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Blaze: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 2)

Page 7

by Kathi S. Barton

  When she pulled out her cell phone and started talking to people, Bryson went to find Blaze. He found her talking to one of the workers about what they were doing to the room the desks had been in. She asked him his opinion as soon as she saw him.

  “I think this room is much too small.” She looked around while he continued. “The desks that we had weren’t efficient either. They were too small to spread out to work, and most of them were so old that there wasn’t a flat place on them to make a straight line to work with. Especially when cutting.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I don’t think I could work in this room either.” She looked at the builder. “There are larger spaces on the second and third floor you were asking me about. I decided that they need more windows, both floors, and the desks that are being delivered need to be put up there. Yes, that’s perfect.”

  “This room would make a great break area, wouldn’t it?” She told him that was going in on the main level. “Okay, then what would you use this for?”

  “I was thinking for supplies. Printers, and the 3D printers too. I got a really good deal on those. There will need to be enough supplies so that whoever is working here won’t have to wait on them to be delivered. What do you think?” He could see it too. The wide shelves filled with papers. Colors that they could blend to make the product look good. “You like it.”

  “Yes. And since you’ve already told me that we’d be making prototypes here that you’ll be using, the availability of colored papers will help as well. I love it.” She nodded as they walked around the second and the third floor of the building to sketch out were the desks were going to go. “Under each window. That way we have something to look at other than the four walls that we’re in. When I was on a deadline, I’d find a place, even if it was to go out of doors, to expand my view for a few minutes. It helped clear the mind and come up with designs.”

  Bryson was so excited that he wanted to have the builders working every day and night to get it completed. When he was staring at the building next to theirs, he had a sudden thought. Pulling Blaze to the windows that were facing the building, he asked her what she saw.

  “Nothing but brick.” He nodded. “What is it you have in mind? I’m game for whatever it is. With the way this place is going to be, I think we’ll have more business than we can handle.”

  “Good. Can you buy that building?” Blaze asked him what he had in mind. “Buy that building and make a walkway to it. Put in exercise equipment. Plants, lots and lots of plants. Some books that the employees can read. A nurse, as well as someone on staff that can help with finances. Someplace that they can hit up on their lunch hour and get their own business done. Maybe an ATM, or even a bank teller from a bank that the company uses for payroll.”

  “I love this, Bryson. A company that truly cares for their employees. We’ll even put the cafeteria over there.” She started yelling to tell Mercy what they were going to do. “I can see it all working out for the people here. And with a pharmacy just across the street, they can pick up things quickly that they might need.”

  By the time they were leaving the building, his mind was buzzing with ideas about both the places where he was going to be working. He’d not asked again if he could run the printshop, but he could talk her into it. Bryson wanted to work someplace that he had a stake in. And working at this place and where the things were stored for people in need, he was happy as he’d been in a long time about going back to work.

  When they were having lunch together, something that the birds did at least once a week, he knew that they didn’t use their cell phones, nor did they discuss work. Today, however, work was all they talked about. Even the other women had ideas for them to get clothing and such for the warehouse. He was humbled by the way they kept thanking him for coming up with the idea. By the time they were finished, not only did he have a list of people to call for donations, but also a list of manufacturers that he would call to get a start on the coats. It was fast coming up on Thanksgiving, and it was already cold.

  When he got home, Bryson went straight to his office and started working. Blaze was out on another project, and wouldn’t be home until dinner.

  There were two messages on his desk, and one that asked him to come to the kitchen. Not sure why someone would have taken the messages or what could be in the kitchen, he made his way there with a little trepidation. Not that he thought anyone would hurt him in this house, but he just didn’t know right now.

  “Lord Williams, my name is Todd. If you wish for me to have a last name, then I’d need help figuring one out. I have been a friend of the birds for a great, great many years. I was the person who took care of the household that her ladyship, Queen Dante, lived in.” Bryson took his hand when it was offered. “I am not a human, but a shifter tiger. I was born one, but was given the ability to live out a long life to care for those in need at the new village. It is my honor to serve you and Lady Blaze.”

  “Thank you.” Todd then introduced him to his lady wife, Stella. She would be there to fix any meals they wished. “You’ll be cooking for us then? Cooking is a passion of mine. I do hope that you’ll allow me in here on occasion to cook a little myself.”

  “‘Tis your house, my lord.” Bryson smiled at her. “I was wondering if there is anything that you’d not eat. I know that Blaze, being a hawk, has tried a great many things. But you, I haven’t any idea what you might like.”

  “I’m easy to please. I’m more of a comfort food man. I do like sweets, but I try very hard not to eat any of them because I don’t want to be as big as a house someday.” Todd told him that as a mate to Blaze, he’d never gain an ounce. “Really? That’s wonderful to know. Yes, you make all the sweets you want then, Stella. My sister, she’s going to be staying here awhile with us. My father isn’t to come into the house—you were told that, correct?”

  “Yes. Lady Blaze has said that we were to call the police, and if he gave us any trouble before they arrived, he was to be buried deep in the back yard. I think she was joking, my lord, but it’s difficult to tell sometimes.” Bryson laughed, and told them that he had difficulty telling at times as well. “If he does come around and makes a nuisance of himself, I will pounce on him and make him sorry that he ever came here. I will make sure that your sister is safe as well.”

  “That is all I can hope for.”

  As he made his way back to his office to work, he thought of Clara. He’d not seen her today. Bryson thought it best to tell her that their father was around and knew that he was married. Of course, he wasn’t just yet, but he would be in a couple of days. All they were going to do was have it filed at the courthouse that they were indeed married, and that would be the end of it. Blaze didn’t want anything showy, and he didn’t have anyone that he’d invite except Clara, so it was settled.

  She answered in the third ring. “I’m sort of busy here. Can I call you back?” He told her about Dad and that he was around. “Yes, he had the manager of the hotel where he’s staying give me a call to have his bill paid. Moron. I’ll be there for dinner tonight. I’ve already gone by the house and packed me up some things for while I’m staying with you. I need to get a car too.”

  “I do too. I have my old truck, but it’s not all that good in snow. And it’s coming—the snow, I mean.” She said that she had to go again. “I love you, sis. I’ll see you tonight.”

  By the time Clara showed up at a little after six, he had found ten manufacturers that were more than willing to help out Mercy. Not only did they have coats on their books that they wanted to get rid of, but they also had boots for kids that hadn’t sold so well, and were willing to let those go too. Bryson spoke to the owner of a very expensive toy store about getting some of their toys brought in as well.

  “You tell Mercy that I’m willing to help her out with any project she has. And if she has something that she’d like to donate again this year to our Christmas baskets, that would
be fine too. You’ve got yourself a hell of a woman there in Blaze, Bryson. The whole family is a great bunch.” Bryson told him that he thought they were as well. “Yes, you tell them that if they need anything, money included, they only need to call me. I’ll get them donations from everyone I know. They do good for anyone that needs it. Even helped me out when I was just starting out. I’d not be the businessman I am today without their help. You tell them that Howard never forgets a favor. You tell them that.”

  “I will, sir. I really will.”

  Every call was like that—businessmen and women who had been helped in one way or the other by the women that he’d come to love. Then they would return the help whenever asked. They paid it forward as well.

  If Bryson didn’t already love them all, he would have fallen in love with them from all he was finding out about them. They didn’t brag or put out that they were these good people. You just knew it. Bryson was proud to be a part of their family.

  Chapter 5

  Blaze wasn’t sure what she was looking at. It was difficult for her to concentrate on things today. She was actually thrilled when Clara joined her in the office that she was working in.

  “I think I need your help. Not so much as help as I need to use you as a sounding board. I was offered the job as head of the region’s FBI unit. It’s not a large group of men and women, about ten, but it’s a huge promotion and better pay. Much better pay than I’m currently getting.” Blaze asked Clara if she wanted it. “I think I do. But I keep coming back to what my boss told me a week ago. He said that you have to be able to balance work and family, and he’d never been able to do that. I don’t know that I’d be any better at it.”

  “All right. Let’s talk about the other parts of it then. The money. Do you want the job for the money or for the job?” She said that money would come in handy. “True. But you do know that when Bryson and I came together, you became a part of what I am. Also, you are wealthy as well. Very much so.”

  “Immortal.” Blaze told her that it was more than that. “What else did I gain? I’m not sure what you mean when you say that I’m wealthy. I don’t have any more than I did before I met you.”

  “As far as myself and the rest of the women are concerned, you’re entitled to have as much as you wish for anything that you need.” Clara shook her head. “Okay, then let me ask you this. You’re going to be around forever. I do mean forever. You cannot be killed. Hurt, but not killed. Also, you have to know that you can’t be an FBI agent forever, because it’s a public job with humans. They’ll notice that you’re neither aging nor dying.”

  “Okay, I guess I never thought of that. What does that have to do with your money?” Blaze handed her a couple of sheets of paper. They were college applications. “I’ve got a degree, thank you very much.”

  “I have several. I was so many different things in my life that I can’t remember them all. I did it when I was bored.” She could tell that Clara wasn’t getting it. “You will be bored with life, Clara. I can tell you, too, that with boredom comes trouble. Even if you never get another degree in your whole life, you will still want to do things. Blowing glass, perhaps. Or learning how to be a racecar driver. I’d not recommend that one because you will be able to walk away from horrific accidents when others won’t. They’ll wonder what you are.”

  “You’re saying that I can use your money for anything like that.” Blaze shook her head. “Then I still don’t understand.”

  “What is it you’d like to do? Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to build something that others will be able to use? Or do you want to see the world? We’ve all done that. Several times over. It’s what we do now to keep from losing our minds—help others.” Clara said that she thought she was making a difference. “You are. Everyday. But how long before you get bored with that? I’m not saying that you positively will be bored. There are some that do the same thing day after day, and love it enough to be able to not care how much longer they do it. But I don’t see you as a forever kind of woman. You will need to change it up. And having the money to make it happen will go a long way to helping you achieve it. Also, it’s not my money, but yours and Bryson’s and mine. There is a great deal of it, I promise you.”

  “Bryson said that he was getting coats donated for people who might not otherwise be able to afford it. He seems to be enjoying that a great deal. I think I could love doing stuff like that.” Blaze let her talk, let Clara think about what she’d said to her. “I don’t think I want the job, simply for the reasons that you didn’t tell me. I’d not be able to be out and around people. I’d not be able to be there if I— Holy shit, I just got it. I can make a difference like I did for the company that my brother is working for. I could do just what I asked of you. Look around and see where the need is, and do something about it.”

  “Now you realize that money does that for you. Not just your own, but if you have a project that is worthy, which I have no doubt that you will over the years, we’re here to help you. Or, if you want to take it on by yourself, then we’re right there with you on that as well.”

  Clara walked away with a list of things that she wanted to do. She’d been talking so quickly that Blaze had simply handed her a sheet of paper and a pen. Blaze had no doubt that in a couple of days she’d be coming back to her for a loan. She’d give it to her too, and Clara would be well on her way to making her life the way that she wanted it.

  Before she could get back to her own work, Piper joined her. She wasn’t happy about whatever she had in her hand, and Blaze was almost afraid of asking her what it was. Piper, of all the birds, was the deadliest. Her fire could burn hotter than even the sun, thanks to Dante. Not only that, but she was precise with it too. She could burn a hole into a penny from a hundred yards away, and never harm the person holding it. Piper could also make it so that a body would never be found, because even the ash would be too burnt to give anyone any clue as to what might have been there. That’s what made her such a wonderful artist, her ability to fire right through any metal known to man.

  “I found some things about Curt Williams that I’m betting not even his kids know.” The papers were handed to her. “He’s been in and out of trouble since the day he was born, I think. But here’s the scary thing that I found; neither Bryson nor Clara are his children. They’re not even their mother’s kids. Hell, they’re not even related to each other.”

  “Where did they come from?” She was glancing over the papers when Piper got up to pace. She looked like she was thinking about this, but Blaze would bet anything that she was trying to think of a way to tell her. “Just tell me. We’ll deal with the fallout later. Because we know that there will be fallout.”

  “I found their mother, by the way. I don’t know what the kids thought had happened to her, but she left right about the time that Bryson was getting old enough to know that what his father did was not right. Clara might be thought of as the youngest of the two of them, and I bet if you asked Bryson about her birth, he’d not remember a thing about it. Clara is the oldest. The two of them have been together since they were little kids. Not babies, but pretty close to it.” Blaze asked if she was human. “No. She’s not anything that can shift, as far as I can find out. She’s older than Bryson by about fifty years or less.”

  “What is she then?” Piper told her what she thought that she was. “A witch? Clara?” Blaze said nothing, but thought about something. “You know, some of the things that I’ve seen her do, I should have known that she wasn’t human.”

  “Yes. I’m still trying to figure out who might have killed her sire and mother, but I’m hitting dead ends. I did a search of Curt’s mind. He only has it in his head that he and his wife were offered Bryson about thirty years ago as a payoff to some kind of deal he had going. Clara came later as an older child, but she didn’t talk or even walk until about a week or so after she was taken to their home. Some kind of spell, I think
. I’m not saying that he doesn’t remember it, just that it’s buried so deep in his head that I have to dig too much and might hurt him. However, now that I think about it, that wouldn’t be so bad either.”

  “Okay, so Curt has a deal going and he somehow manages to make it work?” Piper said that it seemed like it. “So this person or persons owe him money, and in trade for it they turn over Bryson. What did they do to get Clara?”

  “Clara is harder to nail down. So far all I can tell is that her mother was a witch, her father a warlock. Both of them are dead. Powerful beings, too. I don’t know, but I have a feeling that someone killed her parents for their magic and didn’t get it. Clara got it all. When Clara was found or whatever, whoever killed her parents might not have had any idea where the magic had gone. No idea how they held the golden ticket when it came to powerful beings.” Blaze sat back in her chair and thought about this. “Neither one knows about any of this. If there were memories in their minds, they’re long gone. More than likely erased by whoever gave Clara to the Williams. I have an appointment to talk to Ellen, the woman that was married to Curt, tomorrow. Would you like to go?”

  “Yes, but I think we should tell Bryson and Clara about this.” Bryson came into her office and smiled. He asked what he should know about. “You should have a seat. And know that this information is still in the working out part. We have nothing concrete just yet.”

  “All right. You’re scaring me a little. I just came to steal a kiss.” Bryson kissed her on the mouth, then looked at Piper. “You’re very tense. I’m sure that whatever you found out, it’s something that if we all put our heads together, we can work out.”


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