Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 6

by Rennie Rivera

  “Damn, that’s amazing. With talent and passion like that, why didn’t you just skip school and open your own business?”

  “I wanted to be well-educated in the field. I don’t like to do anything half-ass. Plus, I don’t know shit when it comes to the business end of it, so I made sure to also take business classes too.”

  Maggie drops off our drinks and winks as she walks back toward the kitchen.

  “So Lukah, what is it you do?”

  “I recently inherited my grandfather’s investment company. But before that I modeled a little. Fashion fascinates me. Maybe you could show me some of your designs one day. I mean, if we make it past the first date.” He winks.

  I can’t believe how well this is going. Holy shit. And what the hell is he doing out to lunch with me? We’re from two different sides of the tracks. “Sure, I’d love to show you sometime. Wow, inherited a company. Impressive. But also, I’m sorry for your loss. Were you guys close?”

  Our food arrives just before he can answer.

  He looks at our plates. “Damn that’s a big ass burger. Thanks Maggie.”

  Smiling, she sets the bill down on the edge of the table. “You’re very welcome. I’ll just leave this here, there’s no rush. I won’t bother you guys. If you need anything, I’ll be over there. Otherwise, enjoy!”

  We both thank her and immediately dive into our food. In between bites, he tells me how his grandfather raised him and how he was his best friend and biggest supporter. He tells me about his assistant Izzy, says she’s like the little sister he never got. Damn, he is fuckin’ perfect. I was in no way ready for this date to end.

  I may regret this, seeing as I’m not even remotely on the same level as him, but it won’t hurt to ask. “So, do you have any plans tonight?”

  He looks at me as he finishes the last of his onion rings. “Not anything I can think of. Why, do you have something in mind?”

  I can feel myself blushing. “Well, I’m having such a great time and would like to hang out some more, but I have this bridal shower to get to in a couple hours. Would you like to be my date? We can even go by my studio and look at some of my designs, if you want, before we go.”

  He gave me that sexy smile again. Damn, I think I could cum just from watching him smile. “I’d love to. I’m really enjoying this too. Sounds weird, but I feel like we’ve known each other forever. It’s easy to talk to you.”

  I think my heart skips a beat. “Yeah, I feel the same way. It’s nice. This doesn’t feel awkward or forced like most of my dates.” I take a breath. I hope I’m not fucking up. “Okay, we have two hours still to kill, so let’s get outta here. We can stop by my apartment where I can show you my studio and my portfolio.”

  We get up and head for the door, where he stops to pay the bill while I say my goodbyes. Maggie and Megan both hug me and smile. I know what they’re thinking, and I feel a little territorial and want to chastise them for the way they’re eye-fucking him. But I remind myself he isn’t mine. Yet. We’re only on a date.

  As he finishes, we walk out together to the sidewalk. “Can I ride with you? I took a taxi over and figure I’d have my car service pick me up afterwards.”

  I nod. “Oh, yeah sure. I’m parked over here.”

  We walk to my car in comfortable silence. Now to kill these two hours before the party. I’m not even going to warn them he’s coming. We’ll just show up together and shock them all!

  Shit I need a glass of wine. We’re going to be alone, together, in my apartment. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. I can control myself. I got this!



  Holy shit, this is going better than I thought it would. She’s so fucking gorgeous. Those eyes, that smile. Damn. I. Am. So. Screwed.

  The things I’d do to her. Fuck. Stop it.

  Trying to kill the thoughts that are beginning to brew, I make small talk. “So, who’s bridal shower are we going to later?”

  “It’s my sister and best friend, Sofia’s. She and Rhen are getting married September twenty-seventh. I’m not only the maid of honor, but she’s also given me the honor of designing her wedding gown and reception dress.”

  “Reception dress?”

  She looks at me and laughs. “Yeah, Fia loves to dance and wants something she can move in. So, she’s asked me to make her something simple she can dance in but still be the center of attention. Not that she won’t already be the center of attention. That bitch always is.”

  I chuckle. “Wow, well that’s a pretty good idea. So, you’re doing the bridesmaid’s gowns too?”

  “Yep, each one will be unique. I design clothes to fit the person wearing them by their personality. It’s my trademark.”

  I look over, completely in awe of her. “I’ve got to say, I’ve never met anyone like you. Especially not in the fashion world.”

  “Well, thank you. I think.” She laughs again. Infectious, her laugh is absolutely infectious.

  “Can I ask you something a little personal?”

  She looks over at me and nods. “Sure.”

  “Your eyes, they’re stunning. Are you wearing contacts, or are those your true eye colors?”

  “They’re my natural eyes. I was born with a rare eye phenomenon called heterochromia. I used to hate it and wished my mom would’ve gotten me contacts, so no one knew. I was teased so much as a kid. Because of my eyes, and I was a book nerd. But Fia was always there to defend me.”

  Looking away, I twist my fingers just at the thoughts of how badly the teasing used to bother me.

  Shaking off those thoughts, I continue. “Momma told me I needed to embrace my uniqueness. She said I was put here with these gifts to show the world that different is awesome. She never called them flaws or deformities. Always referred to me as unique. So, I took her advice to heart and embraced my uniqueness. Shit, bitches wear contacts to have eyes like mine now.”

  Getting out of the car, we head to the elevator.

  “Well I think your eyes are quite mesmerizing. And you’re right, they wear them as a fashion statement now. I’m willing to bet that half the people that teased you as a kid are now trying to be like you.” I laugh.

  She responds with a chuckle. “You know what, you’re probably right.”

  We step off the elevator and I follow her down the hall.

  She pauses for a moment in front of a door before pulling her keys out. “Well here we are, my home sweet home slash studio. Please excuse the mess, though. It may not look like it, but I know where everything is. There’s a method to my madness, I can promise you.” She smiles before opening the door to her apartment.

  “I’m not here to judge your living habits. I’m just glad you’re willing to show me your designs. Most designers are so hush hush about their clothes until they’re complete and released at fashion week.”

  We walk in and I take in the décor and detail as she goes to the kitchen where she yells, “Can I get you anything to drink? Water, soda, wine, coffee?”

  “Sure, wine sounds good. What do you have?”

  “I have red Moscato. It’s all I drink wine-wise anymore.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  I glance around the apartment and happen to notice Marilyn on the walls, along with dragons and some pretty intense, yet inspiring quotes. This shit is deep. One in particular catches my eye though, as it’s something I live by daily. What’s meant to be will always find a way.

  “That’s so weird. I have this exact quote hanging in my apartment too,” I say loudly so she can hear me in the kitchen.

  Suddenly she’s standing next to me. “It’s something I live by. Not the what if’s or maybes of life. Just the pure fact that what’s meant to be will be. You can’t control fate; she has a mind of her own and refuses to be swayed!”

  I turn to look at her, staring into those beautiful eyes. “That’s so true.” Then I do something I’d been thinking about since I saw her a couple days ago; I kiss her.

  At first, I can feel
her tense up, probably from the shock of my boldness. But then she relaxes and returns the kiss. Damn her lips are so soft and inviting. Slowly, she pulls away, but without breaking eye contact, seemingly out of breath.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” I whisper, leaning my forehead against hers.

  “Please don’t apologize for doing that,” she says breathlessly.

  Then without warning, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. What starts out as soft and sensual, turns into rough and needing. I wrap my arm around her, placing my hand at the small of her back and the other I slide around her neck into her silky, soft, chestnut hair.

  The scent of peaches and cream overwhelms my senses as I deepen the kiss, sliding my tongue across her lips seeking, permission for access. She gasps at the touch but grants me the access I seek. Our tongues dance together in pure ecstasy. I could kiss her for hours and be content.

  She pulls away again, breathing heavily. “Wow, that was... Wow.” She steps back a few feet. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t do this right now. If I don’t stop it now, I will end up dragging you to my bed and fuckin’ your brains out. Which don’t get me wrong, sounds enticing, but I just can’t. Not yet at least. And as cliché as it sounds, it’s not you it’s me.”

  I nod in understanding. As much as I want to do exactly what she described, it’s too soon.

  She continues. “I don’t want to rush into anything. I just got out of something that completely crushed me. And I don’t know if I’m ready to go through that type of emotional craziness again. Can we take a step back and just hang out and get to know each other? Is that okay? I mean, if you’re looking for a fling, I get it, but I’m not that girl. I’m just not built that way.”

  I press a soft kiss to her cheek. “Please don’t apologize. I completely understand. I’m all for taking things slow and getting to know each other. I definitely don’t want you to think I came here to get you into bed, as tempting as it is. I’d genuinely like to see your sketchbook. I won’t push you to do anything you aren’t ready for or don’t want to do. It’s not my style.”

  “Well, good cause you don’t strike me as a one and done kinda guy. And those are the kind of guys who want in your pants the first date.” She gives a nervous laugh.

  As I follow her down the hall to her studio, I ask, “Does that mean I’ll get to take you out again?”

  She smiles. “Maybe, if you play your cards right. Let’s see how tonight goes and then we can revisit that question.”

  I nod as she opens the door to what I can only assume is her studio. She stands back, waving me in. I step inside admiring all the beautiful artwork on the walls. Then it catches my eye.

  “Is that the infamous wedding gown you mentioned?” I step toward a shell of a gown hanging on a mannequin.

  “It’s the start of it. I haven’t had a chance to add any details yet, but that’ll happen soon enough. Right now, I’m toying with a few different ideas. I want to be sure I capture Fia. She has no idea either. I’m making her wear a blindfold during the fittings. She’ll see the final product on her wedding day along with Rhen. She’s gonna shit herself when she sees it though!” She laughs.

  She hands me her sketchbook, and I begin to thumb through it. “Savannah, these designs belong in magazines. You’re so fuckin talented. I know you said you want to further your education in the field, but these are nothing like I’ve ever seen before. I mean, what if you just did an online store?” I ask in absolute interest.

  She shrugs. “Because they aren’t ready. I don’t want to be like every other designer. Magazine advertising has never been my dream. Those who sell bulk designs belong in those. I prefer to create one-of-a-kind designs that once someone has it, no one else will. Does that make sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense. You have such a raw talent. Now I know who to go to for my wardrobe.”

  Damn, this girl is not just beautiful and intelligent, she’s gifted.

  * * *


  Wow, not only sexy but smart. He really thinks my designs are that good. Holy shit. I mean, sure they’re good, but for him to say I belong in a magazine spread means the world to me. I look over at him as he continues to look through my designs.

  “So, since you say I’m so talented, I should have no problem winning the contest I entered last week!”

  He looks at me, stunned. “Contest? What contest?”

  “Make the Cut. It’s a fashion designer’s dream, to be completely honest. There are thirty contestants and we’ll all compete to be the top designer,” I say as I stare at him. Suddenly I notice all the color drain from his face. “Lukah, what is it? What’s wrong? Have you heard of it? Are you one of the models?”

  He clears his throat. “Um, not exactly. Maybe you should sit down. I need to tell you something.”

  I slowly sit down on my couch in the corner of my studio, the one I’ve slept on the last couple nights while worrying about the competition and graduation. He sits next to me.

  “Savannah, I’m not only sponsoring the competition, but also the brains behind it. It’s designers like you who gave me the idea to do something like this. I really hope this doesn’t change things between us. I have no hand in the judging or anything. I’m merely the wallet behind it.”

  I stand up and step away from him, pacing in shock. “I knew this was all too good to be true! Isn’t it a conflict of interest that you’re here? Please, you have to leave. I have everything riding on this. I can’t lose this opportunity.”

  He gets up and step towards me, grabbing my hands. “Savannah, stop. Calm down. Look, I don’t know the names of any of the contestants. I was told I’d be given all that information at check in. There’s no conflict of interest here.”

  I look up at him. I can feel the tears ready to spill over. Exactly as I thought, too good to be true. Why can’t something good be just that, something good? Just my luck.

  “We’re just two people hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. I really like you and would love to spend some more time with you. How about this, let’s enjoy this long weekend together, no strings attached.”

  Getting up, I slowly pace the studio.

  He follows me with his eyes as he continues. “Then come Tuesday morning, we’ll go our separate ways as friends, if that’s something you’d be interested in. I can’t explain the pull I feel toward you, but everything in me is telling me to stay. And no, I don’t expect sex. I just want time to get to know you. Is that too much to ask?”

  I slowly sit back down, thinking about what he’s asking. Can I do that? Can I spend the next two and a half days with him no strings attached? Fuck, I need to talk to Momma and Fia.

  I finally speak. “Okay, how about this. We’ll continue with tonight as planned. Then at the end of the night I’ll give you my answer. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds perfect. I’d be honored to escort you to the bridal shower and spend the rest of the evening with you.”

  I walk out of my studio to the kitchen. I need a drink and wine just isn’t going to cut it this time. I know he’s followed me. I reach into the freezer and pull out the bottle of whiskey I have stashed for moments like this, and pour myself a quick shot. I slam it before taking another. I can feel him looking at me.

  The attraction between us is raw. Sure, I’m sexually attracted to him, but even more so intellectually. But am I really ready for a weekend fling? Fia is always telling me to stop being a prude. To take a damn chance and stop stressing over every small detail. So, what? We spend the next couple of days together then walk away like it didn’t happen? Can I really do this? I mean, I did say I wasn’t looking for a relationship. Fuck it, I can do this. I need to do this. Fia is always saying I need to let loose a little and live. She’s right.

  Shit, I better prepare him for Momma, Fia, and Rhen before we get there. I jump up, planting my ass on the counter, inviting him to join me. “Okay listen, you’ve g
ot to know a few things before we go to this party. Would you like a shot?”

  He nods so I pour us both one.

  “Fia’s very protective of me. Rhen and Momma are very protective of us both. They’ll grill you and hound you and test you to see if you make the grade to be with me. Then, of course, Momma will pull you aside and grill you. I don’t want them to know that you’re involved in the competition, or that we’re talking about a weekend fling.”

  I smile at the thought of Fia’s reaction if she knew I was considering a fling, and slam another shot before pouring two more.

  “Plus, if I agree to this weekend, I need to know we won’t let it interfere with the competition. This competition, if I finish in the top three, is the exposure I need to get my label out there and help me open the boutique of my dreams. I’m not a weekend fling kinda girl. But I’m also not ready to jump into a relationship.”

  He steps in between my legs. “What happens between us, stays between us. As for the competition, I promise to do my best not to stare at you. I’ll be as professional as possible and not get in the way of your dreams. Besides, I see you taking this all the way and walking out the winner of it all, so stop doubting your talent. Thirdly, I welcome the grilling. As for the type of girl you are, I don’t doubt for a moment that you aren’t a fling girl. And who’s to say that after the competition we can’t pick up where we left off?”

  With that he presses his soft, sexy lips to mine and kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before. Pulling away slowly, he again leaves me breathless.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m in too deep. I’ve only just kissed this man and am already doubting I’ll be able to walk away come Tuesday morning. I put my hand on his muscular chest to hold him back before he dives in for another.


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