Makin’ the Cut

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by Rennie Rivera

  Makin’ the Cut

  Rennie Rivera


  Copyright 2019 © Rennie Rivera

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to, or downloaded from file sharing sites or distributed in any other way via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Cover Design & Format: Dark Water Covers

  This is for all the girls who grew up thinking they’re not good enough. For the girls who think they’re not worthy of love. For all the girls who second guess themselves after a bad breakup.

  I’m here to tell you, you are worthy of love. You are good enough. You’re so much more than you give yourself credit for. Don’t second guess yourself because of some asshat who doesn’t appreciate what he has or had.

  To all you who can relate to Savy, I’m here to tell you it gets better! All you have to do is believe in yourself and in your future! We all have a Lukah out there just waiting to run into us.

  And last but not least, this is for my Deb. I hope you’re watching down on me from the heavens above and are proud of me. You were always there when I needed your advice or just a shoulder to cry on. I miss those hugs! Thank you for believing in me and for pushing me to be my very best and not accept anything less.




  1. Savannah

  2. Lukah

  3. Savannah

  4. Lukah

  5. Savannah

  6. Savannah

  7. Lukah

  8. Savannah

  9. Lukah

  10. Savannah

  11. Lukah

  12. Lukah

  13. Savannah

  14. Savannah

  15. Savannah

  16. Lukah

  17. Lukah

  18. Lukah

  19. Savannah

  20. Lukah

  21. Savannah

  22. Savannah

  23. Savannah

  24. Savannah


  Coming Soon

  Also by Rennie Rivera


  About the Author



  Six months ago...

  “Class Cancelled.” That was the sign hanging on the door of my art and design class.

  Hm, classes cancelled. That gives me a great idea. I should head home to surprise Gavin. Grinning at my ingenious plan, I head out to my car.

  Gavin and I started dating sophomore year of high school. He made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. He made me feel safe, and like I was the most important thing in his life. Sure, he had football—he was the star quarterback—but he never let that go to his head. It didn’t even bother him that I wasn’t a cheerleader or particularly athletic. He said it actually made him love me more.

  I was always worried that after graduation, it would all come to an end. That maybe it was just puppy love. But then fate stepped in and we were both accepted to Cleveland State University. We both received full scholarships, his because of football and mine for my academics as the class salutatorian.

  We lived on campus the first year and then found a nice three-bedroom apartment near campus. Although my academics were paid for, it didn’t pay the rent and bills. So I got a waitressing job at The Pink Lantern, a strip club, a few nights a week.

  Turned out one of the girls there was looking for a place when we were searching for a roommate. We never had to worry about Sammy covering her share. She was one of the more popular girls at work, so she made good money the nights she worked.

  Sofia introduced us after she got me the job there. Sofia, or Fia as I and those close to her have always called her, was the greatest best friend/unbiological sister a girl could ask for. When Fia started dating Rhen, the head bouncer, she made it quite clear we were a package deal. Something he would have accepted anyway, because we’re all close.

  That was two years ago. They’re engaged now, and I won’t lie, I’m kinda jealous. They have the best relationship; one I aspire to have.

  Our five-year anniversary was approaching, and I’m hoping for a proposal. He’s been quite secretive lately, but hopefully he’s planning the most romantic and epic proposal ever.

  We haven’t had a whole lot of time together except when I crawl into bed after work, or on the occasion that Sammy and I work different shifts that are parallel to his football and conditioning or work schedule. So, my class being cancelled is a little blessing that’s just what we need. I don’t work tonight, so it’s perfect. Plus, I’m pretty sure today is the day Sammy went in early, so by now she should already be gone.

  As I walk into the lobby of our apartment building and push the elevator call button, I get this eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach warning me that something’s off. I shake it off, telling myself it’s probably nothing. Getting off the elevator and walking down the hall, that eerie feeling becomes stronger, but I dismiss it again.

  As I unlock the door and step in, I can hear the shower running. I set the food and wine I picked up on my way home down on the dining room table and begin to strip as I make my way to the bathroom. Just before I open the curtain, I see his boxers and a pair of lace panties on the floor.

  Why would Sammy leave her panties on the floor?

  I pull open the curtain and stare in utter shock. It feels as though my heart has stopped. Gavin is balls deep in Sammy where he has her pushed up against the shower wall.

  I stand there, stunned, with tears streaming down my face. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I throat punch him and grab Sammy by her hair.

  She screams, “What the…” as I punch her in the face, breaking her nose before dragging her as I storm through the apartment, and toss her into the hall. Butt ass naked, she yells for Gavin to do something as I slam the door in her face.

  I’m a mixture of pissed off, heartbroken, and confused. Deciding to channel it all into anger for now, I march back toward Gavin, who stands bent over in the doorway, trying to catch his breath.

  I look him over, make-up filled tears staining my cheeks. “How long? How long, Gavin? I am so fucking stupid. Stupid enough to think you loved me and even more stupid to think you were planning a big romantic proposal. When you’ve been fucking our roommate behind my back. Why wasn’t I enough? I’ve given you everything the last five years and this is what I get in return? Why couldn’t you just end it?”

  He looks up at me, taking a deep breath. “Savy, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you I wasn’t in love with you anymore. I haven’t been for a while now. Sammy and I’ve been together for almost a year and I just couldn’t find the right way to tell you it was over between us.”

  I stumble back from the blow of his confession, feeling as though he just punched me in the gut. “Wh—what? So instead of having the balls to tell me the truth, you strung me along? You fucking coward.” I can’t look at him any longer, the sight of him makes me want to vomit.

  As tears begin to stream down my face again, I storm off to my office and start throwing my stuff into my backpack. I gather all my sketch books, art supplies, and samples. I run to the bedroom a
nd quickly throw some clothes into a duffle bag, realizing I’ll need to get a new toothbrush and other essentials. No way am I setting foot back into that bathroom. I take a look around, feeling defeated.

  As I walk out of the room, Gavin steps out of my way. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I never meant to—”

  I swing round. “Stop. Don’t you dare say it. If you didn’t mean to hurt me, you would’ve manned up and told me properly. Instead I find you fucking the club whore in our shower.” I turn back to head toward the door.

  Gavin must have let Sammy back in, because she stands near the couch, wrapped in my favorite throw blanket holding a towel to her nose. She’s crying, “Savy, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you.”

  I look at her, feeling as though she just slapped me across the face. “Don’t pretend you care. Oh, and do us both a favor and don’t show your ass around the club anymore. If you think me breaking your nose hurts, wait until Sofia gets a hold of you. Both of you. I’ll be back for the rest of my shit tomorrow, do us all a favor and don’t be here. You can keep that blanket too, it’s tainted now.”

  As I start to walk out, I remember the food and wine. I pick up the food, throwing it with all my might, watching as it hits the wall, splattering everywhere. I pick up my wine and walk out the door.

  Once on the elevator, with shaking hands I retrieve my phone and shoot Fia a text:

  Me: Home?

  Fia: Of course, what’s up?

  Me: Need to come over.

  Fia: Girl, you know you don’t need to ask. Rhen just got home with pizza.

  Me: Sweet. I’ve got wine, but going to stop for more. See you in 15...

  Fia: Okay.

  After loading my stuff into my car, I slide into driver’s seat and sit for a minute, trying to calm myself down enough to drive. I sit and cry like a blubbering baby. Why? Why me? Why am I never enough for someone?

  Finally finding the strength to somewhat compose myself, I take off. Within fifteen minutes, I’ve stopped, grabbed more wine, and made it to Fia and Rhen’s apartment. I leave everything in my car except the wine and make my way into the elevator from the parking garage.

  On my way up, I think of all the years I’ve wasted on the worthless scumbag. He was my first, my only, and I had invested so much of myself into the relationship. I’m now beginning to question who I am. How could I be so stupid? How could I not see the signs?

  Well, this’ll never happen again. I refuse to fall victim to love ever again. I make myself a vow to seal up my heart and to not get involved in another relationship. I don’t need the distraction and heartache. I’ll focus on my designs and bury myself in work. Time to step up my game. I need to make better money, so maybe Frank will let me become an entertainer. I mean, he is short one girl now, after all. I’ll have Fia talk to him. But tonight—tonight, I’ll cry and let all the hurt wash away.

  Tomorrow is going to be the first day of the rest of my life.

  Fia yanks the door open before I’m even off the elevator. The moment I see her, the dam breaks. I can no longer be strong or calm. The tears return and I begin to shake. Fia wraps her arms around me as Rhen relieves me of the bottles of wine.

  Fia can see from my current state, things are serious. She helps me to the couch and goes to get my favorite blanket off my bed in the spare room. I lay my head on Rhen’s lap while he plays with my hair. He knows the best way to soothe and relax both of us is to play with our hair and massage our scalps.

  I lay there for what feels like forever, sobbing and ugly crying, still wondering how this could have happened to me. Then, suddenly it’s as though I’ve cried all my sadness out. The tears stop and anger has reared its ugly head.

  I jump up, scaring both Fia and Rhen. But they’ve been waiting for this. They really are the best. They gave me space and time to be ready to talk about what was going on.

  Fia sits up as she looks at me. “Savy, what’s going on? Gotta admit, this doesn’t seem like you. You’re kinda scaring me.” She let out a nervous laugh.

  I stop pacing, spinning around to face them. “I walked in to find that no good, two-timing, piece of shit fucking Sam in our shower. Class was cancelled today so instead of calling, I went home to surprise Gavin. I even stopped and got our favorite food and wine on my way, thinking we could have some romantic alone time that we rarely get. Well, I’m the one who got the surprise instead.” I begin pacing again. “After the initial shock wore off, I throat punched him then turned and broke the skank bitch’’s nose. Then dragged that nasty whore out butt naked, leaving her in the hall screaming for Gavin before packing a bag and leaving.”

  Fia begins to laugh hysterically.

  I stop pacing and look at her. “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? Why are you fucking laughing? I just told you I caught my boyfriend of five years cheating on me!”

  She slows her laugh. “No, I’m laughing because you finally gave Sam what the rest of us have only dreamed of. Believe me when I say I’m so, so sorry that this has happened. I’m sorry that piece of shit who never deserved you from the start has done this. But karma will get him. Although you got a good start on him!”

  Rhen has been sitting quietly, just listening, and I turn to look at him. He’s got a look on his face that tells me he wants to beat Gavin’s ass. “Listen to me, it’s okay. I took care of it. All I ask is that you go with me tomorrow to get the rest of my things. I may need to crash here until I find a place of my own.” I turn to Fia. “Fia, do you think you can ask Frank to give me a shot as an entertainer? I need to start making some real money.”

  Rhen jumps up, causing me to stumble back a little. “You guys need ice cream. I’m going to run and get some.” And with that, he kisses Fia. “I love you.”

  I watch as he leaves, knowing what he’s really planning. And to be quite honest, Gavin deserves whatever he has coming to him. Rhen warned him.

  After he and Fia got together, Rhen took me under his wing as his little sister and always looks out for me. He always makes sure no one gets too rough and handsy with me at work. It isn’t that I can’t handle my own, he just enjoys doing it for me. I think Fia gets off on it too, to be honest. She never gets jealous, she knows he loves her and only her, and if anything, she eggs him on. She knows the rough childhood I had before Momma stepped in.

  Fia and I sit back, drinking our wine that she kindly poured into the largest wine glasses she owns. I know I won’t be over Gavin in a matter of hours, but this is a good start. With a family like mine, I know they’ll get me through this.

  I turn to Fia. “Go ahead, I know you’re dying to text Momma and tell her what happened. I’m sure that’s what took you so long earlier was you giving her a heads-up.”

  She smirks. “Oh, you know me too well. I did alert her that something was up, but never did I think he’d cheated. It’s his loss, Savy. You’re a great catch and there are bigger and better fish in the sea. Now we need to find you a good playmate!”

  I almost choke on my wine. “Bitch, I’ve been single like five minutes and you’re already trying to push me into another bed? Damn, slow down. Besides, I’m done with love and relationships.”

  “You can’t let one douche ruin it for your prince charming. He’s out there. Savy, you just wait and see. Your ‘one’ is out there and when you least expect it, bam there he’ll be.”

  I think about that for a moment. “Well, he’ll be searching a long time. Just because you found your ‘one’ doesn’t mean I will. You got lucky, and I kind of envy that. But I’m not getting my hopes up nor am I getting into any more relationships.”

  The next few weeks seem to fly by. Just as I’d advised, Sam never showed her face around work again. She told Frank she found a new job, but Fia and I knew it was because she was afraid of what would happen if Fia got ahold of her.

  Fia got me the position and it seems to be paying off. I’m Savy, the college student and fashion designer by day, and Kalesi, the blonde beauty by night. I make sure to
wear a wig to cover my chestnut brown locks, and contacts to conceal my mismatched eyes. I portray strength and confidence on the outside, but inside I feel weak and self-conscious.

  I hide my depression well. Sofia and Rhen think I’m pushing through but really, I feel empty inside. Despite my words and determination, I’m not sure I can ever get over this.



  Six months.

  I can’t believe it’s been six months since I caught Gavin and Sammy. How could I have been so blind? Ugh, and why am I still obsessing about it?

  Okay, that’s it. No more lying in bed and sulking. No more sitting here, avoiding the real world unless I have to go out in it. Gavin and his slut bag have occupied my headspace long enough. The only way to get over this is to move on—with life that is.

  I’m still not ready for a romantic relationship.

  Time to get up, get over it, and move forward. With that thought, I roll out of bed and head toward the shower. Time to wash away the old and start fresh, with a clean slate, so to speak.

  As I finish drying off, I hear a knock on the door. “Be out in a minute.”

  “Bitch, I see you naked all the time at work. Open up. I’ve gotta pee. Hurry, hurry, hurry.”

  I laugh as I unlock the door. Fia storms in naked, rushing over to the toilet.

  “Damn, Fia, seriously? You could’ve put your robe on. I mean, we may be sisters but that doesn’t mean I want to see you naked every morning.”


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