Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 5

by Rennie Rivera

  I wonder if he felt what I did when he touched me. It was like an energy surge running through me just by his touch. How is that possible? I mean Gavin and I never shared that spark, so I’m truly intrigued as to what this could mean. But this isn’t the time to find out. I have my hands full with the show. But damn, it’d be nice to see him again.

  Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Rhen. “Hey, Savy, what’s going on in that little head of yours? Your cheeks are beet red. Was your blind date that interesting last night?”

  I look at him blankly for a moment. “Fuck no. It was a disaster. I wound up leaving while he was in the restroom. The guy was a total ass munch. Gave me the creeps, if you want me to be completely honest.”

  Fia starts laughing hysterically. “Did you just refer to him as an ass munch? That’s good shit! I’m totally using that one!”

  I look at her and smile. “Have at it. Anyways, so as I was trying to dash out the door, I accidentally ran right into this gorgeous guy. Of course, he caught me before I fell back on my ass. But oh my gawd, was he hot!”

  Momma asks, “Did you get a name?”

  I sit back against the couch. “No, just apologized and ran out as fast as I could. I wanted to be out of sight before Georgie came back from the restroom. But those few moments in his arms were heaven!” I can feel my cheeks on fire again at the mere thought of it.

  Momma laughs. “Well maybe this mystery man will reappear again one day. You frequent that restaurant, so maybe you’ll run into him again.”

  I get up, shaking my head. “No, I can’t lose focus right now. This is my chance to realize my dreams a little faster than anticipated. There’s no room for men right now. I have way too much riding on this.”

  Fia nods “I’ll let Frank know tonight when we go in that we’re taking some time off. Since I’ll be your assistant, we’ll both need the same days off. Man, he’ll definitely be butt-hurt at losing his best feature dancer and his best barmaid, but oh well. I’ll just sick Rhen on him. Right baby?”

  Rhen smiled. “You bet your ass. Frank doesn’t just keep me around because I’m good at my job. He also knows I’m no one to fuck with even for him.”

  I giggle because if there is one thing about Rhen, it’s that he’s a big and intimidating son of a bitch. Nobody fucks with him. I can’t wait until he and Fia are finally married. Hmm, I wonder if Momma and I should give Fia her bridal gift now? She’s an ugly crier, so she’ll be mad if we do it at the bridal shower tomorrow.

  “Momma, remember that thing we were wanting to give Fia? I think we should do it now! It’ll make today truly the best day ever.”

  Fia looks back and forth between me and Momma, confused. Momma stands and goes to her purse by the door to retrieve a manila envelope. As she sits down and pats the seat next to her summoning Fia over, Rhen gets into position across the living room with the camera.

  I sit on the other side of Fia. “Okay, so because we all know you’re an ugly crier, we’re giving you our bridal shower gift today.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “Whatever, ain’t nothing about me ugly. I don’t know what you’re talking about, cause you cry even uglier than me. But hey, I love presents, so gimme what you got!”

  Momma looks at Rhen. “Ready?”

  He nods and that signals me to grab the tissues because I know we’ll need them. Momma hands her the envelope.

  “Baby girl, we’re so truly blessed to have you in our lives. When Savannah’s birth mother left her with me, I didn’t know how to heal the pain she felt at being abandoned. I tried my best to show her she was loved, but I knew it wasn’t enough.”

  I reach over and hand Momma a tissue to wipe her eyes as I see the tears rolling silently down her cheeks.

  Momma nods her thanks to as she continues. “Then you came along. You with your sassy mouth, pushy attitude, and a temper that scared almost everyone away. Everyone except us. I never thought I’d become a mom, then one day that all changed. Our family of two grew bigger. And now it grows again as we welcome Rhen into it.”

  I look over at Rhen, who although he’s filming this special moment, also has tears running down his face. We’re all just a bunch of crybabies sometimes. Getting up, I take him a tissue too.

  Momma sniffles, while wiping her eyes. “You’ve been with Savvy through it all. And she’s been there through all of your obstacles too. You two are truly each other’s person. This here is just our way of showing you how much we love you, and to say no matter what we’re always here for you!”

  Fia already has tears rolling down her cheeks as she listens to Momma’s speech. Shit, to be honest, so do Rhen and I. We knew what was in the envelope. It was my idea. I want nothing more than for her to be not only my soul-sister, but my legal sister too.

  Momma nods for her to open the envelope. Fia pulls the contents of the envelope out. She sits quietly, tears rolling down her face, reading the papers on top of both packets before finally hugging the papers and crying loudly. And here comes the ugly.

  I laugh at her. “There it is. There’s that ugly cry.”

  “Is this for real? You guys are adopting me?”

  I put my arms around her, while handing her a tissue. “Well duh, bitch. Now you’re really stuck with us! Rhen has agreed to a hyphenated name change too, so you’ll be Sofia Maria Hunter-Johnson. I mean if that’s what you want.”

  Sofia hugs me so hard. “Yes, yes I do!”

  We hug for a few minutes and then I get up and grab the champagne. “Let’s have a mimosa to celebrate!”

  Rhen and Momma take turns hugging her while I make mimosas. Man, today’s already been the best day! Even if I don’t win this competition, I’m still a winner. Just check out my family! Tomorrow I’ll start the list and prepping for the competition.

  Today we celebrate!



  Saturday brunch is my most favorite time of the week. It’s where I get to be with my family and just veg out and unwind. Not this Saturday, though. Today’s brunch is accompanied by setting up for tonight’s bridal shower.

  Momma has strict instructions and if I try to stray from them, she’ll have my ass for it. So I do my best on the decorations. As I’m hanging streamers in the corner of the room, my phone chimes with the alert of a new text message. I step down from the ladder for a moment and pull out my phone.

  Unknown: Hi Savannah, I hope this isn’t too weird or forward, but I got your number from the hostess at Adrienne’s the other night. I’m the wall you ran into on your way out the door.

  Staring at the screen in utter shock, I read on as another message comes through.

  Unknown: My name’s Lukah and I know this sounds weird, but I was hoping to have a chance to maybe take you to dinner tonight? If that’s not too forward

  Wait, he wants to have dinner with me? He went out of his way to track me down? Shit, what do I say?

  “Momma!” I yell across the yard.

  She comes running. “Breathe, baby, you look like you just saw a ghost. What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Are you okay?”

  I don’t say anything, I just hand her my phone and let her read the messages. As she’s reading, another text comes through.

  Unknown: I’ll understand if this is stalkerish and you refuse my offer. I hope I haven’t scared you.

  Momma reads the new message along with the first two and immediately types out a response.

  Me: Hi Lukah. I have a family thing this weekend and then I’ll be away for a work/school thing for the next month but how about lunch today? Say an hour? We can meet at Deena’s or we can meet somewhere else

  It takes me a minute to realize that Momma has sent him a message. I go to snatch my phone back, terrified at what she may’ve said. She moves it out of my reach.

  “No, I’ll only return it if you promise to do as I’ve said along with not freak out.”

  I stare at her for a minute contemplating my response when Fia walks up.

  “Hey what’s the
hold up? You scream for Momma like a crazy lady and now you two are huddled over here fighting over your phone, Savy. What’d I miss?”

  Momma looks at me while handing Fia my phone. “Read this.”

  Fia quickly reads the messages and just as she starts to squeal, another message comes through.

  Unknown: That sounds perfect. Deena’s is fine. My treat!

  Fia immediately types a quick message and hits send before I can grab the phone from her.

  Me: Ok sounds good Deena’s Diner is my favorite place, Meet at 1:30.

  Unknown: Perfect, I know that place. I look forward to seeing you there!

  I stare at my phone, dumbfounded by the messages.

  “Holy fuck, you two. What’d you do? Are you guys crazy? We have too much to do here before tonight. I don’t have time for this. I have a full plate right now. Besides, what if he’s an axe murderer or a rapist or married?”

  Momma and Fia are now laughing at me.

  Momma smiles. “Girl, you’re not using this shower as your scapegoat. Go, meet him, and if you want, bring him back here for the shower. But you’re going to meet him and have a nice lunch with someone who seems like a gentleman. You deserve this. Besides, no one said you had to marry him or even sleep with him. Just have lunch. You’ll be in a public place, so I’m sure he won’t rape you or murder you there. And if he’s married, well then, her loss because it’s obviously you he’s been thinking about.”

  I make a horrified face.

  She chuckles. “No seriously, I don’t think he’s married. So stop making up excuses and go get ready. You’re only going to the diner, so you don’t need anything too fancy. Just be you! He’ll fall in love!”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll go. But don’t get your hopes up. I told you before I’m done with love. This is just another frog in the pond.” I grab my purse and storm toward the front door.

  I should stand this guy up. It’d serve them right for meddling. I get into my car and head for my apartment, contemplating what I should do. I mean yes, he’s definitely gorgeous, but I don’t need any distractions right now. Damn them. I just want to scream. So I do.

  Stopped at a red light, I unleash a blood curdling scream, then lay my head on the steering wheel. Suddenly a horn blows, and I look up to find the light is green. Continuing toward my apartment, I start giving this idea real thought. I mean, I did make a deal with Bubba and Fia. What would it hurt? It’s just lunch, right? Not a marriage proposal. Fuck it, I’ll go.

  Now what the fuck am I going to wear? Hmm, something simple and me. Oh, I know. I’m wearing this strapless black dress for the shower so I can just wear it for lunch with a pair of cute black flats, then go straight to the shower from lunch.

  Once parked, I head for the elevator and get to thinking, shit, I better shave just in case. I mean it’s better to be safe than sorry. A girl can dream, right?

  Forty-five minutes later I’m shaved, showered, and dressed. I put the finishing touches on my makeup and get ready to walk out the door when my phone chimes.

  Fia: Bitch you better not ditch this date

  Me: Lol shut up, I’m not ditching... What do you think of this (pic sent)

  Fia: Ooooooo bitch, I see someone’s tryin to get laid

  Me: Wait is it too much, maybe I should change and just bring a bag of stuff so I can change after lunch

  Fia: Don’t bitch out, you look fuckin hot I’d do you lmfao

  Me: I’m not tryin’ to get laid. I just don’t want to change a million times... ugh... c u later

  Me: SOFIA BE FUCKIN SERIOUS. Is this too slutty or over kill for just lunch? Does it look like I’m trying to hard?

  Fia: No, now go meet with Mr. Hottie. I love you slut! Later Gator!

  Me: I love you too. See you later and stay out of the liquor, it’s for the shower.

  I lock up my apartment and jump on the elevator. Once in my car, I give myself a pep talk as I pull out of the parking garage. You’re just meeting for lunch. Don’t walk in expecting anything and there’ll be no disappointments. I mean, he must be interested if he got your number from Becky. Stay calm, you’re beautiful and any man would be lucky to date you.

  Pulling up to the diner, I do a quick recheck of my makeup before heading in.

  As I walk in the door, Megan, the hostess and old friend, greets me. “Hey, Savy! Wow, you look amazing! What are you all dressed up for?”

  “Hey, Megs, thank you! Tonight’s Fia and Rhen’s bridal shower. But I’m meeting someone for lunch before I head over, so I figured I’d just dress for it to save time. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good. Got engaged last week, so we’re planning our wedding! And I was hoping I could hire you to make my gown.”

  I give her a hug. “Oh my gawd, congratulations! Of course, I’ll make your gown! Just text me and we can see when our schedules are both free to work something out.”

  “Okay, no rush. We aren’t getting married until next year. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to tell my mom you’re making my gown! Let me get you seated, I’m sure your friend will be along shortly.”

  I hug her. “Okay, awesome. And actually, I think I see him in the back-corner booth, thanks though. Talk to you soon!”

  I wave and walk back towards where he’s sitting.

  Momma, Fia and I used to spend our Friday nights here when we were in school. It was our weekly thing, every Friday night we’d come in, eat, and just sit and gossip for hours. We’ve known Megan and her family for almost as long as we’ve known each other. Momma and Megan’s mom, Deena, have been the best of friends ever since. So of course, Fia recommending us meeting here was not just because it’s our favorite diner, but also because it was our safe place. Here, we’d have an audience who I’m very sure are reporting back to Momma and Sofia at this very moment.

  As I approach the booth, he stands up. Have mercy, he’s gorgeous.

  “Savannah, I’m so glad you made it. I was a little nervous.” He kisses my cheek.

  “Nervous why? Didn’t think I’d show?” I chuckle.

  He smiles. God, he has a sexy smile. And those lips. Mmm, I wonder what it’d be like to kiss them. I involuntarily lick my lips as I stare at his. His eyes snap to my mouth. Shit, get it together, Savy.

  “To be completely honest, no I didn’t. I mean, some random guy texts you after a literal run-in and asks you on a date. I figured you’d think I was some axe murderer or rapist or something and decide to stand me up.” He chuckles.

  “I have to admit, I didn’t quite accept the invitation. My sister and mom did.” I laugh. “I know, lame, right? I haven’t dated in a long time, so they happened to see your message and took it upon themselves to respond before I even knew what was happening.”

  He laughs. “Wait, so you’re telling me they basically set you up with me, by pretending to be you? That’s kind of cute actually. I take it they’re pushing you back into dating?”

  Wow, that’s a sexy laugh. I can’t help but rub my thighs together at the sound of it. I’ve never been so turned on by the mere sound of a man’s voice before. Shit, I’m in deep trouble.

  Clearing my throat, I smile. “Yeah. Had a pretty nasty break up about seven months ago and it made me swear off dating for a while. But I was pretty surprised to get your text. I mean, flattered for sure, just shocked.”

  “Well, after running into you I felt I should buy you a drink to apologize. I asked Becky if she knew who you were, and she said you guys have design class together. I asked for your number. She mentioned you were there on a date that didn’t seem to be going well. Lucky for me I guess.”

  I sit back and just stare at him for a minute. “Ha, not going well’s an understatement. I snuck out while he was in the bathroom, if that tells you anything.” I can feel my ears, chest and face on fire from the memory of his hard body crashing into mine.

  Mmm, I wonder how he looks naked. Shit, stop it, Savy.

  “Yeah, I was supposed to be meeting a blind date that night too.
But I sent her a note and left. I haven’t really been into the dating scene either in a long time. But it doesn’t stop friends and family from trying to set me up on blind dates. So, I can feel your pain.”

  The waitress, Megan’s twin sister, Maggie, stops by. “Hey, Savy, how ya been? Meg says you’re designing her gown. I’m so excited. Will you be making the bridal party’s gowns too? That’d be so awesome!”

  “Hey, Mags, I’m good! This is my date, Lukah. Lukah, this is Maggie, Megan’s twin. Their parent’s own the place.”

  “Hi, Maggie.”

  I continue. “Yeah, she just mentioned it to me when I came in. I’m so happy for her and Derek. As for the rest of the bridal party, I don’t quite know yet. She and I are getting together to talk more about her gown and the wedding in a couple weeks. But I’d be honored to do gowns for all the bridesmaids.”

  “I bet she’ll ask you to do it! Anyways, what can I get you guys to drink?”

  Lukah motions for me to go first.

  “Cherry Pepsi, with extra cherries, please!”

  Lukah speaks up. “I’ll just have a Pepsi.”

  She nods. “You got it. Are we ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?”

  I look at him and wait to see what he says. I pretty much get the same thing every time.

  He looks at me. “I’m ready if you are.”

  I nod. “I’ll take a cheeseburger, medium, add grilled mushrooms with provolone cheese, no lettuce and onion rings, please.”

  Lukah grins. “Wow, finally a girl who likes to eat. Make that two!”

  I smile as she takes our menus and wait for her to walk off. Before I can say anything, he asks, “So, you’re a seamstress or designer?”

  “Kind of. I’m a design student at the moment. But I’ve been designing and making clothes since I was ten years old. I started with little things like shirts or shorts and then it just grew from there. I actually deigned and made almost all the dresses for our senior prom. I specialize in custom work. I think it’s better to be different, to stand out as an individual, rather than blend in being dressed like everyone else.”


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