Book Read Free


Page 45

by Kay Marie

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  We’re at this barn that’s somewhere on the Savage Menaces’ property. I didn’t know they owned so much of the land around the clubhouse. I’m standing here barefoot with this heavy-duty poncho thing on. Ranger, the club’s Vice President, had me put it on to protect my clothes from getting blood on them. Same reason I took my shoes off. Ranger pulls a knife out of his bag and I stare at it in awe. He hands it to me and with adrenaline coursing through my body, I take it.

  “I’ll be right here if you need me,” Shade says to me. I nod as my eyes move from the knife to Ricardo. I move so I’m standing directly in front of him.

  “You’re not going to use that, chiquita,” Ricardo whispers hoarsely, eyeing the knife. I rip his pants and underwear down.

  “I can’t watch this,” Ranger says.

  “Still think I won’t,” I ask Ricardo, flipping the knife over in my hand. He shakes his head from side to side with an evil smirk. I grab his limp dick and start cutting. He yells out and tries to wiggle his body out of my grasp. When I’m about halfway done, he stops moving. Once I get it cut off, I shove it in his mouth.

  “That’s for every girl and woman that has ever been in that house, touched by you, abused by you, trafficked by you. This,” I say as I stab him in the abdomen, making him scream. It’s muffled by his dick in his mouth, “is for me.” I twist the knife and notice a tear fall from his eye. “And that was for thinking you would ever get away with any of it.”

  I leave the knife and turn to face Shade. He’s standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, face unreadable. Ranger is standing next to him but has his back toward me.

  “That was brutal to even listen to,” Ranger says, turning around.

  I shrug. “He deserved it.”

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Shade gestures for me to follow him. He takes me outside of the barn on the opposite side that we came in. We walk to the left and there’s a hose hooked up to a spout. He grabs the hose, turns the water on and sprays the blood off my feet. Turning the water off, he turns to me and carefully pulls the poncho over my head. Ranger walks outside with a bottle of bleach, pouring some over the bloody water, then on the poncho.

  “Y’all head home. I’ll finish up here,” Ranger tells us.

  “Thanks, brother,” Shade says to him. “I owe you one.”

  Shade scoops me up and carries me through the barn. Once we get closer to the car, he drops my sandals and sets me down, helping me step into my sandals.

  “Will you say something to me, please,” I ask him, and he runs his hand through his hair.

  “That both terrified me and turned me on,” he finally says. He grabs my face and crashes his lips onto mine. The kiss leaves me breathless. “If I didn’t already know I love you, this would have confirmed it.”

  My cheeks heat up as he caresses one with his thumb.

  “How are you feeling,” Shade asks me.

  “Good. I feel good,” I tell him. He’s looking at me like he’s unsure. “I mean it.”

  “Let’s get you home,” he says, opening the passenger door and I climb in. He walks around to the driver's side and we head back to my apartment.

  We walk into my apartment and as soon as Shade closes the door, I take my shirt off. I walk toward the bathroom, slipping out of my pants and tossing them behind me.

  “What are you doing?” Shade grins.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” I say, looking at him over my shoulder. “Want to join.”

  He locks the apartment door, takes his shirt off and stalks toward me.

  “Eep!” I hurry into the bathroom, giggling, with Shade not far behind. He walks into the bathroom and wraps his arms around me. His hard cock presses against me through his boxer briefs. I turn around in his arms and he leans down to kiss me. I gently push at him and he holds me tighter.

  “Promise me something,” he says.


  “If what happened today or while you were gone starts to mess with your head, promise me you’ll talk to me,” he says, his tone serious.

  “Of course I will,” I tell him. He kisses my forehead and moves to turn the shower on. I take off my bra and panties. When Shade turns to face me, there’s a fire in his eyes. He slides his boxer briefs off and picks me up from the back of my thighs. Holding me up with one arm, he opens the shower curtain and steps in. He leans me against the cool shower wall, kissing me breathless. I open my mouth, inviting him in. Our tongues dance in sync, neither of us fighting for control.

  He breaks the kiss, pulling away enough to tease my entrance with his cock. He looks me in my eyes, asking for permission. I nod my head, giving him the okay. He pushes his way to the hilt.

  “Ohh fuck,” he moans out.

  “The perfect fit,” I tease. He grins and moves his hips. “Oh, God!”

  “You can call me River,” he says with a cocky smirk. He moves quicker, massaging my clit with his thumb. “I’m gonna need for you to get there for me because I’m not gonna be able to last long this round.”

  My release builds as he adds kissing my neck to the mix. He bites down on the spot where my neck and shoulder meet and I see stars.

  “River,” I shout his name with my release. His follows right after mine.

  He sets me on my feet but doesn’t let me go. “I should probably let you know that I claimed you as my Ol’ Lady when you went missing,” he says.

  “Oh yeah,” I ask with a grin.

  “Yeah. I mean, I had been planning on talking to you about it anyway. But I had to do it to make sure I had the club’s help to get you back,” he explains to me.

  “Well, I’m glad you did,” I admit to him.


  I nod my head.

  “I love you, Whiskey,” he says and gives me a quick kiss.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him. We finish up in the shower and barely make it out of the bathroom before we start round two.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Two days later

  Today is Cali and Buster’s baby shower and gender reveal. I can’t wait to find out what they’re having. Minx, Rivet, Emma, and I have been at their house all morning setting up decorations and getting everything ready for the party. Cali and Buster stayed at the clubhouse last night and should be coming home any minute now.

  While we’re finishing up all the side dishes, Shade and Raze will be in charge of grilling the meat. They’re currently out back getting some folding tables and chairs set up so there’s enough for everyone. It’s going to be a great day for them. Once we have everything ready, a car pulls into the driveway. Emma runs to the front door.

  “They’re here,” she shouts. The front door opens and in they come.

  “Hello, gorgeous mama-to-be. How are you feeling,” Emma asks.

  “I actually feel really good today. I’m ready to see everyone,” Cali says.

  “Babe, the party isn’t for another hour at least. Why don’t you lie down and rest for a bit,” Buster says.

  “I’m fine. I just need to change into my dress and I’ll be good to go.” She waves Buster off. “The house looks great. Thank you all for putting this together.”

  “We were happy to,” I say.

  The five of us girls sit and talk while Buster heads out back to hang out with Shade and Raze.

  “So, Sienna, fill us in about you and Shade,” Cali says, grinning.

  “There isn’t much to tell.” I shrug.

  “I call bullshit,” she replies and I chuckle.

  “He’s been staying with you since you got back, right,” Rivet asks. They make it seem like I was out of town instead of kidnapped and I’m okay with that. I know they know what happened, and I love that they aren’t treating me like I’m going to break. They talk to me like normal and it’s comforting.

  “Yeah, he has.” Heat rises in my cheeks.

  “See, so there is something to tell!�
� Cali giggles.

  “Did y’all hear how they met,” Minx asks with this Cheshire cat grin on her face.

  “What? No! Do tell,” Cali insists. I roll my eyes at Minx and tell them about that night at Bluez.

  “Girl! That was ballsy! You let him fuck you and you just walked out when he was done,” Rivet asks.

  “Yeah.” I giggle. “I did. I wasn’t looking for a relationship and I didn’t want to give him the chance to ask for my number.”

  “The universe had other plans for you though,” Cali says.

  “That it did. Now I’m his Ol’ Lady,” I reveal to them.

  “You were really holding out on us, huh,” Rivet says.

  “I guess so,” I admit. “I’m still learning how to have friends other than Wren.”

  “We’ll help you out, don’t you worry,” Minx wraps an arm around me.

  “I like you for him,” Cali blurts out. “You’re good for him.”

  “Thanks, Cali. I appreciate that,” I reply.

  “And you fit in great with all of us,” Rivet adds and we all laugh.

  After a while, guests start to arrive. While Cali talks to the guests as they come in, the girls and I take the food out to the backyard. Cali comes outside shortly after we do with the group of people she was talking to. At the same time, a group of Savage Menaces comes around the house.

  “Have you talked to Wren lately,” Minx asks me.

  “I’ve texted with her a little. She’s supposed to come today,” I tell her.

  “Is she okay? She hasn’t been around much at all since she’s been dating that guy,” Minx says, concern lacing her voice. Before I get a chance to respond, Wren walks out of the house with Tink, Lolita, and another girl I’ve never seen before.

  “She’s here, so everything must be okay right now,” I tell Minx. “Who’s that other girl with them?”

  “That’s Marley. She’s staying at the clubhouse for protection for the time being,” Minx explains. “She’s really cool. She’s also taking pictures for Cali and Buster today.”

  “Hey,” Wren says as she walks up to us.

  “Hey! Long time, no see,” Minx says to her.

  “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been staying with Zack and we’ve been super busy lately,” Wren explains. It sounds like a bullshit excuse, but I don’t tell her that. “Everything looks great. I’m sorry I wasn’t around to help.”

  “It’s alright. We’re just glad you’re here,” I tell her.

  “How’s everything going? Are you and Zack good,” Minx asks her. Wren glances around the yard, eyes locking on someone. I look to where she’s looking— Sketch.

  “We’re doing great.” Wren turns back to us. She forces a smile. “He’s been really good to me.”

  I really want to take her somewhere so we can talk alone. There’s something going on that she isn’t saying. That she won’t say unless someone pries it out of her.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention, please,” Raze announces. Shade walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. “It looks like everyone is here. We’re going to move around to the front of the house for the gender reveal.”

  With Cali and Buster leading the way, everyone walks to the front of the house. Diesel’s Charger is decked out with a sign that says Guns or Roses? Baby Brewer. I look around for Wren, but she disappeared.

  “Y’all ready,” Diesel asks.

  “Hell yeah,” Buster shouts.

  “What do you think it’s gonna be,” Shade whispers in my ear.

  “I want it to be a girl, but I think it’ll be a boy,” I tell him.

  “I think it’s gonna be a girl,” he says.

  We watch as Diesel climbs into his car in the middle of the street. The car roars to life. Marley is taking pictures with her camera while Minx is taking a video on her phone. Diesel starts to do a burnout and as the tires heat up, the smoke turns . . .

  “Blue! It’s a boy!” The excitement in Buster’s tone is so contagious. Cali’s face breaks out into the biggest smile as tears roll down her cheeks. Everyone starts cheering. Buster wraps Cali in his arms, kissing her.

  “A little, baby Buster,” Shade says. “That’s fucking awesome.”

  I never imagined myself falling in love. After what happened with my stepbrother and stepfather, I kept my heart guarded. Until I met Shade. He’s the first guy I can actually picture having a future with. As excited as he is for Buster and Cali, I can’t help but wonder how he would be if it were him and I expecting a baby of our own. We make our way over to Buster and Cali.

  “Congratulations, both of you,” I say to them and hug Cali. “I’m so excited for y’all!”

  “Imagine all the shit we get to teach him,” Shade says to Buster.

  “Yeah, like how American muscle is better than that foreign shit,” Diesel adds in. Cali and I laugh.

  “It is too soon to start with that,” Cali tells Diesel. “At least wait until the kid is born.”

  Diesel snickers. “You got it. Best believe Uncle D will teach him all about the good stuff,” Diesel says. Shade and Buster laugh.

  “Man, get out of here with that shit,” Buster teases him. Shade and I give them both hugs and move out of the way, letting others come to congratulate them.

  Minx, Raze, Shade, and I wait to show them our gifts until everyone has left for the evening. As soon as Cali opens the door to Shade’s room, she starts bawling. We got them a stroller to go with the car seat they got from Buster’s parents, the high chair they picked out and a bassinet they wanted. Plus, a bunch of diapers, wipes, clothes, and other little things they’ll need. They were so incredibly thankful for everything. This baby is going to be the most well-loved child ever.

  After Cali and Buster went to bed and Minx and Raze left, Shade and I snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie.

  “Today was amazing,” I tell him.

  “It really was,” he agrees. “I loved having you by my side today.”

  “Me too. It’s nice to have real friends for once,” I admit to him.

  “They’re not just friends, they’re family. Remember that,” he says. He kisses me on the top of my head.

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky,” I say.

  “I’d say I’m the lucky one,” he replies.

  For the first time ever, I have a real family. People that love and care about me. Who will protect me instead of hurting me. This is home. Shade is my home. As long as I have him, I have everything.



  A couple of weeks have gone by since Buster and Cali’s baby shower. I’m now in New Orleans with Clutch, Diesel, and Kicks to do some club business. The plan is to recruit some guys for the Menaces and the Riders. Gator told Buster that there were some potential recruits for the Menaces. He also said that he and a few guys were interested in becoming Riders. We want to expand into other states, so this is perfect.

  Tonight is our first night in New Orleans and the guys want to go out. Which is nothing new and I don’t usually mind going out, but a certain blonde hair, brown eye girl has been clouding up my mind. I’ve had feelings for Wren since I first saw her at A Novel Bunch, but I’ve kept my distance for two reasons. The first being that she has a boyfriend, and the second being that she’s my best friend’s sister.

  Shade has since figured out that I have some kind of feelings for Wren, and he hasn’t seemed completely freaked out. As far as her boyfriend goes, he’s a prick that doesn’t deserve her. Not saying that I do deserve her, but I would treat her a hell of a lot better than he ever has. I don’t know the whole story with the two of them, but from what Wren has told me, I’ve been able to connect the dots. I can’t figure out why she stays with him.

  “I don’t know what or who has you so twisted up, but we’re getting you drunk and laid tonight,” Diesel tells me. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea. Maybe fucking some random chick will help get Wren out of my head.

  “Bring on the drinks,” I say.

  We walk into Saints and Sinners bar on Bourbon Street. Everything about the interior is red. Red walls, red chairs, everything. There are gorgeous women everywhere. It shouldn’t be hard to find someone to have fun with. We find a booth to sit at and a waitress, wearing red booty shorts and a skin-tight black tank top, comes by right away. As we’re ordering drinks, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and have a text from Shade.

  From Shade: Call me asap.

  “I gotta step outside and call Shade. It’s too loud in here,” I tell the guys. Diesel nods, letting me know he heard me. I walk outside a dial his number.

  “Wren is gone,” Shade says answering his phone.

  “What the fuck do you mean gone?”

  “We came home to Sienna’s apartment after spending a few days at the house with Buster and Cali, and a safe Sienna and Wren shared was open with everything gone,” Shade tells me.

  “Could they have been robbed,” I ask.

  “No, it was hidden pretty well. Sienna said it had cash, keys to a car, and a disposable phone in it. She said it was in case either of them was ever in trouble and needed to run. Plus, some of Wren’s clothes are gone,” Shade explains. Why the fuck would she run. Unless . . .

  “Do you think something happened between her and Zack?”

  “I don’t know. She left her phone here and Sienna doesn’t have the number to the disposable phone. There’s no way to get a hold of her,” he says. “And I have no clue where she would go.”

  As he’s talking, I notice a woman with a similar figure as Wren walk across the street. Her hair is a different blonde than Wren’s, but when she turns her head, I get a glimpse of the side of her face. It can’t be.

  “Shade, I gotta go. I’ll call you back,” I tell him and hang up. She’s with a girl that has lavender-purple hair and they’re walking toward Willie’s Chicken Shake. I check for cars and jog across the street. I watch through the window and see her sit at a table with a couple more girls. She sits in a chair that’s facing me but doesn’t look my way. Now that I see her face, I know for sure it’s her. The question is, what the hell is she doing in New Orleans?


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