More Than Just A Name
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More Than Just A Name
Lynn Jaxon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Thank you
Copyright © 2019 Lynn Jaxon
All Rights Reserved.
This book may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Lynn Jaxon, except for the use of brief quotations in articles and or reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, locations, businesses and plot are products of the author’s imagination and meant to be used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events throughout the story are purely coincidental. The author acknowledges trademark owners and trademarked status of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, sponsored or associated by or with the trademark owners.
The following story contains sexual situations and strong language. It is intended for adult readers.
Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs
Editing: Kim Young
Created with Vellum
This book is dedicated to my sister. Don’t ever forget just how beautiful you are…and so much more! I love you!
One year earlier
~ Meredith~
“I can’t take your cheating anymore. I mean, how many women are you going to bring into our home when I’m not around?”
This is the last straw. Does this man really think I’m going to sit around and keep letting him make a fool of me? Nobody deserves to be treated like he treats Gage and me.
“Gage sees everything, Frankie. Just because he’s only four doesn’t mean he’s unaware of what’s going on around him. Our son is smart, or did you forget? Then again, you never pay any attention to him. You are too busy spending my money.”
I can't stop the words from spewing out of my mouth. A woman can only take so much. Frankie has been a shit husband and an even shittier father.
Everything changed after we said I do. I should’ve known better than to marry someone named Frankie Find. That name has slimeball written all over it. Unfortunately, his charm and good looks blinded me. I couldn’t believe someone so handsome would be interested in someone like me. I have struggled with my self-image all my life. Being the “fat chick” in high school and tormented by your peers has a way of warping how you see yourself. Even after losing over one hundred pounds my freshman year in college, I still looked into the mirror and saw fat. It was like he could see that, even though he had no clue I weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds at one point, and took advantage.
“Get over yourself, bitch. I’m so sick of listening to your complaining. Now, be a good wife, get off your fat ass, and get me a beer.”
And just like that, he goes right back to hitting me where it hurts. He’s always playing off my insecurities. Right after we became serious, I broke down one night and told him about my past struggles with my weight. At first, he was supportive, telling me I was beautiful even when I was overweight. Once we got married, he often used it as a weapon to tear out a piece of my heart and self-worth.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I let him have it. “Go fuck yourself. We’re done. Get your shit and get out of my house. I will not allow my son to be exposed to your infidelity any longer. Do you know he actually asked me why a woman had her head between your legs?” I spread my arms out. “What was I supposed to say to that? You are a sick bastard! How dare you bring women into my home and expose my child to your sickness!”
He shrugged. “If you hadn’t let yourself go after Gage was born, maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to bring other women into our home. I can’t stand to even look at you. And you know what? This is my house, too. How about you get out.”
I smirk. “I do believe the house is in my name. You seem to forget it was left to me by my great-grandparents, along with the inheritance you like to spend. They made sure all the money from the sale of the casino remained in the Maddison name only. And I do believe you signed a prenup, or did you forget about that, Frankie? Your gravy train has ended. It’s time you got a real job and stopped pretending to be a stockbroker.”
Sweet satisfaction flows through me when the doorbell rings, knowing who’s on the other side. Glaring at me, he stands and walks to the door, opening it.
“Mr. Find, you have been served.” The process server hands him the papers, then walks away.
Shocked, Frankie spins toward me. Rage boils within him, making him all but foam at the mouth. “You bitch! I’ll never agree to a divorce.”
Suppressing my smile and schooling my features, I turn to face him fully. “You have one hour to gather what you want and get out of my house.”
Thank goodness Gage is at his friend’s house right now. I wouldn’t have been able to unleash everything if he were here. It felt so good to get it out. I have held my tongue and looked the other way for far too long.
Frankie uses every second of the hour to pack as much as he can fit into his fancy Hummer. He can take whatever he wants…except our son. I’ll never let that man have him. He never pays him any attention, unless he’s trying to impress someone.
“If you think this is over, Meredith, think again. I’ll never sign those divorce papers. You’re delusional if you think you’ll be able to move on. I’ll make sure nobody will ever want you. Mark my words.” At that, he slams the door.
All I feel is relief as I hear his Hummer screech down the driveway. The locksmith should be here within the hour to change all the locks, and I’ll change all the security codes. Time to start living my life without the negativity that has surrounded us for quite some time. Gage will finally know what it’s like to live in a happy home.
* * *
“Momma, please don’t make me go to Daddy’s house. He never plays with me, and there’s always some lady with him. They are loud and I can’t sleep. I want to stay home and play with my PJ Masks toys. Daddy won’t even let me watch them on TV. He tells me they are stupid and makes me watch his shows.”
It’s the same every week. Gage crying and asking not to go, breaking my heart. A child shouldn’t feel this way about their father, but then again, a child shouldn’t be cursed with a father like Frankie, either.
“Baby, you know I wish I could keep you home with me, but the judge said I have to let your father see you every other weekend and on Wednesdays. I know it’s hard to leave your toys and going back and forth, but things will get better soon. Hey.” I lift his chin up so he’s looking at me. “There’s a surprise in your bag for you.”
He gasps. “Oh, Mommy. Can I see it now, please? I just can’t wait. What if Daddy takes it away from me?”
“Your father won’t even realize what it is.” When he looks at me with those big, blue eyes, so much like mine, I smile. “Go get your bag
He rushes to the other side of the room.
“Slow down, buddy. It’s not going to run away.” Looking at him makes the last eight years with Frankie worth it. Gage is all that is good and right with my world. “Open your bag and look in the big pocket.”
He pulls out the package. “What is it? What is it, Momma?”
“Open it up and see.”
He rips open the paper. “A PJ Masks electric toothbrush! I love it, Momma! It’s so cool.” He throws his arms around me, squeezing me tightly.
“I’m so glad you like it. It plays the song to tell you how long to brush your teeth.”
When the doorbell rings, Gage’s face falls.
Just kill me now. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
Smiling down at him, we grasp hands and walk to the door, Gage dragging his small suitcase. How much longer is this bastard going to keep fighting me on the divorce? He doesn’t love either one of us, only what being attached to us can bring him.
I take a deep breath and pull open the door. Frankie stands there, the usual smug look on his face. He doesn’t even acknowledge me, which is fine, but the way he addresses Gage makes me fume.
“Let’s go, brat. I don’t have all day.”
“Momma, please don’t make me go. I wanna stay home with you,” he cries, grasping my leg. I die a little inside. But I must stay strong, or it will only make it harder on Gage.
“Please, don’t talk to him like that. He’s your son. I expect you to treat him as such.”
Frankie just rolls his eyes, grabs the handle of Gage’s suitcase, and stomps off. Gage refuses to walk, so I pick him up and carry him down the porch steps and to the car. I buckle him into his booster seat and kiss him goodbye. Shutting the door feels like I’m slamming it on my heart as tears stream down both our faces. Gage reaches out, placing his hand on the window. I can’t take much more of this.
As soon as he drives away, uncontrollable tears stream down my face. I can’t help but wonder how everything went so wrong. The first clue came before we were even married a year.
“Frankie, why is there bright red lipstick on your collar? I don’t wear red lipstick, so I know it’s not mine.” Fighting back tears, my voice wavers as I ask, “Are you cheating on me?”
“Baby, how could you even think that? You know I only have eyes for you. My secretary tripped and fell onto me.”
“Do you really expect me to believe that?”
“Come here. Let me show you how much I love you.”
That time, I believed him, but his “secretary falling” soon became almost a weekly occurrence.
The day I found out I was pregnant should have been one of the happiest days of my life…until I went to surprise Frankie at work and found him banging his secretary on his desk. I should’ve asked for a divorce right then and there.
“Mrs. Find, you can’t go in there right now!” exclaims one of Frankie’s partners.
“It’s okay, Roscoe. He’ll forgive me once he finds out why I’m here.”
Smile on my face, I burst through the door…almost falling to my knees. Frankie has his secretary bent over his desk, pounding into her from behind. I hear him gasp as I spin and slam the door, running back down the hall and pushing the elevator button, thankful when the doors open.
I hear Frankie running down the hall toward me, still buckling his pants. “Baby, wait! I can explain!”
I stop the elevator doors just before they close. “I don’t want to hear a thing you have to say. Don’t come home tonight. I don’t want to see your cheating face.” With that, the doors slide shut.
For months afterward, Frankie put on quite a show. He acted like he was ecstatic about being a father, doing everything in his power to convince me he would never cheat on me again. Thinking of our unborn child, I gave him another chance.
He was only able to keep it in his pants for a few months. The next time I found out about him cheating, I was seven months pregnant. Of course, he had me believing it was my fault because I was fat.
I’m determined to stick to my guns this time. There is no way I’ll let him weasel his way out of this divorce. No matter what, I’m going to stand strong for Gage.
Chapter 1
Present Day
~ Nash~
“Are you kidding me, Evan? I can’t go dance for you.” My brother has lost his damn mind. “I’m the assistant principal at Mark Stone Elementary. What if a parent sees me? I will lose my job.”
“Please, Nash. You know I would never ask you if it wasn’t an absolute emergency. I have the flu. If I call in again, they will replace me permanently. You know I need the money to finish paying for college. This is my last semester,” he pleads. “Listen, you’ll be wearing a mask. Nobody will even know it’s you. We look and sound so much alike that even the regulars will think you’re me. It’s just two hours of your life. Please. I’m begging you.”
Our parents worked hard, yet didn’t have the money to pay for our education. I loved school, worked my ass off to earn scholarships. Evan wasn’t the best student in high school and must work to pay his tuition. Because we are so close, he knows I won’t be able to say no.
I growl, exasperated. “I really hate you right now. I’ve never been able to say no to you. Hell, even when we were kids, you always managed to get me to do what you wanted by just saying please and looking at me with those sad eyes.” I can’t believe I’m even considering this. I must be crazy.
Hearing a small snort, I look at him, eyes narrowed. “Don’t you laugh at me, asshole. You’re the one who needs my help.”
“The costume is in the bag on the couch, along with the mask. Just don’t get close enough to the ladies so they can reach up and pull it off. Even if it does get tugged down, it’s dark in there. No one will be able to tell you aren’t me. I need you to make me lots of money tonight.”
Smug bastard. “What makes you think I’m going to give you the money? If I’m the one shaking my ass, I should get to keep it.”
He smiles at the joking tone of my voice. “I love you, Nash. You really are the best brother anyone could ask for. I promise, I’ll make it up to you one day.”
“You bet your ass you will. I’m going to milk this for all it’s worth, too. So, how far away is this club, bar, whatever kind of establishment you work at?”
“Forty miles. That’s why I don’t think you have to worry about someone recognizing you. There are much classier places around here that your parents would frequent.”
“Easy for you to say, shithead. You’re not the one putting his career on the line. Talk to me when you have a real job.”
“This is a real job. Hell, I probably make more on the weekends than I’ll make when I graduate.”
“Grow up, Evan. There is no future in this, and you know it.”
I love him, but school has never really been his thing. I was the book nerd, always studying. To be honest, I’m surprised he’s stuck it out in college this long.
I throw Evan my phone. “Put the address of the Show Me Bar into Google maps so I can get this over with.”
He starts typing. “Remember, Nash, shake that ass for all it’s worth. Call me when you get done and let me know how it goes.” He holds my phone out, groaning. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus, so I’m going to go lie down. I’ll have my ringer on, just in case I fall asleep.”
“I’m not going to call you tonight. You need to get your rest, because I will not do this again.” With that, I pick up the bag and head to what I’m sure is the biggest mistake of my life.
* * *
I feel ridiculous in these tight, breakaway leather pants, vest, cowboy hat, and mask. How can my brother do this three to four times a week? I’ve almost fucked up twice by not responding when someone called Evan’s name. I keep my answers short and I tell them I have a sore throat, so it hurts to talk. The music thumps, and the ladies in the crowd go wild. My group is up next. I sure hope I don’t make a fool out of myself. A
s the other dancers run off the stage and the lights dim, that’s my cue. Evan told me I’m front and center.
When the unmistakable beat of “Wanted Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi starts, it flows through me, my pulse accelerating, and I decide to just let go, let the rhythm take me.
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m so embarrassed. I feel like a piece of meat…until I look up and see the most gorgeous woman staring into my eyes, tendrils of blonde hair falling into her face. I almost stop dead in my tracks. I can’t take my eyes off her bright blue, doe-like eyes that seem to look right through me. She sucks the breath right out of my lungs. When I point to her and start to really put on a show, her smile is as bright at the sun. I begin to think maybe this isn’t going to be so bad after all. My dick starts to twitch thinking about this blonde-haired, blue-eyed goddess looking only at me.
Chapter 2
“Free! I’m finally free! After a year of begging, pleading, he finally signed the divorce papers. Can you girls believe I’m free of the chains that have bound me for the past eight years?”
Over the course of the last year, Frankie used Gage as a weapon on more than one occasion, hoping I would eventually give in to him. He even tried to pull the unfit mother card because I work. But I work from home. Gage is with me twenty-four/seven. Frankie’s such an idiot. No judge in his right mind would give him the time of day. It’s always been about money with him, so my dad pulling out his checkbook was all it took to get him to sign the papers. I hated the thought of giving him a dime, but in order to keep Gage from being hurt even more, I relented.