Yes, sir.
I know that if I don't, then I’ll be putting everyone at risk. If I find myself having any issues, I’ll fall back,” I say.

  “I respect that. Not many can say that truthfully.” He grabs my shoulder. “Keep me updated. If you need to step back, just say the word.”

  With that, he goes to check on the others. Cali and Minx find their way over to me, wrapping me in a group hug.

  “Bring our girl home,” Minx says when she pulls away from the hug.

  “My girl,” I correct her with a smirk.

  “Yeah, yeah. Ya caveman.” She lets out a light giggle and I can’t help but smile.

  “When it comes to Sienna, you’re damn right,” I tell her.

  “Be safe out there,” Cali says to me. I nod and walk outside. I need a moment to collect myself before we head out.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  TJ and the man are going back and forth about something in Spanish. I only know a few words and they’re talking too fast for me to catch anything. TJ sounds pissed off at first but after a few minutes of them going at it, he seems to calm down. It’s almost as if the man talked him into something. Whatever it is, my heart is racing and I’m beginning to worry. They stop talking and both turn to me. I have the urge to run, but then I remember what TJ said about the house being surrounded by armed guards. I wouldn’t make it far if I ran.

  “Chula,” the man says. “Come with me.”

  I look to TJ and he nods his head. I follow the man upstairs. He takes me to a set of French doors. He opens the doors and walks in. I freeze in the doorway. This has to be the master bedroom. It’s huge. The man gets half-way into the room when he stops and turns to me.

  “Come in. Close the doors behind you.” His accent is thick. His voice alone is intimidating. I do as he says and walk in, closing the doors behind me, but not walking away from them. He sits on the edge of the bed, studying me. His stare sends chills up my spine. “Do you know who I am?”

  “No.” I shake my head. An evil grin spreads across his face.

  “I am Miguel Torres,” he tells me like that’s supposed to mean something to me. “I’m el Jefe, the boss, of the Cartel.”

  “And what does the boss of the Cartel want with me?”

  “It seems as if mi hijo has a bit of an obsession with you. Which poses a problem. He should be focused on our family business, but instead, he’s focused on you. It’s making him weak,” Torres spits out. “On top of that, you’re linked to that fucking club. What my son would want with a pinche clubwhore is beyond me.”

  I shift on my feet. I don’t know what he plans on doing with me, but at this point, it can’t be anything good.

  “Come here. Let me see what I have to work with,” he orders. I hesitate but listen. I stop about two feet away from him, hoping that it’s close enough. “Take your clothes off.”

  With shaky hands, I remove my shirt. I’m by no means self-conscious, but this man makes me feel disgusting on top of being scared out of my mind with the looks he’s giving me. Once I take my pants off, he twirls his finger in a circle, asking me to turn around. I do what he wants. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him stand and come closer to me. When I face him, he traces a finger from the side of my neck, over my boobs and down my stomach, stopping at the hem of my panties.

  “You are muy hermosa.” He moves so he’s standing behind me. His finger doesn’t leave my skin. I hold my head high. “Perky breasts, a firm ass. I could get a lot of money for you.”

  My heart leaps into my throat. Money for me? Does he mean . . . ?

  Knock knock!

  “Que?” he shouts, irritated that he’s being interrupted. The door opens and a man starts talking to Torres in Spanish.

  “Hijo de puta,” Torres shouts, startling me when the other man is done talking. “Put your fucking clothes on. We need to leave.”

  I throw my clothes back on and follow him out of the room. He lets me go into my room to grab shoes, then we head downstairs to the kitchen. TJ is sitting in the same spot he was when we went upstairs.

  “TJ, we’re leaving. Now,” Torres tells him.

  “What? Why,” TJ asks.

  “There’s no time for all your fucking questions. Let’s go.” Torres grabs my arm and drags me out of the house. There are two black SUVs with blacked-out windows waiting. Torres says something in Spanish to one of his guards before we walk to the first SUV and climb in. I watch out the window as TJ gets ushered to the second SUV.

  “Why isn’t TJ coming with us,” I ask Torres.

  “He is going somewhere different than us,” he states.

  A sense of unease washes over me as the SUV starts moving. We drive through miles and miles of desert. We come to the Mexican border and cross over with no issues. I’m sure Torres has people paid off so he can come and go as he pleases. The second SUV is nowhere in sight. I can’t help but wonder where TJ was taken. He didn’t make me feel near as uncomfortable as his father does.

  After driving for a few hours, we pull up to a building that looks like a small, old, rundown apartment building. There are bars on the windows which makes me think this isn’t a good area. It looks like a pretty deserted place. The two guards get out of the SUV before Torres and I. One walks to each of our doors. The one at my door grabs my upper arm and drags me inside. He takes me up a flight of stairs and down a hall. We come to a stop in front of a door with multiple locks on the outside. All but one is currently unlocked. The guard takes a set of keys out of his pocket and unlocks the last one.

  “Puta,” he says as he shoves me into the room. He pushed me so hard I fall to the floor. He slams the door closed and I hear four locks being locked. I glance around the room. There’s a twin size mattress on the floor, a side table with a small lamp, and another door. I scramble off the floor and grab the door handle. I let my head fall when I see it’s just a bathroom.

  I walk to the mattress and sit. It’s worn down and disgusting, but it’s better than the wood floor. It’s time I start thinking of a plan.

  There are footsteps coming down the hallway. They stop before getting to my room. A door opens and a girl starts screaming. There’s some shouting in Spanish and the screaming stops abruptly. After a minute or two of silence, the footsteps are back but descending.

  I’ve heard stories about the Cartel being involved with human trafficking. This place must be where they keep girls before selling them off. I can only imagine what goes on here. I’m sure I won’t have to wait long to find out first hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  We make it to San Antonio in record time. We find an abandoned warehouse parking lot to pull over in. I climb out of Buster’s car and walk to the bikes. Bull is away from the group with his phone to his ear.

  “He’s checking in with his contact,” Ranger tells me. “How are you holding up?”

  “As good as I can, considering,” I say. “I just want her home and safe.”

  “Do you think he took her because she’s affiliated with us,” he asks.

  “No, I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Wren told me TJ texted Sienna quite a bit after their double date. Like he wasn’t taking no for an answer,” I explain to him. Before he can respond, Bull walks over to the group.

  “Per my contact, Torres has eight armed guards around the perimeter of the house. We have double the manpower, so this should be a piece of cake,” Bull explains. “It almost sounds too easy, so keep your eyes open, watch your six and expect the unexpected. Buster and Shade will lead the pack in Buster’s car. Bikes will all follow behind them with Diesel and Clutch following at the end. All in favor?”

  A roar of ayes is the response. Everyone is itching to get their hands on Torres. I, personally, want my shot at TJ. More than anything, I want Sienna.

  “Alright. Let’s roll out,” Bull shouts. We all load up and head for Torres’s home in Laredo.

  We roll up to a mansion of a Mexican style home. It’s quiet out here.
Too quiet. I signal for the bikes to hold back.

  “Buster, drive around the house. I think this place is empty,” I tell him. We drive around the house. There are no cars and no sign of anyone inside. “Son of a bitch!”

  We pull around to the front of the house and signal for everyone to roll up. Buster and I climb out of his car at the same time.

  “There’s no one fucking here,” I growl out when all the bikes are shut off. Diesel goes to the front door and tests the handle.

  “It’s open.” He shrugs and walks in. I look at Bull then follow Diesel. He heads for the living room while I head upstairs. The first room I walk in looks like it’s been used recently.

  “Come on, Whiskey. Give me a sign you’re alright,” I say. I check the closet. Nothing. I walk into the bathroom and find a pile of clothes. Looking through them, I realize they’re the clothes Sienna had on yesterday when she left the house. She’s been here. Question is, where is she now?

  “Yo, Diesel,” I shout as I walk downstairs.

  “What’s up?” We walk outside so I can tell everyone at once.

  “She was here.” I hold up her shirt to show them. “House is empty now.”

  “They probably ran to Mexico,” Diesel adds.

  “What do we do now,” Rascal asks.

  “Some of you can stay in Laredo while the others head back to the clubhouse,” Bull suggests. “Shade, I know you’ll wanna stay. Anyone else wanna volunteer?”

  “I will,” Diesel says.

  “Me too,” Rascal replies.

  “What the fuck. Why not?” Kicks speaks up. Bull nods in approval.

  “Keep your cuts packed up so you don’t draw too much attention to yourselves,” Bull orders. “You’ll already be drawing attention with that fuckin’ car and two bikes.”


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