Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 8

by Rennie Rivera

  “If he was so unhappy why didn’t he just end things civilly? Why put her through that? Or was he one of those who liked to have his cake and eat it too?”

  “To be completely honest, I believe he really thought he could have the best of both worlds.”

  Savy giggles as she approaches us. “There you are! Fi, are you trying to steal my date?”

  We stop dancing and I turn, putting my arm around her waist and dropping a kiss to her cheek.

  Fia says, “Nah bitch, I’ve got my own sexy date, thank you very much! I was just getting to know your boo-thang a little bit. But Lukah, I see someone missed you, so I’ll go mingle some more. Shit, it’s about time to start saying goodbye and kicking everyone out.”

  She laughs, and I can see Savy blushing. I nod my head and kiss her cheek before she trotted off to find Rhen I’m sure.

  I look down at Savy. “Is that true, did you miss me?”

  She smiles. “Maybe. I’ve been enjoying your company all day. Is it weird that we feel this drawn to each other after only hours of spending time together? I feel like I’ve known you forever. Does that make me sound crazy?”

  “Not unless it makes me crazy too, because I feel the same. But sometimes you meet someone, and your soul says, ‘Oh, there you are!’ and it doesn’t have to be romantic. Look at you and Sofia. Perfect example. Did you get the same settled feeling with her?” I gaze into her eyes.

  “Yes, actually, that’s exactly how I felt with her when we first met and still do. Listen, I know we have this connection, but let’s agree that we’ll remain friends. I’m just not ready for anything more. And I understand if you don’t want to continue with our plans of spending the next two days together. I just don’t want to mislead you into thinking or expecting more. I’m just not capable of more right now,” she explains.

  “Oh, okay sure, we can do that. I look forward to spending time getting to know you and building a friendship with you.” Yeah, I’ll agree to it if it’s what will keep her in my life. But I’m going to do my very best to show her I’m not like that loser ex of hers. I want to show her that I’m the man for her.

  She reaches up and gives me the sweetest kiss, one that I can tell has meaning behind it, as if saying she appreciates that I understand she isn’t ready. But this kiss also says that although her lips may be putting me in the friend zone, it’s not where her heart wants me. And I do understand, more than she knows.

  “Hey, so I just realized that by us taking sex off the table, things won’t be awkward at the show.” I point out.

  “That’s actually a valid point. I’m already nervous enough going into this thing, knowing we’re walking into this as friends makes it more comfortable for me.”

  Just then my phone chimed. Glancing down, I see a text from Izzy.

  Izzy: Ok so I haven’t heard from you all day, are you ok?

  I laugh as I read her message before replying.

  Me: Just been spending time with a new friend.

  Izzy: new friend? What new friend?

  Me: Her name is Savannah

  Izzy: Lol wait a minute, it’s a girl? Ooooooo…

  Me: Lol slow down speed racer, we’re just friends. I’ll send a picture.

  Looking up at Savy, I hesitate before asking, “Would you mind taking a “selfie” with me? I know it’s silly, but Izzy is curious about you.”

  Savy smiles coyly, “Sure, let’s do it! You came with me to a family function. The least I can do is pose with you for a picture.”

  So, we take a selfie and I send it over to Izzy, anxiously awaiting her response.

  Izzy: Holy shit, she’s fuckin’ hot!

  Me: Lol, yea she is. I’ll text ya tomorrow. Love ya.

  Izzy: Ok, have fun.. Love ya

  Savy as she looks at me curiously.

  “She’ll be there for the competition. I won’t tell her you’re participating until we’re there and checked in,” I reassure her, because of her worries of people getting the wrong idea.

  She looks up at me. “Well I look forward to meeting her. Tell her thank you for the compliments too.”

  I nod. “I’ll pass that along.” I yawn.

  She chuckles. “I hope you aren’t too tired. I know how exhausting dancing with Fia can be. She has the energy of a toddler. Besides, I was really hoping we could dance.”

  “I’d love too.” I lead her to the dance floor just as Endless Love by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross starts playing.

  I place her hands around my neck and mine at the small of her back, pulling her close. I’m glad I texted her and I’m even more glad I’m getting this time to get to know her. Something about her intrigues me.

  She gazed into my eyes, “What a perfect end to such an exciting day. I can honestly say when I woke up this morning, I didn’t see the chain of events occurring as they did. Sure I knew I’d be setting up and decorating for the shower and then playing hostess all night, but I didn’t see this meeting coming. Confession?”

  I chuckle, “Absolutely.”

  “I wondered about you all night that night I bumped, or should I say ran, into you. I thought of turning back and asking you to join me for a drink. But I was in such a hurry to get away from the jerk off I was on a date with, that I decided to just keep going. Plus, I’d assumed you were probably meeting a date.”

  I pull her tighter against me. “I wish you would have. I was intrigued by you and that’s why I asked the hostess for your information. Then, I wound up not staying for my blind date. I saw her sitting across the bar and just couldn’t bring myself to go over and talk to her. Izzy set the whole thing up, and while she has good intentions, she’s being a little pushy too. So, I sent a note over to her apologizing, blaming work and told her to order whatever she’d like, that it was on me.”

  She blushes, laying her head on my shoulder as we continued to dance.

  As I hold her close and sway to the song, I start to think how this agreement between us is going to be difficult to keep platonic. But if it means I get to spend time with her, I’m game. Besides, she never said we could never be more, just that she isn’t ready for more than a friendship right now. I can respect that, especially after hearing how her ex did her.

  I’m going to prove to her that not all men are pieces of shit douchebags. I’m going to romance her pants off! Maybe even in a literal sense. This girl isn’t going to know what hit her!



  Tink, tink, tink.

  Momma taps her glass to make an announcement. “I just want to thank everyone again for coming. The bride and groom-to-be would like to say a few words before they leave. Without further ado, Sofia and Rhen.”

  We all clap and cheer for the happy couple. I want this one day, this happiness, this joy, this love. I want what they have. Maybe I’ll find it, maybe I already have and just don’t know it yet. But my thoughts are interrupted by Rhen’s voice.

  “Thank you everyone for coming and for all the awesome gifts. We’re so excited we’re at the ninety-day mark! I can’t wait to make this beautiful woman my wife. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves tonight and I hope you all RSVP’d for the wedding.” He chuckles. “We’re so blessed to have so many friends and family that love and support us. We love you all!”

  Fia steps forward to say a few things. “Rhen is right, we’re so blessed. Next time we’re all together it’ll be at our wedding! I can’t wait to walk down that aisle to my man and say I DO! Thank you to my beautiful best friend and sister, Savy, for throwing together this shindig with the assistance of our beautiful momma.”

  Fia hugs Momma and then points at me out in the crowd. “I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you guys! And thank you to my amazing fiancé, for seeing something in me worthy of your love and affection! I love you. stay here. Goodnight all, see you in a few weeks!”

  With that she hands Momma the mic and heads our way.

  Fia sticks out her tongue. “See, I can be sweet and nice when I want to!”<
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  I smirk. “Yeah but how hard was it to keep it clean and polite?”

  She wipes her brow, “Bitch, that was awful. Please don’t make me do that again at the wedding.”

  I start laughing. “It looked painful. I promise, at the wedding you can be you. It’s your day and if people can’t understand or respect that, I’ll escort them out.”

  “Or I can, that’s if I’m invited,” Lukah says from behind me. I turn around to see him and Rhen with drinks in their hands. I hadn’t even noticed them sneak off.

  “Of course, you’re invited. This bitch needs a plus one and I choose you, she doesn’t get a say. It’s my wedding!” Fia states as she sticks her tongue out at me.

  I laugh at her; I know what this bitch is up to. She is trying to play love connection. But Lukah and I already talked about it and agreed that we’re friends. He respects that I’m not looking for a boyfriend. But damn does he make my panties wet. I almost wish I hadn’t said there wouldn’t be any sex. But I know this is best for me. I need to focus on the competition. Maybe after the competition we can explore more between us, but for now, it’s just friends.

  “Momma, do you want us to stay and help clean up tonight or come back in the morning?” I ask as Momma approaches us.

  “Girl take your asses home. We had a long eventful day, tomorrow you’ll all come for brunch and then we’ll clean up. I know we had brunch today, but we won’t be able to have one next week so I would like an extra day with you this weekend. Lukah, that means you too. Girls give me some love before you go. I love you both and will see you tomorrow.”

  We both give Momma a huge hug together and kiss her cheeks at the same time, like we always have. Momma says she loves it. Says that through this routine, she absorbs our negative energy leaving us feeling rejuvenated and fresh. We both giggle when we break the kiss. Man, I love her. Best Momma a little orphaned girl could ask for.

  “Ma’am, I appreciate the offer and look forward to brunch. Shall I bring anything?” Lukah asks as he hugs Momma, because everyone hugs Momma.

  “Nope, just bring my girls here and your appetite. I’m so glad you came today.” She winks at him and gives us each a kiss on the forehead before heading up to the house to say goodbye to the other guests.

  I give Sofia, then Rhen big ol’ hugs and say my goodbyes before looking over at Lukah, “Ready?”

  He nods and says his goodbyes to Rhen and Sofia, then we head for the door.

  As we walk to the car, I ask, “So I know we’re keeping things in the friend zone, but would you be interested in a sleepover? I mean it’ll only entail us talking, maybe cuddling or spooning, and movies. But that’s what friends do, right?”

  He holds my door open for me as he speaks, “I’d love to have a sleepover. I’ll have the driver swing by my apartment after dropping us off to pick up a bag of clothes for me. Unless you’d like to come stay at my place?” He climbs in behind me, closing the door.

  Hmm, should I go to his place tonight?

  “How about tonight at my place and tomorrow night at yours? Then we can decide if we’ll have another sleepover Monday night.”

  “Okay, sounds fantastic. So, tell me about brunch?”

  “Brunch is the meal we always get together for no matter what else is going on. It gives us a chance to catch up and have family time. I value our brunches. I mean yes, I talk to them most every day, but we don’t always see each other. Our schedules are all so crazy right now. Plus, with Fia, Rhen and I working nights, brunch is easier for us all to get together.”

  Lukah stares at me as though every word out of my mouth holds the fate of the world.

  Blushing, I continue. “It’s quite the honor to be included in our brunches. She must really like you. Momma is picky about who she shares her family time with. Funny thing is, we had our weekly brunch today. So, although she is using my competition as a reason, I think this as an excuse to get to know you more. Leave it to Momma to have an ulterior motive.”

  As we arrive at my apartment building Lukah asks, “Graham, will you swing back around to my apartment and get the bag that Luna put together for me and drop it back off? Then take the rest of tonight and tomorrow off.”

  Graham, the driver, nods, “Yes, sir. I’ll call you when I return with your bag. Have a good night, Miss Savannah, it was a pleasure meeting you.”

  Graham holds the door for us to exit the car, I say, “And it was very nice to meet you also, Graham. Thank you.”

  Lukah and I walk into my building and get on the elevator. I smile at him as we get on the elevator to head up to my apartment. Man, I can’t believe I actually took sex off the table. I mean, yeah, I’m in no place to get into a relationship right now, but damn if I don’t want to jump into his arms and beg him to take me. Maybe one day, but not any time soon. I need to focus on the competition.

  Stepping off the elevator, Lukah says, “You’re awfully quiet. A penny for your thoughts.”

  As I unlock the door I look back at him, “Just reflecting on today’s events and trying to figure out what Momma is up to.”

  He continues, “Well I’m thinking she likes me. Which to be completely honest, I’m flattered.”

  I laugh, “She’s probably already planning our wedding.”

  He looks at me with a fire in his eyes, “Really? Well I’d be honored to be worthy enough to marry you. Although I think we should probably date and get to know each other first.”

  I stand there, shocked by his response, and laugh nervously. Well sure, I feel this extreme attraction and pull to him, but he’s right, we barely know each other. That’s quite a statement to be made by someone who I’m just starting to get to know. I can’t believe he said that.

  “You’re doing it again,” he observes.

  “I’m sorry, you just caught me off guard with your response.” I swallow hard, I can’t believe he just said that, “So, do you want to watch a movie?”

  “Yeah that sounds relaxing, what would you like to watch?”

  “Let’s see what’s on Netflix. Wanna help me move the coffee table? We can lay some pillows and blankets out on the floor and camp out with popcorn and stuff too.”

  He nods.

  We move the coffee table and I show him where the popcorn and extra butter is before heading into the hall closet for some blankets and pillows. As I walk back into the living room, I see Lukah closing the front door.

  “Hey, was someone at the door?”

  “Yeah, Graham just dropped my bag off. Mind if I use your room to change? I’m gonna toss on something a little more comfortable then dress pants.”

  I nod, leading the way to my room.

  Opening the door and showing him, “So, here we are, my sanctuary. You’re welcome to store your bag in the closet if you want. I’m going to go set everything up in the living room.”

  I linger a minute before turning to leave, pulling the door closed behind me. I stand in the hallway before walking away. I have to admit, this is going to be harder than I thought, but worth it. I need to keep my eyes on the prize. The competition will help mold my future. With that thought, I walk back to the living room to lay out the blankets and pick out a movie.

  “Much better,” he says as he finally emerges from my room.

  I look up from surfing through Netflix to see him standing there in some basketball shorts and a white muscle shirt. Gawd, he’s gorgeous. I can feel heat rising in my core, and flutters in my stomach.

  Shit, I’m staring again.

  I quickly look back to the tv screen. “Good! My turn.”

  Jumping up, I walk down the hall as quick as I can without running. Normally I just wear panties and a tank top to bed, but tonight I’ll have to wear a little more. Although it’d be funny to watch him squirm.

  Eh, not yet, but definitely a great plan for another night. Geesh, Savy, keep it platonic. What the hell is wrong with me? Ugh focus. This is just me spending time with a new friend, a very hot and sexy friend.

�Hey Savy, how about Dirty Dancing? Sound like a good movie?” I can hear Lukah yell from the living room.

  I pull on some shorts and a tank top before walking back out to the living room.

  “Oh, my gawd that is my all-time favorite, we most definitely need to watch that!” I say as I walk up behind him in the kitchen where he seems to be popping some popcorn.

  He stops, turns and looks at me, stares at me actually. I see a fire in those gorgeous hazel eyes that sends a spark straight to my core. Fuck, maybe I’m not the only one who feels it. Damn it, why does he have to be so fucking gorgeous?

  “Here let me get you a bowl.” Reaching up into the top shelf of cupboard, I grab a bowl and turn to hand it to him, catching him staring again. I hand it to him smiling.

  “I’ll get the movie ready. Don’t forget to add extra butter.” I remind him as I leave the kitchen with a new boost of self-confidence.

  I get comfy on the floor and find the DVD I have of the movie. Just as I sit back against the pillows, he joins me. Okay, focus on the movie, Savy. But before Baby even finishes her explanation of her summer, he looks over at me for a moment before I reach over and kiss him.

  Holy fuck. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I need to put on the brakes. Shit, he’s going to hate me. I pull back and just stare up at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to lead you on. I’m really sorry.”

  He grabs my hand as I try to get up. “Listen, I’m not going to push you or rush you into anything you don’t or aren’t ready for. I’m perfectly content with kissing you and just holding you. I’m letting you take the lead here. So, stop apologizing.”

  I look at him and nod.

  “Besides who says we couldn’t be friends with benefits? This way there’s no more apologizing for the kissing. We define this, no one else. We can be whatever you want us to be. But whatever you decide, I will respect that decision.”


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