Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 2

by Rennie Rivera

  As she flushes and washes her hands, she laughs at me. “I like leavin’ him easy access in case he wakes and feels the need to just roll over and stick it in.”

  Still laughing, I cover my ears. “Bitch, that is way too much information for me. I haven’t even had my coffee yet. I don’t need to hear anymore.”

  With that, I head to my room and get dressed before returning to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I throw my mop up into a messy bun, slap on some eyeliner and mascara, grab my phone and satchel, and head out to library.

  “Leaving,” I call as I walk out, pulling the door closed behind me.

  While waiting for the elevator, I start thinking about how it’s time I find my own apartment. With my savings from the past six months, I have enough to pay the rent, deposit, and furnish it, and still have a nice chunk left. I’ll be able to use that to make Sofia’s wedding dress, my maid of honor dress, and Rhen’s vest, silk hankie, and tie too. I may have to make the best man’s too, actually, because it has to match my dress. They decided to keep it small and simple as far as the wedding party went, so that makes my job a lot easier.

  Doing that for them is the least I can do for all they’ve done for me. They’ve always been there for me. Sofia and I have been friends since we were seven years old. Deb, Momma as we call her, my adopted mom, would always say we were attached at the hip. Fia and I did everything and went everywhere together. She’s been there from the beginning.

  When Rhen and Sofia started dating, she told him that along with being with her, he had to accept me too. Which he’d have done on his own because his response was, “I’ve always wanted a little sister! Your family is my family. I’m in.”

  Sofia and I are more than best friends, we’re soul sisters. She looks out for me and takes care of me like the big sister I always wanted. And she’d never put her boyfriend before me. Although he’s dating her and sleeping with her, I’m always going to be a priority to her.

  So helping with the wedding is absolutely my pleasure. I mean, they won’t even let me give them anything for rent or bills while I’m staying with them. They just tell me to save what I make and work on my designs. My biggest fans, aside from Momma, that is.

  That’s all the more reason I need to get my own place. I most definitely need a two-bedroom too, because I can use the spare room for my workspace. Shit, if I could find one in the building, it’d be perfect, because I’d be right here near Fia and Rhen and only ten minutes from Momma’s.

  Exiting the elevator, I notice a sign near the mailboxes that reads, “For Rent—3 bedroom, $850 a month. Inquire inside.”

  Standing there looking around, I wait for someone to jump out at me. That has to be some kind of prank. Out of curiosity, I walk over to the rental office and ring the bell.

  A pleasant woman answers, “Hi, how can I help you today?”

  I smile at her. “I was wanting to inquire about the apartment for rent. Is it still available? How can I apply for it?”

  “Well yes, it’s still available. It’s been up for rent for the last two weeks, actually. Let’s get you an application and run it. Would you like to see it?”

  I stare at her, amazed. Two weeks. How had I never noticed that sign? Had I really been that distracted? Geesh, get it together, Savy. She’s staring at you.

  “Okay, absolutely. I’m extremely interested. This couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  Sitting down, I start filling out the application she hands me. She takes my driver’s license and social security card and starts typing into her computer. When I’m finished, I hand it over to her.

  “Okay, I went ahead and did a credit check and you’re in luck. We’ll go up and look at it first. Then if it’s to your liking, we can go ahead and sign a lease and get your keys, provided you have the rent and deposit today.”

  This is the best news! Getting up, I follow her back to the elevator, leaving my satchel in her office.

  As we get inside, she explains how the property owner was dying to get someone in there. “He hated it sitting empty and unused. Today is definitely your lucky day.”

  Watching the numbers climb, I’m so excited. “I was literally on my way to the library to start looking at rental websites and imagine my surprise when I saw the sign. I’m shocked it didn’t catch my eye sooner.”

  She smiles. “Oh, we just put the sign out this morning, but it’s been listed on the rental sites for two weeks. The property owner thought maybe we needed more advertising.”

  We walk through the front door, and I can tell immediately that it’s perfect. I wander around and check the whole place out. The view from the windows is beautiful. I spin around on my heel. “I’ll take it!”

  “Perfect. Let’s go down and get your lease signed and get you those keys. Do you want to pay by check or debit?”

  As she holds the door open for me and we go back to the elevator, I pull out my checkbook. “Who do I make this out to?”

  I finish signing my lease and listen to all the things the woman tells me about rent and what utilities are included. I hand over my check and she hands over my keys! I stand up and shake her hand. Barely remembering to grab my satchel in my excitement, I make my way out to the lobby. Then I pull out my phone, deciding to tell everyone together in a group chat.

  Me: Got great news, guys.

  Fia: What, bitch?

  Momma: What’s the news, baby girl?

  Me: I just signed the lease to my very own apartment.

  Fia: Woohoo.

  Me: Let’s meet, fifteen minutes. Time to shop


  Momma: Getting dressed now. I’ll be on my way in a few.

  Me: YAY! See you soon!

  Waiting for Momma and Fia, I think about how extremely blessed and lucky I was to have such an amazing family. People don’t always get to pick theirs, but I was blessed with being able to choose mine, thanks to the walking incubator abandoning me. I used to think it was an awful thing to have happen to me, but now I know it was a blessing. Because out of the whole ordeal, I got Momma. She stepped up and became the mother I always needed but never had, and raised me to be a strong, independent woman.

  Then Sofia came along, joining our little family and making it complete. When her family moved in next door to Momma, we became inseparable. We played together every day and always stuck together at school. She was the sister I always wanted. We didn’t need to be blood to be bonded.

  And of course, there was Rhen, such a great addition. He came along and without even knowing it, saved Sofia when she was in her weakest moment. He immediately stepped up to accept me as family when he realized that in order to have Sofia, he had to accept us all. Momma said he was the missing piece in Sofia’s heart.

  My family has always stood behind me, encouraging me and my dreams. They’re my biggest supporters.

  Yet, the last six months I’ve been letting my weaknesses rule me. I used to think that Gavin was my missing piece, but now I think that place will forever remain missing. I shake my head, trying to get away from those kinds of thoughts.

  Instead, I focus on my passion. I’ve spent my whole life dreaming of having my own fashion label. Designing one of a kind, personal, and custom-made clothes that look expensive but won’t break the bank. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.

  For my seventh birthday, Momma got me a sewing machine and fabric. She told me to go crazy, to design and create to my heart’s desire. I wound up being the seamstress and costume designer for all our school plays. I designed most of Fia and I’s wardrobe too. Hell, I even made most of the prom dresses for our graduating class, which was pretty intense, to say the least. It was such a great feeling, walking through prom and seeing the girls wearing my designs.

  That was what I wanted to experience every day. I mean sure, I saw Fia and the girls at work wearing my designs, but it wasn’t the same as walking through the airport or at a concert, or at a wedding, and seeing someone wearing my custom designs.
  I’m so lost in thought, I don’t even see Momma pull up until Fia comes up behind me, grabbing my arm, and drags me to the car.

  “Bitch, get your ass in the car. We’ve got lots to do!”

  Laughing, we jump in the car.

  Momma grins. “There are my beautiful girls! Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Fia and I say hi simultaneously.

  Then I dive right in. “Okay, let’s talk wedding first. September twenty-seventh is right around the corner and we’re almost at the ninety-day mark for the big day. So, first, did you guys decide on inside or outside?”

  Momma jumps at the chance to give input. “Autumn is the perfect time of year, since it isn’t too hot nor too cold! The leaves will be changing and colorful, so an outside wedding will be perfect. And to avoid the possibility of rain ruining it, we can have the tents set up. The placement of the altar would be based on how the sun is positioned that day, so that’ll be the last thing we set up. So, I vote outside.”

  I nod in agreement. “Okay, bride to be, what shall it be?”

  Fia’s smile is so big, it has to hurt her face. “Duh, outside! But I have one small dress request. How hard would it be to make me a reception dress? One I could dance in comfortably without the fear of ripping my wedding gown?”

  “It wouldn’t be too hard. Just need to get some extra material. I have the perfect design too!”

  Momma nods. “Good. Next order of business, who’s performing the ceremony? And have you booked a DJ yet? Sofia Maria, so help me if you haven’t booked these things, I’ll beat you. So please, please tell me you didn’t forget. Oh, and what about caterers? Geesh, I feel like we haven’t sat down and done anything!”

  Fia nodded. “Okay so yes, we have a DJ. Rhen asked DJ Chris at work if he’d do it. As for catering, we got that covered too. The only thing I have left is who’s performing the ceremony. I haven’t done that yet.”

  Momma snaps, “Well what the fuck are you waiting for? Christmas?”

  Fia smiles really big. “I’m waiting for you, Momma. You’re who we want to perform the ceremony. Who else better to join us than the person who helped bring us together in the first place?”

  Momma sits quietly for a moment, and when I look over, I notice tears falling down her cheeks. She finally whispers, “I’d be happy to, baby. I’m so proud of you and Rhen. I always knew you’d get here one day. I’m honored to perform the ceremony and bless your union.”

  Wiping away my own tears, I sit and watch the two most important women in my life share a moment. I used to want a moment like that, but fuck, even though I knew I wouldn’t get it now, I was still happy to see them sharing it.

  Fia looks me dead in the face. “And I’m telling you right now, you’ve got three months to find a date for the wedding or I’ll have one there for you. I refuse to have my sister and best friend alone at my wedding. Better start huntin’ now, bitch.”

  She laughs hysterically and a bit evilly, but I know she’s serious about setting me up with someone at the wedding. Guess I should at least go on a date or two. Because I know if I don’t put in—or at least pretend to put in—some effort, she’ll hound me.

  “Okay, I hear you.”

  Deciding I should maybe see if Rhen has that guy’s number from last week that he tried setting me up with, I pull out my phone to text him.

  Me: Hey.

  Rhen: Hey, what’s up?

  Me: Do you remember that guy at the bar last week you introduced me to?

  Rhen: Yea, Brandon. He seemed pretty interested.

  Me: Why don’t you give him my number and have him shoot me a text or give me a call?

  Rhen: Are you sure? Don’t let Fia talk you into something you aren’t ready for. Lol.

  Me: Yeah, fuck it. I mean they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else lol.

  Rhen: Lol true, true. Are you sure this is what you want?

  Me: Yeah, I’m sure.

  Rhen: Okay I’ll send him your info. See you at the apartment.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and try to keep up with Momma and Fia. This is the fourth store we’ve been to and we’ve finally picked out all the furniture for my apartment, which to be honest was a relief.

  Once I pay for the final pieces, we head out to the car. Thankfully, they can deliver later that afternoon, so we decide to make one more stop for wine before heading back to the apartment. I mention my chat with Rhen as we ride up the elevator to my new apartment.

  “So, I had Rhen give Brandon my number. I may give this dating thing a go. If for nothing else than for a date to the wedding. Fia, don’t make a big deal of it, please? It’s not a wedding proposal or anything.”

  Momma looks at me for a few minutes. “I’m glad you’re gonna give dating another try. I promise not to make a fuss. As for your sister, you already know once she sees you guys together, she’ll start planning your wedding.”

  Fia tried to look offended. “Hey. Not true. I promise not to overreact, and to only tease slightly.”

  I laugh. That’s my Fia.

  Unlocking my apartment and walking in is surreal. I go to the kitchen to put the wine and beer away along with the wine glasses we picked up, thinking about how I’ve honestly never lived on my own. I went from living with Momma, to college where Fia and I roomed together, to living with Gavin. It feels like a great step in the right direction. I’m so excited, and I can’t believe that I have my very own place!

  I was giving Momma and Fia a tour when I heard a knock at the door. Fia ran to answer it while I poured some wine for us and grabbed Momma a beer.

  Rhen walked in with pizza, smiling proudly, followed by the furniture delivery guys. “Sis, these guys wanna know where you want everything.”

  Before I can answer, Momma starts barking commands and I just stand and stare as she looks at me. “Which room is going to be your design room and which the bedroom?”

  I motion for the delivery guys to follow me as I point out which room’s designated as which. As I walk back down the hall toward everyone my phone chimes.

  Unknown: Hey, this is Brandon. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out Sunday?

  Me: Oh hey, um yeah sure. Just send me the place and time and I’ll meet you.

  Unknown: Okay sounds great. See you Sunday.

  Three hours later, everything is delivered and set up. We hang out in the living room, sprawled out on my new couches as we polish off the last of the wine and pizza.

  Momma speaks up. “Okay, time for us to get outta your hair. Fia, Rhen, let’s go. Baby girl, we’ll see you tomorrow. I love you and am so proud of you for taking these steps toward your future.” She gives me a big hug first, then Fia and Rhen.

  “She’s right, we’re all so very proud of you,” Rhen says. “Gavin didn’t deserve you, but there’s someone out there who does. Now that you’re ready to move forward, you’ll find him. But I promise you, no pressure. Not from us. Goodnight, I love you.”

  Fia gives me another hug. “Goodnight, bitch. I love you and love the place, too, by the way. I promise to leave you alone and let you figure out this dating stuff. But just know I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

  Quickly stepping into the hall behind them, I smile. “Oh, hey guys, don’t forget graduation is Tuesday, May twentieth, at eleven a.m.”

  They all wave, promising they won’t miss it as they step into the elevator.

  Closing and locking the door, I take in my surroundings. A rush of joy and happiness consumes me as I realize this is all mine. My own apartment that I don’t have to share or worry that it’s tainted with old memories. This is the clean page I’ve been waiting for.

  Exhausted, I walk through shutting out the lights, making my way to my room, and then strip down to my panties and tank top and crawl into bed. I settle in, thinking about the date I’m going on Sunday. Brandon texted back earlier to work out the details as we were eating, and we agreed on a pizza place. I might not hav
e wanted to get into another relationship, but a night out sounds good to me. Here’s hoping he’s not a douche. With that thought, I drift off to sleep.



  “Izzy, can you hold all my calls for the afternoon?”

  She stands in the doorway. “Yes, Lukah, I can do that. But we need to sit down and schedule the fashion show event, along with the advertisement. Remember? This year’s winner gets to meet with elite investors of your choosing to pitch their ideas for an opportunity to further their careers in the industry. This event is your baby, and I want to ensure that it goes off without any issues.”

  I look at her with nothing but admiration. She’s so much more than my assistant, she’s a woman I’ve grown to love and respect like a little sister. Someone I’m proud to call my best friend. She definitely holds me together and keeps me in line.

  I grin. “You’re absolutely correct. Let me order us some lunch and we can get started on it. Just put the ‘Out of the office’ message on the voicemail and email. Chinese sound good?”

  Izzy nods and backs out the door. I hit the speed dial for our favorite Chinese place, Best Wok, and give them our order. They promise delivery in thirty minutes, which gives me enough time to make the dreaded call I’ve been avoiding for the last week.

  “Hello, Law offices of Garrett and Sons. How may I direct your call?” a woman asks.

  “Greg Garrett, please,” I respond while drumming my fingers on the desk.

  “And who should I say is calling?”

  “Lukah Jacobs.”

  “One moment please,” she replies, and then just as quick as she answers, she’s gone.

  I wait impatiently for Greg to answer, feeling anxious to get this conversation over with. The quicker it’s over, the quicker I can move forward.

  Suddenly, the music stops, and his voice comes through the receiver. “Lukah, how are you? I’ve been expecting your call for over a week now. So glad to finally get you on the line,” Greg says in what can only be called his smug voice.


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