Book Read Free

Makin’ the Cut

Page 10

by Rennie Rivera

  She blushes as she looks over at me and smiles. “Thank you, I appreciate that. There’ll be times when we can hang out and spend time together. Besides, we still have today and tomorrow, so let’s make the most of them. I know once I check in, I’ll be super busy with designing and sewing to get ready for the first leg of the competition.”

  We pull up to the bakery and I tweak her chin. “Well I’ll just have to come keep you company while you create your masterpieces.”

  She leans over to kiss me. “I think I can handle that. Come on, let’s go get Momma some cannoli. She is gonna be so excited when she sees them. Maybe we should surprise her with some rainbow cookies too. They were her absolute favorite when she lived in New York.”

  I nod. “Then let’s definitely get them.”

  We grab the cookies and cannoli, then head to her mom’s. I have to admit, I’m a little nervous. Sure, we met at the party last night, but this is a bit more intimate, personal setting. Everyone seemed to like me last night. I can only hope that it wasn’t a show. Rhen made it clear last night that if I didn’t have any serious intentions, I shouldn’t continue to pursue her. Which he’s right, she deserves someone who’ll treat her as the queen she is. I want to be that man, but I’m not sure I’m what she’s looking for. Only time will tell, I guess.

  I glance at her while she drives and think to myself, no time like the present to tell her about Pops’ stipulations. If I don’t say something now and it comes out later on down the line, like say after I fall in love with her, and she gets the wrong idea, I’m fucked.

  I speak up. “So, there’s something I want to tell you about. I feel like I need to tell you, even though it doesn’t really pertain to you. But it’s something that’s bound to come up.” I watch for her reaction.

  “Okay, shoot,” she says hesitantly.

  “When my grandfather died, I was left in charge of his company and appointed CEO. It isn’t really where I saw myself, but it’s what he wanted, so I respect it. Besides, I’m able to take the company in any direction I want. It’s partly why I’m holding this competition. But then a wrench was thrown in my wheels and slowed me down, and it won’t be long before the tabloids find out. So I want you to hear it from me.”

  She nods. “Okay, go ahead. I’m listening. What wrench?”

  “Consumed with grief, I didn’t attend the reading of the will, and apparently there was something specifically for me in it. I kept dodging the lawyer, then finally two weeks ago returned his call. He informed me that Pops stipulated in his will I was only to remain CEO if, within twelve months, if I fall in love and get married. Otherwise, I’ll be replaced, so to speak. I’ll still remain a shareholder and still be a part of the company, just not a major player.”

  She pulls over to the side of the road.

  Feeling like an asshole, I add, “Pop didn’t want me to be a lonely old workaholic. He and my grandmother had a love I could only dream to have. When she died, he dived straight into work.”

  “There’s the other shoe dropping. So, is that what this is? You’re looking for a wife? Lukah, I barely know you. I don’t even know if marriage is really what I want anymore. Gavin broke me. I’m still trying to put all the pieces together to try and build a new me. If that’s what you’re expecting from me, then I’m sorry, but I can’t give you that.”

  My heart fell into the pit of my stomach. I hope she doesn’t mean we’re done. I’m not ready to lose her already. Fuck, how am I already feeling this way toward her?

  She continued. “I can be your friend, but that’s all I can offer. I definitely can’t get caught up in some tabloid scandal. If I ever want to get my fashion career off the ground, then I have to be a ghost in the media. I’m sorry, maybe we should cancel the rest of this weekend. It’s too late to cancel brunch, but after it’s over we should go our separate ways.” She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  Fuck, this is not how I wanted this to go. I need to fix this, and I need to fix it now.

  “Savannah, I’m not in this to find a wife. I don’t care what the stipulations are. I’ll give up my position as CEO if that’s the case before I’d ever force someone to be with me for it. I don’t want us to be only platonic friends. I like you. I don’t want to lose what we have. But I told you this because I just want you to know in case you pick up a magazine and see the headlines spouting off about me. Please don’t push me away.”

  I watch her as she seems to process what I’m saying. She’s not saying no, though. Maybe I’m getting through to her. Then a silent tear slides down her cheek. She wipes it away quickly as though she doesn’t want me to know it happened.

  I decide to keep talking. “Yes, I want what my grandparents had, but at my own pace, in my own time. I want to build it with someone. I’m wanting to take things one step at a time. Hey, we might figure out we’re great together as just friends. Please just give me tonight, then tomorrow if you want to go separate ways, I’ll understand. Let’s go have brunch and then go back to my place and watch movies like we planned. Please.” I sit patiently, pleading with my eyes for her not to push me away.

  Minutes later, she finally says something. “Let’s just get through brunch first. I’m not making any promises. This is a lot to process. I need time.”

  With that, she pulls back out into traffic and we make our way to her mom’s. Okay, now’s the time to show her that I’m worth keeping around. I’ll respect her wishes of becoming strictly platonic friends if it’s her true wish, but if I’m correct in my gut feeling, she doesn’t want that. Same as me. We shall see.

  We arrive at her mom’s only moments later and I can feel the change of emotion between us. She’s confused and I’m hopeful. I grab the pastries we brought and follow her inside.

  Miss Deb greets us at the door, “Hey baby, how are you this morning?” She hugs Savy.

  “Hi, Momma, I’m okay. Just a lot on my mind because of the competition. I’m excited, nervous, and anxious all at once,” Savy says as if trying to throw her mom off her trail.

  Even though Savy’s trying to conceal our issue, I can instantly see that Miss Deb knows something’s up. There’s no pulling the wool over her eyes.

  “You’re gonna be great, baby. I have faith in you. Your sister’s in the kitchen bugging Rhen while he cooks. Go stop her from driving that man mad.” Deb chuckles as she turns to me.

  “Hi Miss Deb. How’re you doin’ today?” I ask, trying to keep things light.

  “Lukah, I’m so glad you made it. And its Momma, please, it’s what everyone calls me. I hear you and she had a sleepover. Everything okay with you two? Because from what Fi said she saw and what I’m seeing, something’s off,” she inquires.

  I wipe my brow. “Ma’am, I’m not really sure. I may have screwed up on the way over.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me. “Let’s take a walk.” Then yells to the kitchen, “Hey guys, we’ll be right back. Go ahead and start setting the table ladies, and leave Rhen to finish cooking.”

  “Yes ma’am,” they holler in unison from the kitchen.

  She smiles at me as she walks out and I follow. We walk around her property, her pointing out things proudly.

  Then she stops abruptly. “Okay, now, tell me what you could have possibly done to screw things up already.”

  I tell her all about Pops’ will and the stipulations as she nods, absorbing all I’m telling her.

  “I think she thinks I’m in this merely to find a wife, but she couldn’t be more wrong. I hate the idea of marrying to keep my position. I’d rather lose the position of CEO. I’m already growing so attached to her, in just the last twenty-four hours, that to lose her would devastate me,” I say, finishing my story.

  She looks at me for a minute, then starts to walk again, seeming to still be in thought. Noticing she’s getting ahead of me, I jog to catch up with her and quietly walk along with her. The silence is a little scary, if I’m being completely honest. I don’t know much about Deb except what Savy has to
ld me, but just her momma bear persona alone is making me nervous. After what is only minutes but feels like hours, she stops and turns to me.

  “I completely understand what it is you were doing by explaining the clause to her. See, my baby was burned really bad by Gavin, which I know Fia told you about, and Rhen warned you not to repeat. So she’s going to keep you at arm’s length. But I don’t think you should be punished for what that scumbag did to her.” She starts walking again.

  I follow silently. She’s willing to help me and for that I’m grateful. But I know better than to speak. She’s not done yet.

  “So, for that I’m going to help you. Let’s head back to the house and start brunch. Let me work some magic, and we’ll get all of this straightened out. Don’t worry, babe, she wouldn’t have still brought you along if she was done with you. That I know for a fact. She’s the kind of person that when she washes her hands of you, you’re infinitely dead to her. So, there’s still hope for you.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I nod.

  She looks me with a death stare.

  I correct myself. “Yes, Momma!”

  We walk into the house towards the kitchen. I split off to the bathroom to wash my hands. As I’m drying my hands, Savy comes in, closing the door behind her. Before I can say anything, she jumps in my arms, slamming her lips to mine. She thrusts her tongue through my lips when I gasp.

  I return the kiss, wrapping one arm around her waist, pulling her close as my other hand tangles into her gorgeous hair, giving her all I have. God, she feels perfect in my arms.

  She pulls back, slowly looking up at me. “Hey you.”

  “Hey back at you. Not that I’m complaining, but where did that come from?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak out in the car. That’s just a lot to process. I don’t want to push you away. I just need time. I need to get to know you more, the you that no one else knows. Please, just be patient with me. And if I get crazy, I give you full permission to kiss me to calm me down. And if that doesn’t work, you can call Momma. I know you told her.”

  I shrug, “Well…”

  She cuts me off. “She didn’t say you did, but I know her, she’ll poke until you crack. She has a way with people. She just told me to come find you and hear you out. I think she’s on your side. Which sucks, because I don’t stand a chance now.” She chuckles, shaking her head. “Point is, just be patient and let’s not rush this. Friends?”

  I smile and pull her in for another one of those electrifying kisses that she gives. Then I lean my forehead against hers. “Deal. Friends.” I kiss the tip of her nose. Grabbing her hand and pulling her from the bathroom, we make our way down the hall. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  We walk to the dining room and join everyone else at the table. Momma looks over to me and winks as though she knows exactly what just transpired between Savy and I. We say grace and then start passing the serving plates around.

  Rhen speaks up. “So, sis, are you almost ready for the competition? Sofia said she’s coming over tomorrow to help you pack. I thought I’d keep Lukah here company so you two don’t bore him with your ridiculous bitching at each other. Because we all know that you two take forever to decide what you’re taking, then Sofia will unpack and replace it with what she thinks you should take.”

  “Actually, I’m just going to let my Personal Assistant do it for me.” Savy winks at Sofia.

  Sofia laughs, “I’ll gladly pack for ya, love bug! Rhen can bring the pizza and beer, with wine for us, of course!”

  “Sure. Any particular kind of pizza you like, Lukah?”

  “I’m pretty open to pizza toppings, just not a fan of anchovies. Actually, why don’t I order the pizza and you just bring drinks?”

  Sofia replies, “Deal.”

  We joke and enjoy brunch as though this morning’s confession hadn’t occurred.

  As we finish eating and start clearing the table, Momma asks, “So what did you bring for dessert, Fi?”

  Fi stops dead in her tracks and looks at Momma guiltily, “Well, you see, what happened was…”

  I jump in to save her.

  “Actually, I got dessert. I figured it’s the least I could do with you inviting me over to join your family. Savy and I went to the bakery and got you some cannoli, plus a surprise.”

  Momma’s eyes light up at the mere mention of the Italian pastries. I can’t wait to see her reaction to the rainbow cookies. It’s as though she can read my mind, because at that moment, Savy comes to the table with the cannoli and box of rainbow cookies. She hands the box over to Momma.

  “Here ya go, Momma. This one is especially for you. From us both.”

  Momma stares for a moment but then opens the box to reveal her surprise. “Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Here. Are these what I think they are?” She has the biggest, happiest smile on her face.

  I nod with a giant grin on my face. “Yes they are. From what I’ve been told, they’re your very favorite.”

  We move the gathering out to the patio.

  I gaze around at the yard. “Momma, you really do have some beautiful land. Is this where you’re holding the wedding, Sofia?”

  Rhen answers. “Yep, we’re gonna set up tents so that no matter the weather, we’re covered. Pun intended.” He chuckles. “If you aren’t doing anything the weekend before, I could use some help starting the set up. The ladies will be too busy with all the last-minute flower and decoration stuff. We’ll also need to build the altar. We had one, but Fia wants something more us, so I promised to build her one.”

  I nod. “Yeah, just shoot me a text with dates so I make sure I’m free. I’d be happy to help.”

  “Sweet. Now I just need to make sure we have all the supplies. I know Savy and Fia are busy with this competition for the next month, so maybe you and I can get together and start on the altar while they’re gone. If you have nothing else to do.”

  I sit there shocked, but before I can respond, Savy chimes in.

  “Ha ha, so funny story,” she says with rosy cheeks.

  Rhen and Sofia sit forward to listen and Momma just sits back smirking. She already knows but didn’t tell them because she said it wasn’t her place.

  “Go on,” Sofia says.

  “Well yesterday while I was showing Lukah my designs and we were talking fashion, I mentioned the competition. It turns out he’s the funding and brains behind it.”

  Sofia goes to say something but was quickly cut off by Savy as she raises her hand.

  “Before you get the wrong idea, he had no clue I was a competitor, as he’s merely the face and wallet of the whole event.” She looks at me. “Sorry, that was rude. I just mean because you’re funding the competition.”

  “I know, no worries.”

  Fia speaks up, looking at Savy. “So you had no idea who he was when you bumped into him?”

  Savy shakes her head.

  Fia looks over at me. “And you seriously had no idea she was one of the designers in this competition? Wow, fate has definitely been at play here.”

  We all just kind of sit there for a moment letting it sink in.

  Momma sits forward and looks between Savy and I. “Baby girl, it looks as though maybe you should stop fighting fate and let nature take its course. Sure, Lukah has some personal things that may or may not affect you, but they’re out of his control. Just enjoy each other and see where things go. No one outside of this circle has to know your business if you don’t want them to. We’ll protect you until you know what you want.”

  “I know, Momma. I’m taking your advice and just taking it one day at a time. But there’s someone outside of this circle that has to know because she’s his Sofia.”

  Rhen questions, “Um excuse me, what?”

  “Ha ha, calm down, Bubba. Just like I have a Sofia, so does he, except her name is Izzy. I get to meet her Tuesday.” Savy smiles as she grabs my hand.

  I kiss her palm. “Yes, Izzy’s my best friend and like the little sister I always wanted.
I’ll have to bring her by one day.”

  “Momma, we have to get going, we have some plans tonight. Movie marathon and wine!” Savy beams.

  Fia snorts. “Whatever, bitch, you don’t have to lie. We know you wanna go have ‘alone’ time with your hottie. Probably want to finish whatever I walked in on this morning.”

  Savy turns red.

  In an attempt to save Savy, I speak up. “I’m sorry to disappoint ya, Fia, but we’re taking things slow. We don’t want to rush into anything. So, we planned a Harry Potter movie marathon with popcorn, wine and pizza.”

  Fia laughs. “Nerds.”

  Momma steps in. “You kids go ahead, don’t worry about us. We’ll see you Tuesday, and Lukah, you should join us for lunch to celebrate her graduation.”

  “I’d love to.”

  We say our goodbyes and Savy gets her hugs. I even got one from Momma and Sofia too. Rhen shook my hand before we headed out to the car.

  “Maybe since we’re going to your place, you should drive,” Savy says.

  “Sure, sounds good.” I help her into the car and walk around to the driver seat.

  As I get myself situated and start toward my apartment, Savy slips her hand down my leg, getting dangerously close to my cock. I’m trying very hard to behave myself and respect her, but the little minx isn’t making it easy.

  She leans near my ear, “So, I know you jumped in to defend me back there with Sofia, thank you. And just so you know, after this morning and then that kiss in the bathroom, I’m going to fuck your brains out when we get to your place.” Her low voice is dripping with desire.

  I’m completely shocked with this revelation. “Well, I guess we better get to the apartment quick then, huh?”

  I slide my hand up her thigh towards the sweet honey nectar, which I had the pleasure of tasting today. I speed up just a little. I can’t wait to get her alone and naked again. The things I’ll do to her. Mmm hm.



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