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Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6)

Page 18

by V. Theia

  She grinned. “Well I don’t know how you join a biker gang, do I? Do you take girls as members?”

  “No, baby. We’re primitive motherfuckers like that. Men only.”

  “Big tough boys playing with their big tough motorcycles.” She teased and he pinched her belly fat gently making her squirm.

  “You never thought about going back home to New Zealand?”

  His smile dropped. “Nah. I like it here.”

  “Good. I like you here too.”

  Her stomach chose that very second to display what a lion sounded like when it was ravenous. Reaper palmed the entire span of her stomach with his big hand and rubbed. “Let’s get you some food, Paige. I need to run out, ‘cause I got nothing in.”

  She stayed nestled in the bed while he jumped out. Naked. Muscled. Tanned and gorgeous. Holy moly macaroni, she stared at him like it was earning her a paycheck.

  She couldn’t not look at his booty because baby boy had booty.

  Jesus on toast, he wasn’t real.

  But she’d had him sliding on top of her for hours, so she knew how real he felt.

  Her inner vagina muscles pinged in remembrance.

  “You wanna come?”

  The blankets rose almost to her eyebrows this time, there was a ninety-nine percent chance she was not stepping out of this bed in just her birthday outfit. “I don’t have anything to wear.” She mumbled and watched from under her lashes his smile growing slowly before he stepped up to the dresser … still naked .. he had no such naked qualms and pulled out a clean pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt he brought back to the bed for her. “Put these on. I won’t mind if you’re waiting right here for when I get back…” the promise in his voice was smoke and lust.

  “I thought I might jump in the shower, if that’s okay?”

  “Go for it.” He leaned over the bed, dropping a kiss to her lips. He lingered there, ready to tell him he should slide back into bed, her belly grumbled again, and he frowned and began pulling on a pair of jeans … he went commando and scrambled her thoughts with how sexy it was. A once black, now faded dark gray shirt pulled over his head, he didn’t so much as comb his hair as run his fingers through the mess and then stomped feet into his boots.

  If she’d watched a man dressing before then she was pretty-damn sure it was not as sexy as the display she’d just salivated over.

  Reaper was a man’s man. Nothing fussy or pretentious. He was simply gorgeous in a rugged kind of way.

  “You keep watching me like that, Paige, and I’ll forget I want to feed you food and put something else in your mouth instead.”

  Her eyes snapped up, realizing she’d been staring at his denim covered butt.

  Compliment fishing, she asked. “Like … how am I watching you?”

  “Like you wanna get flipped to your belly and shown how hard I can really fuck you.”

  Oh. My. Days. She legit almost clutched imaginary pearls at her throat.

  So he was saying he’d gone easy on her earlier?

  How much harder could he go?

  His face broke out in a smirk, almost like he could have took a running guess at her bad thoughts. “Won’t be long. Keep the door locked.”

  He didn’t ask what she wanted to eat, and Paige was super fussy with breakfast foods. She couldn’t eat anything sweet, not even cereal. It had to be salty and plenty of coffee.

  But less than thirty minutes later, she was freshly showered, hair drying down her back, his shorts hanging on her hips, with her legs tucked under her while she watched the E! Network on the couch when he came back.

  His eyes instantly sought her out and Paige felt caressed all over.

  Talk about a good guess because he’d brought her an egg muffin, extra cheese with slice tomato, two hash browns and a tall vanilla latte.

  She blinked looking at the food he’d placed on a plate and brought through to the living room for her. “How did you know this is my favorite breakfast?”

  He shrugged and folded himself down in the leather lazy-boy chair. “You musta told me one time.”

  Huh. She’d memorized every conversation they’d ever had, albeit short ones because it was usually Paige who filled in all the silences, so she must have told him some time. Her teeth sank into the warm muffin and she moaned.

  He smiled over at her and the food stuck in her throat. “Aren’t you eating?”

  “Yeah, baby. I got a chocolate waffle.”

  “A waffle for breakfast! You’re a philistine monster, Reaper.” She teased and, saw his eyes flash.

  Her food gone, coffee drank she licked her lips and sat back on the couch.

  Reaper watched her the entire meal until she’d licked her fingers clean of sauce. “Are you done?”

  She nodded.

  “Maybe you should come over here.” He suggested thickly and he wound his finger in a come-hither motion.

  In that moment Paige would have dropped to her knees and crawled across broken glass, because her need of him now that she’d had him? It had gone through the fucking roof.

  “You want me?”

  “Yeah, baby. I do.”

  She uncurled her legs and was across the floor in seconds. Reaper pulled her down onto his lap by the back of her bare thighs. Instantly feeling how hard he was under her hip, she squirmed only a little bit, and was rewarded when he groaned, gripping her outer leg.

  The way he looked at her, unwavering, like he saw her soul or something as equally corny made her warm inside. It might sound egotistical, but she had the feeling this quiet man needed her in ways he hadn’t spoken of yet.

  “Are you sure I’m not keeping you from work?”

  He bumped up his hips and the way she was sitting, it caused his big dick to graze between her legs and send fifty-thousand volts of electricity to each corner of her body. She gasped and threaded fingers through his hair, dropped her forehead to his. “If you were, would you send me away?”

  God. Never. She grinned and tugged his hair a little and his eyes flickered closed, his head moved with the momentum. She loved the length and she loved how he reacted to being touched. She’d always wanted a rocker boyfriend. She remembered when she was a teen, she’d dream of a guy on a motorcycle, long hair and a guitar. “It’s rude to call my bluff when I was only trying to be polite.”

  When she cradled his hard cheek, his stubble tickling her fingertips, that expression in his face stole the last ounce of air from her lungs.

  “You never have to be polite with me. You can show me your notorious Paige Simmons temper.”

  She huffed, scraped her nails through his scalp and the animal noise he emitted set her alight. In the next second he’d split her legs and parted the shorts with his hand in that little hole male underwear had. It was so handy, she thought when he dragged his knuckle through her ready slit and Paige felt like she’d been tasered.

  “I. Oh, god, feels nice.” The pleasure already at dangerous levels. “I don’t have a temper.” She couldn’t keep her hips still, she bumped his fingers a little to get them moving, but he only went on stroking her clit with his knuckle. His statement rolled around her mind. Teen Paige used to hold her moods in check for fear of angering her father or stepbrother. If she was angry, she never showed it. If she was upset, she kept it to herself until it became second nature, no matter what insult they slurred at her, she kept herself in check.

  She was unsure if she’d even raised her voice to anyone in years.

  “You can be yourself with me, Paige.” His voice cut through, eyes intense, his finger working her slowly. The pleasure was like a gentle wave lapping at her edges. She panted against his cheek and enjoyed his touch.

  “That’s just it,” she smiled. “I’m still learning who I am.”

  He growled low and plied her with harder pressure. She wanted his long fingers sliding inside, fucking her, but he just kept on, knuckle to clit, until she crested with a stuttered cry, the orgasm sending her flying, not as strong as her last one but j
ust as lovely, her fingers locked in his hair as she stiffened while the bliss took her over and a cattish cry left her lips and drifted up to the ceiling, her body jerking in a series of spasms.

  When it waned, all her muscles softened, and she sagged against his chest as he removed his hand and the dirty boy once again licked her juices from his hand. She shouldn’t find that as arousing as she did. Maybe pre-this-Paige was a depraved nymphomaniac.

  She thought about all the times they’d spent together. Special holidays. He usually turned up on her birthday and brought her a cake and then add in the frequent days he sat in her diner watching her and still, there’s so little she knew about Reaper and was dying to know. And too little she’d told him about herself.

  Post-orgasm was as good as a time as any. She curled her legs up on his lap, smiled when he gathered her in like he was cradling a baby. This new information she was getting about Reaper, the cuddling-tactile side of him was super pleasing and she wound her arm around his back.

  “When I came to town, Colorado I mean, Armado Springs specifically, it was because I’d been in hospital for a while …car accident, I’m told, but I don’t remember much from then. I just knew I couldn’t go back to Tennessee, my family… they’re not good people, or good for me. Let’s just say it wasn’t a loving environment, it’s why I don’t ever talk about them.”

  She’d always felt like for the last few years of being on her own in a new state, so far away from what she’d known, that she was living on the fringes…looking in from the outside, hoping to remember something from her adult life … anything to ground her.

  And then she grew close to Reaper, the quietest man on earth. Not so much broody, just contemplative and she found in his silent eyes he grounded her to the place, to her new life and she’d begun to enjoy the days again, to smile again.

  Whatever weird relationship her and Reaper had formed, it suited Paige, she was attached to him in ways she couldn’t even form words about and this new chapter of theirs? She had no complaints. However long it lasted for.

  “I came straight from the hospital, just got on a bus in Knoxville, there was a ticket, you see, inside my purse. The only things I had with me were a suitcase, my personal documents, that bus ticket to Armado Springs and money.” It had been a lot of freaking money in the bottom of her purse she still didn’t know where it came from, nor the bus ticket, but her only deduction was, she must have been in the process of running away at the time.

  Paige woke up in a hospital bed after five days of being unconscious and for those first few confusing minutes she’d thought she was still seventeen years old. Losing a whole six years of her life when she was told she was, in fact, twenty-three, was startling. But even with so much confusion in those days, she did not look a gift horse in the mouth by ignoring the glaring signs that she was meant to leave and to do it quickly. She climbed on that bus that day and never looked back. Finally free.

  And never once had she wanted to go back. As far as she was concerned she was a native to Colorado now with the deep cold winters and blistering summers, she loved it all. The town, the people, her job, friends and especially Reaper.

  She felt his hand stroke up and down her thigh, his eyes so dark and his mouth pulled in a grim line.

  “Long, boring story short, you’re literally the best sex I’ve ever had, Reaper.” She grinned, cheeks hot, her nipples poked through the shirt at the mention of sex with him, those little sluts, “the only sex I remember.”

  “Do you remember anything from back then?”

  “Feelings, mostly. Like I should know something and it’s just out of reach. I have these dreams sometimes.”

  He frowned and Paige kissed his wrinkled forehead.

  “I wake up crying with my heart breaking because I miss something so badly my chest hurts. But I know it’s nothing. My family wouldn’t look for me even if they liked me, which they don’t.” She hadn’t known a tear had leaked out of her eye until he brushed it away.

  “God, don’t cry, Paige.”

  Reaper’s frown this time could have broken her heart and she tried to smile. “Listen to me feeling sorry for myself. I’m good, really. I just wanted you to know about me.” Because I want to know everything about you … I want you to be my boyfriend.

  He didn’t speak, he sort of made a grumble noise, but he kissed her cheek making her feel lovely and then he slid his palm between her legs and any loveliness disappeared and Paige sucked in a breath when he reached her burning apex.

  “Wanna make feel good,” he rasped, sucking the tip of her ear.

  Paige was not going to say no, as she snuggled in his lap with his hand diddling her between the legs, her face pressed to his shoulder, and he didn’t stop until she was shaking with a body-crushing orgasm.

  “Wow,” she panted, sprawled on Reaper.

  With herculean effort she lifted her head and planted her mouth against the side of his neck. “I feel amazing, not just good.” she purred and stroked her hand down his firm belly and cupped between his legs where he was very, very hard.

  Reaper grunted and bumped her hand.

  “Now, how do I make you feel good?”

  His groan was sexual. Hot. A delicious prelude to things to come because the moment the words were out of her mouth, Reaper flipped the recliner chair back and had Paige under him with her belly down and her legs spread wide, his fingers yet again peeling under her shorts and his hard, hard dick probing against her bottom.

  “Pleasing you is my pleasure, Paige. This hard cock dying to punch inside you until you scream, feels good when you’re coming.” He was stripping her bare, both of clothes and emotions. Paige dug her nails into the soft leather and bucked up with her now naked butt, his two hands cupped and squeezed.

  He kissed and licked up her spine, nipped his teeth on her hips, and savored slow kisses on the dimples at the base of her back, when he reached the nape of her neck he was straddled on top of Paige.

  She heard the rip of a condom packet, her body shivering expectantly.

  He looked so determined with his jaw set and eyes so, so smoldering when she looked back at him. He was stroking himself. Long, determined strokes that pushed his cock through his hand and the crown knocked against his belly.

  “Please me, Reaper.” She said and felt a little silly, but it was the right thing to say because his growl filled her with helium shaped lust as he yanked her legs further apart and tapped her clit with the tip of himself.

  “You asked for it, baby.”

  Boy, did she. Her scream could be heard across the condo compound.

  They made love most of the day.

  Paige knew it was the best day of her life.

  It didn’t matter than she’d forgotten so many days because he made this one the very best.


  “Paige, meet ladybug.” – Reaper

  It was the morning after the night before in the clubhouse.

  The four hundred square foot converted warehouse with the ceiling high windows, the state of the art fully stocked bar and the TV and gaming area was fucked up when Reaper walked in that next day and clapped eyes on the aftermath to what must have been a wild night last night. Crushed beer cans, half empty glasses, pizza boxes with half eaten food, clothes strewn and remnants of joints everywhere.

  Rider let the guys party in the clubhouse typically at weekends but if it was someone’s birthday or one of the Nomad’s rode through town then the boys laid out the welcome mat.

  “You missed a helluva night, son.” Jed announced before Reaper had even parked his ass at the bar for his morning coffee. Ever since the old man installed a barista machine back there for Z-girl’s coffee habit a few years back, the boys tended to sit like addicts waiting for a shot of caffeine too.

  He liked his plain black with a touch of real sugar, not that saccharine shit. His mother would wrap him on the back of the hand with whatever she had close by if she knew he was using chemicals in his fo
od. She was vegan, grew her own produce, never used anything processed and didn’t touch alcohol unless she’d made her own. He and his siblings called her a tree hugging hippie just to rile the small woman.

  She was a pot smoking, carrot growing hippie and he missed his family more lately.

  “Yeah? Looks like.” he replied.

  “Red Light rode through to see Preacher’s boys.”

  Reaper gave a chin jut. The prospects looking worse for wear didn’t get a chance to sleep the day away, they were busy cleaning the place.

  “The boy couldn’t stay more than a few hours though. He was getting back to that new girl of his in Georgia. Looks to me we might be having a wedding soon and the wanderer settling down in the south.”

  It was the first he was hearing of Red Light being hooked up with anyone. Far as Reaper knew of the guy he was like most of the boys and liked to share his dick around. Good for him though if he’d found someone.

  His lips twitched thinking of his own girl; he’d dropped her off at her apartment early this morning so she could get ready for work. He’d kissed her long enough that she’d sighed into his mouth, clutched his shirt and made him think about talking her into staying home again.

  One perfect day with Paige where he let down most of his guard and all his bloody doors were blown apart. He couldn’t hold nothing back of any importance from her. He’d almost fucking blurted how much he loved her but that would have been too weird for her, seeing as how he’d only just stated his claim to dating her.

  He had no plan. No fucking plan at all.

  He knew he was treading in dangerous waters, but it was Paige, he couldn’t help himself. He’d needed a taste, just a taste and then he’d gulped her in, and she’d consumed him right back.

  He wore her claw marks all over him. His tiny vixen knew how to bite and scratch and demand of his body. He’d loved every second of it. Even now his cock rose in attention against the inside of the zipper. He heeled a hand over his crotch, there would be no satisfaction until later. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t see her sooner.


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