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Makin’ the Cut

Page 7

by Rennie Rivera

  I give a half smile. “We need to get a move on. As the maid of honor, I’m expected to be there to greet guests before the bride and groom-to-be arrive.”

  He lifts me off the counter and my breasts brush his chest, causing them to harden as he sets me on my feet before backing up ever so slowly. “Then, after you, my lady,” he says as he holds his arm out for me.

  I grab my purse from the table and walk out the door while silently urging my feet to keep moving. Because everything in me is screaming to turn around and drag him back to the bedroom. But it’ll have to wait. Time to see how he’ll fair against the family.

  He interrupts my thoughts. “I hope you don’t mind, but I had my car service here on standby to take us to the party. I’ll also have it waiting for when we’re ready to end the night. No matter what you choose, I just want you to know I’ve already had an amazing day with you.”

  We step into the elevator and head down to the car waiting in front of my building.

  “No, not at all. Now we can enjoy ourselves without the worry of getting a DUI!” I try to joke to break the tension.

  I give the driver the address, then a comfortable silence settles between us as we head towards Momma’s. I think to myself as I gaze out the window that I hope he gets the seal of approval.

  Because I really want to say yes to his proposition



  As we pull up Mommas’ road, I suddenly realize I haven’t told him what anyone looks like. I mean I’m sure it won’t be hard for him to figure out, but I wouldn’t want anyone to walk into this blindly. So, I won’t torture him with playing the guess who’s who game.

  “Okay, so a quick run through that you know who’s who. Momma is the big Italian New Yorker with the dark wavy hair. She’ll be greeting us at the door. The bride-to-be, Sofia, is a feisty, loudmouth lil’ chick with piercings, tattoos and a toned body any girl would kill for. Last but not least is Rhen, our groom-to-be. He’s a tall, stocky, bearded, tattooed biker looking dude. And I promise he’s as badass as he looks.” I laugh, pulling out my phone. “Here are a few pics just so you’ll be able to put faces to descriptions.”

  He glances down at my phone and seems to be committing them to memory as I scroll back and forth between the pictures. I can’t help but stare at him as he does. Damn, he smells like heaven, like a sweet and spicy cinnamon mixed with nature in the fall. Reminds me of my favorite time of year.

  This season will be the first in years where I’ll spend those chilly nights cuddled up alone. Thanks to fucking Gavin and his whore. I shake my head at the thought. I’m here with Lukah, at my best friend and sister’s bridal shower. I refuse to let Gavin have any more space in my head. That piece of shit has ruled my life for far too long. I’ll never make the same mistake. I’ll never be so naïve and blind again.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Lukah asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  I smile up at him. “Yeah, sorry, was lost in thought.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “No, nothing of any importance. At least not anymore. That’s a story for another time. Come on, let’s go get this party started!”

  Noticing we’ve arrived, I step out of the car, him following right behind me. We stand there for a moment so I can compose myself. I reach up and kiss his cheek.

  “If I forget to say it later, thank you.”

  “Thank you for what? I didn’t do anything. I’m the one who should be thanking you. Thank you for the chance to spend some time with you and thank you for a great day.”

  “The thank you is for being brave enough, after only a few hours of knowing me, to escort me to this family thing. I mean, most men would run for the hills. You strike me as someone who doesn’t scare easily. Which is good because my family can be quite scary.”

  “Well you’re right there, I don’t scare easily.” He smiles.

  I smile, then turn serious. “But they’re my whole world. I don’t know where I’d be without them. Normally I’d wait after a few weeks or even months of dating before I introduced you, but seeing as it was really them who agreed to today’s date, I figure what the hell. Might as well get it over with. And this way you can see the craziness and decide for yourself if you want to continue to see me.”

  I laugh now at the thought of it all. I’m about to throw him in without a life jacket. Sink or swim time. I wonder, does he have what it takes to make the cut?

  We walk to the door but before I can even grab the handle it swings open.

  “I wondered how long you were gonna stand out there chatting. Warning him, are ya?” Momma chuckles.

  I reach up and give Momma a kiss on the cheek, “No, Momma, of course not, not me. I was just giving him a chance to back out. But it seems he’s up for the challenge.”

  She nods.

  I add, “Momma, this is Lukah, in the flesh. Lukah, this is my momma, Deborah, but everyone calls her either Deb or Momma.”

  He reaches out to shake her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve already heard so much about you. And by the way, thank you for accepting my lunch date!”

  “So, she told you. I figured she would,” She jokes. “She was hesitant at first, but realized we know what’s best for her, so she didn’t fight us. She’s been avoiding the dating scene lately. Between that ratfink, sorry excuse for a man, ex-boyfriend of hers and then the shitty blind-dates Fia set her up on, I don’t really blame her. Although, maybe the last set up wasn’t so bad since she ran into you.”

  He laughs. “Quite literally actually. I know this sounds weird, but I just had to see her again after that. I asked the hostess if she knew who she was, and it turns out they have design class together. Worked out in my favor and well, you obviously know the rest, as here we stand.”

  She beams in adoration. Momma can smell a bullshitter a mile away, so if he was trying to pull a fast one, she’d know. “Well, come in and get settled. The guests should be starting to arrive shortly. Savy, why don’t you show him around and I’ll get us some drinks. Anything particular, Lukah?”

  “I’ll have whatever Savannah’s having, thank you,” he answers while staring at me with a hunger in his eyes.

  I take him around the house showing him where everything is. It feels as though he is genuinely interested too. I even show him my childhood bedroom, which still has some of my first designs hanging on the wall and pictures of dresses I made in high school.

  “So, this is where the magic started, huh? How old were you when you started sketching and designing?” he inquires.

  “I’ve been sketching for as long as I can remember. Momma says I just picked up a pencil one day and started drawing. But as for designing, I used to create my own designs for my dolls and make all their clothes by hand. Then Momma bought me my first sewing machine when I was ten and from that point on, I made my own clothes. I just personalized them really. Like Momma would buy me shirts and I would rip them apart at the seams to create something new with them. I’d add things to my pants to make them unique.” I beam.

  He kisses me, whispering, “You’re amazing, you know that? You’re a unicorn in a sea of horses.”

  It starts out soft and sweet, but it quickly turns hot and passionate, only to be quickly ended by an interrupting knock at the door.

  “Hey, baby girl, guests are starting to arrive. Time to come out and perform your maid-of-honor, co-host duties,” Momma yells through the door.

  “Okay, Momma, on our way down now,” I yell back. I turn to Lukah. “And by the way, please call me Savy. Everyone closest to me does. Plus, Savannah makes this feel formal.” I grab his hand and drag him from the room to head down to the party. As we approach the bottom of the stairs, I hear the doorbell. “Got it.”

  The stream continues for about an hour. We asked the guests to arrive an hour early so that the to-be-wedded could make a grand entrance. After glancing at the clock, I realize that the happy couple should be arriving shortly. I usher everyone into the backyard where M
omma has a tent and tables set up.

  “You’re a hard woman to pin down.” Lukah chuckles as he approaches me.

  “Yeah, sorry. Being co-host means I have to entertain all these freaks until the happy couple arrives.” I smile. Then I spot them coming through the house. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you all for coming here this evening to help us celebrate the engagement of my best friends, Sofia and Rhen. Let’s give the happy couple a round of applause!” I yell across the party as they make their way out the door hand in hand.

  Sofia smiles and stops to address the crowd, “Thank you everyone for coming. Sorry we’re late. I needed a nap and some afternoon booty! Now, let’s get this party started!”

  I shake my head at her and her speech. She has no filter. “Really Fi?” I laugh. “Way too much info, thanks.”

  As she wraps me in one of those soul soothing hug’s she always gives me, she laughs. “Bitch, you already know I have no filter and my give-a-fuck busted years ago.”

  I hug her back drawing her closer to absorb that amazing energy she always gives off. “This is true. Plus, anyone here who is offended doesn’t belong here.”

  She steps back and takes notice of Lukah, who’s standing behind me as he awaits introductions. “Well hello, sexy. How you doin’?”

  He steps forward, reaching out to shake her hand. “You must be Sofia. I’m Lukah. It’s nice to formally meet you. Thank you, by the way, for getting her to meet me today.”

  At that moment Rhen walks up. “Yo, Savy, keep your sister away from the hard shit please! Only wine for her tonight.” Then he takes notice of Lukah. “You must be Lukah. I’m Rhen. Hurt her and I fuckin’ break you. We clear?”

  I hold my breath, waiting for Lukah to reply. I knew Rhen was going to pull this card, just didn’t expect it so soon, and in front of Fia and I no less.

  Lukah looks at him for a moment before reaching out for a handshake. “Absolutely clear.”

  Rhen shakes his hand. “Sweet, now that that’s handled, let’s get these ladies a drink. Walk with me to the bar. I’m sure Fia is dying to grill her about your date.” He chuckles as they walk off.

  I stare at them dumbfounded. “Well, that wasn’t weird at all.”

  Fia puts her arm around my shoulder. “Bitch, you already know how he is. Shit, I’m surprised he was so calm when he said it. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. He’s been kinda anxious all day, waiting to hear from you. He’s seriously expecting the worst. Gavin really put a bad taste in his mouth. Like he still, on occasion, talks about how he would love to break him. And says that if Sammy was a dude, he’d break his foot off in that ass. He’s proud of the ass whooping you gave the bitch, but he feels that they both deserved so much more.”

  “I know he’s just looking out for me, but I’m gonna be okay. I mean sure, Lukah and I are hanging out now, but with the fashion show coming up, I don’t have time for anything else. And I’ve already explained that to Lukah, so he totally understands. But he did ask me to spend the weekend with him and we made out a little.” I look away so I don’t see the look I was getting.

  “Oh. My. Gawd. Bitch. Are you serious? Fuckin’ spill.” She squeals.

  I laugh at her reaction. I expected it to be way worse. “Well, after lunch we went back to my apartment. And before you ask, no, we didn’t fuck. I offered to show him my sketches. We were chatting about the quotes I have hanging around the apartment and he just kissed me. And, Fia, let me just say it was ah-maz-ing. He left me breathless. Like I had to pull away and stop myself from dragging him to bed.”

  Fia looks at me completely dumbfounded. “What the fuck, Savy? Why? You deserve some fun and happiness. I’m not saying run out and marry him, but damn girl. Have a hot, sexy fling with a dangerously handsome guy. Shit, be friends with benefits even. Who says it has to stop at a fling? Stop selling yourself short. You’re an amazing woman and you deserve to have slutty friends with benefits sex with that man!”

  I notice the guys approaching so I quickly reply, “Okay. I’ll try. Now please leave it alone, they’re coming back. I don’t want Rhen to know he asked me to spend the weekend with him. Rhen will take it completely out of context and flip his shit.”

  Just when she starts to respond, Rhen wraps his arms around her from behind, whispering something into her ear that makes her blush uncontrollably.

  Lukah kisses my cheek before whispering, “So, how’d that go? Does she approve?”

  I blush. “Yes actually. You’ll be happy to know that she is on team Lukah. How’d it go with Rhen? He didn’t threaten you anymore, did he?” I whisper as I look up into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

  He shakes his head. “Not at all. We just talked about you ladies. He really is quite protective over you. I respect him for that.”

  I look over at my best friends and can see how in love they are. I want that. I thought I had it with Gavin, but looking back I know I never did. I hope one day I find it though. Until then maybe Fia is right. Maybe I should just go with the flow and see where things go with Lukah. He isn’t asking me to marry him. He’s simply wanting to spend time with me. My thoughts are interrupted by the clinking of a glass.

  Momma has the mic in hand. “I want to thank everyone for coming out today. Sofia, Rhen, if you both could join me up front here. We have comfy chairs for you to sit in. Dinner is being set out. Buffet style, Fia’s favorite. After dinner we’ll do gifts. So please everyone get yourselves a plate or two and enjoy!” Everyone claps and disperses to the buffet tables.

  Lukah quickly grabs my hand and pulls me to the house. “I need a word with you.”

  Once inside he pulls me into his arms and captures my mouth with his. I return the gesture and kiss him deeply. I love the way he kisses me.

  He pulls away, looking down at me with passion in his gaze. “I’m sorry. I just needed to do that. You look so beautiful and I’m so honored that you felt me worthy to meet your family.”

  I look at him in awe. “I value their opinions. Plus, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t want to show up dateless. So really, thank you for agreeing to come. Also, I’ve thought about it and I’ll take you up on that offer. I’d love to spend the next couple of days with you. It’ll be a nice distraction before the show.”

  I kiss him again. It’s a brief kiss but comes with promises of more. “Now, let’s go back out and enjoy the rest of the party. Then later we can head back to my place if you want.”

  He nods. “That sounds like a great idea.”

  I grab his hand and lead him back out to the party with a smile upon my face at the thought of what the rest of the weekend will hold.



  Wow, what a day it’s been.

  Savy and I have spent pretty much all day together and it has been amazing. Sneaking kisses here and there with the occasional light touch or caress. I feel so comfortable with her, as though we’ve known each other forever. She makes me want to follow my pops’ wishes of settling down and starting a family. Well maybe one day, not yet. I don’t want to scare her away when we’ve just met. One day at a time, right?

  Damn is she beautiful, though. Not the in your face, trying too hard kind. She has a natural beauty that is sexier than any supermodel I’ve ever met. She can light up a room with just her smile. I’m looking forward to getting to know more about her.

  “Hey, handsome, care to dance?” Sofia interrupts my thoughts.

  “I’d be honored to. After you.” I let her lead the way.

  While dancing she eyes me carefully. “So, you seem to be genuinely into my sister. I can see it in the way you gaze at her when you think no one is looking. I know you guys are technically only on your second date.” She smiles. “Congratulations, you’ve not only made it to the second date, but also got to meet the family too. We’re a tight-knit family. Rhen and I live two floors up from Savy. Momma doesn’t live too far from us all. I know Rhen already told you how he felt with you dating Savy, bu
t I feel I need to elaborate a little on why he is so quick to jump the gun with his warnings.”

  I look around for Savy, not sure her sister is the one to be telling me this.

  “Savy is recently single due to unfortunate circumstances. She was with him for almost five years and then one day he decided she wasn’t what he wanted. She was expecting a marriage proposal, but instead walked in to find him cheating with their roommate. Needless to say, she left him. But not before she throat-punched him, while he was balls deep in the twatosaurus, then punched her in the face, breaking her nose and dragging her out naked, locking her in the hall.”

  Shocked, I interrupt. “Wait, so you’re telling me that some piece of shit cheated on her? I mean, she mentioned earlier that she just got out of something that crushed her, but I never would’ve thought that was what she meant. She’s not only insanely talented, but also genuinely an amazing woman. Not to mention fucking gorgeous.”

  She nods her head. “Yeah well Gavin did a number on her. He never put her first, always weaseled his way out of family brunch on Saturdays and holiday get-togethers too. He knew we’d see right through his bullshit. Savy was oblivious to it all. She loved him and really thought he was the one. She made excuses for him, saying work called him in or he had a paper to do.”

  I stop dancing and just gaze at Sofia in disbelief.

  She nudges me to continue dancing as she goes on with her revelation. “She knew I hated his scummy ass. So, she never really talked to me much about him or how things were between them. When everything happened, Rhen was fuming, like smoke coming out of his ears pissed. He said he was running to get us ice cream. He never confirmed it, but we’re pretty positive he paid Gavin a visit that night.”

  I stare in shock at what I’ve just learned. This wonderful person, whom I’m just getting to know still, was walked all over by some scumbag. I can’t explain why, but I have this urge to hunt the fucker down and whoop his ass myself. I know that isn’t my place. I know she’d most likely be furious that I did. But she didn’t deserve what happened.


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