More Than Just A Name
Page 9
Twenty minutes later, she walks into the kitchen, smiling. “That smells like heaven. Why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve helped you cook.”
“You were sleeping so peacefully, and besides, you’re my guest. I wanted to cook for you. I hope you like scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon.”
“A man who can cook? I’m a happy woman.”
“That’s what I like to hear. We’ll eat on the patio so we can watch the dolphins. They’re usually quite active this time of morning.”
She pushes up on her tiptoes and kisses me on the lips. “Thank you. This is the perfect way to start my day. Well, almost perfect. I can think of one other way to wake up that might have been better.”
“Woman, you are insatiable!” I laugh, placing food onto her plate
“Would you have me any other way?”
“I’ll have you any way I can get you, but right now, eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”
Meredith gives me an exaggerated pout as she lifts her fork to her mouth. “Mmmm… These are better than sex.”
Laughing, I pick up a piece of bacon and throw it at her, then lead her outside.
After finishing breakfast, we have just under thirty minutes before Gage gets home. Her mother called to say they were at Chick-Fil-A and would be home in approximately thirty minutes. That gives us plenty of time.
I pull into her driveway and put the Jeep in park. She takes my hand. “Thank you again for the wonderful night, Nash. I had so much fun. I really like Sean. I hope he and Amy hit it off. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it one way or another.”
“I’m sure we’ll both hear all about it. Sean seemed pretty taken with Amy.”
I hop out of the Jeep and run around to the other side to help her out. When we walk up to the door, I see a piece of paper shoved through the door handle. Brows furrowed, Meredith takes it out and opens it. Her face pales.
“What’s wrong, Meredith?” My heart starts thumping in my chest.
She hands me the paper as a tear falls down her cheeks.
Where the fuck are you? Are you out slutting around? I told you, I’ll never let you be happy. I will make you pay…in more ways than one.
I see red as I crumple the paper in my hand. “I’m going to kill that motherfucker.”
“Please, just stay away from him. I really don’t know what he’s capable of.”
“I’m not scared of that piece of shit. A real man doesn’t threaten a woman. Sean is going to find something on him, and when he does, there will be hell to pay.”
“Promise me you’ll let Sean handle it. I don’t want Frankie’s ugly anywhere near you.”
“I can’t promise you that. If he so much as breathes in your direction, I will make him pay. He’s taken this too far.”
“Frankie boosts his ego by being a bully, talking down to people. I just ignore him. My greatest fear right now is that he’ll find out who you are and do something to jeopardize your job.”
“You let me worry about that. Right now, all I care about is you.”
“As soon as I toss this note into the trash and see Gage walk through the door, I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t think you should toss the note. Save it as evidence we can use against him. No judge in their right mind would take too kindly to him threatening you.”
Chapter 15
Oh, my god! I knew Frankie was crazy, but now he’s stalking me? I think he’s becoming more unstable by the day. I’m so glad Nash is here to give me strength, but I hate the fact he’s going to be even more involved in the crazy that is my life. I don’t want anything to hurt him or his job. Why is it when I finally find someone who likes me for me, something lurks to take it away?
Nash checks the house to make sure Frankie isn’t around. “Your house is clear. I think if he was able to get inside, he wouldn’t have left the note on your door. But he’s not a very bright man.”
“That’s true. I just wish I would’ve seen it sooner, like eight years ago. Why couldn’t we have met eight years ago?”
“Baby, it wasn’t our time. But I hope I can make you see how a real man treats a woman. I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to not let you down. I’d better head out before your blond-haired bundle of energy comes busting in on us.”
She laughs. “You hit the nail on the head with that one. He’s definitely a bundle of energy. Nash, I know you will never let me down. I hope I can be the same for you. Now, kiss me and get out of here.”
He happily obliges, then we head toward the door. I lean against the doorframe and watch him climb into his Jeep. Damn, that man is sexy! I laugh at myself as I close the front door.
Nash had to have passed mom and Gage on the street, because no sooner had he left than Gage comes running into the house. “Momma, we brought you some chicken minis. I know they’re your favorite.”
“Aww, thank you, baby. You’re so sweet.” I’m still full from breakfast, but Gage doesn’t need to know that. I’ll eat a couple, then put the other two into the fridge. “These are delicious. Thank you. Tell your nana bye, then run upstairs and put away your bag. I have a surprise for you.”
Face lighting up, he bolts from the kitchen and barrels upstairs.
Mom’s eyebrows shoot up in question. “A surprise? What’s going on with you?”
“You know, I met this incredible man. Well, incredible isn’t strong enough a word. I think… I think I’ve fallen for him.”
She frowns. “Meredith, that’s soon.”
“Mom, you know what I’ve lived with the last eight years of my life. I’ve seen and experienced the worst. Now I think it’s time I experience the best. I just can’t begin to describe how wonderful Nash is. He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of in a man. I know he feels the same about me, and Gage. They had an immediate bond.”
“Oh, I have no doubt of that.” She smirks. “Nash is all Gage has been talking about. He made quite the impression on our little man. He told me he wants Nash to be his dad. I’m just going to say this one time, then I’ll shut up. You need to be careful. Remember, it’s not just your heart on the line.”
“I know that, Mom. In fact, I’m worried Frankie is going to do something to tear us apart. He’s made it perfectly clear he doesn’t want me or Gage, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have us, either.”
That note he left in my door is proof of that. All I can do is sit back and wait for the day he pays for all he’s done.
“So, what is the surprise for Gage?”
I smile. “Nash is going to come over and take us to the End of Summer Festival. He wants to spend the day with us. Afterward, I know we’ll probably need to sit him down and discuss how he’s to treat Nash at school. He’ll want to be his buddy, and I’m afraid the other children might not take too kindly to it.”
“Gage is going to love going to that. I don’t know how he found out about the festival, but just this morning, he told me he wished he could go. I think he was hinting that he wanted me to take him.”
I chuckle. “That’s my boy. He’s about as subtle as a drunk. At least you always know what he’s thinking.”
Mom laughs. “Isn’t that the truth. Okay, I’m leaving, sweetheart. Let me know how Gage likes the surprise. When you have time to talk, call me so you can tell me all about your new relationship.”
Just as mom is about to walk out the door, Gage comes running down the stairs. “Nana, you can’t leave without giving me a kiss goodbye. You also need to take one from me to Pop. Kiss and hug him for me as soon as he gets back with his big fish.”
Mom gives Gage a big hug and kiss, promising she will share them with Pop.
As soon as the door closes, Gage starts jumping up and down. “What’s my surprise? What’s my surprise?”
All I can do is laugh. “Hold your horses, little man. Your surprise will be here soon enough.”
“Aww, Mom. You know I’m a horrible waiter.”
“Yes, I know you are very impatient, but
you are just going to have to cool your jets.”
“I don’t have any jets, silly.”
“Listen, why don’t you run upstairs and put on some tennis shoes instead of those flip-flops. You’re going to be doing a lot of walking today as part of your surprise.”
His brows furrow, nosed scrunched up. “Huh? Walking isn’t a surprise.”
“Just go do what I say. You’ll understand in a little bit.”
I look down at the clothes I wore last night. I follow Gage upstairs and change into some cute shorts and a top with spaghetti straps. I should probably listen to my own advice and wear tennis shoes, but I opt for cute sandals instead. I put on a little moisturizer, powder, mascara, and lip gloss, then braid my long hair.
Once done, I walk downstairs and grab my backpack. I start throwing some snacks and sunscreen into it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Gage yells and runs to the door.
“Ask who it is first.”
It’s too early to be Nash. I sure hope it’s not Frankie.
Gage squeals, “It’s Mr. Brooks, Momma. It’s Mr. Brooks. Can I please open the door?” He waits for me to nod before opening it.
Nash chuckles and says, “Surprise! Who wants to go to the End of Summer Festival?”
Gage’s face looks like it’s going to split in half from the huge smile. “Meeeeeee!” he shrieks. “Momma! Momma, did you hear? Mr. Brooks is takin’ us to the festival. I wants some popcorn, a hot dog, funnel cake, and ice cream. Please, can I have it all?”
Nash ruffles his hair. “If you eat all that, you’ll be sick and won't be able to go on any of the rides.”
“Oh… Well, I can split it up and eat somes now and somes after the rides.” He brushes his hands together, like that solves his problem.
Nash looks at me, almost as if asking permission to come closer. I reach for his hands and pull him to me, then give him a quick peck on the lips. “What are you doing here so early? I thought you were coming around eleven.”
From behind, I hear, “Ooo, Momma kissed the assistant principal.” Giggles erupt.
He smiles over my shoulder at Gage, then runs his hand down the side of my face. “I just couldn’t stay away. I hope it’s okay that I came early.”
I place my hand on his. “It is more than okay.”
I turn around to face Gage, who’s grinning like the cat who ate the canary. “Yes, baby. Momma did kiss Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks is Momma’s boyfriend. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes!” Gage screams, then starts jumping up and down, fist bumping the air. “Mr. Brooks is gonna be my new daddy!”
“Hold up there, sweetie.” Gage stops jumping. “Mr. Brooks is just Momma’s boyfriend. We have to be married for him to be your step-daddy.”
“Then get married, but I don’t want him to be my step-daddy. I just wants him to be my daddy.”
Nash kneels in front of Gage. “I like your momma more than a lot, and l like you more than a lot, too. If the time ever comes, nothing would make me happier than for you to call me daddy, but right now, why don’t you call me Nash when we are hanging out and Mr. Brooks when we are at school. Sound good?”
“Why can’t I call you Nash everywhere?”
“Honey, you have to call him Mr. Brooks at school, just like all the other children. He can’t treat you any differently while you are there, but once school is out for the day, then you can be his special boy. Okay?”
“Okay, Momma. This is so awesome! I can’t wait to tell my friends.”
“Baby, don’t go bragging to your friends. I don’t care if they see us together, but it’s not nice to brag that you’re the lucky one who gets to play with Mr. Brooks all the time. And it would probably be best if you didn’t say anything about Nash to your daddy. It’ll only make him mad. You need to let Momma be the one to talk to Daddy.”
His face falls. “Yes, ma’am. I’m scared of daddy. I don’t want to make him mad.”
My protective instincts kick in. “What do you mean you’re scared of Daddy?”
“He’s always yelling and saying mean things. I heard him shouting at a man, then hit him over and over. There was so much blood.” He shivers, as if reliving the scene. “I was so scared. Another man came and dragged the other one away. I stood really still in the corner until Daddy went into his office, then I ran back to my room and hid under the covers.”
Eyes wide, Nash and I stare at each other, then I look back at Gage. “Oh, my god, Gage! Why didn’t you tell me this happened? Has your daddy ever hit you?”
“It happened the night I was sick. That’s why I threw up in bed. I was too scared to get up.” He scrunches up his face, as if thinking, then shakes his head. “Daddy’s never hit me, but he has raised his fist like he was gonna. He usually just pushes me away and says mean things.”
Nash’s face is red with anger, fists clenched. I know he’s feeling the same thing I am. Unmitigated rage. How could Frankie do something so violent when Gage was in his house? What if he killed that man?
I swallow, trying to contain my anger. “Baby, can you run up to your room and watch TV for a few minutes while we get ready? I’ll come get you when it’s time to leave.” He nods and runs up to his room.
I look over to see Nash rapidly texting on his phone. Probably telling Sean the latest developments. When he glances up and sees me looking at him, he gestures for me to walk over, engulfing me in a big hug. Nash has such a calming effect on me. He puts his phone into his pocket and takes my hand, leading me to the living room.
He sits on the couch and pulls me onto his lap. “I know this is going to be hard, but I want you to put Frankie out of your mind. There isn’t anything we can do to change the past, but I’m going to make damn sure we can change the future. Sean just told me that word on the street is Frankie’s running a small-time drug ring. More than likely, that’s what the altercation at his house was about. We need to see if we can get some more information from Gage, but let’s wait until another time. I want this day to be about us, and any more talk of Frankie is going to ruin it.”
I blow out a breath. “You’re right. My mood has soured from just the thought of him. I hate that my baby has to be exposed to that monster.” I fight to keep the tears from falling, but it’s no use.
Nash pulls me into his strong, loving arms. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise. I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt you or Gage. Sean is the best PI there is. He’ll help us put him away for a long time.”
“I know. This is all just so hard. I feel like I’m failing my son. I shouldn’t have to protect him from his own father.”
Nash kisses me deeply, making me forget my worries, if only for a second. He pulls back and wipes the lingering tears from my face. “Come on. Let’s have some fun. I’ll get Gage ready. You wipe your face so he doesn’t see you upset.”
“You really are the best.” We stand, and I push up on my tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the cheek. He slaps my ass as I walk away, then he chuckles as he runs up the stairs.
Smiling, I gather up everything we’ll need and take it to the front door.
I look up to see Gage riding piggyback as they walk down the stairs. “Look, Momma! I’m riding Mr. Brooks… I mean, Nash like a bull.”
“You sure are. You’d better be careful or that bull will buck you off.” I laugh. I can’t help but wish I were the one “riding” Nash.
Nash makes a snorting sound and paws the floor with his foot, like he’s about to run. Gage giggles. I take out my phone and snap a picture, because these two couldn’t be any cuter together. This is what a bond between a father and son should look like.
Gage’s eyes grow big when we walk outside and he sees Nash’s Jeep. “This is the coolest car ever! The tires are bigger than me, and I’m a big boy. My momma told me so.”
“I need to grab Gage’s booster seat from my car real quick.”
“Aww, Mom. Do I have to sit in a booster?”
“You know you do
, Gage. You’re a big boy, but not quite big enough to be safe without your booster seat.”
Nash helps me put it into the Jeep, then picks Gage up. “Look.” He points to the sunroof. “Sitting in the booster makes you high up so you can look out of the sunroof better.”
“That's so cool! Can I raise my hand and stick it out the top?”
“Yes, bud, but only when the car is not moving. Deal?”
“Deal,” says Gage, nodding.
The drive to the festival is fun. Windows down, we all sing “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen at the top of our lungs. Gage hollers, making up words as he sings along. I love that Nash has eclectic tastes in music, just like I do.
In no time at all, we pull into a parking spot downtown. The festival is busy, but not so crowded that you can’t move. Gage bounces up and down in his seat, seeing the funnel cake truck. “Funnel cake! Funnel cake! Funnel cake!”
Nash gets him out and pokes him in the side, causing him to giggle. “You wouldn’t want a funnel cake, would you, Gage?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Please, Momma.”
“Yes, if you promise to stay right with us and not try and run ahead. There are too many people here. You could get lost.”
As we stand in line, waiting to order, I hear a somewhat familiar voice behind us.
“Well, aren’t you just the cutest little thing.”
Nash and I both turn our heads to see that teacher who was at the pub the other night. Before we can say anything, Gage starts talking to her.
“I’m a big boy. My name is Gage.” He turns and points to us. “This is my momma and my Nash. He’s momma’s boyfriend, but I hope he becomes my daddy soon.”
She almost has a sneer on her face when she looks at us. “Oh really. Don’t you have a daddy?”
“Ms. Lange, I really don’t think that’s any of your business,” Nash says in an irritated voice.
Gage doesn’t seem to hear. “I do, but he’s mean and doesn’t like me.”
I grab Gage’s hand and pull him to me, turning him toward the food truck to get him to stop talking to that woman. He’s all excited when he sees the funnel cakes and how big they are.