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Wiedergeburt 3

Page 2

by Brandon Varnell

  I sensed my end coming when my balls grew tight. Knowing this, I removed one of my hands from her breasts, traveled across the gleaming skin of her firm stomach, and stopped just above her snatch. She was soaking wet. Her juices stained my fingers as I quickly sought out her clit and rubbed it. Kari’s screams grew louder as her walls around my dick convulsed. The feeling of her orgasm was so intense that I lost control and came inside of her.

  Our breathing grew heavy as I slumped against the wall of the cart and Kari fell against me. My dick slid out of her pussy with a wet plop, and our combined fluids leaked from her entrance. Even though I was still tired, I wrapped my arms around Kari’s waist and placed several kisses on her neck and shoulders.

  “Mmmm… we haven’t been this passionate in a long time,” she murmured as she tilted her head, allowing me more access to her neck.

  “Yeah…” I said. Ever since entering the desert, we hadn’t been able to really do anything like this. I think that was why we’d been unable to contain ourselves so soon after leaving the Endless Desert.

  As the two of us sank into silence, our minds still lost in the hazy afterglow of our love making, a concerned voice came from outside.

  “Hey! Seriously, are you two okay in there?! Hey! Hey!”

  * * *

  The remnants of last night’s dream still lingered in my mind, which was probably why I felt so unbearably aroused. Groaning as I tried to will my body into calming down, I opened my eyes, expecting to find myself staring at the ceiling of my room.

  What I found instead was a face mere centimeters from my own. I didn’t recognize her, but the person who was so close our noses were almost touching was a lovely girl who looked maybe a year younger than myself. She had a dark tan. Her chin was a little more pointed than other people I knew. Her somewhat sharp features gave her an exotic appearance that complimented the color of her skin. She had long black eyelashes, dark black hair, and soft lips that were currently parted as she rhythmically breathed in and out.

  As I stared at this cute and gorgeous face, trying to figure out just who this girl was and why she was in my bed, I found myself looking down. I blinked several times. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  The first thing I noticed was obviously the snake tail wrapped around my body. It was about six or seven meters long, consisted of black and yellow scales, and was surprisingly soft to touch. I couldn’t estimate exactly how big it was. Most of it was wrapped around my torso, but the tip had wound around my currently rock-hard dick.

  Well, at least now I knew why I had such an intense dream of the time Kari and I had sex in a cart after leaving the Endless Desert.

  Panic rose inside of me, but I kept calm, taking several deep breaths. I quickly analyzed the situation. There was a girl in my bed. She had the lower body of a snake. Obviously, she was one of the Lamia who came from the Endless Desert. I had no idea how she’d managed to reach Nevaria, but that hardly mattered. Given that she was in my bed, I could only conclude that this girl was actually the snake who’d been living with me for over a month now.

  Now that I was able to work out who this girl was, I calmed down a bit. I was still very aroused though.

  “Hey,” I muttered to the girl. “Hey, wake up.”

  “Hnn…” The girl just released a soft sigh and scooted her body a little closer. Her tongue flicked out, and I realized that it was a lot longer than a regular human tongue. Holy crap! This thing might actually be over two dozen centimeters!

  “Don’t just sigh at me!” I snapped. I would have tried to shake her awake, but her tail had pinned my arms to my side. “Hey! Come on! Get up already!”

  “Hnn nn hrn?”

  The Lamia girl finally stirred, eyes opening as she pushed herself up. Her black hair shifted like a curtain around her head. She had perfectly straight bangs hovering over her face, just above her eyes, but the sides were longer. As I gazed at her, I realized that she was not wearing any clothing. Her modest breasts were being proudly displayed. Even though they were nowhere near the size of Kari’s, they were incredibly perky, and the light color of her nipples created a sensual contrast with her dark skin.

  “Darling… good morning,” the Lamia girl muttered as she yawned.

  “Don’t good morning me,” I groused as she reached up and cutely rubbed her eyes. “What the heck is going on here?!”


  The Lamia girl seemed confused about why I was screaming, but then she looked down at herself. Her eyes were blank for a moment. Once the moment passed, however, a look of joy surged onto her face. Her eyes began sparkling.

  “This princess’s body has been restored!”

  “Restored?” I asked.

  The Lamia girl nodded. “This princess was attacked several years ago and was badly injured. When this princess woke up, she had no idea where she was, but she had turned into a snake and just wandered around. That was when she was attacked by those stupid boars. Normally, animals like that would not have posed a threat to this princess, but she was already weakened from hunger and being unable to transform back to normal. Then you saved her.” The Lamia girl placed a hand in the center of her chest. I gulped when I glanced at her currently hard nipples. “This princess is very grateful to you. That is why this princess decided to reward you by making you her husband.”

  “Huh? When did you do that?” I couldn’t help but ask. I was confused, rightly so. What the heck was this girl talking about? Husband? When in the nine realms did that happen?

  “It happened when this princess put that ring on your finger.” She pointed at my right hand.

  I looked at my right hand, and more specifically, at the dark thorn-like ring that went around my ring finger. This had appeared a few days after the snake—this Lamia girl—bit me. She’d sunken her fangs into my skin. However, there hadn’t been any poison in her bite, so I hadn’t given it much thought at the time. Even after this rose-thorn pattern had appeared, nothing bad had happened.

  “So this is… what? Like a wedding ring?” I asked as I looked from the rose pattern back to the girl.

  “Heh heh heh.” The Lamia girl placed her hands on her hips and thrust out her chest. She seemed so pleased with herself. There was a smug smile on her face, which allowed me to see cute little fangs poking out of her mouth. “That is the Ring of Marji. What this princess did was inject a small portion of her spirit into your hand, binding you and this princess together. This is what we Lamia do when we find a man whom we take a fancy to.”

  “Uh huh…”

  I think some part of my brain shut down as I listened to her talk. Marriage? Binding the two of us together? Ring of Marji? I needed several seconds to process all this.

  My first thought was to ask her to undo whatever she had done to me. In fact, I had half a mind to demand that she undo this Ring of Marji or whatever it was called, but I could already tell from this simple conversation that she had no intention of doing that. She’d probably get upset if I asked her to. That would cause even more problems than I already had to deal with.

  “So… this Ring of Marji,” I began, “I have some questions about it, but first, would you mind unwinding yourself from around me? It is hard to get up with you squeezing me like this.”

  “Hm? Oh, sure.”

  The Lamia girl slowly unwound her long tail from around my chest. I sighed in relief as I sat up. This girl’s tail was extraordinarily strong. She hadn’t even been holding onto me that tightly, but it still felt like my chest had been crushed by several tons of weight.

  I sat up, tested my limbs to make sure they were in proper working order, and then looked at the Lamia still on my bed. Her tail took up almost all the space. It was so long and large that almost half of it was hanging over the side. Now that she had unwrapped herself from around me, the tip of her tail was resting against the floor.

  “Okay, so about this Ring of Mariji,” I started.

  The Lamia girl tilted her head. “What about it?”

>   “Is it just a ring? What I mean is you said you injected a portion of your spirit into it, right? I’m assuming that means you pushed your Spiritual Power into my body and it created these rose-patterned markings. Does it only serve as a mark that signifies our… matrimony?” It took me a second to get that last word out. The idea of being married to someone I didn’t know and had no attachment to bothered me intensely.

  “Of course it is more than just a ring.” The Lamia girl crossed her arms, and her modest breasts were pushed together. There was something inherently cute about them. I was used to busty women, so this was different, but I couldn’t say I didn’t like the view. “The Ring of Marji contains a portion of this princess’s power and soul. We are now connected. Not only can this princess sense you from over vast distances, but should anything happen to one of us, the other will know about it.”

  “So it’s like a tracking signal,” I muttered as I stared at the ring. I used Spiritual Perception to send my subconscious into the rose-like pattern, and I discovered that, indeed, not only was there a unique energy signature inside of it, but I could feel a vague sense of pride and smugness, which I suspected was the Lamia girl’s emotions.

  “Yes, you could call it something like that,” she said, tilting her head and furrowing her brow. “This princess does not really understand the intricacies of the Ring of Marji. She had only just been taught how to give it to someone when she was attacked and forced to flee from her home.”

  That’s right. She had been attacked. I looked back at the girl, who seemed to sense my sudden seriousness, for her own expression became worried.

  “What is wrong, Darling?” she asked.

  I ignored her pet name for me. Now was not the time.

  “Do you mind if I ask who attacked you?”

  The Lamia girl shook her head. “You may ask, but this princess has no idea who attacked her, other than the fact that they were vagabonds who dared to lay a hand on this princess. All of this princess’s guards sacrificed their lives so she could flee. That is all she knows.”

  “I see.” I bit my thumb. “How long ago were you attacked? And was it in the Endless Desert?”

  With her face becoming contemplative, the Lamia girl considered my questions for a moment. She lowered herself onto the bed, her snake tail coiling around itself. I had to admit, if only to myself, that she was very cute. There was a strange sort of exotic sensuality about her that human women just didn’t have. I remembered most Lamia had this quality, but with this girl, that sensualness seemed magnitudes greater.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t think about that now.

  “It must have been about one year ago when this princess was attacked and forced to flee,” she said at last. She tilted her head. “At least, I think it was a year ago? This princess will admit that she has long since lost track of time since being injured. It was indeed in the Endless Desert that she was attacked. This princess was traveling home after hunting in the desert with her guards.”

  “Hunting?” I narrowed my eyes. “Did you hunt humans?”

  She shook her head. “This princess had never even seen a human before leaving the Endless Desert. She did see many humans on her way here, though. After fleeing for as long as she could, this princess discovered the border of the desert and crossed over. There were a lot of humans living in strange houses on the way to this giant city, and there were even more in the city. This princess never realized you humans were so populous.”

  A sigh of relief escaped my lips at her answer. Had she actually attacked and killed humans, I did not know if I would have been able to keep living with her, even though she didn’t seem like a bad person. Since she hadn’t, I at least didn’t have to worry about her being someone who saw nothing wrong with killing humans. That said, we still had a problem.

  The problem?

  I had no intention of marrying this girl.

  “We can discuss more about the implications of this Ring of Marji later,” I decided out loud. “For now, I actually need to begin training. I’m pretty sure I’m already late.”

  “Training?” The Lamia girl narrowed her eyes. “With that girl, you mean? The one who has hair like fire?”

  “Her name is Fay,” I said absently.

  “Fay…” A frown marred the Lamia girl’s face, though it cleared up soon enough. She nodded once in a decisive, resolute sort of way. “This princess shall allow you to spend time with that girl. She seems strong and polite. This princess will let you take the Fay girl as your concubine. Every king has at least one or two concubines, if not three or more. This princess approves.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I muttered with a tired sigh. This girl was exhausting to deal with.

  I stood up and went over to the basin, where I washed my face and wiped myself down. My body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, the results of last night’s erotic dream/memory and being wrapped up in the Lamia girl’s tail. As I washed myself, I could feel the hungry eyes of the Lamia girl on me. A soft thumping sound let me know she was beating her tail against the floorboards.

  As I began quickly looking for my clothes, I said, “I don’t think I ever got your name. Mine is Eryk Veiger.”

  “This princess is called Lin,” the Lamia girl introduced herself.

  “Lin… that’s a very cute name.”

  “This princess is glad you like her name. Her mother gave it to her.”

  “What about your father?”

  My pants were on the floor along with my vest and vambraces. I picked them up.

  “This princess’s father… she doesn’t know.” Lin squinted her eyes as though peering into the distance. “She has never met her father, and when she asked about him, her mother remained silent.”


  I slid the black pants up my hips. The many pockets ruffled as I cinched it up with a belt that was lying on the floor, and then I threw the vest over my head, slid my arms through the vambraces, and put on my boots. After making sure everything was put on right, I grabbed the bag containing my metal cylinders and the one with the Three-Way Spiritual Widening Pills.

  “All right. I’m heading off,” I said.

  “Very well,” Lin replied.

  I turned around as the girl slithered off the bed and followed me as I walked toward the door. I paused just as I was about to open the door and turned toward the girl. She was staring at me with her bright, golden eyes. Even though I tried not to, I ended up looking down, gazing at both her breasts and the hairless mound surrounded by scales.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  Lin puffed out her chest. “This princess is obviously going with you to watch you train. She has been doing this for a long time now. Why are you so surprised?”

  “Not to put a damper on your parade, but you can’t come with me looking like that,” I said.

  The frown on her face grew. “Looking like what?”

  I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “In case you haven’t noticed, the lower half of your body is that of a snake. If people saw a girl with the upper half of a woman and the lower half of a snake walking around, it would cause widespread panic. It may even result in the Nevarian Spiritualists or the Imperial Royal Guard coming to attack you. If you want to come with me, you’ll need to change back into your snake form.”

  A long silence spread out as Lin stared at me with a slight frown, her lips pursing as she thought about my words. It looked like she wanted to argue. However, after a moment, she ended up sighing.

  “This princess understands where you are coming from, but she cannot transform back into her snake form.” She tapped a finger against her chin. “That form you saw was the result of this princess being weakened in both body and spirit. Thanks to your medicinal baths, this princess has been able to regain her former strength, but it is because she has regained her strength that she can no longer turn into a snake.”

  “Oh! That makes a lot of sense!”

  My eyes widened. Now I understood why she
kept drinking my bath water. I thought she was just being weird, but it was because of the medicinal strength of my alchemy pills. The Body Forging Pill had likely repaired the damage done to her body and made her even stronger, which allowed her to regain her original form. However, that also meant she could not transform into a snake now.

  “If you can’t transform into a snake, I will have to ask that you remain here for now,” I said.

  “This princess refuses.” Lin narrowed her eyes. “It is dreadfully boring when you are not around. All this princess does is lounge in bed all day and taste your scent from your pillow.”

  “Okaaaay,” I said slowly. “I didn’t need to know that last part. However, if you cannot change back into a snake, you cannot come with me.”

  Lin’s narrowed eyes turned into slits. “You might be this princess’s lord, savior, husband, and darling, but do not think that she will just kowtow and listen to you without question. She is going outside with you and that is final.”

  “No… she isn’t.”

  “She is.”

  “She’s not.”

  “This princess won’t accept no for an answer!”

  As I argued with the Lamia girl who had decided that I was going to be her husband, I realized something: This girl was going to give me an even bigger headache than Grant Leucht.

  Chapter 2

  The Flash Step

  I finally managed to convince Princess Lin to stay indoors. It was easier than I thought it would be. Once I expressed my concern for her well-being, stating that I would never forgive myself if she were to go outside and we were attacked and something bad happened to her, she reluctantly conceded. With that out of the way, I was able to safely leave my house and travel to the area outside of Nevaria that Fay and I used as a training ground.


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