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Makin’ the Cut

Page 15

by Rennie Rivera

  “Hey, I get it. Me wanting to be close and protect her is part of why I cancelled my suite. Now with this threat, I’m even more glad I did it. Between the two of us, they’ll be protected for sure. I have a feeling that my plans will send Claire away, but that doesn’t mean she won’t return. Plus, Savy needs all the positive reinforcements she can get.”

  He smiles. “Absolutely. It’s taking a lot of willpower to avoid going and finding this Claire myself. But I know Savy is the one who has to do this.

  “Let’s get these ladies set up and take care of the Claire issue. Savy needs no distractions right now.”

  He nods.

  We head out to the living room to join the ladies and spend the next hour and a half setting up Savy’s sketching desk and sewing table alongside her trunk of fabrics. She said it needed to be a certain way in order for her to feel comfortable while working. This helps make it easier to get into her design zone. Before I know it, it’s time to go down and meet Claire.

  “Baby doll, it’s time.” I draw her attention from her setup.

  “Wow, already?” She looks up with a nervousness in her eyes.

  I nod.

  “Okay, let’s get this shit over with.”

  We join hands and walk to the door.

  Sofia waves and we head out to the elevators. While waiting, Savy fidgets and bites her lip. She’s so damn cute when she’s nervous, even though for this she has nothing to be nervous about.

  “I wish you’d stop biting your lip. It’ll be okay. I promise,” I pull her into my arms, kissing that sexy lip and then the tip of her nose.

  She lays her head on my chest and nods. “I know you’re right. I just dread seeing her.”

  The elevator dings and I pull her through the open doors and stand by her side, holding her hand as we ride it down. I assure her with just my touch we’re in this together. We arrive on the ground floor and head towards the bar.

  I watch as right before my eyes her walls go back up and her defenses are on alert. My strong, confident, sexy minx is now gone and another version of her has emerged. This version seems standoffish, easily intimidated, and self-conscious.

  I hate seeing what this venom of a woman is doing to her. We’ll squash this shit today and I’ll make sure she never shows her face in Savy’s life again. We walk into the bar and get a table, waiting to see her appear. This will be interesting for sure.

  * * *


  How the hell is it, even after all these years, this fucking excuse for a person has the ability to make me feel less than? I’m shocked Lukah didn’t run when I told him about not only my profession, but my awful past too. Although I’m so glad he didn’t, I wouldn’t blame him if he ran for the hills. He shows me more and more every day that he isn’t like Gavin, or many other men for that matter.

  “I don’t even remember what she looks like,” I state while waiting to be seated.

  He looks at me, not at all shocked about this revelation. “No worries. I’m sure she won’t hesitate to approach you. I’m gonna sit at the bar and let her think she’s running this show. Once she sits down, I’ll join you.” He kisses my temple and heads towards the bar as I asked the hostess for a table.

  Sitting at the table, I look over the menu to distract myself.

  “Well look at you, Miss High and Mighty, sitting here in this fancy place like you think you belong,” Claire says with a cackle.

  I look up into the face of my past. Paled skin, hollowed out cheeks, obviously strung out on something.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong, Claire. I do belong here. It’s you who doesn’t belong,” I answer with a taste of venom on my tongue.

  How dare she imply I don’t belong among high class. I’m better than she’ll ever imagine.

  “It’s Mom to you, bitch,” she spews.

  “No, Claire, you’re not now, nor have you ever been a mom. Can we just get to why you’re here? I have work to do.”

  She sits down across me, fidgeting with her purse. “I want fifty thousand dollars and I won’t tell your lover about the whore you are.”

  But just as she finishes her statement her eyes grow wide in shock. I can sense Lukah standing behind me. Guess she was expecting me to bow down and pay up. Ha ha, joke’s on her.

  “Hello, baby doll, sorry I kept you waiting so long.” He places a kiss on my forehead, pulls the chair out next to me, and sits. “And you must be the poor excuse for a human known as Claire.”

  She looks at him still shocked. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Did you really think that you could blackmail me and extort money out of me? Did you think I was so weak I wouldn’t tell him? You know nothing about me. You think you see me with a man who has money that that means I do to. Well that, Claire, is where you’re wrong. I’m not ashamed of being a topless dancer. I’m not ashamed of the fact that I work for everything I have.”

  Clair sits back with a look of defeat on her face.

  “I’m strong, I’m independent. I’ve met a man who likes me for me, despite my fucked-up background and shitty DNA. He doesn’t care who I was, only cares who I am. Sorry if you thought you were coming in here and getting money out of me. But you aren’t getting a fuckin’ dime. You’ll be wise to never try me again.” I sit back with a smile on my face.

  Lukah chimes in. “And just to be sure we’re clear, if you ever threaten her or show up at Deb’s house looking for money again, I’ll be the one you deal with. Deb owes you nothing. Savy owes you nothing. You owe Deb everything. She took Savy in and gave her the best life she could.”

  Clair scoffs.

  Lukah continues. “She raised that scared little girl into the beautiful young woman you see sitting before you. You’d be wise to leave and never look back, just like you did all those years ago.” Lukah stands, taking my hand, and leading me out of the restaurant.

  While getting on the elevator I notice a few cops walking out of the restaurant with Claire in cuffs. I look to Lukah for answers to the unasked question.

  “I called in a favor. Reported her for extortion and blackmail.” Lukah states.

  I stare at him in complete awe and shock as we approach our room. “Thank you, Lukah. Thank you so much. Maybe now she’ll get the help she needs to get her life together. She’ll never be welcomed in mine, but I wish her something better.” I reach up and kiss his cheek before we open the door to our room where Fia and Rhen await us.

  “It turns out she has quite the long laundry list of warrants. I have it on good authority that she won’t be out for a very long time. Some of her warrants are for theft, prostitution, possession, and a very long list of other charges. So not only will she get clean, but she’ll stay clean. The only thing I pity her for is the extreme detox and withdrawals she’ll go through. It’s going to suck.”

  As he opens the door I say, “Let’s just put this behind us. The models I’m assigned should be arriving any minute. Let’s get ready for them. I need to utilize my hour wisely and I want to get some measurements before I finalize the ideas I have for this round.”

  We walk into the room and I see several people there.

  “Oh hey, look, babe. They’re here already.”

  I notice he stops short and the color drains from his face, making him white as a ghost. “Lukah, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  He shakes his head. “Lindsey, what the fuck are you doing here?”



  “Lindsey, who’s Lindsey?” Savy asks as I stare in astonishment at the ghost from my past.

  A tall, super skinny blonde that makes my skin crawl slinks our direction. “I’m Lindsey. I’m your assigned model for the first round of the competition,” Lindsey says as she puts her hand out to shake Savy’s hand.

  She glances over at me and winks before continuing. “Lukah and I go way back. Modeled our first shows together. How ya been, Lukah?”

  I put my arm around Savy’s waist, pulling her close, almost
like I needed to prove I was happy without the bitch. “I’m doing great. Looks as though you’re still in the industry. Good for you, you always did love the spotlight.” I kiss Savy on the temple. “Lindsey and I used to date actually. She’s my Gavin.” I look at Savy for a moment and wait for it to sink in.

  Savy looks up at me. “Oh. Okay.” Then she looks at Lindsey. “Very nice to meet you, Lindsey. It isn’t going to be an issue for you modeling the clothes of your ex’s new girlfriend, is it?”

  Lindsey shakes her head. “No, not at all. I’m glad Lukah has found someone. No worries. I promise to keep it strictly professional.”

  Savy nods and walks away.

  I look at Lindsey and want to throw her smug ass out, but know Savy wouldn’t be too happy about that. So instead I’ll kill the bitch with kindness. But the moment she gets out of line she’s gone. This is a big deal for Savy, and I refuse to let anything come in and ruin it.

  I sit on the couch and let Savy get all her measurements of Lindsey and Erica before sending them on their way. The other model is male and she seems pretty excited by that. She saves his measurements for last. She walks around him a few times as though she is mentally sizing him up and designing a unique ensemble.

  “Okay, I think I know exactly what I’m going to design for you. Let me just get some measurements and you’ll be free to go!” Savy says.

  I’m amazed as I sit back and watch her work. She has me completely amazed. She truly is a force to be reckoned with. Within a few minutes, Savy is all done with Joshua and sends him on his way. Then she sits down at the table with her sketchbook and starts to work.

  I slap Rhen on the arm. “Hey Rhen, I’m going to go on a coffee run. Looks like we’re in for a long day of sketching and assessing. Care to join me? You know what the ladies like better than I. Plus, there’s no way I’m coming back here with the wrong order because I heard it’ll set the tone for angry work with Savy,” I point out with a chuckle.

  Savy sticks her tongue out in response to my dig.

  Rhen looks at me and nods. “Yeah, good idea. Fia, baby, order some lunch from our favorite place and I’ll pick it up while we’re out.” He walks over to kiss Sofia.

  I give Savy a kiss. “Anything else special you want while I’m gone?”

  Savy stops her sketching. “No, but can I have a word with you in private before you go?”

  I nod, following her toward the bedroom.

  I close the door behind me. “Everything okay?”

  “Lindsey isn’t going to be an issue, right? I know you have a past. I’m more than okay with it. I just don’t want her coming in here and trying to ruin my shot. You don’t think she’ll be any trouble, right? To be honest, I wanted to send her away as soon as you told me she’s your ex, but I’m the bigger person. Not mixing personal with professional.”

  “Baby doll, you have nothing to worry about. Lindsey shattered my heart and walked away when she thought I’d never be more than a model. I find it funny how she acts as though we’re friends because she spit venom at me when we split. I didn’t catch her in the act but knew there was someone else. Some big movie actor. At first it hurt so damn bad. Izzy didn’t think I’d ever get over it. But now, now I think, oh well, she’s his problem. But if you still want to trade her with another model, you can.”

  I stare at her for a minute waiting for her to respond.

  “No, it’s fine, she’s fine. Now she can sit back and see what she’s missing out on. But also, to be safe, I’m going to measure Sofia for the same outfit. I want to be sure my ass is covered.”

  I nod and pull her into a warm, tight embrace. We hug for a few minutes before there’s a knock at the door.

  “Bitch, we got work to do. Come on, they’re going for coffee and lunch. You can fuck him later, you little nympho, because I’m starving,” Sofia yells through the door.

  I chuckle and release my grasp on Savy. She laughs, kisses me, then heads out the door. Rhen and I head out to get the girls their caffeine fix and some food.

  Once in the car Rhen speaks up. “Okay, seriously, what the fuck.? Dude, your ex is a model? Savy handled that a lot better than I thought. By the way, I don’t trust that chick. She looked catty when she noticed you and Savy walking in together.”

  I laugh. “Yep, good old Lindsey. Even when she doesn’t want something anymore, she still thinks she holds a claim. If I had access to the list of models before the competition, I’d have been sure not to hire her. Izzy reviewed and approved the list. I’ll go and chat with Izzy when we get back. There has to be a good reason why she hired her. I didn’t mean for Savy to get blindsided by my ex.”

  Rhen nodded. “Savy will play nice until Lindsey gives her a reason not to. But being caught off guard definitely threw her for a loop. Fia on the other hand, she’ll be a bitch to her without the girl even realizing it.”

  “I wanted to be the one to tell her, but just hadn’t got around to it yet. And I don’t fucking trust that bitch either. She’s never been willing to play nice with others, I smell disaster coming. I promised Savy I wouldn’t let anything ruin her chances in this, so we have to keep an eye on her. And Savy is going to measure Fia too as a just in case.”

  Rhen nods. “Yeah, it isn’t us or Savy that Lindsey will need to worry about. Sofia will rip her face off if she toys with Savy. If there’s one thing you’ll learn, it’s that Sofia is mad protective of Savannah. She’s always looked out for her. Shit, sometimes you have to step back and let the master of crazy work.”

  I chuckle in response as we walk into the coffee place to get the girls their fix of liquid crack. Once we have coffee in hand, we head to the Chinese place to get lunch. We chat about sports and the upcoming wedding, which it turns out Rhen is pretty excited about. Most men let the ladies do all the planning and just show up.

  It isn’t usually a big deal to men about the details, but Rhen is an exception to that. He loves it. I can see he and I will become very good friends. Not only because our girls are sisters, but because we’re both so similar.

  As we’re heading back to the hotel, Rhen asks, “So, how are things with you and Savy? She’s built this wall, but I feel you may have found a way over it. I can tell you’re growing attached to her, and she to you. How are things on the mental and emotional level? And don’t give me that we’re just starting out bullshit.”

  I look at him then back to the road. “Well, I know we’re connecting on a more personal level, but I also know it was a big step for her to tell me about her childhood and Claire. I hate that she worried I wouldn’t want her based on her past. She should realize that I don’t care about that shit. She doesn’t need to worry, I’m not going anywhere. She’s been through hell and she deserves better than that slime ball Gavin, and I intend to be the better for her.”

  Rhen replies, “Yea but you’ve got to be patient with her too. This has to go at her pace. She will give you a case of whiplash, but just stay true and patient.”

  I nod. “I know. I can’t explain the how’s or even the why’s of this connection I feel to her, but I can tell you that I’m all in. She’s a strong, determined, independent woman. She’s so smart and talented too. Even if she doesn’t win this, which I think she will, I plan to invest in her clothing line. I believe in her and her vision. I want to help her go wherever she wants in this world.”

  Rhen studies me for a moment, “Dude, you’re so fucked. You’re in love with her.” He laughs.

  “I care for her yes, but I wouldn’t say I’m in love with her already. That’s crazy. We only just started dating. I just want to see her rise above and be successful.” I’m denying the fact that he’s right. I’m falling for this goddess of a woman and it scares the shit out of me.

  He just laughs at me while shaking his head. “Stop trying to bullshit me. I see it. I see it in how you look at her and how you cave for her. And people say love at first sight doesn’t exist.”

  I think for a minute. “I’m so fucked. I’m like putt
y in her hands.”

  He continues to laugh hysterically as we pull up to the valet stand and get out. He looks over at me. “It’s okay, I won’t tell her. But you better not hurt her. I like you, so I don’t want to have to kick your ass.”

  I nod. “Thanks.”

  We walk into the room and find the girls hard at work. I’m stopped in my tracks and just watch in awe of Savy and her talents. I can’t believe that after only a short time I’m already head over heels in love with this amazing woman.

  Rhen walks into the living room area. “Lunch and coffee, ladies.”

  We set the bags on the coffee table and start unloading the food. Within minutes the ladies join us and start to dig in. There’s a happy silence in the room and it makes this all feel so natural, like we’ve been doing this sort of thing together for years. I love how comfortable things are between us all, especially Savy and I.

  Fia breaks the silence. “Dude your ex better be on her best behavior. I‘ll throat punch the bitch if she isn’t.”

  I almost choke as she catches me off guard with her comment.

  Savy jumps in. “Fia, shut up. Lindsey’s no threat. She may try to ruffle my feathers, but I won’t let her have the satisfaction of getting to me. I mean, I’m not stupid. I know that she’ll try me. She knows damn well Lukah and I are together, so either out of jealousy or ignorance she’s going to lash out. Lukah seems to think not, but as a woman I know better.”

  Fia nods. “Well when the bitch does, I’m who she’ll need to deal with. I let that shit with Sam slide because you got her and because she’s not worth jail time. But Lindsey is another story. This isn’t just some competition for you. This is your future and I’ll be damned if some snobby skank gets in the way of it.

  Savy replies. “I know, Fia, and I love you for that. But I don’t think she’d be stupid enough to do something here with all these witnesses. She’ll ruin her own name in the process.”


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