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CLUB DARK LACE: The complete Dark Lace series

Page 7

by Measha Stone

  "I'm torn. I want to punish her but at the same time, I want to hold her." He raked his hand through his hair, sure it probably stood on end from doing exactly that dozens of times already since getting dressed.

  "So." Jamison shrugged and popped the mushroom in his mouth. "Do both. She deserves it, and she knows it."

  "What if she doesn't come."

  "She’ll show, whether or not she comes is entirely up to you." Jamison laughed and looked at his watch. The playful grin slipped. "I have to go."

  "You're ditching your own party for another?"

  "Depends. I might be back, I might not." Jamison wouldn't give any more information than that, but Garrick knew better than to push. "The party runs itself; I've made the rounds. No one will miss me, or you if things go right."

  "Just go." Garrick waved him off. Jamison was right, the party was in full swing and their presence was no longer required.

  "Sir." Julia, the party planner they hired to put the event together every year interrupted them. "The front desk has said your guest has arrived. She's been brought up the room as you instructed." She gave her usual plastic smile and waited for his nod before she headed back out to the party. "Jamison, I see you sneaking out that door." She called to him without even turning around. "Happy New Year." She called and walked through the swinging doors.

  "She's still pissed at you." Garrick laughed and straightened his tux. Jamison didn't bother responding. The door shutting behind him, his only answer.

  She was there.

  Garrick took the back stairs leading to the servant quarters of the old mansion. She’d been brought to a room on the third floor, all the way in the back of the house. An audience, he did not want.

  As he walked up to the closed door, he paused with his hand on the doorknob. What if she'd only come to tell him to fuck off? He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing deeply and reminding himself it was Jade. Out of all the women he ever remotely found attractive, she was the one he compared them all to. She was the model of perfection, and every dent and every wound made her more impeccable.

  He shoved the door open, sure he'd find her wandering the room looking out the windows at her surroundings. His heart screeched to a halt at the vision she presented.

  On her knees, she faced the door, her hands resting on her thighs, her head bowed, and her knees spread. She wore a silver gown, one he'd seen before, but the hem was pulled up to her waist, giving him a full view of her legs. Her short pixie hair was pulled back from her face with a glittery headband matching the tennis bracelets around each wrist.

  She'd worn them.

  She was kneeling and waiting for him.

  He closed the door, locking it before facing her. "I'm going to give you the floor first." He announced and leaned back against the door. Touching her wouldn't get them far, he needed the space to keep himself from pulling up her gown and taking her right there on the floor.

  Her chin rose and she met his gaze. Her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. Her cheeks tinted pink, and her lips- those pouty, kissable lips- parted slightly while she took him in.

  "I-I'm sorry. So, sorry. Dad told me- but I already knew. You aren't that kind of guy. You are- well- perfect. Not in the never makes any mistakes kind of way, but the makes everything okay even when it's not kinda way." She rambled on, but he didn't stop her. "I was an idiot. I was scared. Things were going great, but would it last? Can we last?"

  "Do you want us to last?"

  She blinked, sending one tear sliding down her cheek. "Yes."

  "You do." He nodded, more pleased in that moment than any other he could remember. "Good. Because so do I."

  "The bracelets are beautiful."

  "You understand what they mean?"

  Another nod. "Yes. They mean I belong to you. They mean I'm yours, and you're mine."

  He silently walked to the dresser and pulled out another jewelry box. "This." He opened the box, showing her the silver collar resting inside. "This is what I want to give you when you're ready, and when I'm ready. It locks, and only the key will take it off. So, when I give it to you, when you wear it, it will be when we decide this is a forever thing."

  He snapped the box closed and put it back on the dresser. "I don't take it lightly."

  "H-have you ever given one before? I mean, your girlfriends-"

  He laughed. "My girlfriends never had any interest in a collar. They wanted some kinky bedroom shit and some spankings here and there. They weren't the real thing, because you were. They were a way to pass the time." He crouched down in front of her, unbuttoning his tux jacket.

  "I'm sorry." She said again, softer this time, with the weight of her remorse heavy in the air.

  "You're here now, but you have earned another punishment. A severe one." He lifted her chin with two fingers when she tried to look back down. "You won't get any cream after this one. It's going to be bad."

  Her chest rose and fell faster, her breath began to come out in short pants. "Okay." Another tear fell down her cheek.

  "But not tonight." He unbuttoned the top of his shirt. "Tonight, we reconnect. We make this real." He stood up and looked down at her. Her tear stained face upturned and confused. "Stand up, strip, and stand by the bed, Jade. I want to fuck you."

  He watched her as she stood and began to undress. He could help her, taken the zipper down for her at least, but he wasn't looking for just a naked Jade. He wanted an offering. And she seemed to get that. With the zipper down, she shimmied the dress over her shoulders and down the length of her body, displaying every naked inch of herself with the gown pooling at her feet.

  "Fuck," he whispered. It wasn't that she was naked, he’d seen that before. It wasn't even that she was standing in one the most elaborately decorated bedrooms he'd ever been in and there were twinkling lights surrounding them. It was her eyes. When they met his, the sincerity and depth of her emotions played there, waiting for him to accept her and take her. Trust that he would care for her and love her like no one else could. It was enough to suck the breath out of his lungs.

  He was in front of her in three long strides. With one hand on her hip and the other curled around the nape of her neck, he lowered his mouth to hers. Her mouth soft beneath his lips, and when she parted them for him, he deepened the kiss, tasting her, memorizing the sweetness that was his Jade. Both her hands slipped up to his shoulders, gripping his suit jacket as he delved deeper.

  The way she flattened her body against his made his cock push harder against his pants. She had to feel it, pressed up against him the way she was every inch of her body could sense his tension, his desire. The feel of her warm, smooth skin beneath his hand as he slid his hand up the side of her waist, up to the swell of her breast pushed him to the edge.

  He pushed against her, walking her back toward the bed. To where he'd wanted her to stand waiting for him before he'd gotten greedy and pounced on her. Once against the bed, he guided her onto it, leaving her laying naked on top the plush blankets and stood at the side of the bed looking down at her.

  "What are you doing?" She pushed herself up to her elbows.

  "Joining you." He yanked at his tie, ridding himself of it and the rest of his clothing in record pace. Jade's gazed dipped to take in his naked form, and he loved it. The feel of her gaze, the appreciative gasp when he'd dropped his boxers. She'd had him in her mouth, she knew his size well, but he assumed it was much different this time for her as much for him.

  The bed dipped as he climbed onto the mattress. "These knees are beautiful." He placed a kiss to each bent knee and gripped them. "But they are too close together." With a quick shove, he had her legs spread open for him, revealing the gift he'd been waiting for. "Fuck me, Jade." He let out a low whistle. She'd been to the salon.

  "You mentioned once-" her words were cut off with his kiss. The woman knew exactly how to stroke him. A little patch of hair remained, but the rest was gone. Her plump lips were open, giving him a good view of her already swollen clit.
r />   "You are perfect." Stretching over the length of her, he brushed her hair back from her face.

  "I'm still scared," her whispered confession came just before she reached up and kissed his cheek.

  "I know." He brushed his lips over her ear. "Give me your fears and your doubts."

  "You can't protect me from everything." Her hands roamed over his shoulders, the feathery touch of her fingers tingling down his spine.

  "No, but I can battle them with you."

  She reached up toward his face, two fingers brushing away a stand of hair from his forehead. "You've always been there, doing that, that's why this hasn't been weird."

  He laughed. "If making it weird for you would make it easier, just wait. You haven't seen a fraction of the shit I want to do to you."

  It was her turn to laugh. "Tell me?"

  He shook his head, dipping lower, and skimming down her body until his mouth hovered over her breast. Her nipple pebbled beneath his breath. "I'll show you." Sinking his teeth into her peak got him exactly the reaction he wanted.

  She sucked in her breath and arched her back, meeting his mouth when he moved to the other breast. Her hands wound into his hair, but he pulled them free, placing them at her sides. "No moving yet." He tapped her nose and moved further down her body. Kissing a line from the valley between her breasts down to the small strip of trimmed hair accenting her mons.

  "Fuck you smell good." He inhaled and grinned up at her. She swallowed and looked ready to move. "Nuh, uh, I'll tell you when." Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he lowered his mouth to meet her clit. As though to savor her taste, and her frustration, he ran the tip of his tongue over the bundle of nerves in a circular motion. She looked ready to kill, but it wasn't good enough for him.

  With two fingers, he played with her entrance. Already wet and hot for him, he rimmed her pussy while nudging her clit with his tongue. Her pleasure built as well as her frustration.

  "Garrick. I can't wait, please." The desperation in her voice nearly cracked his resolve, but he wouldn't be persuaded. He had a course in mind, and he stuck to it.

  Slowly and with great determination he slid his fingers into her pussy, enjoying the heated walls grasping at him on all sides. Her head went back, her mouth opened, and a growl escaped, but her hands did not move.

  "Such a good girl." He sucked her clit hard then let go. "Such an obedient girl." He kissed her sex as he began to finger fuck her. "Such a beautiful, submissive, girl." He kissed right above her navel, still thrusting his fingers into her.

  "Oh, god. Garrick, please, don't make me wait." She begged, the pleading speaking directly to his cock. He couldn’t wait much longer either. The friction of the bed rubbing his dick as he moved around began to weaken his control.

  "Ask nicely." He grinned, moving into a better position between her legs and ready to take what he already knew as his. He pulled his visibly wet fingers from her pussy and brought them to his mouth. She bit down hard on her lower lip as he licked and sucked of her juices.

  He reached over her, pressing his chest against her shoulder as he managed to open the drawer of the nightstand. Grabbing a condom, he knelt between her thighs. With her heated gaze on him his jaw clenched, the view, too much for one man to have to bear, having her staring at him with his cock in his hand. To relieve a bit of the pressure, he wrapped his hand around his shaft and stroked himself several times. When he checked on her reaction, he nearly came from the lust in her eyes.

  The condom rolled over his cock easily, and he positioned himself at her entrance once more. Holding himself in one hand, he rubbed the head of his dick up through her folds, coating himself in her hot wetness.

  "Sir, please, please fuck me." His eyes snapped to hers. Those words coming from her mouth nearly tore him in two.

  "Such a fucking good girl." Lowering himself down, he captured her mouth at the same time he thrust into her. Her moan caught in his mouth, mingling with his own. He'd imagined what it would be like to be inside her, to feel her body wrapped around him, but not one of those fantasies could compare to the actual heaven of the act.

  "Oh god!" She yelled out when he finally broke the kiss to take a breath. He pulled out of her a fraction and her hands flew to his back. "No, don't."

  He grinned down at her. "Hands, Jade. Put them back."

  She pouted but did as instructed. He rewarded her with several hard thrusts. She wrapped her legs around his waist like she was afraid he'd abandon her. Never, that would never happen.

  "Fuck." He thrust harder, going deeper until he felt her womb.

  "Too much." She whimpered, but when he tried to pull back, she tightened her legs.

  He nibbled on her neck. "Move your hands, Jade. Play with your clit for me."

  She nodded, knocking him with her chin when she did so.

  He pushed up on his hands, still plowing hard into her, and watching her fingers disappear between their bodies. Her eyes rolled, and he began to lengthen his strokes.

  Hands on her hips, he fucked her harder. Each measured stroke was met with strong desire and greedy need. She grabbed at him with her free hand, running her nails down his shoulder, and arm.

  "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," she chanted.

  "Are you going to keep being my good girl and come for me?" He wanted to die right there with her look of complete submission.

  She nodded, unable to speak, he supposed.

  "Be my good girl. Come for me, come hard." He gripped her waist harder and drove into her with more force.

  One last stroke and she came unglued. Her pussy clenched around him, pulsating and grasping him from every angle.

  "Oh fuck!" His yell mingled with her own, as his release caught him off guard. There is no stopping a tsunami, and that's what she brought out of him. He rode her hard, stroke after stroke, feeling every movement of her pussy, every cry of pleasure from her chest. Only once the waves stopped crashing over him did he slow to halt. The last bits of his orgasm faded.

  Heated breath passed between them as he tried to catch his breath. He braced himself, waiting to see her reaction. The last time she'd come so hard she panicked, but this time, this time was different. This time, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him.

  Slipping from her body, he moved to her side to keep from crushing her.

  After several long minutes passed by, she turned to him with a sated grin. "Don't you have to be at the party? I mean you're the host."

  "Fuck it." He kissed the tip of her nose and leapt from the bed to take care of the condom. "We can stay up here all night. I own the damn place."

  She sat straight up and looked around the room as though she saw it for the first time. "Seriously?"

  He laughed and jumped back on the bed, pulling her to his chest when he rolled to his back. "Yeah. Bought it three years ago. I told you about it, but you were dating that Samuel character and were distracted." He rubbed her bare arm.

  "Samuel. Oh, yeah, he was a mistake." She laughed. "Everyone was a mistake."

  He nodded. "Until you." He kissed her forehead and wiggled the blankets from beneath them until they were nestled beneath them.

  "Yes, until you." She sighed.


  Chapter 1

  The man with the devilish grin, stern features, and handsome swagger walked straight for them. Carissa tried to ignore him. Surely, he was headed elsewhere. Maybe to the group of giggling women standing behind herself and Jade.

  “There’s a lot of people here.” Jade’s voice broke into Carissa’s thoughts.

  The man walking toward them paused momentarily to talk with a younger guy wearing a headset. Did his eyes flick in her direction while he continued the conversation?

  “It’s getting hot, too.” Jade fanned herself.

  Carissa needed to concentrate. She and Jade had ventured to the Mistletoe Madness party together to give each other support. Mostly, Carissa wanted to support Jade as she finally took a step into the world of BDSM clubs, and
maybe finally owned up to everything she really wanted out of a relationship. So her attention couldn’t be put on the man stalking toward them again, weaving in and out of the crowd, looking more than determined. Possessive.

  “It will cool off once they open the playrooms.” Carissa didn’t look at her friend while talking. How could she when his eyes were on her, directing her to keep contact with him.

  This was ridiculous. Even if he was headed for her, it wouldn’t matter. Most men who approached her at the clubs didn’t stick around very long once she started to go through her kink list.

  “What’s that?” Jade pulled on Carissa’s arm and pointed toward the large lounge area of the greeting room.

  “It’s the bar, Jade.” She turned to face her friend who clearly felt on edge having to wait to get into the playrooms. “Relax. Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll mingle. You’ll find a nice guy to chat with, and, if you’re lucky, you’ll get yourself bent over one of the spanking benches and have that little public-play cherry of yours popped.”

  “You say that as though it’s so easy.” Jade screwed her face up with doubt and let out a long sigh. “Fine. You’re right. I need to relax. Whatever happens will happen, right?”

  “Exactly. Never think you have the night planned out, as you’ll most often find it’s out of your control anyway”,” a deep voice answered as Carissa opened her mouth to say something in a similar vein.

  She didn’t need to turn around to know who spoke the words, but she did anyway. Right there, a mere six inches from her, stood the devil himself. Or at least his cousin. He seemed bigger and firmer than she imagined the devil would look. The prince of the underworld probably held more of a sinister appearance: angry eyes, bulging muscles ready to rip his subjects apart. This man stood much taller than she, and built well enough from what she could tell, but nothing in his sculpted features showed anything but control. No anger, no pompous arrogance, just confidence and pure dominance.

  “Well, that may be true.” Jade didn’t seem the slightest bit affected by him.


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