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Bad Boy Billionaire

Page 11

by Marian Tee


  He eyed her knowingly. “You’re lying.”

  “And you’re imagining things.”

  “Something I said obviously triggered it so...” The billionaire asked slowly, “Are you thinking of my past?”

  She still didn’t speak, but the way her eyes skittered away was answer enough.

  Ah. “Is it the Victoria’s Secret thing?”

  Ilse stiffened, and her voice was equally stiff as she retorted, “You mean that party where you were rumored to have fucked six women at the same time?”

  “Five,” he corrected her mildly.

  Five! Ilse didn’t know what she felt more of: horror or amazement, disgust or hurt. Five?

  “But it’s all behind me now, obviously.” When she only grunted, his gaze narrowed, and when he tried reaching for a lock of her hair to play with, she slapped his hand away with more force than usual.

  “I am sorry for the past, but it is in the past.”

  “I know.”

  “And while that incident obviously bothers you, I also have a feeling it’s not what’s worrying you the most.”

  “I told you, I’m not thinking about anything—”

  “The Monaco scandal perhaps?” She stopped speaking, and the billionaire knew he had hit the nail on the head. “Ilse—-”

  “No.” She glared at him. “We will not talk about your Monaco scandal.” Her lips tightened at the words. How deliciously lurid it sounded, and technically speaking, it was. The viral two-minute video had shown the billionaire at one of the glamorous city’s casinos, and he was being entertained by a rather famous reality TV celebrity with a striptease. Security had gotten to her before the billionaire could do anything, but by then she had been naked except for a pair of silk panties.

  The flash of anxiety in her eyes disturbed him, and taking hold of one of her hands, the billionaire tried to soothe her with slow, gentle strokes of the inner side of her wrist. “You need to tell me what’s wrong,” he said softly, “so I can fix it.”

  But she only shook her head, muttering, “There’s nothing to fix.”


  She cut him off, saying, “I’m scheduled to work any minute now.”

  Knowing how committed she was to work, the billionaire said reluctantly, “Fine.” His eyes glinted in warning. “But we will talk about it later.”

  For a few minutes, they moved in silence, their familiarity with each other’s routine allowing them to work in synchrony even without either of them speaking.

  He switched her laptop off while she reached for her costume bag. She went inside the fitting room, and he unfolded her costume. She undressed and handed him her clothes while he gave Ilse her costume.

  She stepped out when she was done changing, and he saw by the way she smiled uncertainly at him that she was also over with whatever what was bothering her.

  “You really don’t hold grudges, do you?”

  “Sometimes,” she told him candidly, “I wish I could. But I don’t.”

  “I’m glad.” He slowly reached for her hand, and she let him, her fingers twining with his. “Will you tell me now,” he asked softly, “what was bothering you?”

  She looked at him, and understanding her silent plea, he drew her close with his free arm, and she leaned her head against his chest.

  “That woman in the casino had everything going for her,” she whispered. “She was famous—-” But that was an understatement, really. Beautiful, accomplished, and with a seemingly perfect boyfriend by her side – the actress had the world in her hands and yet—-

  “She threw it all away for you.” And that was what Ilse didn’t get. Or maybe that was what she was so terrified to understand.

  “Did you lie to her?”

  The billionaire stared straight into her eyes. “No.”

  “Did you promise her anything you didn’t mean?”


  “But she still did it,” Ilse said shakily. That woman had taken a risk on Jaak, and she had lost. When the scandal had erupted, the actress had lost all her endorsements and studios had retracted their offers. Surely, that woman had known what she was risking...and yet she had gambled it all to have Jaak.

  “She thought I could be hers. And for a moment, I thought it was possible, too.” The billionaire slowly tipped her chin up. “But we were wrong. Neither of us knew I was fated for you.”

  THERE WAS A DISTANCE between them when Ilse’s tour began, but the billionaire seemed to know better than do something about it. From this moment and until the next sixty minutes passed, Ilse’s time was completely devoted to work, and the billionaire respected that.

  After introducing herself to tonight’s tour group, consisting of fresh college graduates from Korea, Ilse gestured to the billionaire and simply referred to him as her assistant. Her tour members only nodded, their wide-eyed attention still focused on the ample display of her chest.

  She tried her best to concentrate on the tour, but as time passed, it was obvious the billionaire was faring much better than she was. She just couldn’t stop glancing at him, but every time she did she only saw him hard at work, volunteering to take photos for her Korean clients and offering translations whenever necessary.

  He was a billionaire for god’s sake, and yet here he was, acting like he really was nothing but a tour guide’s assistant. He could have made her choose between him and her work, could have made her feel unreasonable about her stubborn bid for independency, but he hadn’t.

  He had treated her with respect, and more importantly, he had showed the same respect to her job.

  And this was why that woman gambled it all, Ilse realized, and a painful little twinge struck her heart at the knowledge. Somehow, that woman had glimpsed into the billionaire’s heart – somehow that woman had seen the perfection that the billionaire himself denied existing – and she had wanted it for herself.

  She had gambled everything because she knew that nothing in this world could ever compare to owning Jaak’s heart.

  And now, due to a twist of fate, a whim of Lady Luck—-

  Ilse wasn’t really sure why or how it happened, knew only that it did.

  Jaak de Konigh’s heart was hers.

  Because Jaak de Konigh loved her.

  When the tour ended, the billionaire turned to Ilse and caught her staring at him. “What is it?”

  She shook her head self-consciously. “N-nothing.” But she was lying. Right now, she felt everything, and when the billionaire took a step closer to her, it was like having the sun reaching out to her.

  “It doesn’t look nothing,” the billionaire commented, his gaze narrowing at her face. “You look like you’re about to throw up.”

  A rare giggle escaped her. Oh, the things he would say, if he knew that realizing how much he meant to her made Ilse want to puke.

  “Something is wrong,” the billionaire said all of a sudden, his tone abrupt and decisive.

  “W-why do you say so?”

  “Because you’re not the type to giggle.”


  And she couldn’t help it. She giggled again, but it wasn’t enough. And before she realized what she wanted to do, she was already doing it—-

  The billionaire grunted as Ilse suddenly threw herself at him, and he stiffened when she planted her mouth directly on his lips.

  What the—-

  When she tried to pull away, he had recovered from his shock, and instead of letting her go, he simply hefted her up, and her silken limbs wrapped around him.

  “This is shameless.” Ilse started to giggle again, and he couldn’t imagine hearing anything lovelier.


  She shook her head. “You’re trying to turn me on, aren’t you?”

  “I prefer to call it an ‘amatory inducement—-’”

  She started laughing. “And now you’re just showing off.”

  “I knew it,” he said with a sigh. “You just know me so well it’s pretty
obvious how much you love me.”

  Oh! Ilse hid her face against his neck. That was so sly of him!

  “Cat got your tongue?” he teased.

  “Maybe.” Her arms tightened around him, and deciding she should give him a little dose of his own medicine, she whispered, “But really, all I can think now is how long you’re going to make me wait before we can become naked—-”

  The billionaire stiffened, and then very carefully, he said, “Ilse?”

  She interpreted that as, What the fuck are you suggesting, and her lips curving, she whispered to his ear, “We’ve been going out for three weeks, but all you do is kiss me.”

  “Because I was giving you time,” he snarled.

  “But I don’t want time.” Her tone was plaintive. “I just want you.” She nipped his neck and she spoke, and that was it.

  The billionaire knocked rapidly on the first sex window he reached, and as luck would have it, Ilse’s friend Charlene was the one who opened the door.

  The other woman gasped when she saw who her visitors were. Was this what she thought it was?

  As the billionaire allowed a giggling Ilse to slide to her feet, he saw the look in the other woman’s eyes, and his lips twitched. “No, it’s not what you think. This isn’t a prelude to a threesome.”

  “That’s too bad.” Charlene’s tone was properly disappointed, but her eyes were twinkling with amusement. “Especially since I know this young woman’s a virgin—-”


  The billionaire grinned. “You know each other?”

  “After this,” Ilse muttered, “I’m disowning her as a friend.”

  But no one was listening to Ilse, her reaction making Charlene laugh and the billionaire chuckle.

  “May we rent your room for the rest of the night, mevrouw?”

  Charlene grinned. “So you’re finally going to take her V-card, mijnheer?”

  Ilse groaned. “Oh my God, Charlene, will you stop talking about that?”

  “A gentleman never tells.” But the billionaire’s wicked grin said it all.

  When he tried handing her his payment, Charlene shook her head. “You know what? It’s on me—-”

  “I appreciate the gesture, but please do not deny me the pleasure of sharing my, err, happiness.”

  “Because you’re going to fuck Ilse?” she asked innocently.

  “Because I’m going to fuck Ilse,” he averred.

  Ilse slowly banged her head against the wall. “Seriously? Seriously?”

  But the two continued to ignore her.

  Heading to the door, Charlene was chatting amiably to the billionaire, saying, “Ilse already knows this, but my bed’s completely clean. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

  “Enjoy the rest of the evening, mevrouw.”

  Charlene winked. “I think you’ll enjoy it more.”

  As the billionaire shut the door, they heard Charlene release a whoop of joy outside.

  “Oh my God! This is enough to pay two months’ rent!”

  Ilse was happy for her friend, but right now—-

  Her gaze clashed with the billionaire.

  And just like that, they picked right up from where they left off.

  Ilse could only gasp as the billionaire’s mouth crushed hers. He pushed her against the wall as his hands became busy undressing her, and she could only whimper against his lips as she felt her clothes falling away from her body piece by piece.

  And then she was naked—-

  He stepped away from her, his intense blue eyes roaming over her bare body.


  There was just something so sinful about having nothing on while her lover was still fully clothed.

  “Beautiful,” the billionaire rasped.

  He drew her to the bed, the billionaire sitting on the edge and making her stand between his legs.

  “And mine. You’re mine, aren’t you, Ilse?”

  She whispered, “Yes.”

  His hands slowly moved to cup her full and aching breasts, and Ilse bit her lip hard.

  “No.” As he spoke, he gently squeezed her breasts, and she sucked in her breath. “Let me hear you.” His fingers drifted to the center, and then he was pinching her nipples—-

  Let me hear you.

  Her lips parted, a moan rolling down her tongue, and the sound echoed throughout the room.


  Ilse had heard such sounds all the time. It was impossible not to, considering where she worked, what she did, and who she hung out with—-

  The billionaire began sucking on one nipple, drawing out another moan from Ilse.

  But never, never did she imagine she would make such sounds herself, and of her own volition—-

  Her fingers drove through his hair, and she found herself clutching his head as he switched to her other breast and started sucking on it.


  His mouth moved down, and she started to tremble hard, realizing that there was only one other place it could go.

  “Jaak, I d-don’t—-”


  And his mouth moved down again, lower and lower, and God, he was moving oh so slowly, it just made her burn with yearning—-

  His hands settled on the side of her hips, and she stiffened.

  His fingers tightened as his mouth hovered over her pussy.

  She waited and waited, waited until it was just too much—-

  “Jaak.” She choked his name out, and it was as if he had only been waiting for that all along.

  His mouth descended on her skin, and her knees started to buckle.

  His tongue slowly licked the already wet lines of her fold, and her head fell back, her silken locks touching the end of her back. He gave her another agonizingly leisurely lick, and she cried out. And then he was licking and licking, and her cries began to dance around the room.

  When her knees started to give out, his grip kept her up.

  “Please,” she choked out.

  And he gave her what she wanted, his lips closing over her clit.


  He started to suck.

  “Oh God, Jaak.”

  Harder and harder, and the room around her started to spin. She gazed dazedly up at the ceiling as he destroyed her from below, wondering how something on this earth could be so inhumanly beautiful. The pleasure singing through her veins was just too...



  The billionaire bit her clit, pain merging with the pleasure, and she gasped long and hard, the excruciating beauty of her first orgasm taking her completely by surprise.

  And there seemed no stopping it.

  Wave after wave, it struck her body, and it just didn’t help that the billionaire continued to torture the sensitive nub of flesh, now made painfully hard by his attention. When it was over, he caught her as she fell with a lazy chuckle.

  “It appears I’ve made you literally swoon.”

  “Shut up.” But her protest was frail, and she could only cling to him as he laid her on the bed.

  His mouth pressed against hers ever so softly, and her eyes drifted closed.

  “Ilse,” he whispered against her lips. “Invite me back to your place tonight.”

  She stilled, hoping that she had and hadn’t heard him right.

  And as if he felt her fears, he asked simply, “Don’t you think it’s time?”

  Her eyes slowly opened. “Jaak...” Her voice was tremulous. “Do you understand what you’re asking?”

  “Yes.” His blue eyes remained on hers. “And you can trust me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A tall, auburn woman in her late forties stepped out of the front door, smiling. She was dressed in a baby pink suit, a choker of pearls around her neck, a diamond ring gleaming on her finger. “And so we finally meet, young man.”

  Ilse rolled her eyes. “Stop acting like you’re my mom meeting my prom date.” Turning to Jaak, she gestured to her friend, saying, “
This is Erik.”

  Erik tittered. “I’d rather you call me Erika, Mr. de Konigh.”

  “Erika it shall be then,” the billionaire murmured gallantly as he brought Erik’s hand to his lips. “And please, call me Jaak.”

  “You are such a lovely man, Jaak.” She looked at Ilse meaningfully, the meaning unmistakable.

  “And I’m not?” Ilse protested.

  “I didn’t say that,” Erik said innocently. “Anyway, I shall be going now. I live just across the street, and it would be my absolute pleasure if I could have you together with Ilse and Jan over for dinner one day.”

  “You only have to say when, mevrouw.”

  As Erik crossed the street and headed up her porch, the billionaire turned to Ilse, his gaze boring through hers. “So that’s Erik.”

  From time to time, Ilse had shared with him stories about her dear Erik, who had always been there for her. And of course he had hated the son of a bitch even when he had forced himself to smile and did his best not to let her know how those sweet stories chafed at him.

  A fucking man as her brother’s regular babysitter, and one who even slept over from time to time?

  Ilse was doing her best not to smile. “He’s everything I said he is.”

  “Except,” he mocked, “for the very important fact that he’s also a transsexual.”

  “Gender labeling is a manner of discrimination, mijnheer,” she said primly. But when he suddenly stepped forward, she couldn’t help rearing back, just a little bit frightened. But it was a good, sexy kind of frightened – and they both knew it.

  As he came to hold her hand, his grip familiar, strong, and exciting all in one, she admitted, “I didn’t think it was fair that I was the only one tortured by your past.”

  “So you tortured me about Erik.”

  She gave him a small, mortified nod. “I’m sorry.”

  His grip tightened. “You wanted me to be jealous because you love me.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “So there’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  “I said no such—-”

  But he was already pulling her inside her own house, and as soon as they entered the living room, they found Jan seated on the couch, busy scribbling on his notebook. He looked up, and the billionaire smiled at Ilse’s brother. “Hello.”


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