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The Homesteader: A Novel

Page 60

by Oscar Micheaux



  The people of Winner and vicinity had no opportunity to rush to theFarmers' State Bank, of which Eugene Crook, mentioned earlier in ourstory was president, and draw any portion of their money before the bankexaminer's notice greeted them one morning.

  The bank was closed by order of the public examiner, so that wassettled. The causes became apparent the day before, although thosedirectly interested did not understand. It was in the shape of draftsthey had bought and sent away, which came back to them indirectly,marked by the bank upon which they were drawn: "No funds."

  Not much excitement followed the closing, although in some manner Crookhad worked into the confidence of the people since moving the bank toWinner, and was leading the four banks in the town in point of deposits.Of course it hit many needy ones quite hard, but the people of thecountry had become so accustomed to adversities, that even bank failuresincluded did not excite them.

  But there happened a few days after the failure an incident that hassome connection with our story. Crook went upon a journey. He was goneseveral days and when he returned, the unexpected happened. It causedabout as much excitement as had the failure of the bank because of itscunningness.

  When Jean Baptiste had ended his visit with Irene Grey, he returned tohis office at the publishing house to find considerable mail awaitinghim. One letter was from his attorney in Washington, and since he hadwon the claim for Baptiste's wife in the contest, Baptiste naturallytook it for granted that it was a request for the balance of his fee. Sohe laid the letter aside until he had attended to all other business,and later opened and read it.

  "WASHINGTON, D.C., July, 191--

  "_Mr. Jean Baptiste_,

  "MY DEAR SIR: I am informed through your attorney at Gregory, that your wife has sold her relinquishment on the homestead I was successful in getting the Secretary of the Interior to reverse the land commissioners decision on. I am not informed further; but inasmuch as you are living on the place, my advice is that you stick right there, and hold it. You may write and advance me the details concerning the matter, and I will assist you in a legal way in pressing your right to hold the same.

  "In the meantime, kindly send me a remittance on the fee that is past due at your earliest convenience, and oblige.

  "Very truly,


  He reread the letter to be positive that he had understood it correctly.He was thoughtful as he allowed the substance to become clear. His wifehad sold her relinquishment on the claim that he had spent thirty-fivehundred dollars cash for. And in so doing she had sacrificed hisconfidence; _had sold her birthright for a mess of pottage_. And she hadnot received, he was sure, perhaps one tenth part of the amount he hadexpended for it. He thought a little longer, and as he did so, a visionof his arch enemy rose before him. His mind went back to a day when N.J.McCarthy in all his lordliness had with much vituperation, denounced andcondemned Eugene Crook for having contested his poor daughter's place,and all the white race with him.

  "And Newton Justine McCarthy," muttered Baptiste, "this is _more_ ofyour work."

  He was very calm over it, was Jean Baptiste; but the _turning point_ inhis life had come. At last his manhood had returned, _and he was readyto fight_.

  He wrote his attorney at once at Gregory, and the reply that came backin due time was:

  "GREGORY, S.D., July -- 191--

  "_Mr. Jean Baptiste_,

  "FRIEND JEAN: Replying to yours regarding the claim, it was Eugene Crook who got it. He went to Chicago and bought it from your wife, through her father. I understand that your wife refused to sell, whereupon, Crook sent for the Reverend who was at Cairo, sending him the railroad fare to Chicago at the same time. I do not, of course, know just what followed, but it is the report here, that the Reverend had his daughter to execute the relinquishment, and Crook returned and filed on the claim.

  "I understand, further, that Crook got the idea from reading your book, wherein you told of the preacher and what he had done, although anonymously. It is also reported that Crook paid the Elder $300 for the claim.

  "Very truly yours,


  Jean Baptiste laughed when he had completed the letter, picked up one ofhis books and looking through it, found the place. "Well, old boy, Iguess you lost me more than I'll make out of you; but you've given mewhat I ought to have had three years ago!" He was silent then, but hisface took on a cold, hard expression, whereupon he laughed again.

  "N.J. McCarthy, we vied twenty-five years ago, and we encountered threeyears since. On both occasions you had me at a disadvantage.... We are_going_ to _vie_ again, now; _but it will be upon an equal basis_." Sosaying, he looked before him at nothing; his eyes narrowed to mereslits.

  An hour later his grip was packed. He went that afternoon back to TrippCounty. His three hundred acres of wheat had failed, so he wasunencumbered. He returned to Winner, and the next morning he boarded atrain for Chicago.

  And of the battle that he fought with his august contemporary, will bethe continuance of our story.


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