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Resurfaced Passion (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 6)

Page 26

by V. Theia

  An unlit cigarette rolling in his fingers. His face blank until he turned to her and then it was full on vehemence. Her belly thickened in a hot fist. Still not loving him any less.

  Wow, she really did have those big kind of feelings for him, didn’t she? They felt real and new and old at the same time. Like she’d always been in feelings for Reaper.

  “Don’t ever try to make me jealous again, baby.”

  She blinked. Yeah, he was pissed, but she saw through it to the bones of his truth.

  She owned this big tough guy.

  She totally owned all those glorious inches and not only the ones in his jeans.

  She eased a smiled. “I just wanted your attention.”

  “My attention?” He laughed, the noise sounded wrong, unamusing, banked by the rough quality of his control. “You have no fucking clue at all.” He watched her with heavy lids, the fury no less powerful as he backed her up until she hit the wall behind her, she instinctively pressed her hands to his rock-hard chest, then he placed both of his over her head, caging her in with his piercing eyes and anger coming out of him like steam.

  Wowza, she was so turned on.

  Was that wrong of her?

  Who cared? He was hot as hell when he was riled.

  And then he got hotter by grating out. “I’ve beat off roaring your name since the day I fucking met you. You want my attention? You have it. I can’t even smell you without getting hard and craving to lick under the little uniform that drives me fucking insane with how it cups your ass. My attention? You own it.”

  Excitement flared in his eyes. She couldn’t help it, the desire was too strong, it controlled her limbs as she rolled her hips forward and heard his hiss.

  He pressed his whole body into hers, keeping her pinned to the brick. The bristle of his temper could be felt in his muscles, in the brush of his hot breath when his head came down a hair's breadth from her lips.

  “Don’t cock-tease me for my attention when you’ve had it all along. Just come tell me you need my dick, you want my mouth, you need my arms.”

  If Paige had any form of protection around her heart it would have crumbled right there hearing the vulnerable rasp to his voice.

  Their chests pushed together with every inhale and she met his stare head on. “Reaper?” She waited a beat. “I need your dick. I want your mouth and arms.”

  He groaned and it was the only warning she got before his mouth took over her lips.

  In his position, she would have battled the green-eyed monster horribly, so when she clung to him as he kissed holy hell out of her, she did it with an apology on her lips.

  They parted, noses touched, breaths labored, and Paige had never felt so wanted before. It was strange to feel this steady in a man’s arms, this safe and secure, like she’d always had this place.

  She broached something carefully that had flitted through her mind a few times. “Do any of those women inside have a former claim on you?”

  “The only woman who has a claim on me is knocking her pelvis into my dick,” he told her and oh-my-god, she really was humping him.

  She instantly stopped with heat crawling up into her cheeks.

  There was smugness to Reaper’s think accent. He pressed his pelvis, giving her his hardness. “Do you think I can’t feel how your spine bends, baby?” Fingers crawled around and touched where he mentioned. “And how you arch your hips into me. So ready for the fuck?”

  He held onto her waist, tight, like he was never letting her go, holding her against the wall with his breath in her face and his intense eyes on her, and for a short second she saw repeated images of a scene so similar, of her beautiful, quiet boy looking down at her with concentrated love in his eyes.

  Déjà vu was hitting her more and more lately, making her wonder did she have a relationship as powerful as this before her accident?

  God, why did that make her stomach roll with nausea?

  She couldn’t visualize feeling for anyone else the way she did about this man.

  This was a once in a lifetime kind of romantic feeling. Right?

  She freed her arms from between them and rubbed up to his shoulders, back and forth until his chuffing breath settled into a regular inhale. He placed a soft kiss to her forehead, in no great rush to move, and neither was Paige.

  Once he’d calmed down she reached down to his hand, unfurling his tight fist and she took the now crumpled cigarette, crushing it into crumbs she dropped it to the floor. “I don’t want you smoking.” Two brows lifted high. “I mean it, Reaper. I don’t want you getting lung cancer. Not when you just gave me all your attention.”

  His mouth came crashing down on hers. There was no need to force her lips open, they were waiting for his tongue and she moaned when he gave it.

  “Bossy, aren’t you?” He licked and sucked.

  “Caring.” She poked him in the belly, laughing a little when he roped her in. “I care that you don’t get sick and die.”

  His smile devastated her heart with how sincere it was spreading across his face. “I care about you too, Paige.”

  Another drop kiss. Paige wanted more so she went up on her tiptoes, brushed his soft lips, feeling the scrape of day-old stubble on her skin.

  “Do you want to go back inside, take me to that little room again, and make out?”

  She wasn’t quite daring enough yet to come out and ask him to fuck her. But that was her gist.

  Reaper must have caught on too because he looked like he was going to maul her right there against the side of the building.

  Fortunately she was saved any exhibitionist shame when he took her hand and lead her inside, ignoring the glances from people, they were at that room in no time, the lock turning made an awful racket through Paige’s horny body.

  Her heart thundered—great roaring thumps, because the very second he had the lock turned he also pushed Paige up against the door and delivered on a hot movie kiss.

  This wasn’t making out; this was an experience straight from heaven. Any second now she expected Saint Peter to clear his throat and to tell them to get a room.

  Swaying in her classic tennis shoes, when he freed her kiss-swollen lips, she grabbed onto his forearms for balance, the heat of his eyes burning down through her hoodie and directly tweaking her hard nipples.

  “Stay with me, Paige.” He asked hoarsely against her lips, using all of his body perfectly. His scent, his skin, his warm breath and the taste of him in her mouth all worked in tandem to keep her on the edge of a climax she desperately needed.

  “Okay.” She bobbed her head, arching it back in hopes he read her signals clear and that she wanted his hot mouth again, she wanted his tongue twining around hers until she was dizzy.

  “Stay, Paige.” He said again and she blinked. “I want you to live with me.”

  Her heart thundered again. Louder this time, clanking against the inside of her ribs because she surely heard him wrong or….

  No, he wasn’t joking. The rough quality to his voice screamed genuineness.

  “Move in with me.” He said a second time, just in case she hadn’t heard the first.

  Oh, she’d heard all right.

  Only she couldn’t get her numb lips to form words in response.


  “How can I compete?” – Paige


  Anxiously, she waited for his eyes. Her nerves were matched evenly by his calm.

  This was big.

  Forget that, this was huge. The hugest.

  And the scariest part of all to Paige? She wasn’t panicking over his question. She wasn’t thinking he was crazy. She desperately wanted to scream yes.

  And that’s what was freaking her out. “What are we doing…. this… us…?”

  “It’s not a spur of the minute decision, Paige. That’s what you’re thinking, yeah?”

  Maybe. Usually couples talked these things through first after oh, say the second year of dating. Not after the secon
d real date and a bunch of hanging out dates.

  “I want you so badly, Paige. All the fucking time. I crave being near you, inside you, repeatedly, listening to your home improvement show obsession when they use steel appliances in the kitchens and how excited you get. I could listen to you all day. I wanna come home to you cooking and fix your shitty car and hang shit on the walls where you want it hung.” She felt her eyes fill. “I wanna go to sleep with you every night and wake up with you snoring on top of me. And when you’re sick I wanna be the one who takes care of you.”

  She pulled in a breath as he came over in a slow stride and crouched down in front of her, he was so earnest in his words as he dipped his head to make sure she saw his deep-set eyes focused only on her.

  The rat-a-tat of her heart was loud—so loud she pressed her fingertips over her chest.

  “What does that tell you about what we are?”

  “I…” she started again. “It sounds like you love me.”

  “Would you believe me, if I did?”

  “I..” again she fell over her words because though her heart was screaming yes, the more logic side to Paige hesitated. “It seems unreal, Reaper. It’s soon.”

  I love you. I love you. I love you, Paige. She could hear him clearly, in his rich voice, the declaration reverberating around her head as if he’d always said those three magnificent words. But it was her vivid imagination filling in the gaps, her begging heart desperately wanting the words even if her brain said it was too soon.

  “Then I won’t say it yet. Can I still fuck you and spoil you rotten and put you to bed every night? It’s not crazy, Paige.” He rasped, laying his forehead against hers. “This is real. See me, baby.”

  A watery laugh bubbled out of her and she gripped both sides of his beautiful face.

  “I must be crazy, because I want to say yes so badly.”

  He didn’t let her say more, not when his mouth covered hers and his kiss was something out of a romance movie, but with a lot more tongue.

  “Tell me yes, Paige.” He swept kisses all over her face. Stubble pricking her skin never felt so good before and she moaned angling in for more of his mouth. “Move in with your man, wake up in bed with me, snuggle into me every night. Tell me yes.”

  Oh, she was tempted.

  “I have a lease.”

  “Break it.” more kisses. “I’ll pay.”

  She had no more arguments. Their gazes met, time stretched and when she smiled there was only one answer, really. She nodded and went for his mouth again, swallowing his growl.

  Who needed cake and champagne to celebrate good news when there was something so much better?

  “How will I know if you want me when your legs are squeezed tightly together?”

  Reaper kissed her kneecap and as if by magic her thighs dropped open, letting him see how glistening she was in the middle for him.

  The kissing continued, up her legs, so slowly she thought she might go mad waiting.

  He kissed her inner thighs, her outer thighs, up to the crease of her legs but didn’t touch her mound.

  “Reaper…” she whined reaching out, locking her fingers through his hair much too tightly, not that he complained. He went right on tasting her skin.

  “When you need me—just like this, have your legs open as if I’m already laid between them.” His first lick along her slit poured bliss right through her body, she jerked, but his strong hands pressing to the base of her back held her steady while he ate her.

  It took no time to detonate her. What with his declaration of how much he wanted her and the ferociously slurping way he moaned through eating her pussy, she was primed and cried out his name, muffled by her fist.

  Paige unable to hold up her knees any longer, slid to the floor in his club room and sighed with so much satisfaction she heard Reaper chuckling.

  It was like the sun was blazing through her retinas when she looked up at him, her head resting back against the seat of the armchair, limbs sprawled. And she had those déjà vu pictures again, seeing Reaper standing over her in the way he was, with his feet either side of her hips while he slowly unzipped his pants, the bulge in the front tenting gloriously big.

  She wanted him in her mouth and moaned when he stepped closer, stepping over her body, his arousal nearly bumping her cheek when she leaned forward.

  “Open wide, baby.” There was a second when their eyes clashed as he took his wide tip to her waiting tongue, rubbing back and forth.

  He looked so drunk on pleasure already that she couldn’t help closing her lips around him and sucking.

  “I’ll just give you a little.” He rasped, rolling into her mouth again.

  This time he grunted and cursed.

  She didn’t just want the tip, she wanted the full thickness stretching her wide open, she wanted to choke on his length until she cried. And though the thought was foreign to Paige, sure she’d never felt that way before, she was desperately wrapping his cock in her fingers as she leaned forward so as to take more of his inches, even when he touched the back of her throat and she felt the instinct to gag, she felt amazing for dragging those animalistic grunts from him.

  She’d never heard him make sounds like that before. Rough, animal, raw sounds. His hands cupped the sides of her face, guiding his driving fuck into her lips.

  “Holy fuck, your mouth, Paige. You look incredible. Beautiful girl. So fucking beautiful. You wanted it all and took it, didn’t you?” She looked up, half-lidded, her whole being was concentrated on making him feel as incredible as he made her feel.

  With each swipe of her tongue he hissed again and threw his hips forward. “Damn, baby. I’m ready. You wanna take it?”

  She hummed, wrapping her fingers around his root with the inches she couldn’t swallow and took the heavy rolls he fucked into her mouth with each ragged exhale.

  Three shoves and it was all over, she felt the salty liquid hit the back of her throat, swallowing instinctively, it was such a high to take Reaper to that place of euphoria as his eyes closed, teeth bared, and his body locked up with his hand held tight around the back of her neck.

  “Ah, baby. Fuck.” He rasped breathlessly, as she let his cock go free with a few licks as it bobbed there in front of her face. “I don’t deserve you. Don’t deserve how fucking good this feels.”

  Paige scrambled to her feet, and practically vaulted up his body. He laughed, staggered back, though some of it looked like he was acting, because she weighed less than a Wholefoods kumquat.

  “Don’t say that, roomie.”

  Just that one word had him groaning low and deep when Paige pressed their lips together. “I want to do that every day. I love having you in my mouth.” She turned beet red and buried her face in his chest before his hoarse shudder had her looking up again.

  “Goddamn, Paige. Now I need to fuck you.”

  Her whole body pulsed. Yay.

  She slithered down his form and just about launched herself on the twin bed with enthusiasm.

  He just stood there, chest panting, golden eyes blazing.

  Watching her with love and reverence.

  Before he swept it away she could have sworn she saw sadness tinge around his eyes, ghosts of emotions there one second and gone the next, but then he started ripping his clothes off and Paige’s confusion drifted away.

  Holy banana bread, he was stunning. Take a girl’s weak knees out from under her kind of beautiful. She salivated like it was the very first time he’d been naked in front of her.

  He wasn’t ripped, not like a body builder, but his frame was defined in every muscle.

  There was not a chance in the world she looked away while he skinned off his clothes. Powerfully toned thighs, dusted in fine hair, he had that healthy glow tan all over, the muscles beneath easily seen through his skin.

  Good god, Reaper was… she had to pull her eyes away, but it was too late because he’d stopped moving and was now watching her.



  His gaze made her clit tingle with want.

  The storm clouds in his eyes gathered, she could see his belly flexing and his fingers hanging at his side twitched and released. He had that faraway look on his face again, like he saw things she wasn’t able to.

  Then his gaze stroked over her, doing his own appraising, she felt her nipples harden to tight points, making them throb.

  Her tongue pushed out to moisten her lips and his eyes zeroed in on that.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed twice.

  How did she not realize before how sexy that was?

  When their eyes finally reconnected, something sparked between them. It hissed and fizzled a life of its own. The desire from him was overpowering, altogether intoxicating. To be wanted like that…made every inch of skin feel alive on top of her bones.

  “Paige…” not a question. A warning rumble that sounded awfully like the noise his massive motorcycle made.


  Up. Down. He jacked himself slowly. “Fuck. The way you look at me.”

  She lifted her chin, drew in her trembling lower lip between her teeth and felt air whoosh out of her abdomen, waiting so patiently on the bed for him, as she asked. “How am I looking at you?”

  It was a loaded question, one that could go in many directions and Paige waited for it, longed for it. Any piece of insight to Reaper she held dear.

  Reaper closed the distance between them in five—she counted—easy strides until he prowled up onto the bed, closing his huge body around hers, blocking out all the light except for a pair of amber eyes.

  “It’s the way I dream of you looking at me. Like you see me.”

  Reaper had her trapped with the drop of his head craned down to almost touch her forehead with his. “With hungry, greedy eyes. Like you see something you want.”

  Oh, boy.

  He got it in one.

  But he got it wrong too, she thought. She wasn’t hungry.

  Paige was famished.


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